Someone posted this the other day basically saying it’s RW twitter summed up and I still can’t get over how accurate that is ?? pic.twitter.com/VrtmKbv2Wb
— `•.¸¸.•´´¯`••._.• ?????? (@RubAlcoholOnIt) November 23, 2019
— shut up (@conkface) November 23, 2019
I want to draw your attention this afternoon to two stories that recently popped up which illustrate that Conservatism, Inc. has no intention whatsoever of conserving the White Christian core of America and only seeks to perpetuate its own existence.
The first is this conversation between Rich Lowry and Vox.com about what an inclusive version of American Nationalism means.
Sean Illing
We’re just about out of time, so let me ask you this: Is there a future version of America — in which Christianity is not the dominant religion, in which white people aren’t the majority, and in which English is not the primary language — that still aligns with your nationalist vision?
Rich Lowry
Yeah, some demographic change is baked in the cake and we’re already seeing it. So I don’t think national identity is about being white. The English language is more fundamental, and I think getting from here to the point where there’s another dominant language would be a very rocky road. I expect that to remain a molten core of our national culture and a big part of our national identity.
But the country is going to become less white and less Christian. And when I talk about Christianity, I’m really talking about these cultural tropes that we’ve inherited from Christianity and the Bible, like the idea that we’re a chosen people or the idea of a covenant. The Constitution is a kind of covenant and I think it’s a non-negotiable foundation for our sovereignty and national identity.
So to me, whether we still have a Constitution or not is much more important to the question of whether we’re still an American nation than, say, the racial make-up of the country.
“National Conservatism” is the meme.
Rich Lowry’s position is that if America ceases to be a White country and ceases to be a Christian country over the next thirty years, then it will be fine so long as we still have the English language, the Dallas Cowboys and “cultural tropes that we’ve inherited from Christianity.” He doesn’t explain how the GOP will conserve any of that either in a Third World America.

The second are these screenshots of Ben Shapiro cancelling a conservative writer at The Daily Wire for homophobia which surfaced on Twitter this morning:
I’m posting my conversation with Ben Shapiro from the night he fired me. It’s important to do this since time has passed, people have had a chance to understand the context of my tweet and know more about what Conservative Inc really represents. Here are the screenshots 2/6 pic.twitter.com/c05IUDRPTz
— Denise McAllister (@McAllisterDen) November 23, 2019
Screenshot 2/ pic.twitter.com/5OpeQnTmQj
— Denise McAllister (@McAllisterDen) November 23, 2019
Screenshot 3/ pic.twitter.com/495ntpwovn
— Denise McAllister (@McAllisterDen) November 23, 2019
Screenshot 4/ pic.twitter.com/Jans8dxXNY
— Denise McAllister (@McAllisterDen) November 23, 2019
Screenshot 5/ pic.twitter.com/AKWx8cSl4H
— Denise McAllister (@McAllisterDen) November 23, 2019
Yes, I apologized. The video I attached was my podcast explaining my anger and grief. This apology was the next day after I had been deluged with hate by literally millions and my friends at the Federalist fired me.
— Denise McAllister (@McAllisterDen) November 23, 2019
Judge between us. He had to protect his brand. 6/6
This isn’t a new story.
Denise McAllister was cancelled by The Daily Wire and The Federalist for offending Yashar Ali who is an Iranian homosexual journalist who writes for The Daily Beast.
“Right-wing commentator Denise McAllister – who made headlines last week for a testy exchange with Meghan McCain – will no longer be writing for The Federalist following a homophobic Twitter tirade over the weekend, the conservative publication’s publisher announced early Sunday.
“In response to your many inquiries, we’ve spoken and Denise McAllister will not be writing for us at The Federalist any more,” Ben Domenech, who is also McCain’s husband, said in a tweet.
Domenech told The Washington Post that McAllister contributed to The Federalist as a freelancer.
“We have hundreds of freelancers,” he told the Post. “She won’t be one of them going forward.” …”
I was bullied for being Iranian as a kid. But I never felt ashamed of my ethnicity. I came out on 8/17/2001 & while it hasn’t always been easy, I have always been proud of who I am. I’m Iranian, gay, and Catholic. Perhaps an odd combo, but I wouldn’t change who I am for the world pic.twitter.com/xGPzoDzM13
— Yashar Ali ? (@yashar) March 31, 2019
In response to your many inquiries, we’ve spoken and Denise McAllister will not be writing for us at The Federalist any more.
— Ben Domenech (@bdomenech) March 31, 2019
This happened back in April.
Denise McAllister had tarnished the Conservatism, Inc. brand which is presiding over the demise of our civilization while having the respect of their enemies in the leftwing media and tone policing their own writers for homophobia. That’s how you win the Culture War.
