The Alt-Lite is having a tantrum right now on Twitter over CNN “giving a platform” to Richard Spencer. They’re so triggered by Spencer saying that he isn’t supporting Blompf in 2020 because he is a con artist that they are having their second annual fundraiser for Antifa:
— Jack Posobiec ?? (@JackPosobiec) July 17, 2019
Today we are proud to launch the 2nd Annual #812Campaign for National Unity!
We welcome your support
?@willchamberlain? ?@robbystarbuck? ?@CassandraRules? ?@KamVTV? https://t.co/mvCASBK6tm
Support the #812Campaign for National Unity by donating $8.12 to the heather heyer foundation.https://t.co/8ywCoLzfOi pic.twitter.com/6KJF3xLVJJ
— Richard Spencer is a CNN Contributor ?? (@RealRCMaxwell) July 17, 2019
A little early on this one, but @JackPosobiec kicked off the second annual #812Campaign
— Will Chamberlain ?? (@willchamberlain) July 17, 2019
Simple, elegant way to take a stand against anti-semitism and the alt-right
Perhaps @jaketapper should join us pic.twitter.com/NHWEPSslZj
Conservatives dweebs are really mad. https://t.co/NPTq2b3cP9
— Richard ?? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) July 16, 2019
Imagine hating President Trump so much & spending so much time attacking him for false racism
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 17, 2019
…Only to give a national platform to an avowed white nationalist racist
CNN should be ashamed of themselves. pic.twitter.com/swLgdU2dcP
The entire Democrat party was able to unite behind 4 radicals to call President Trump racist
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) July 17, 2019
But just months ago, they weren’t able to unite and condemn the brutally anti-Semitic comments made by those same members
It’s almost as if they don’t really care about racism
This song is to the 4 freshmen congresswomen known as “the squad” @AOC, @IlhanMN @RashidaTlaib @AyannaPressley
— The Deplorable Choir?????? (@DeplorableChoir) July 16, 2019
We’re sick and tired of people degrading our flag AND our president.
REAL WOMEN VOTE TRUMP! pic.twitter.com/FyWIkLaKlI
Chamberlain turns into an Antifa when it comes to white pride or criticism of Jews. These are the frauds that were trained and networked at last weekends “National Conservatism conference” by @yhazony , an Israeli who showed up in DC with no references but pockets full of cash. https://t.co/iwsc1ClTpS
— DSA Striker Is Amazing (@AarickStriger) July 17, 2019
What are they so mad about?
Shouldn’t they be happy that Richard Spencer disavowed Blompf? Why can’t they cite this interview to make the case that the Democrats are the real racists?
White Nationalists want nothing to do with Charlie Kirk and Trump’s stupid and boring 2020 campaign. Isn’t that a great headline? What more could they possibly want from us?
Shekels please.

All they are asking for is a pack of Newports.
Alt-Lite….hmmmm that’s all I can say. Deo Vindice !
Alt lite? More like alt kike they are the grifters for conservative inc and they would change political parties in a second if their masters told them to
So the Enemy wants to rile up its base by trotting out the Alt Right to counter Trump’s use of the Crew or whatever it’s called?
By the time of the election it will be Take Back America once again and Lesser of Two Evils once again.
And it will come down to who can fill ballot boxes better, illegally or legally.
We will be able to proceed in 2021.
Don’t enlist to fight ZOG’s wars.
Iran needs to change their chant to ‘Death to zog.’ It would be all encompassing.
Anyone actively promoting Zion Don’s reelection is either a fool or a grifter.
If …you…vote …for ….blormf…..you….are….a……fool….or …..a……grifter.
“All they are asking for is a pack of Newports.”
She probably burned coal, too.
Why do Heather’s supporters (chuckle) always use that old photo of her when she was a mere 220 lb. Freshman in hi-skool? Why don’t they ever use more recent photos, when she was shaped like the Michelin Man?
Spahn – you’ve answered your own question.
Conservatives conserve nothing.
Conservatives are anti-White controlled opposition.
yep, and just “more of the same”…voting is useless and pointless anyways and it always has been.
ZOG does what it wants.
It’s disgusting that that make this woman into some sort of hero. She was nothing of the sort.
But then again, it’s a reflection of our severely depraved and sick society where villains become heroes and vice versa.
The inversion of reality is in full force in kike clown world