In case you are wondering, this is who Andre Anglin was in the Philippines before his dramatic conversion to fascism or National Socialism or White Nationalism in 2013:
As you have probably noticed, Andre has had a change of heart since he became Andrew and embraced “Brutal Extremism” and devoted himself to the White race. He has given up on miscegenation and the paranoid conspiracy theories of the Truth Movement.
“The present system which we suffer under is absolutely extreme in nature. Thus it is left to us to be equally extreme in our efforts if we wish to turn the masses away from the lunatic monstrosity that is the Jewish cultural, social and economic apparatus.
Where they preach materialism, we shall preach spirituality.
Where they preach multiculturalism, we shall preach nationalism rooted in blood and heritage.
Where they push abortion, pornography, homosexuality and promiscuity, we shall force the sexual morality of our ancestors.
Where they teach feminism, we shall teach that a woman has her place at home.
Where they teach apathy, we shall teach strength.
Where they have given us nihilism, we shall insert divine purpose.
We will call for the recriminalization of homosexuality, abortion and pornography. We will call for the mass deportation of all immigrants, even those to whom our Jew-run government has awarded citizenship. We will call for Hollywood to be burned to the ground. We call for all drug dealers to be rounded up and executed. We will call for all American-based multinational corporations to be nationalized. We will call for an end to the political and economic systems, an end to the pseudo-culture, an end to what is known as the United States of America, she who has failed us so miserably.
We will call for a new man to rise from the ashes of the defeat we have suffered as a people.
We will call for blood and glory.
The future is ours. We mustn’t do aught but reach out and grab it.”
Very inspiring, Andre.
No doubt lots of people were fooled by your rebranding.
Here is Lee Rogers on restoring the sexual morality of our ancestors:
“As I entered my early 30s, this whole game started to get tiresome. Here I am a young man who owns his own house, has a decent job, drives a good car and is in fairly good physical shape yet I was unable to find a long-term female partner. Of course as a still relatively young man I have and continue to maintain a strong biological drive to bang pussy. It was at this time that I began to see prostitutes on a semi-regular basis. I’ve since become a regular European sex tourist.
After having sex with numerous European prostitutes, I can safely say that they represent the very best that the White millennial woman has to offer. The average White millennial woman is a whore who claims she’s not a whore while emotionally manipulating men for her own gain. The average White millennial prostitute is a whore who is at least honest about her whoring.
Out of all the experiences I’ve had with women, some of the most positive ones have been with prostitutes. It’s an honest exchange of sex for money with no bullshit. I’ve also found these women to be far more real and open about things than any other type of millennial woman I’ve been with. Some of the best conversations I’ve had with women have been those I’ve had with prostitutes. …
If prostitutes represent the best of what White millennial women have to offer, it seems awfully silly for people to counter signal White Sharia. We have some serious problems with our women that need immediate correction. …”
So, I kind of see why Infostormer is defending Daily Stormer.
I just don’t think that Daily Stormer is a positive influence. In fact, it seems to me like the Andrew Anglin character is reverting to Andre Anglin. It’s either that or he has grown so confident that he no longer fears losing his deluded cult followers and has ceased pretending to be a nationalist.
Shekels please, goyim.
Me so horny. Me so horny. Me love you long time!
Note: I don’t believe Andre Anglin really believes in anything. There is one thing, however, which Drew has been consistently: a race-mixer.
Funny how Chink Anglin, aka, the Mongolian Manlet, is guilty of causing lots of division and unrest in the pro-white community, just like his alleged adversaries the jews would do.
Antisocial, chronically unemployed males in their 30s who are unmarried, childless whoremongers, fugitives, latent homosexuals, pederasts and con artists – that’s who comprises the Anglin wing of the alt-right “movement”. Except for Azzholemador, who is closer to 70.
He does look quite Asian in the clip. This is one reason why skinhead hair cuts are a problem. It hides secondary racial markers like hair color and texture. Anglin looks a little jaundiced to say the least and the clothing doesn’t help. Why did he attack Jayho? What was to be gained?
Azz is in his 50s.