Ask Charlie Kirk:
I believe marriage is one man one woman
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 22, 2019
Also gay people should be welcome in the conservative movement
As Christians we are called to love everyone
I will always stand against people who wish to establish their own personal values as a reason to kick others out of our movement pic.twitter.com/7QmuEWlt49
Charlie Kirk going all-in with “If you don’t celebrate homosexuality, you’re not a Trump supporter!”.
— ????? ????? ?????? (@PureSantaCarla) November 23, 2019
You reeeeeaally cool with this, @DonaldJTrumpJr?… pic.twitter.com/5P5x1fyFnl
Looks like someone is getting ready for CPAC next year https://t.co/WbSTxThUVW
— EMPEROR WHITEPILL (@CptBlackPill) November 23, 2019
Yesterday, Cuck posted this exchange with a Groyper on this Twitter timeline who he called an “anti-gay extremist.” There seems to be a pattern here.
Ben Shapiro fires people who offend homosexuals and promotes people who tweet anti-white blood libels. https://t.co/nrx4D25LO8 pic.twitter.com/xzH8gxzoN9
— ?? Will Westcott ?? (@westland_will) November 23, 2019
Look who doesn’t get fired by Ben Shapiro:

I rest my case.
Conservatism, Inc. is not conserving the White Christian majority. It is a controlled opposition that conserves leftwing social revolutions and exploits populist voters to advance the “pro-Israel” agenda. It isn’t doing anything but conserving liberalism.
An astute observer of these people recently summed it up this way: the progressive liberals are at the helm of the ship and set the direction. Conservative liberals like Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro drop the anchor. Conservatism, Inc. exists to prevent anyone from hijacking the ship, tossing these losers overboard and going in the opposite direction.
So I go over to TheAmericanConservative.com and what’s the front page? A giant picture of Benjamin Netanyahu and an Israeli flag, and a long article about why Netanyahu is great.
The “American” Conservative, huh?
Six months ago I’m reading TheFederalist.com, a more “libertarian” leaning conservative publication. Page after page after page about Israel, Jews and how “anti-semitism” is bad.
Try to watch a youtube video. Account removed. Instead, here’s a video by conservative Ben Shapiro, wearing a Jewish beanie, an Israeli flag pin, telling me that identity politics is bad and you’re all a bunch of racist anti-semite neonazis! Democrats are the real anti-semites!
GOP Delenda Est.
OK, forget the damn conservatives. I’m a liberal. What’s on all the liberal sites? Trump is Hitler! White men are racist! White women are racist! Men are women! Not masturbating to hardcore internet pornography makes you a nazi! (No, I’m not kidding, that’s a thing now.)
Republicans are the real anti-semites! Talking about Jeffrey Epstein is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory dog-whistle!
And when I complain, they tell me I’m “obsessed with Jews.”
“Obsessed with jews”, eh? This from a tribe that is literally obsessed with Hitler, Nazis, the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. Those creatures seem incapable of thinking or talking about anything else except how much the world hates them and how much they want revenge.
Funny how everyone obsesses over Jews, anti-Semite and pro-Semite alike. A tiny minority group, like Greeks and Portuguese but no one obsesses over them.
“so he wallows and tries to find himself in another man’s asshole. Sad.”
That is gold! Haven’t laughed that hard in long time.
Those fagservatives need to get a sense of humor.
15 questions to ask conservatism inc
Conserving homosexuality, Judaism and Israel: the highest good. Saving Christianity and White people: who cares? We’ve got stuff to distract us, and a long-dead constitution to pointlessly idealize. Got it, you spineless, self-hating cuck. Just be honest, Lowry: The survival of Western civilization is opposed by your (((donors))). As Mammon is the actual god you serve, sacrificing us is cool as long as you keep making bank, right?
The Devil is Ben Shapiro’s Father. The Lord Jesus Messiah, King of Israel, said so. Charlie Kirk is just a worthless POS, of no significance. They can dredge up a thousand like him, in one week.
“The Constitution is a kind of covenant and I think it’s a non-negotiable foundation for our sovereignty and national identity.”
The thing I find most ridiculous about American Conservatives is they all repeat that they support the Constitution, but none of them have actually read it.
When a group of White men who had slavers and Indian fighters in their ranks write a Constitution, and in its Preamble, which is who it is addressed to, say it is for “Ourselves and Our Posterity” and no one else, who do you think they meant by that???
Do you seriously believe that the White Founders meant Mexicans, Chinese, Pakistanis, and Vietnamese, when they said America was to be for themselves and their descendants?
No one founds a country for other peoples.
If AMNats aren’t repeating “Ourselves and Our Posterity” at Conservatism Inc. then they aren’t serious about winning, because they can make Conservatives look really silly with this stuff.
apres la Deluge,
nobody is going to remember
Charlie Kirk, Richard Spencer, Milo, Ben Shapiro, Nick Fuentes,
or any other Con Inc. or alt-Lite luminary. Their only future is in
Michelle Malkin – “Defeat the controlled opposition, don’t become it.”
