In the midst of the impeachment hearing, Trump takes a strong lead in Wisconsin against every possible Democrat.
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) November 20, 2019
Could it be the whole wanting to give free healthcare to illegals, abolishing private health insurance, or reparations that turned them off? https://t.co/eglDTl2hWo
We will be watching the Fifth 2020 Democratic Debate tonight on MSNBC. This debate is set to be all about Butt-mentum. Mayor Pete has recently surged ahead of Warren in Iowa and New Hampshire with upper middle class wine track voters in lily White states.
Let’s dork out for a minute because this is more interesting. Mayor Pete is ultimately going nowhere due to his homosexuality because he has no black support:
Good article in American Affairs by socialist podcaster Amber Frost on how the bugman takeover of the DSA deradicalized and neutralized it.
— DSA Striker Is Amazing (@AarickStriger) November 20, 2019
Thanks to upper class hipsters, leftists no longer fight for workers. Just against “racism” and “transphobia” https://t.co/OdovSxa5mu
Warren’s supporters tend to be mainstream, college-educated liberals more than they are leftists, which helps to explain how Buttiegieg’s rise has been a bit of a problem for her. https://t.co/DJwAMGexEM
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) November 18, 2019
What if the U.S. junked the two party system and instead had multiple parties? We polled profiles of five new political parties. Here’s who would win the most votes, and here’s who would capture various demographics. (THREAD) https://t.co/cczfYRkGHJ
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
U.S. registered voter support in a multi-party democracy:
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
28% Labor (working class center-left)
21% Conservative (traditional-right, pre-Trump)
19% Nationalist (basically Trump)
12% “Acela Party” (socially liberal, globalist, fiscally centrist)
10% Green (basically AOC) pic.twitter.com/7tBD3g6Skn
While the right would be split down the middle between the choice of a Trumpist or a traditional conservative party, Democratic voters would gravitate towards a Labor Party, giving them plurality support. pic.twitter.com/59SrCHdQzk
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
While the right would be split down the middle between the choice of a Trumpist or a traditional conservative party, Democratic voters would gravitate towards a Labor Party, giving them plurality support. pic.twitter.com/59SrCHdQzk
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
An “Acela Party” patterned after Mike Bloomberg and Howard Schultz has no special appeal to Independents or moderates. It runs 4th in both those groups. It’s basically a cosmopolitan-left party. pic.twitter.com/rP1wjOyMTH
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
The Acela-ites do however come close to being the top choice of college educated whites, nearly tying the Labor Party which has more than 2x the support in the electorate as a whole (see disconnect between urban professionals and median voter) pic.twitter.com/M68wXh69hz
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
Support for far-left Greens is generational in nature. Younger voters support them but a steep drop-off with older voters, similar to Sanders primary support. pic.twitter.com/8ubzBmrDDK
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
Quelle surprise: Warren voters actually not that interested in a far left party, instead preferring the wine-track Acela. Contrast that with Sanders voters. pic.twitter.com/ghezxa1p08
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
People considering Warren look like people considering Buttigieg (#1 in Acela support) more than they look like people considering Sanders. pic.twitter.com/VvPgaYNjNC
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
While discussion focuses on socialist far-left and possible Bloomberg counter, the bread-and-butter Dem Party represented by Joe Biden has the most pull with voters.
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
Warren supporters aren’t actually revolutionaries. They’re comfortable liberals who live in upscale neighborhoods, exactly who Bloomberg would appeal to. But this brand of politics only gets 12% nationally.
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
This America basically looks like the UK if you fuse together the Conservatives & Nationalists.
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) November 18, 2019
I’m going to say it.
I have found the perfect candidate for the 2020s.
I’m tempted to say it ? https://t.co/YJhBLyUS1r
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 20, 2019
The Right Wing Civil War illustrated:

The ideal rightwing candidate would combine social conservatism with economic populism and authoritarianism. He would appeal to the working class center left, nationalists and conservatives on social issues. He would be the opposite of a libertarian.
No one currently on deck in 2020 seems to fit that description.

We need a candidate who can run on anti-wokeness, anti-political correctness and anti-cultural degeneracy and who demonizes the Eastern elite as his foil while also running on a strong platform of social benefits for the working class like the Polish nationalists.
Note: This all makes too much sense of Conservatism, Inc. and the GOP donor class.
The ideal rightwing candidate would combine social conservatism with economic populism and authoritarianism. He would appeal to the working class center left, nationalists and conservatives on social issues. He would be the opposite of a libertarian.