He looks much older, and in horrible physical shape. Must be the meth and booze.
And heavy smoking.
This is how (they) have degraded our people.
I think Andre’s attraction to young and underage Asians is just a sign of his obvious homosexuality. A homosexual is a pedophile, the two are indistinguishable from one another. It’s been mentioned by others here as well that White men who are attracted to Asian women are in actuality homosexuals that are turned on by their boyish figures.
There really is nothing attractive about an Asian woman to a normal healthy heterosexual White male.
Not true. Guys who are attracted to Asian girls do so because they generally have better bodies, not boy bodies. Asians are usually slim and do not gain a lot of weight easy. When they do gain weight, the fat seems to go elsewhere first (like the rear) and not the stomach. Additionally, they’re smart, so if someone has a hobby that requires a lot of thinking, they tend to be interested. Not to say White women aren’t. but there are more White women who are air heads than Asian women.
Choosing a race of women who are generally going to have more attractive bodies and are smart enough to partake in the same interests as you isn’t a sign of homosexuality, it’s a sign of getting the best you can get out of the options available.
Consider this; Would you rather have a below average looking girlfriend with a bit of a stomach whose interests are animals, taking photos of herself doing things, watching Netflix and has some sort of severe vice (Alcoholic, smoker, uses drugs, sexually loose) or would you rather a slim girl who is interested in niche shows, is up to try new things just for fun, is interested in what you like doing, has a unique hobby and has no real vice like those mentioned above
Comparing the average White girl to the average Asian girl you stumble across on a dating website is like night and day. I don’t think there really is a race reversal that you can do that does it justice. All races prefer Asian women these days if statistics are any measurement, and the numbers are just going up.
I just don’t get all the white knighting on here, it just doesn’t fit with the data and the experience of your average man. If you’re a guy, I’m happy you’re in a relationship with a woman you love, but your girl is the exception and not the rule.
Some information gathered about race and dating. White men and most other races of men prefer Asian women. The statement shouldn’t be “Why would a White man date an Asian?” it should be “Why are White men preferring Asian women to White women?” and it would seem White men aren’t the only race that does. So combine the studies with stories one hears online, it would seem we have a problem. Either White men or White women. Since White women seem to prefer White men in these studies, we can logically conclude that White men are not selecting White women for reasons, and not the other way around.
I myself don’t prefer Asian women, but I’d rather be single than date your average White woman. Some guys need a woman in their life so they choose an Asian girl.
Thank you for offering data on the FACT that males are far worse re: the crime of miscegenation and Race treason than women are.
Idiot males who contract Yellow Fever think they are getting a little China Doll. Giggling, deferential, small in size (the pedo attraction is wholly en pointe, no matter how much you deny it). So cute!
Of course – once that ring is on the finger the little China Doll turns into the Dragon Lady. You are the Lord and Master as long as you keep the dough rolling in. The second you fail to keep her in clothes, furniture, and nail polish – you’re DONE. I’ve seen it again and again and again and again. And EVERY retard sex tourist deserves whatever they get.
FYI – the HAPA’S have loads of mental and emotional problems. Think Elliot Rodgers. It’s because the gene expression goes in polar opposite directions. So well done, Race Traitor Pedo vermin!
Your defective obsessions create miserable crazy mongrels, who KNOW they are crazy, miserable mongrels!
There’s tons of info and testimony of HAPAS being miserable about being HAPAS. They are intelligent enough, unlike Mulattos, to know they are neither beast nor fowl. And they hate both their parents.
@ Denise
Only White women are obsessed with the size of Asian women. From other White guys, I’ve only ever heard them complimented as being thin or skinny. This is in contrast with the increasing amount of obese women we see in America.
I think all women pull out the claws once you get married. Divorce studies seem to show that White women/White man couples are more likely to get divorced than White man/Asian woman or White man/Black woman.
Even child abandonment of the offspring of interracial unions is a result of feminism allowing for the hypergamy mating selection process. Men who want to have condomless sex should be doing so within the context of a marriage. But because women are taught to work and only date Chad, White men have to sow their seeds elsewhere to women who want them. The problem is that no sane White man wants to divert his resources to raising a mongrel child.
