I’m loving this.
Here is the co-founder of The Daily Wire admitting on Twitter that mainstream conservatism, which is conservative liberalism, is actually just trying to conserve liberalism rather than the social norms that the Republican base truly cares about:
What these retrograde losers don’t understand is that what American conservatives want to conserve is American liberalism.
— Jeremy Boreing (@JeremyDBoreing) October 30, 2019
American conservatism is not European conservatism. https://t.co/PkBpCNTgku
*REAL* Conservatism values ORDER and TRADITION over all else, and are the most fundamental.
— ? MIK? ? (@Thebossitalian) October 30, 2019
It is also inherently:
Liberals like you have NO place in the conservative movement, and we're exposing you day by day. https://t.co/skOOMuZos8
We have no interest in conserving liberalism, Jeremy—you’re right. https://t.co/NaD9m07Q1F
— American Identity (@OPTlCS__CHECK) October 30, 2019
American conservatism has never conserved anything of value, & certainly not our precious blood & soil. Instead, it has been the shadow that follows behind liberalism, consolidating its gains. Only a Hard Right, based on the idea of blood & soil nationalism, can defeat globalism.
— RevolutionMachina (@RevolutionMach2) October 30, 2019
No, we fully understand what American conservatives want to conserve, and the point of these questions is to illustrate that as a philosophy it is incapable of conserving anything else and doesn’t advance our interests, which is why it must be abandoned by the Right.
True Conservatism is opposed to disgusting homophobia and those who object to it are as retrograde as the Westboro Baptist Church:
There’s a difference between asking genuine questions & trolling
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 30, 2019
“How does Anal Sex help win the Culture War” isn’t a serious question
It’s homophobic & disgusting.
In America, what happens between two consenting adults is their business
They’re the New Westboro Baptist Kids pic.twitter.com/N3Rx4OJJ6d
Benny Johnson on how *real* conservatism is liberalism which is opposed by “hate-filled Gremlins” who want to conserve the White Christian social order and reassert its norms rather than the “free market” or “limited government”:
If you’re a *real* conservative who believes in individual liberty then above all else you want:
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 30, 2019
— Less government control over our choices
— Less government authority to tell us how to live
— more freedom for all Americans
These Hate-filled gremlins are NOT conservative
Our movement gives no quarter to Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) October 30, 2019
It is what separates us. https://t.co/5JJhR4K93q
OANN on Ayatollah Fuentes:
“Time to kill the globalists” who run the media, declares @NickJFuentes, who then says he he wants those who run @CNN to be “arrested and deported or hanged.” https://t.co/IaEnmLcrDz
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) October 30, 2019
More on Charlie Cuck’s based black homosexual co-host:
— ?Groyp Telly? [R3F0II0W] (@GroypTelly) October 30, 2019
Upset that Rob Smith called young patriots racists? Don’t worry, he said the same thing about Trump in a 2017 NBC op-ed.
— Scott Greer (@ScottMGreer) October 30, 2019
I guess Cardi B is right: some people will do anything for the clout pic.twitter.com/MTWm5nxP0I
This is the face and voice of the @GOP. pic.twitter.com/LKNUf5usBG
— ? (@arnelsmom) October 30, 2019
“Conservative AF” pic.twitter.com/5BNVM27Ek1
— Infrequent Fren (@ApuHigh) October 30, 2019
— Zoomer Loyalist ? (@ZoomerClips) October 30, 2019
Will Chamberlain warns of rising anti-Semitism!
Folks – the point of the anti-@charliekirk11 campaign is not to push Charlie on nationalism, or to stand up for free speech
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) October 30, 2019
It’s to attempt – foolishly – to mainstream anti-semitism pic.twitter.com/I1LZELsT4l
Less than two months ago, the instigator of this campaign described @MattWalshBlog as a “shabbos goy race traitor”
— Will Chamberlain (@willchamberlain) October 30, 2019
The racism is the point of the exercise; the argument about free speech is facile (it’s a private event) and they know it pic.twitter.com/OyNLfx2jyS
Reminder that Will Chamberlain is the Jewish gatekeeper of a dead conservative mag:
Credit to Will Chamberlain for tanking a website faster than any man in history. https://t.co/Q3iDZyK9kU pic.twitter.com/rzxPm5Ovvy
— Mike Pej?inovi? Street Wear ? (@MikePStreetWear) October 30, 2019
More on anti-Semitism:
My favorite part of the Nick Fuentes cult is that 90% of them are too cowardly to even show their faces. They’re alt-right, anti-Semitic, bottom feeders who sit behind their keyboards all day.
— Caleb SkHull ??? (@CalebJHull) October 30, 2019
Here's Nick Fuentes denying that the Holocaust happened.
