The Deplorable Choir

What do you think they care about?

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How much did these 3 trumptard MIGA milfs get paid to sing this gay ass song for?

    Nobody does this type of shit for free that much I know. I never actually listened to their song can someone describe how gay and cringe it is?

    • The song isn’t “gay,” but ridiculous and “cringe” it is indeed!

      “Now a woman can never resist an appeal to the principle of generous devotion; her glory is to crucify herself in the cause of duty and of zeal. This plea [to cancel the votes of bad, immoral women with the votes of good, Christian women] will be successful. But when the virtuous have once tasted the dangerous intoxication of political excitement and of power, even they will be absorbed; they will learn to do con amore what was first done as a painful duty, and all the baleful influences of political life will be diffused throughout the sex.”

      Real women don’t vote. Period.

    • Lead girl sings in like a nashville style country voice about how they don’t care if you’re black white, male female, both, that they just want to drink corona with their “amigas” and vote for Trump.

      In the words of Mike Enoch “This is the worst thing ever made”

  2. I’ve been a Southern Nationalist since before the term came into current usage.

    Whether it’s Tea Partiers or Magapedes, or George F. Will and Rush Limbaugh, I pay them all scant attention.

    They’re all part of the non movement movement who’ve done nothing and conserved nothing.

  3. You Tide pod eatin libturds still mad cause Hitlery didn’t win? That’s OK, y’all got another 5 years to get used to Trump bein your prezdint! Now how bout sendin those fine deplorable ladies some financial support? They don’t care if you’re colored or queer!

  4. Strange to see what one or two generations ago would have been ultra liberalism pass as main stream conservatism. This video helps to drive home the political landscape of the USA more than watching CNN and Fox News.

    They represent soft or degenerate evil. They are against hard evil. They are about to get devoured by forces they strive to protect.

    • Well, isn’t that “good” for your people, Christina?
      I’m sure you and your tribe get more and more giddy watching the pathetic ,neutered Europeans of this nation die out and champion their own demise…

      After all, us gringos owe the mexicans whatever they demand because we “stole” your shithole nation from your shithole people, right?
      Accountability beez raycissss and who cares that your mexican leaders sold the state of california to the USA….we stole it because whites are your enemy and it doesn’t matter what truth is, and that is what jews teach nonwhites.
      You are just another enemy, and may as well be a nigger or a jew.
      Sickening that you were even taught our languages…Spanish is a European language, so why do mestizos and nonwhite hispanics speak it?
      Isn’t European culture naziism and racial supremacy?
      Thats alright, there are several race traitors on this forum alone that “like you” and think you are “cute”…its beyond sickening.

  5. They’ve definitely reserved their seats for the next social media summit right next to Diamond and Silk.

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