The point I make on this subject in the comments is to point out there is a White woman problem that is causing men to be turned off of White women. I’m not promoting interracial unions as a solution, but simply showing that the data is in and that we shouldn’t dismiss the concerns of White men about White women so easily. When White men act disappointing they’re called soyboys and told to man up. When White women act like complete animals we’re told it’s because we can’t handle her.
Meanwhile Ling-Ling doesn’t act like an animal but we’re not allowed to have Ling-Ling even though she wants us. We have to settle for the animal woman.
It’s almost like your objection to us examining the problem with White women is to force White men to deal with women’s shitty behaviour. By restricting his sexual selection, he will have to compromise and put up with more so that women can have their feminism and their traditionalism.
Not happening, nor will it ever happen. History shows that men will marry women from outside the group should they become dissatisfied with their own women. White women will have to drop the boring backpacker, dog loving my body my choice attitude and learn to become someone White men want to have around again. Otherwise we’re doomed as a race. This is one thing Anglin has a point about that OD and its audience refuses to have a conversation about.
“you for offering data on the FACT that males are far worse re: the crime of miscegenation and Race treason than women are.”
So very true!
You hit every point straight on.
Guess (who) runs Madison Avenue, and has been corrupting the minds of America for over a century?
(Who) was behind the massive ad campaigns pushing smoking, killing 10s of millions of Americans? (Who) pushes alcohol, ads, tv, movies etc.
A German chancellor in the 1930s outlawed advertising tobacco and alcohol, what an evil person.
Like yourself I don’t condone miscegenation, especially where Whites are concerned.
My only real objection to what you wrote is your anti-dog sentiment.
I love dogs and (most) of my people. They certainly don’t have to be one or the other.
Everyday, I witness happy White families with children that have a family dog or two that they adore.
With the epidemic of loneliness in this country, pets help alleviate the sense of isolation by providing companionship and unconditional love. Numerous studies have shown that dogs are good for your health.
Women on dating sites seem to think that spending all this time on their dog and mentioning how much they love it is some sort of selling point. You can only hear the phrase “proud dog mom” so many times before you realize it’s a proxy surrogate for a child and we all know how single mom’s feel about men.
Some people have a healthy relationship with their pets and others don’t. A lot of women don’t and the fact they hold up their dog as the defining thing in their life speaks volumes as to how hollow they are as people.
One shouldn’t look at their dog with pride the same way they do as a son or daughter. Rover should be an addition to your life, not the centerpiece. Same goes for cats and other pets as well.
A few women have stated openly that they’d rather a dog than a child and that having children can wait.
Outlander – perhaps those dog loving White women would rather live out their lives with pets because of White men. Pets offer loyalty and companionship. They don’t sit around in a crummy sweatshirt, eat garbage, and play video games and fap to porn EVERY waking minute.
Unlikely, since a lot of them like cats and cats don’t do anything but sit around and do nothing essentially.
I think it’s basically emotional porn for women. Sure they get a lot of dopamine baths posting dumb pictures of themselves so they can circle jerk each other off in their social media groups, but I think there’s an element of buying a pet to scratch that biological itch to mother something. It validates them mentally as being a good caretaker and hence a good woman.
If women were making calculated decisions of not wanting men in their lives they’d artificially inseminate themselves. Children are a far better investment than a cat or dog who will just die in a decade and a half. Nothing keeps men away like being a single mom either.
The more I talk to you the more bitter you sound. Since I started posting here I’ve just been making a case for discussing the White woman problem. The majority of our problems from feminism, to politics, to refugees welcome, to economics, to LGTB shit, etc. All are related to this attitude that White women are these delicate beings that need to be shepherded by a good man instead of the self-interested, status hungry, opportunists they are in the modern world.
White women don’t want it and White men aren’t getting anything from it. The race is dying, and the only argument people on your side of the fence can say is “try harder to save these women!” The women don’t want to be saved. If they had a choice between being a housewife of a good poor man or death they’d choose death. Hell they’d choose death over being a housewife of a good middle class man these days.
