UPDATE: Cuck is rattled after Houston and just tweeted this:
Pretty sure E Pluribus Unum was referring to the states, Charlie. You know the Founding Fathers were classical republicans, right? https://t.co/LOUDXM8kmX
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 14, 2019
North Carolina State was the first defeat of the Groyper War.
Charlie Kirk and Conservatism, Inc. got a big head and chortled in triumph over the Groypers about one riposte during Q&A on Twitter. No doubt that one victory went to their heads because the Groypers appeared to be in disarray last night with the whole state of North Carolina and dumb Southerners being disavowed as bad optics by a few people who lost their shit.
People who openly identify as white supremacists came to my event tonight
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 14, 2019
They have no place in the conservative movement
We must unequivocally denounce this vile ideology whenever it shows it’s ugly head
Wyatt pulling a Wyatt:
nah nick made a fatal flaw. His movement towards optics was smart but he dragged along fagtrick casey and his suitcase full of history running *squints* a white nationalist organization. He did this to himself https://t.co/iOC24kpMxE
— wyt (@animetummy1) November 14, 2019
Cooler heads prevailed:
One bad night and things devolve into a circular firing squad. Get a grip, people. Learn how to roll with the punches.
— ? Dr. Speculativus ? (@salvamedomine) November 14, 2019
In my view, one thing the Alt Right never learned how to do was to stay focused, laugh off setbacks and take them in stride. It lacked cohesion and loyalty and that was its downfall. It was also plagued by infighting
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 14, 2019
You’re right.
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 14, 2019
We need to wake up every day with the same energy and focus. It’s hard to do that when everything is built around a cult of personality. The ideal would be a slow, steady output of criticism that swells until it overwhelms Conservatism, Inc., not any big splash https://t.co/j6EnyDOskb
Every day is a blank slate and should be approached the same way
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 14, 2019
Cultivate the moral virtues, wake up and push our ideas, memes, narratives and critiques as hard as you can whether it is online or offline. Do this day in and day out steadily and consistently https://t.co/9ucvgfTIaG
Charlie Kirk was just owned in Texas.
He attempted to whirl out an oppo hit of Nick Fuentes not supporting Trump in November 2016. A Based Black Groyper led a chant of “America First” and Cuck stormed out in disgrace from Houston.
Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na, hey, hey, hey, goodbye.
@NickJFuentes I just defeated Charlie Kirk. He literally ran away!
— NewWorldPatriots (@FOUNDER_OF_NWP) November 14, 2019
— Baptist Groyper (@baptist_groyper) November 14, 2019
WRONG VIDEO CHANGE IT pic.twitter.com/VMxoGB4zKD
— ?? MDeASY ?? (@MDEASYreborn) November 14, 2019
based anchor baby supports @NickJFuentes
— Huncho Jack (@NickerNation) November 14, 2019
strong show of support in Houston pic.twitter.com/vk67goU1c9
Crowd breaks into “America First” chant after @charliekirk11 misidentified @NickJFuentes as not a ‘real’ trump supporter. Only to be pushed back on by the audience about his previous tweets. He then goes to trying to show a clip of Nick but of course, boomer tech.
— BlazR (@OktoberLoyalist) November 14, 2019
PATHETIC! pic.twitter.com/G4lE4IzDc9
.@tpusa brings an external monitor and preloaded video to counter @NickJFuentes (at an event with no mic!)
— Huncho Jack (@NickerNation) November 14, 2019
it backfires spectacularly as the crowd erupts into “America FIRST” chants
how about another joke, Charlayyy pic.twitter.com/VLucGz3awT
The fact they had a secret tv covered the entire time and saved it for what they thought would be some grand finale kill shot is just hilarious https://t.co/OOeLDqpPAy
— ZoomerNat (@ZoomerNat) November 14, 2019
I’m so unbelievably white pilled https://t.co/Y1c7HtcXtL
— Cosmo Di Girolamo ? (@CosmoDiGirolamo) November 14, 2019
that’s lifeeeee pic.twitter.com/dRcPote3mF
— Huncho Jack (@NickerNation) November 14, 2019
All is well again … for now.
