Fundraiser Update

As of this afternoon, we have raised $3,746 from 27 donors, which means that we are 93.65% of the way toward our fundraising goal of $4,000. A big hat tip to everyone who has contributed.

I knew that the fundraiser would take longer this year. We’ve been deplatformed from every payment processor and means of transferring money but Bitcoin which mainly means that donations trickle in slower through our P.O. Box. This is part and parcel of being a dissident. If we weren’t having an impact, it wouldn’t be necessary. The censorship is an admission that we are gaining ground.

There was a time in 2017 and 2018 when things were looking rough. We went through a bad stretch when it seemed like everything was falling apart. I don’t feel that way though anymore. This website has turned a corner in 2019 and has become more stable, consistent and productive. We are surging again. We are on the verge of reaching our fundraising goal for the year too.

A year from now, we will be in the heat of the 2020 general election season. Millions of people are about to start tuning back into politics after Labor Day. If Blompf loses the 2020 election, millions of normies will wake up from their MAGA mirage like Rip van Winkle. If Blompf is reelected and defeats his Democratic opponent, the Left will lose its mind like never before. Either way, the ride ahead is going to be a big year for us and the current plan is to keep making fun of both sides the whole way.

If you want to contribute to our fundraiser and help put us over the top, send us a check, cash or money order to our P.O.Box:

P.O. Box

Brad Griffin

P.O. Box 1214

Eufaula, AL 36072

Note: Oh, one more thing …

I have a funny story to share about our son. When he was in school this morning, he told his kindergarten teacher what the weather forecast was in London. He loves maps. She asked him where is London. He told her it was in England and that is where his ancestors are from. That’s my boy!

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent

1 Comment

  1. When he was in school this morning, he told his kindergarten teacher what the weather forecast was in London. He loves maps. She asked him where is London. He told her it was in England and that is where his ancestors are from. That’s my boy!

    Say what?! You mean to say a five year-old can learn Geography and how to read a map outside a formal school environment?! I’m stunned! *wink, wink.

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