But that fat guy who sits at home on his weekends off playing the newest RPG or COD while drinking beer. He’s the real problem.
There is also the DISGUSTING issue of abandoned mongrel kids. There are the results of the “brilliant, honorable, savvy, superior” sex tourist garbage White males.
The bastard children of irresponsible men, in the shards of the West, usually have social resources available to have a decent life. No so, in Asian countries. I feel really sorry for these kids. Duterte should not allow this. So many of these kids grow u in hopeless poverty, and are robbed, from the moment of conception, of their birthright and identity on either side of the genetic equation.
I think males who create and then abandon their own children should be publicly FLOGGED, castigated and shamed, and then forced to support the kids until the children are able to support themselves.
“Comparing the average White girl to the average Asian girl you stumble across on a dating website is like night and day.”
Their societies haven’t been (corrupted) by the same (media).
“There are the results of the “brilliant, honorable, savvy, superior” sex tourist garbage White males.”
Troops , also.
If we had a healthy society, sex tourism would be microscopic. This is just one facet of the greater social collapse.
Age of consent in the philippines, 12.
Puh-LEESE. Alleged WN males babble and blather and whine and mewl about “White Men are LEADERS”. Well if you aren’t leading, you aren’t a leader.
Some one must STOP being a hypocritical degenerate. I don’t care about “the age of consent”. Children, especially very poor kids, ARE NOT CAPABLE OF CONSENT.
It’s disgusting abuse, plain and simple. ANY sex tourist male is NO BETTER that the Jew Monster Epstein. So STOP making EXCUSES.
If Duterte were as based as people say he is, he would send death squads against all the boomers, omega males and other vermin who go to the Philippines to race-mix. You never hear about those filth getting a mail-order bride from North Korea. Tolerance of those kind of degenerates is a true sign of capitalist, imperialist decadence that these countries really need to free themselves from.
Iijcf – there are many.many things I like about Duterte – but he should stop the sex trafficking and abuse. Assorted varieties of Asian males care little about the well being of women and children.
Koreans are sanely, healthily racist. I really don’t what goes on in NK – but South Koreans don’t permit this behavior. Good on them!
“I think males who create and then abandon their own children should be publicly FLOGGED, castigated and shamed, and then forced to support the kids until the children are able to support themselves”
Absolutely! Well said. Parents have an obligation to protect their children. If a white man marries an Asian woman, he has a responsibility to take care of the hapas. I have nothing but contempt for the “Eraserhead Henry’s” of the world who live only for lust and who abandon their God-given duties.
But that goes with abandoning your wives too, and here is where I’m sure you’re all going to get triggered. Mike Enoch should never have divorced his wife to appease his fans. That’s ducking your responsibility as a husband.
The idea that men are “leaders” and therefore should TAKE CONTROL OF WOMEN is absurd in a society such as this. Women nowadays are so far up their own ass that it would take physical force to straighten them out, and to be honest, they’re not even worth it.
Women make the same calculations about men that men are now doing to women and it doesn’t look so hot. How many women out there would want to date a man who has absolutely let himself go completely only to be told by other women it’s up to her to take control and turn him into Chad.
It doesn’t happen, and the majority of White women have let themselves go completely. Their sexual marketplace value is low and they lack anything other than sex to offer. A lot of young men are turning away and a lot of young women, after slutting it up with the few 9/10 guys in their 20s, are going to end up single and alone in a house full of cats.
Yet it’s men’s fault. I’m so sick of hearing this. Women have agency and if their agency tells them to drive themselves off a genetic cliff, then maybe it’s destiny.
Ok, Outlander – so the only think that matter to White men is that the female is not fat. OK
Umm,….I’ve seen LOADS of young male blubberbutts, running around. It’s not just women.
However – the non Chads hate fat chicks. They think they deserve the Stacies, although they are not Chads themselves, and resent the Stacies who do go after Chads. Yes. That; makes sense.
FYI – “shitty behavior” cuts WAY more than both ways. Why is it that there of plenty of White men who do marry White women, and don’t blame women for all of their issues.