Hopefully, a lesson was learned from the last 24 hours. Not every event is going to go your way. It is no reason to have a come apart. Pick yourself up and do your duty the next day.

There ya go.
For the record, the clip of Fuentes Charlie Cuck was trying to show was from November 2015 when Nick was 17.
Seeing Fuentes’s face enshrined on TPUSA’s display table is a decisive and glorious VICTORY for the America First crew..Kirk and TPUSA are so spiritually, morally and intellectually bankrupt they have turned to promoting their adversaries for sustenance because the Israeli immigration anus sex well has run dry…if there has ever been qualified inmates for a FEMA camp..it is the TPUSA crew and their subversive Bolshevik jew handlers.
I was wrong about mistrusting Charlie Kirk’s weird and bulbous head, his gummy smile is significantly more disconcerting.
He looks like the Chatterer Cenobite.
This looked like Poland or Hungary 10 years ago. Very professional.
Easiest targets first, hard targets later. Cucks out, then genetic white liberals and after that,getting ride of super mighty Jews like Soros is easy. No general can not fight without army.
Normie does not think, Normie is only afraid. Normie must feel the force and understand that i is not OK to be anti white. You know, being anti white is to hate somebody because of skin color and this is razizz and when you are razizz, then you will be called out and very much bad things may happen.
There was massive nationalist rally in Poland few days ago and this was for single reason. If Normie is razizz, then those people coming after Normie.
Bravo America…:D
I haven’t been keeping up on this but I’d be willing to bet Charlie Kirk’s bread is being heavily buttered by Jews. They subvert every “conservative” movement are or themselves the architects behind them.
And being able to get over with a crowd the idea that America’s Founding Fathers intended America to be some mishmash of races and cultures is pathetic. Yet an excellent display of the state of America’s educational (social engineering) system.
One can only hope for a fresh shipment of Somalis to be shipped in close living arrangements to the idiots cheering so they can get a healthy serving of diversity.
I’m real sorry we don’t have any based blacks here in North Carolina…. why do you even keep reporting on this kid shit… you seem desperate to fill the void left by the daily Informer.. you always said you were not a part of the alt-right but now all your articles are basically pandering to that audience. I miss your more interesting articles about southern history
There’s also the possibility of plants in the NC audience to discredit Fuentes. We know HRC did it in 2016 in an attempt to sabotage Trump events. Although I’m not sure Kirk is that smart, devious and/or resourced.
I literally have no idea as to much of what these people are talking about – what a Gropper is or are, or even who these few antagonists are. Does anybody actually speak any English nowadays to care to explain?
Pay attention to how hard the Groypers dunked on “dumbass, low-IQ, toothless, inbred, redneck Southerners” for their own failure in South Carolina last night.
That’s a consistent theme with this group—they speak worse of lower-income and Southern whites than they do of almost anyone else. They speak worse of them than leftists do.
They think they can reclaim America by appealing only to under-25 Catholic Northerners, which is, at best, 10% of America’s white population. It’s probably lower than that.
Pay attention. They have been created to divide. The fact that they can manhandle a few Ziocucks shouldn’t distract from this fact.
Yes it’s true, Charlie Small Face got “owned”. But will this humiliation, entertaining though it may be, save any Boer farmers in South Africa from being viciously attacked with machetes, or single white females jogging alone in Central Park from being raped? When do we stop arguing about “optics” and start getting serious about fighting back?
owned? i dont think so. the herd is still on his side and always will be. what is “America First” really about? civic nationalism is what the elites always wanted anyways, since it really isnt nationalism.
Thank you for cutting through to the gist of matter, Chuck the cuck being humiliated isn’t worth a hill of beans in the overall picture of the 14 words.
It’s going to be o take a lot more than mere rhetorical dueling to cause the prevailing wind to change direction and blow in their faces with sustained force..
some weird brown person leads a chant of “America First” and this is considered a win? lol. the point was never civic nationalism. spic feuntes is simply a boomer trucon.
Oliver and Tim over at Semiogogue had some very interesting observations on Nick Fuentes and his possible motivations.