Trump Administration Unveils Kushner’s Immigration Plan

DOA in the Democratic House:

DOA in the Republican Senate:

The key takeaway is that the Kushner overhaul of legal immigration DOES NOT REDUCE legal immigration. It simply changes the COMPOSITION of legal immigration to bring in more high skilled workers to compete with middle class workers for their jobs. The business community is currently facing a crisis of rising wages and is crying to Blompf about a labor shortage.

Note: If we are enduring record levels of legal immigration and we are not even trying to reduce legal immigration, then why on earth should anyone vote for the GOP on the basis of immigration?

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I do not see him winning election even without an Iranian war. But the important thing is not for us to fall back on politics as usual and insist on playing the same demonic shell game. The election of Trump ought to have taught us that reform through the “American” system is no longer feasible.Trump is as good as it gets!

    • We need our own nationalist political party like nationalists in all European countries have. Trying to work through the GOP is the main mistake we have made. Yet many of us are addicted to the idea of easy victory by subverting the GOP. There is no appetite on the alt-right for the hard, slow work of doing real world politics under our own banner. Until that changes, the situation in America is hopeless.

      The newer wave of people in the alt-right, the ones who came in during the last five years or so, are especially bad about this issue. They are naive and interpret GOP dog whistling as a sign that the GOP is close to joining us. The TRS clique and the other troll-style nationalists have been very hostile to the idea that we have a nationalist party in America. They scoff and ridicule the idea and insist we must support the GOP.

      In general, the alt-right and white nationalism have been moving in the wrong direction in a lot of ways as our ideas get more popular. New converts are bringing boomer tier ideas with them into nationalism. The anti-abortion hysteria is an example. That’s not how we thought about the issue twenty years ago. Yet now, many so called alt-right people would force a white women raped by a black to have a mongrel rape baby. That’s sick. Yet being deliberately obnoxious and extreme for the sake of being extreme is a growing tendency in our movement. Notice that European nationalists are NOT like this at all. They don’t take insane, psychopathic positions on secondary issues just to troll people or purity spiral. Instead, they are moderate on questions like abortion.

      There is no future for the alt-right if our movement becomes boomer conservatism, but racist.

  2. The comments on boomer conservative sites are mostly supportive of keeping immigration at the level it’s at now. Looks like boomers have learned nothing.

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