Ling Ling is an animal. White women are Humans. There are loads of available White women. Nice women, who range from the ordinary to the spectacular. I once knew a full fledged model who dumped her first husband because he kept cheating on her. She was one of the nicest, sweetest girls I ever met, who went to her bridal bed a virgin, in addition to being a young stemmed drop dead BEAUTY. Her rotten first hubby’s excuse was he was “too intimidated” by this girl’s looks – so he HAD to cheat, in order to reinforce his sense of self worth. I’ve always known men who had NOTHING to offer, in terms of looks, personally, or assets, who thought they DESERVED Super models. And I ALWAYS LAUGHT at dumbass White males, who get Yellow Fever – and then are run ragged and CHEATED on by their China Dolls – who get fat and really ugly with time. As well as get murdered by their darling little “feminine” little fuckee fuckee machines.
You are just making pathetic excuses and justifications.
@ Denise
I’m saying in regards to an Asian woman’s body. They aren’t into them because they’re into small girls, they’re into them because they’re not into fat girls.
Well Stacy is a bit of an incorrect example, but to you point, there are a lot of guys who deserve someone better than a fat woman. A fat woman is about as ugly as you can get as a female next to having wrinkles, facial hair and balding. So yeah when a guy who is probably like a 4 out of 10 dates an Asian girl who is like a 6 out of 10 over a fat White woman who is a 2 out of 10, I honestly can’t fault the man because White women who are 4 out of 10 aren’t just not into him, they’re outright rejecting him. Yet I’m supposed to blame the man who would be happy with a 4 out of 10 White woman but settles for a 6 out of 10 Asian girl instead of the 4 out of 10 White girl because the White man refuses to date the 2 out of 10 White woman for the good of the race?
Probably because there is like a handful of decent women out there even though the majority of them aren’t, so some are still getting married? Kind of a ridiculous question. 10 out of 100 girls being decent doesn’t mean 90 out of 100 men are going to end up in happy marriages.
In what century did you know this woman? Because I’m talking about the 2010s and now into the 2020s here. Not some random chick from the 80s or something.
” I’ve always known men who had NOTHING to offer, in terms of looks, personally, or assets who thought they DESERVED Super models”
Pretty much describes most White women these days, hence why there is a problem.
Most of my information I presented to you can be found backed up by research, simple logic, experiments or are plain to see. You’re providing me with nothing but hypotheticals and an anecdotal story. I think you’re the one offering pathetic excuses and justifications.
Your argument trying to convince an audience that there isn’t a problem with White women is pretty weak especially since you’re willing to grant me the authenticity of the data but try to skew it as if it’s because men are trash and not because the women are. Even though it’s not just White men who prefer Asian women over White women, but all men.
I have a question? Why is this miscegenation apologist allowed to post here? I was under the impression that anti-White trolls were not allowed to spam this forum?
Is addressing a problem making me an apologist? Arguing that it’s understandable is different than saying it’s good. First step of admitting you have a problem is knowing you have a problem.
Does your side of the argument rely on silencing people on this one topic? Are we going to have a movement equivalent of hate speech laws for being critical of modern White women?
Yes, traditional sexual morality was certainly centered around prostitutes! If Anglin and Rogers are so enamored of whores, why don’t they just marry one? Make it a strictly business proposition. He pays her to clean house, cook, and have sex with him, and he can take her eggs, fertilize them, and plant them in a gook surrogate, just like they advocate! I mean, all Rogers wants is a “long-term female partner.” Why not just buy/bribe one?
Pure damned insanity. And the definition of immorality, to boot.
Synopsis of video:
Anglin takes lolita Flip to mall because his New Balances melted somehow in his hotel.
Anglin complains most of the time about how evil White Men are building malls in the area to somehow oppress the innocent brown people who live in houses made of trash.
Anglin wanders around mall until dark unable to string together a full sentence.
Anglin gets told by Flip security guard to put his cigarette out, and then whines again for a few more minutes.
The shoes were melted by his crack pipe, he mentioned later on.
Also he mentions he just took the Flip child to get her weave put in, he says she has “African hair”…I’m guessing that was part of his attraction? Since he actually prefers African kids the most.