— Caleb SkHull ??? (@CalebJHull) October 30, 2019
Him and his followers are scum of the earth and their bad faith, anti-Semitic attacks should be shot down by the entire conservative movement. pic.twitter.com/7wJ9S7Q6zv
Next up, Seb Gorka on anti-Semitism:
This person is Evil.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 30, 2019
How is Holocaust denier @nickjfuentes still on Twitter and VERIFIED?? https://t.co/nDGfIYBlmo
He’s VERIFIED you imbecile.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 30, 2019
The issue is that @Jack gives a piece garbage like @nickjfuentes a blue check mark and actual Conservatives are suspended from Twitter for posting pictures of @KatieHill4CA.
Now do you get it? https://t.co/LHj2zISkQC
James Woods was forced off Twitter for being an American Patriot. @nickjfuentes is a Holocaust Denying scumbag and @jack gave him Verified status.
— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) October 30, 2019
No human intervention, right? pic.twitter.com/RiBqK2YjFp
GOT EM pic.twitter.com/tAYlfmRGSI
— Huncho Jack (@NickerNation) October 30, 2019
As a Jewish lackey, Seb is mostly outraged by our lack of reverence for his Holocaust obsession.
Don’t forget that slavish subservience to Israel and “fighting anti-Semitism” is the only thing that Conservatism, Inc. truly cares about aside from preserving the American Empire, homosexuality, tax cuts and liberalism. Everything else is just boob bait.
Brad Polumbo, the homosexual chickenhawk who writes for The Washington Examiner, has waded into the battle to wrist flap about virulent homophobia:
I criticize Charlie Kirk/TPUSA regularly, (and sorry for sharing a disgusting alt-right account) but I do have to give him credit for this.
— Brad Po-sometimes-scum-BOO? (@brad_polumbo) October 30, 2019
Kirk was having NONE of this dude’s virulent homophobia. https://t.co/bl2n70pS0P
Gay anal sex is conservatism bigot pic.twitter.com/Dv3AWbDStS
— Polygonal Groyper ?? (@GoyGroyper) October 30, 2019
It’s David French!
That clip is depraved. I would say that it’s stunning that he has a following, but nothing surprises me anymore. https://t.co/6iqdiJ6nqr
— David French (@DavidAFrench) October 30, 2019
The remnants of the Alt-Lite are chiming in now:
— ?? Slade Smidge ? (@KangSlade) October 30, 2019
Thoughts on Conservative Inc. vs the “dissident right”. pic.twitter.com/V9t6I3bvB1
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) October 30, 2019
Even President Blompf is monitoring the situation on Twitter:
Folks, Charlie Point USA had a really bad night. VERY UNFORTUNATE. Charlie and his BASED black boyfriend, did not deserve the treatment they received by these STRANGE frog people. VERY VERY DISRESPECTFUL. As KOSHERVATIVES, we must come together for OUR SACRED VALUES™? to KAG! pic.twitter.com/f2tS3CUj6H
— King President Blumpf (@PresidentBlumpf) October 30, 2019
Folks, if you REALLY want to KEEP AMERICA GREAT and stay on the cutting edge of conservatism and culture, you have to embrace our great BASED Tr4nnyz! Our new koshervatives are shaking things up! Not sure why he’s bashing Mitt Romney though. Mitt LOVES that sort of thing! #KAG pic.twitter.com/OmWZ18JOBK
— King President Blumpf (@PresidentBlumpf) October 29, 2019
Totally agreed, BASED African American gay guy! These racist white zoomers have no place in the koshervative movement! They DO NOT represent koshervative values! KAG is kosher, gay, and doesn’t see color, even when we celebrate our great minorities!
— King President Blumpf (@PresidentBlumpf) October 30, 2019
Who likes Cardi B, huh, folks? pic.twitter.com/Tk3PAgZy7W
Benny is SO right, folks! MAGA & KAG is NEVER homophobic! REAL conservatives adopt the Left’s stance and arguments on social and cultural issues in all cases! TRUE conservatives only care about free markets and Israel! Intelligent youth with DANGEROUS questions won’t change that! pic.twitter.com/E8U7F6Ntry
— King President Blumpf (@PresidentBlumpf) October 30, 2019
This Charlie Kirk character seemed to just come out of nowhere. Who are his backers? Let me guess, does their last names end in stein or berg? I hope Charlie Cuck gets fried in every Q&A because sodomites, Israeli firsters and endless immigration are not my conservative values.
Kirk’s daddy was the architect for Trump tower. Their main donor is Foster Friess, Evangelical.
When did conservatives *hide* that they’re liberals? Tucker Carlson says it nightly “Im a classical liberal”
Also how do you call yourself “American Identity Movement” and deny liberalism? No doubt liberalism has changed sense the revolutionary war but America is a liberal project from the start, and con inc has a greater claim to americaness than poor confused Patrick Casey.
America was founded for and by big business, the founders would resonate more with needs of captains of indusrty than with a pleb like Casey- who wouldn’t of even had the right to vote at the start of America (lol)
This commotion is not a sign of cons getting owned, it’s them telling their janissaries that these people are as dead to the conservative movement. Welcome to wignat land amnats.
