Andrew Yang vs. Laura Ingraham

Shorter Laura Ingraham: MUH BOOTSTRAPS.

If you have studied the history of the Southern economy like I have done, you can’t help but laugh at Laura Ingraham. No one pulled themselves up here by MUH BOOTSTRAPS in the 1930s and 1940s. The Great Depression had lasted in the South for 75 years before FDR ended it.

It was an orgy of federal spending that revived the Southern economy in the Great Depression, the Second World War and especially during the Cold War. This explains the paradox of “small government conservatives” like Laura Ingraham who preach MUH BOOTSTRAPS and condemn HANDOUTS who nevertheless simultaneously support $750 billion a year in military spending which disproportionately flows into the Southern economy. Why aren’t conservatives calling for an end to Big Ag’s subsidies? Why aren’t they for cutting the Pentagon’s handouts or Israel’s handouts?

The fact is, they don’t want to give workers the $1,000 a month because it would give them more bargaining power against employers who want to pay them shitty wages. That’s the sole reason. If they cared so much about shiftless and indolent people, why aren’t they outraged by the scions of millionaires who live off the dividends from their investment portfolios?

Note: Laura Ingraham has a net worth of $45 million.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This ($1,000 a month) is something that might actually help ordinary people. Therefore, it has little chance of ever getting through in our current rotten political system.

  2. “The fact is, they don’t want to give workers the $1,000 a month because it would give them more bargaining power against employers who want to pay them shitty wages.”

    With UBI the workers wouldn’t bother to negotiate. They’d just walk away, leaving the companies without a workforce and without the means to replace them with automation. Which they can’t afford, because they chose, in 1945, to place maximum profits over investment in new capital and technology.

  3. Ingraham is a complete corporate shill. How many times has she backtracked on things the moment she lost some sponsors?

    Ingraham and every major figure involved with this MAGA fake populism should be laughed out of national relevance. I have never seen a bigger scam in my life than that was pulled over on the American people than this Trump era.

    • “I have never seen a bigger scam in my life than that was pulled over on the American people than this Trump era.”

      I voted for Trump because of the Clinton threat. If anybody else had run against him, I wouldn’t have bothered to vote.

      I won’t vote, in 2020, unless Clinton tries again. It’ll probably come down to Biden vs Trump. In which case, no matter who wins, the South and interior West will still loose.

  4. “Best time to be an American”!!! Sure, dumb bitch! Best time was in 1950 and before that during the Confederacy! But I agree with her that these junkies will spend their 1000$ for drugs! Also my encounters with the Southern whites so far have been very disappointing. I’ve read a 1940 research about the poor southern whites and the low value they place on education and apparently that is still somewhat true today.

  5. I saw that. I wanted to smack that obnoxious bitch in the face. Most Americans are not doing very well at all, and things are getting worse by the minute.

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