As you point out Jayho de la Rey isn’t any worse than Anglin in his history. So why did Anglin pick a fight with Jayho? Is the wild man who runs a website after fleeing the country an exclusive branding niche exercise?
DS and TRS are BOTH controlled opposition groups led by federal informants. This spat is simply a “controlled demolition” of the last vestige of the movement. Their goal is to keep everyone atomized now that social media has incriminated all White men with pro-White beliefs.
The operation was a complete success. They smeared the entire movement, forever demonizing it, and also gave the feds more than enough people to go after based on social media activity.
The only thing they will do now is continually promote “Hollywood Nazi Terrorism” while maintaining constant infighting and demonization of anything that leads to real world networking.
I listened to Lee Rodgers’ podcast a few times and the guy sounds legitimately retarded. He can’t even string a coherent sentence together beyond “hurr fuck these Mexicans” and “durrr Trump needs to do more”.
Speaking of Trump, could a more disgustingly servile Jewish puppet even be possible? Anybody who still supported him after the first Syria strike is highly suspect.
Hunter, you write such good, informative articles. Why are you consuming so much of your valuable time with this creep? I get it. He’s a degenerate who jams sticks into wasp nests to stir things up for his own perverse satisfaction. I just don’t think that he’s worth all of the attention.
You’re right.
This is a huge waste of time. If it wasn’t for the Daily Drama Stirrer, we could focus on producing content.
Mr. Coontown: Don’t you think someone needs to put that villainous mongrel D’Andre Wang Lin in his place, so that he can’t cause any more mischief? Well then, who better to do it than HW, a man whose reputation and conduct are above reproach? Consider this exposé of Anglin and Weev to be a bit of comic relief, a break from the scholarly research that HW normally likes to engage in.
Unfortunately, Spawn, es mi barrio. Most of the Negroes have been dispersed into the suburbs in the Black Flight away from the Mexicans. Areas that were once as White as a cotton boll, are now as dark as a cricket, as the hood has succumbed to La Raza.
I agree that Hunter is undoubtedly the best man to do the job. I just don’t know how much doing it needs. And, yes it is humorous. I merely offered an observation that I believe Hunter does a good job analyzing historical trends and precedents, and I value his perspective very highly.
Anyway, I not trying to tell anyone what to do with their own website.
Cowtown – Hunter is a Celt. He is a good Southern Man – but he’s a Celt. When something sticks in our craw – we chew it up til it’s gone.
Having dealt with a family member who has Borderline Personality Syndrome, I recognize many of the same characteristics here. The over-the-top accusations, the lack of introspection, the strident self righteous tone.
But, that doesn’t mean anyone is a ‘fed’, whatever that means. Even my BPS relative had some pertinent and appropriate observations, despite the histrionics.
You have to take everything with a grain of salt. Truth often comes with a little tarnish. You have to polish it to get to the core.
REALLY? Really? Anglin has acknowledged and addressed his earlier life many times. I mean, is your point that converts to the pro-White position should never be accepted?
Hounding him for not having been raised racially conscious, for not having become pro-White until later, is straight up immature, and you should know better than to go rifling through a changed man’s past looking for dirt.
No, my point is that his “conversion” was never real and that it is increasingly obvious.
I don’t see why he’s got on his high horse about Jayho given his own compromises. Charlottesville was a clear indication that the state won’t allow the dissident right to occupy a town square and form a demo of more than 600
People without downed choppers, car crashes and shootings. We get it already Donald Kushner. We get it. Fall in line pay your taxes stfu or get arrested.
“my point is that his “conversion” was never real and that it is increasingly obvious.”
That’s disappointing, because there are several good points to DS. I like”race war” , highlighting the black criminals.
Got it, sticky note, Anglin is a complete waste of space. Now, Mr. Griffin, move along, because this is a complete waste of your talent. Your point has been made and we thank you for the enlightenment.
As to some on here who suggested that people findinding Asian or other women attractive are pedophiles, that is ridiculous. These folks are just intrigued by someone who is not like them, which in my opinion, is a bad recipe for marriage.