It’s wrong to say America was a “liberal project from the start”. Wiker, Thomas Woods, and Patrick Allitt (among others – like the Abbeville Institute fellows), argue America was a “conservative” revolution from the start, with Woods, especially, suggesting preservation of traditional rights and dignities with appropriate and time-honored restrictions on the king was a Burkean-type conservatism. Allitt, also, has an interesting case for different types of conservative ideology in America, and argues that while the Declaration of Independence was radically liberal, the Constitution, itself, is a triumph of conservatism (see his TTC course on the history of conservatism)
As for this article, I’ve long disagreed with Hunter’s flippant use of the words “conservative” and “conservatism”.
Are we distinguishing between conservatism (as an ideology) and “American Conservative Liberalism” (as a particular habit and practice of those calling themselves “conservatives” in America)?? Or, are those two simply to be equated now? It’s unclear if Wallace recognizes a distinction or if he actually believes Charlie and Russel Kirk have the same worldview. Or maybe he recognizes they have different worldviews, but thinks both are impractical?
That’d be an interesting case to make: an ill-defined, ambiguous, notion of “populism” in contest with Burkean-styled conservative political philosophy…
Strawman Akkad,
You made a good suggestion about what questions “groypers ” should ask charlie cuck on his culture wars tour.
Have you thought to post your list of questions sure to make lil’ face squirm under one of Nick Fuentes’ videos, Twitter account, or Telegram account?
Nick and/or his “Nickers” may or may not be avid readers of OD, and it would be a shame for an opportunity to inflict political damage to conservative. inc. and its shills.
“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.” G.K Chesterton
Christ was the biggest anti-Shem there ever was and I will worship him to my last dying breath.
Weird that you’re worshipping a jewish rabbi leading a death-cult of obnoxious Semite-imitating corpse-fumblers and proto-SJWs who said that there is “neither Greek nor jew, slave nor free, male nor female.”
Believe in Christ or not, fable or not, but the jews must laugh their asses off, and believe me, the jews are laughing a lot, at those anti-semite goyim who don’t understand the simple fact that, as illustrated in the bible, whoever wrote it, that the entire story of the New Testament is basically an anti-semitic diatribe. So at least, get your shit straight. Many wise men spent hundreds of years retelling this story so that future generations could be warned about a dishonest race of people who tortured and killed an innocent man because he represented a threat to their tribe, a tribe that Jesus Christ revealed to us, were “the children of the devil”. So, no. Christ, whether he ever existed or not, or was just a figment of someone’s imagination, was not a jew, just as Adolf Hitler, who certainly did exist, was not a jew.
Well said !!
Keep this in mind, Charlie Kirk isn’t reaching “The Kids”. Rather, he is pandering to Boomer Conservatives who still WANT to believe they matter.
I think what everyone can agree on is…
Charlie Kirk is one weird looking dude, he has more face than features.
Homosexuality is our NUMBER 1 American conservative value (well 2nd, behind financial support for Israell).
Don’t worry, we’ll bring in so many BASED, LEGAL immigrants who share our love of buttsex that we’ll outnumber these “gropers”!
My donors- I mean corporations- I mean… uh… TAX CUTS folks! Socialism is responsible for the Holocaust! Especially if you’re a white man, don’t take any handout from the government or expect any help from anyone because Capitalism NOT Socialism, OK? Except for Israel, we need to fund that country with socialized health care that hates Jesus because they’re the only democracy other than the US, our greatest ally, enemy of those SOCIALIST Germans (we don’t want them, only free-market loving Ghanians)!
I thought conservatives were all about “freedom” – but apparently not the freedom to criticize the disproportionate wealth and power of the jews, their Zionist state or the mythical “holocaust” that is constantly invoked as the justification for the establishment of that state.
Ryan Dawson posted a video two days ago, and he’s pissed that Fuentes isn’t giving him credit for all the anti-Zionist research he has conducted for nearly 20 years.
Ryan has been at the leading edge of connecting the mossad (“dancing Israelis) to 9/11. Dawson can’t claim being the preeminent expert on the USS Liberty fiasco though.
It’s funny watching the usual suspects going hysterical over muh Holoco$st denial. Expect them to continue doubling down on the alt right for fear of losing their power. Time is not on their side.
According to seb gorka & c Kirk and gay veteran, and MAGA “lady” conservatism is all about conserving liberalism, liberal economics, ‘muh’ ideas and lgbtqp “rights”, yeah ??????
Well what we have here people, is ANOTHER FLAVOR of Libertine “values”. Another “flavor” of the internationalist neocon left’s liberal globalism – all packaged in different colors!
In other words we have two sides appearing to be at war with one another – liberals vs koshervatives – but BOTH BELONG to the SAME COIN! COIN = LIBERALISM
Conservatism without acknowledgement of the Traditional family, without acknowledgement of social Conservatism and Christian & paleoEuropean based morality, without conserving our cultural racial traditions, this type of “koshervatisnm” is liberalism with another name.