Feeling presidential. Might delete later.
The wall is being built! I'm not listening to the PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT from the HATERS AND LOSERS! We've made great deals to stop the invasion. They have to come LEGALLY! And I want them to come in the HIGHEST NUMBERS EVER! Have you heard about the LOW HISPANIC UNEMPLOYMENT? pic.twitter.com/DZy1XSmPFS
— God Emperor Blumpf (@EmperorBlumpf) July 8, 2019
Watching @FoxNews weekend anchors is worse than watching low ratings Fake News @CNN, or Lyin’ Brian Williams (remember when he totally fabricated a War Story trying to make himself into a hero, & got fired. A very dishonest journalist!) and the crew of degenerate……
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2019
…..Comcast (NBC/MSNBC) Trump haters, who do whatever Brian & Steve tell them to do. Like CNN, NBC is also way down in the ratings. But @FoxNews, who failed in getting the very BORING Dem debates, is now loading up with Democrats & even using Fake unsourced @nytimes as….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2019
…a “source” of information (ask the Times what they paid for the Boston Globe, & what they sold it for (lost 1.5 Billion Dollars), or their old headquarters building disaster, or their unfunded liability? @FoxNews is changing fast, but they forgot the people who got them there!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2019
Impossible to believe that @FoxNews has hired @donnabrazile, the person fired by @CNN (after they tried to hide the bad facts, & failed) for giving Crooked Hillary Clinton the questions to a debate, something unimaginable. Now she is all over Fox, including Shep Smith, by far….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 8, 2019
….their lowest rated show. Watch the @FoxNews weekend daytime anchors, who are terrible, go after her big time. That’s what they want – but it sure is not what the audience wants!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 8, 2019
Did he lose Watters World or something?
Last time I checked, Charlie Kirk and Diamond and Silk were on there.
The most hypocritical thing about Trump is him whining about the New York Times who he has given tons of access and interviews to. Hell, Haberman practically lived at the White House and got tons of exclusives.
Jeez, Boomer Blon, don’t you have anything better to do than watch FoxTalmudVision?
Jesus H Christ, that Blompf is a thin-skinned whiner! Keep your promises, or STFU about some talking head not gobbling your knob, you pathetic egomaniac.
In Blormpf world everyone is either a “great guy” or a “loser”. He is doing a great job of perpetuating all the negative stereotypes of us New Yorkers.
This is peak boomer