During a couples lifetime, struggles and hardship will occur and it is best to have cultural commonality at that time. Plus, I wouldn’t want to look like a stranger in my house with a bunch of kids that don’t look like me.
Ok, now let’s leave this Anglin Freakshow.
Anyone else find it hilarious when mongolian andre talks about racial purity. Dude is a mutt, 5’3 and ugly as fuck.
Anglin is the classic “useless person” Hes going to die alone and probably drunk or high, totally forgotten. He never built anything that last’s in his life. But he will leave behind a lot of damage.
Knock off this stuff about Anglin. He is funny as hell, says lots of things that need to be said, and has certainly never claimed to be a paragon of morality or virtue, white or otherwise. He has gotten through to plenty of young white men and that counts for something. Just drop it, please.
Anglin has nothing to offer anyone. And, he never did. His site was idiotic, it might have been funny one time to read it, but once the sick joke was told there was nothing there to hold on to.
You’ve done a service taking him apart, but I think you’ve spent more than enough time on it, and he really doesn’t deserve that much attention. Attention, after all, appears to be what he craves.
His life is pretty much over: he lost a $14 million lawsuit. He’s going to be poor and hiding money for the rest of his life. Despite him being a fraud and a useless tool, it’s still interesting to contemplate who quickly and easily the power structure utterly destroyed him.
The whole thing about cross-dating other races has been discussed ad nauseum here as well, and it doesn’t seem to be adding to our enlightenment or empowerment.
I have been reading this site for more than 10 years, and will continue to do so. You post a lot of very interesting stuff, it’s not big deal for me to skip over 5 or 6 articles on Anglin, I just feel bad for anyone having to wallow in his sick mind, even for an instant.
I’ve noticed that all sides of the dissident right are very short on prescriptions. A lot of energy is spent on infighting and (properly) purging the destructive among us: like Weeve and Anglin.
But all the way from Z Man to here, to Ram Z Paul, to where ever there is little in the way of visionary direction to pursue Ram Z is being explicit about it “don’t join anything”.
OK, but then how are my interests, and those of my children, going to be advanced where on one side you have a totally atomised and individualistic Right wing, unorganized by design — and on the Left you have interlocking circles of organization: the violent hard Left antifa is supported by the populist Leftist politicians, who are supported by the Left wing foundations, who are supported by Leftist billionaires, who are allowed to become fabulously wealthy and pay no taxes by apex leftist politicians. They have all sorts of organizations, and no one is every punished for belonging to them.
If we can’t organize we can’t win. We can survive as hermits in a hostile society, keeping our divergent beliefs to ourselves, but we will always remain marginalized if we take that route.
At least Greg Johnson, what ever failings he may have, did write a book that explained his vision for the future. I’d love to read books on that by you, Ram Z, and anyone else on the dissident right was has the feel for it.
You’re right.
Far too much time has been wasted on these people. I’m just tired of watching Weev of all people bad jacket others and disrupt our entire corner of the internet. He should have been shunned years ago.
What’s odd is that Brad should have done this years ago, when I lobbied Marcus Cicero to.
Better late than never, I suppose. The damage that Dailystormer has already done to white survival is profound and possibly irreversible. Even Brad’s spate of exposes won’t negate all the ammunition Anglin gave to whites’ enemies. But it’s something better than nothing.
I said all of this about Weev in April 2018.
Anglo – nothing is irreversible except death. Most Humans are wholly unaware of the Sewer, and White Nationalism. White have been larping for years and year and years. Because life, in America and the West, has been pretty comfortable for decades. Even now – most people are juuuuuust beginning to sense the weirdness of a collapsing civilization. There are still roads and building and the lights are still on – we have 5g and a billion cable/satellite channels, goyim!
Just wait til things get really unpleasant. When the power starts to fail.
@ Denise,
Eric Striker is correct when he stated that race realists and jews are the only groups that know what is going on in the West. The rest of the population are NPC consumer drones.
I am seeing a bit of femanazi man hating froth on here. Yes let’s flog all men and steal all their assets. Men are such a waste, anyway. That kind of nonsense. It is really better if the women keep quiet.
