Kevin Williamson’s Ex-Wife Is Batshit Crazy

This is brutal.


“Dear Jeffrey Goldberg,

Thank you for firing my ex-husband Kevin D. Williamson.

What Kevin Tweeted about how women who have abortions should be hanged, and what he said in the MediaMatters podcast, are his true beliefs.

Other commentators were right to identify a deeper, underlying misogyny here. These remarks were not, as Kevin would later characterize them in his WSJ piece, merely “trollish and hostile.” They were wrathful and malicious, rooted in a subjective self-loathing that has been characterized as “aggrieved white male syndrome.” …

For years I have been writing under a pen name. In part, I wanted to avoid this moment.

I am not proud of the person I was when I married Kevin and have since often seen his misogyny identified and attacked in the press and blamed myself for it. For example, the week that Kevin went to bury his mom in Texas, I stayed home, got high for the first time, painted our apartment all kinds of bright colors, and had sex with an Indian man who frequented the health food store where I worked. I once hit Kevin twice in the face during an argument. I did all this after he threatened to kill me if I ever left him, and, if it matters, I took my infidelity with the Indian man to be the psychological genesis of his “sand nigger” comment which I will explain below. …

Believing you can civilize him is a fallacy of many a good wife, maybe even a good editor. Two terms among so many that I’d just as soon forget that I learned from my ex-husband: “sand nigger” and “bimbo chair.” The former he used in one of our many arguments about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the Bush doctrine of preemptive war and presumed Al Qaeda abettors, as in “I say just kill the sand niggers.” …

Did anyone at The Atlantic or any one of the publications that spurned him by not interviewing him after the “Twitter mob” came for him ever think to ask him if he had ever knowingly funded a domestic terrorist group?

Maybe then it’s more germane that he bragged to me about seducing his NR bosses’ 24 year old assistant and then beating her all over in torrid, sado-masochistic sex acts?

Maybe it’s more germane that when he was almost 40 he dated one of his undergraduate students almost as soon as class was dismissed at King’s College? …”

I see Kevin in a new light now as a performance artist.

Everyone who read it ended up feeling sorry for Kevin Williamson who apparently just pretends to be a libertarian anti-racist at National Review. I wouldn’t wish this mentally ill woman on my worst enemy. Normally, I would just let a matter like this pass without comment, but in light of all of Kevin’s comments on White working class dysfunction and Alt-Right losers it seems topical.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Kevin Williamson and his family are, in his own words, “morally indefensible and deserve to die.”

  2. And her name is … wait for it … Penelope Gristelfink … fink … fink …
    Check out her medium page, if you have a strong stomach.
    What a lovely, and typical, jewess. Every. Single. Time.

  3. Women who consciously commit abortion in this day and age, ARE guilty of MURDER.

    That most advocates for baby-killing are also SLUTS (see above) and FemiNAZIS (see above) and iredeeemable, should not, in any way, be construed as ‘extenuating circumstances’ because they have a vagina for a brain, instead of testes. While I think this man look like a penis head, I cannot fault him for his logic… except for having married a woman who clearly did not EVER contemplate the ‘…and OBEY’ clause, in the marriage covenant. But then, I doubt he (nor she) were Christians to begin with.

    Even conservatives, even WN’s, even ‘Alt-Rightists’ are fudging around the reality that Patriarchy, Heteronormativity, public stoning of whores, adulterers, transvestites, sodomites, et al. is the God-given norm, and the Jews’ concerted efforts against that [Friedan, Abzug, Steinem – never forget, never forgive!]

    Coupled with ‘groundwork’, which (witch?) heretical sectarian protestant wrinkled lesbians of the 19th Century began, are the spokes ‘persons’ of Hell.

    “….The leaders of this Christian movement argued that people had control over their lives and salvation in opposition to views of the existing Calvinist churches. As part of this movement, women were encouraged to build new churches and push for moral reforms in the United States. Fairly quickly women became moral advocates, while most women joined the Temperance Movement other were attracted to the abolition of slavery and expanding rights for women.”

    “Yea, HATH God said? Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” – Satan to Eve, Genesis 1
    “Ye are of your father, and the deeds of your father ye will do.” -Jesus to the Jews, John 8
    “God hath predestined us unto the adoption of Children by Jesus Christ”- St. Paul, Eph. 1

    “In Jesus’ teaching in John 6:65, that “No MAN can come to me unless it has been granted him by my Father”, Calvin found the key to his theological interpretation of the diversity.” –

    Religion and Christianity are inescapable. Calvinism is Biblical. Thomas Jefferson was a godless heretic, and his credo, “All hominids are created equal’ is from the pits of hell.

    You either submit to the Law of God, or the Law of Hell.
    FYI- We are now in Hell.

  4. My antennae are picking up concerns among the jews and meds generally (Romans…) about whites/europeans recognizing them as…sand, uh, creatures.

    And the El Paso shooter cited the Lorax in his manifesto…

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