When hate descended on Charlottesville, Heather Heyer responded with love. That day, her life was taken by white supremacists the president referred to as “very fine people.” We will never forget her courage—and with her in mind, we will never stop fighting for justice. pic.twitter.com/PH27mkOmaE
— Beto O’Rourke (@BetoORourke) August 31, 2019
A reporter asked Beto in Charlottesville how he’d reassure people afraid the gov’t would take their assault weapons away.
— Molly Hensley-Clancy (@mollyhc) August 31, 2019
“I want to be really clear that that’s exactly what we are going to do,” he said. If you own an AK-47 or AR-15, “you’ll have to sell them to the government.”
I asked @BetoORourke if the Robert E Lee statue in Charlottesville should be taken down and what communities should do with those statues that are taken down. The community debate over the statue of Lee in cville is what sparked the 2017 Nazi rally here.
— Deepa Shivaram (@deepa_shivaram) August 31, 2019
His response below ?? pic.twitter.com/iQGYVGhnON
This isn’t really newsworthy.
The BETO presidential campaign is currently in its death throes. I’m only sharing this as an indicator of where the Democrats are at now. The “mainstream” is shifting Left.
I firmly believe that we the people will be forced into another 1776 scenario. The British tried this and got their asses kicked! History repeats itself.
I fear Americans will not be provoked into a spirit of rebellion but rather sink into despair and indifference.
Pushing death and selective hatred will eventually make a boomerang effect that these power-hungry fools will regret. I’m not looking forward to the reckoning, no matter how well-deserved it may be.
Beta O’Dork? Never heard of ya. Get off my lawn.
Once this “Beto” O’Faggot character officially drops out of the race what will he do? He is obviously good for nothing.
As a matter of principle God foes not make cowardly people free.
A new Federal Law (AWB) is coming.
Bet the farm on it. The GOP will either lead the charge or follow along while pretending to support the 2nd Amendment. Either way, they’re going to sell us out.
Buy everything you can NOW.
You’re gonna need it.
An armed Nation has citizens. A disarmed Nation has subjects.
Slightly off-topic….The Market-Ticker curmudgeon is running for prez, and has a good platform:
Personally, I think voting is as pointless as outhouse redecoration. If you still believe in our system, though, you could do worse.