LOL! I see a lot of useless beta Twinks justifying Yellow Fever. Go back to orbiting your Jew Hero Weev, and Mystery Meat Midget.
You know that Hitler had to keep his relationship with Eva Braun a secret because he knew the White Aryan German women would not support him with the same fervor, if they knew he had a girlfriend or a wife. Explain that.
Are you familiar with the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan? That was designed by the Hapa son of a Japanese woman and a European man. They hooked up in the mid to late 19th century before White women had even won the vote.
White men were coming home with Japanese and Korean War brides at the time when White Women only went to university to earn their MRS Degree and reading Fascinating Womanhood and turning themselves inside out to marry White men.
These men came in to White countries with Asian brides at a time when miscegenation was against the law. They not only didn’t pay a single fine, spend a single day in prison or be banned from entering the country, they didn’t lose an ounce of status, still being able to keep their jobs. Not only that, they managed to skate around any segregation laws where it came to their wives.
My 87 year old mother recalls hearing a light-skinned Negress bitterly complaining about how Asian women were allowed to socialize with upper crust Whites when “I’m lighter than they are!”
My 92 year old aunt was a nurse who served in Europe during WWII. She was a slim, petite, warm, funny, vivacious woman all her life. She ran into a man she used to date who was hell-bent on getting a Japanese wife after serving in the Pacific Theater. He was in raptures because, as he told my aunt, “The Japanese women will walk on your back!” My aunt was totally bemused by that one. Her response was, “Are you serious?” However, she had, by then gotten engaged to an Italian American she had nursed.
I’m 62 years old. Several years ago, I met a very pale White man with an Asian woman. He reminded me of the actor, Ed Begley. She and I were the same height, about the same size aside from the face that I have curves and she didn’t. I had seen them on the dance floor. They were quite good, so I went up and complimented them both on how good they were. She graciously accepted the compliment. He gave me a total look of revulsion and stalked off. I had never seen nor spoken to those two before in my life.
Outlander, men like you are extreme xenophiles who are hard-wired to find Asians or some OTHER other attractive and your own kind repulsive. This has been going on for centuries and has nothing to do with feminism or any other social or physical aspect of White women (even fat women were in vogue during Ruben’s period).
That is why, in fact, the United States and Canada is being invaded by demi-mongoloid Metizoes from all over Mexico, South, and Central America. The chickens of men like you are coming home to roost.
Now posters on this board can say all kinds of demeaning things about women who mix outside their race. They’re coal-burners and mudsharks and the word, “white trash” used to be tailor-made for women like them. In essence, their “White Card” got pulled. Their kids never married up or got Whiter; they usually married Blacker people.
So, since you’re wired that way, get with an Asian woman. More power to you. Be a good husband to her and a devoted father to her children. But you have no business on pro-White boards, because AFAIC you will be a de facto Asian husband and Asian father. Your place is with the Asians, not with us, promoting your fetishes while bashing White women and the White men who love them.
Think of it as an amicable divorce. That is possible as far as I’m concerned as long as you don’t bash White women or the White men who love them. Now, good bye, good luck, and God bless you.
Curious as to why the only alternative for men like you is Asian women. Why isn’t seeking a bride from Eastern Europe … slim, pretty, poor, traditional … Caucasian isn’t an option for you?!
Mindweapons did that much. Several American men have done that much. Donald Trump got a woman from that neck of the woods twice.
The problem might be with you, buddy. It’s your wiring. Your Asian fetish is causing your lower brain to cancel out any thoughts of finding a White woman with the qualities you say you want.
I said I’m not into Asian women. You’re making things up about me. Of course that’s the only way you can understand an opinion you don’t hold is by making up a straw man about your opponent to tear it down.
Eastern European women age like a sprint not marathon. Some have longer fuses to their “babushka bombs” and some have a shorter wick. Eastern European women are justifiably known for being “gold diggers and black widows.” No thanks on all accounts.
A Russian friend of mind said, “If a Slavic woman isn’t married by 30, even the devil doesn’t want her.”