I would be happy with just social conservatism– the rest can be whatever the hell it wants to be. I am not sure what actual economic populism could look like in Murikwa today, as there have been so many privatizing laws put in place to prevent someone like the Kingfish from ever happening again.
At this point I just want Conservative Inc to go down in flames, whatever the cost, and we will work with what we’ve got left over later.
Gotta love some of the details that gets left out about if the US had more than 2 major parties. Like how most of the voters would still be in the most populous states like now. Or that regional parties and single issue parties will show up too.
28% Labor (working class center-left)
21% Conservative (traditional-right, pre-Trump)
19% Nationalist (basically Trump)
12% “Acela Party” (socially liberal, globalist, fiscally centrist)
10% Green (basically AOC)
This reminds me Western European tourist in the Eastern European town.
Is this town safe ?
Yes, we have only 0.75 % murders per 100 000 population.
Wow, your professional hit men can kill so that after the murder you are still 25 % alive.
In the morgue, most folk is very much OK. Somebody s heart does not work, somebody got his head shot off but most per cent of their organism is still OK.
Some things are 100 % or 0%. Is your society alive or not ?
German generals were smart. German soldiers were brave.German engineers were wise. The only problem is, that they lost the war .
It really is just a one party system. The Democrats take care of the Jewish domestic agenda and the Republicans carry out the Jewish foreign policy agenda. Neither party will thwart the other in their specialist role.
It doesn’t matter what the voters want, its who (((they))) have blackmailed.
Belz hasid Ji?í Langer argued that “brotherly love,” i.e. love of a man for a man, is in fact the deepest basic urge in Judaism, at the basis of the commandment of “love thy fellow man as thyself.” In his view, in early Judaism the erotic stream of love between men prevailed, but over the generations “love of woman” prevailed.. He also argued that an erotic relationship, which not actualized in the form of intercourse, is what connects yeshiva students to one another and to their rabbi.
And that is why they are not Judeans, but Talmudics. This is a competing demonic faith enshrined in the Talmud.
More and more as time goes by, people are going to want that candidate, but you know who will NEVER let us have him. I hate this country with such a passion now. Seeing an American flag disgusts me to the core. Every 4 fucking years, we get two choices, jew puppet 1 or jew puppet 2. and we have intense debate over which one. The worst of it all is when we got someone that ran on not being a jew puppet, it gave millions of Americans hope, and he turned out to be the biggest jew puppet of them all. As it stands I’m not voting in a presidential election ever again. I think we all forget that not voting IS an option and it’s the true form of protest.
“we got someone that ran on not being a jew puppet”
Who was that? Surely not the Jew York Billionaire who proudly flaunted his Jewish connections from the beginning? Whose son said that David Duke deserved a bullet for criticising Jews? For all his faults, Blumpf never pretended not to be completely in Jewish control.
The narrative was that he spent a lot of time around them so he secretly hated them. I know that is a total cope-post, but when looking at his campaign promises it seemed plausible. Whatever, there is no point in talking about it anymore.
It really doesn’t matter. We’ll get the Israel first foreign policy and the jew domestic policy no matter who wins and what they say in the election campaign. All decisions are made by Israel, jew donors, lobbyists, the secret police (CIA, FBI), federal judges and the “interagency consensus” of bureaucrats. What you want counts for nothing at all.
This is completely irrelevant. Buttigieg will never get through the Southern primaries.
The Dems couldn’t be MIORE blatant about wanting to exterminate Whites. And Yellow Fever victims – your darling little Gook Gash on the panel is feeding these FREAKS the White Genocide questions.
Tulsi Gabbard is nothing more than another shitskinned cunt.
I agree with Denise.
It doesn’t do her any good with the other scumbag candidates. All because she resists war for Israel.
The NYT suggests her white clothing last night might be a hint of extremism. And the Joy Reid, Brian Williams, Michael Moore MSNBC panel pronounced her a Russian stooge.
All about Israel.
This is a deeply sick country. Collapse might be imminent.
The idea that Trump has demonized Mexicans and splits up families would be a fair talking point. The idea that he’s “created the crisis on the border” is not. Sanders sounds like he’s overreaching on this.
The closing statements of the grifting, filthy vermin are one step away from screaming “Kill the Boer” Pay attention, people. .
I didn’t watch this spectacle but I have read a few tidbits about it.
What do those who once flirted with supporting Yang think of his plan to label white nationalists “domestic terrorists?” How about Gabbard’s glaring omission of Obama in her list of regime change administrations (“Bush-Clinton-Trump”)? Obama expanded Bush’s two wars to 8 and dropped 26,000 bombs just in his last year.