About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Did you listen to the interview, (((Nemo)))? Queen Ann is infinitely more salient than just about any male. Of course – salient observations are undiscovered country for you.

      • “tThe Left hates this country, they hate Christians, etc.” -Mega-dittoes for what Ann C. is saying. I can forgive her personal peccadilloes, as she is only a woman, as long as she realizes the larger picture necessitates a return to God and Theonomy. Which she clearly does.

  1. the part where Coulter said she/he was going to forego her/his $3,000,000 per book advance from her/his NY Jew publishers just to tell the truth about Jew-instigated #WhiteGenocide was pretty encouraging.

    except she/he didn’t say that.

    or anything else of substance.

    “it’s a man, baby!”

    • “the part where Coulter said she/he was going to forego her/his $3,000,000 per book advance from her/his NY Jew publishers just to tell the truth about Jew-instigated #WhiteGenocide was pretty encouraging.

      except she/he didn’t say that.”

      In the first video she called for stopping legal immigration, so we can assimilate the non-Whites that are already here with the White population, so that a greater % of them will vote for her beloved ZOG Republican Party.

      Assimilation leads to intermarriage. Assimilation is genocide.

  2. Her neck is hooked on by a Yang robot connection! Wow automation talking points? At noon eastern in the USA, you always have Rush Jew Rock on classic rock radio FM, or Rush Jew apologists on AM pushing this narrative….

  3. Coulter deserves to be respected for trying to tell the truth, even if she can’t tell the whole truth. People should be respected for leaning our way, not condemned. If you punish people for trying to do the right thing, what’s the incentive to do the right thing?

    • Queen Ann, along with Patrick J. Buchanan, is about as close as we are going to get to a media commentator who is on our side. She is one of the very few such commentators whom I do not find myself cursing out loud.

  4. I love and worship Queen Ann (well that is an exaggeration but you get the idea) but I hate when she claims that only African Americans deserve Affirmative Action. They do not deserve it now, if they ever did. 600,000 whites died in the War of Northern Aggression, ostensibly to free the slaves. Blacks have it much better here than anywhere in Africa. We have doing Affirmative Action, Section 8 Housing, Free school, Free lunches and breakfasts, etc., etc., etc., for 50 years or more. When will the debt be paid off Ann?

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