Nick Fuentes – “Too late.”
The success of the question asking campaign against TPUSA was due to its 3 pronged nature.
Kirk, Crenshaw and the rest of the TPUSA shills were collapsing under a crossfire of questions about immigration, social conservatism, and Israel.
The people who supported Trump in 2016 for his immigration platform and disdain for political correctness, the people who supported Cruz for his Christian cultural conservatism, and the people who supported Ron Paul in 2012 for his non-interventionist foreign policy – more than 70% of Republican voters – were all coming out to express their dissatisfaction with the Paul SInger Republicans.
If immigration had been the only issue, the TPUSA people might have been able to hold their own, but mocking their obsequious dedication to their Jewish and gay financiers gave the whole thing great energy.
The first question about the USS Liberty, and Kirk’s angry retort about “conspiracy theories”, initially put the blood in the water. Questions about anti-BDS legislation forced Crenshaw to go on record supporting doxxing “You’re gonna regret asking that question” – they nipped a potential John McCain 2.0 in the bud. The brightest moment of the NC Q&A was the veteran who asked another question about the USS Liberty, despite Fuentes’ advice to “cool it with the Israel questions”.
Now he’s saying “cool it with the extreme anti-gay questions” and seemingly taking directions from Milo.
You know what the best thing about this question asking campaign? It didn’t include a Dangerous Faggot holding a pedophile “Twinks for Trump” event while bathing in pigs blood, or any of the other weird evil satanic nonsense that characterized the Alt-Right.
Honestly, if the exact same people who asked TPUSA those questions were to ask Milo and Fuentes the exact same questions, Milo and Fuentes would fall apart just as badly because they are just as willing to bash America and Christianity for the sake of Israel and big fag as TPUSA is.
Of course it MUST perish.
It is either (((them))) or True Americans.
It is either (((their))) world view of America or the World view of Nationalist Americans.
There is NO grey area – It’s either (((them))) or American Nationalists !!
If I may suggest, we need more American Nationalists to stand up and do YT shows like N. Fuentes & J. Lloyd.
And it doesn’t have to be YT it could be podcasts. Find a issue a niche that your good at be rhetorically able and quick & do your homework on any issue you raise.
And why or why, Striker does not have a comment section for his articles in his site and a great job he’s doing with National Justice, WHY??
I basically agree with this. In 2015, the NPI conference with Richard Spencer and Kevin MacDonald was 100% pure “good optics.”
I was suspicious of Trump since day one – and I was right – but I was willing to keep (mostly) quiet when he was still pretending to be against immigration, “political correctness” (anti-whiteness) and wars for Israel (remember, Trump even said he would be a “neutral broker” between Israel and Palestine.)
Then, all of a sudden we were transported back to 2002, with Bush Republican talking points: “we must support a global war against all Arabs, Persians, and Muslims to help Israel and LGBT rights against ‘Islamo-Fascism’ plus staple green cards to every H1-B visa!”
I don’t take Nick Feuntes and the Groypers seriously at all, but from the videos that I have seen, they are doing a great job destroying the GOP on just the right issues: their total subservience to Israel, Jews, and LGBT-Trans nonsense. I mean, I couldn’t even care less about some homo that happens to be pro-Trump but the idea that Milo’s Pizzagate Pig-Blood party is supposed to represent Trumpism because “it totally triggers the anti-semite Muslims, bro” is beyond disgusting.
And “Lady MAGA?” Considering the context – the actual exploitation of young white children being pumped full of hormones and being literally castrated – how can any decent person support such things? Even hard core radical left wing lesbian feminists don’t approve of young girls having their breasts cut off. Yet conservative right-wing Republicans are now cool with this?
And don’t get me started on Trump’s good buddies Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.
In this context, I can’t even bother to criticize Nick Feuntes and his E. Michael Jones Catholic fetish. At least they have the right enemies and their “optics” are as good as anyone’s at this point in history.
GOP Delenda Est.
Well, if I can use a metaphor, to describe today’s reality.
In the 17 & 18 hundreds with gold rush being the craze, in America as it was in Australia, they had to go through a lot of tonnage of dirt and litres of water to get a few granules/grams of gold and now and again they hit jackpot by coming across a chunk of rock with metal gold all around and in it.
What I’m trying to say, is that there are so many worthless & valueless persons that we have to put up with, until we come across the a person that is truly real gold.
That is why I promote the idea or perpetual motion going forward , in regards to promoting Nationalism and waking /converting the rest of the White/Western population in our societies..
Just like you said. Fuentes is nothing special, but he and E.M. Jones are moving us forward, even if they have to use the Catholic angle.
Liberals and conservatives are wordists. Believe in the right set of words and dirt magic will take care of everything else.
The very word “conservative” irritates me now. It means Israel and tax cuts. There’s nothing else left.
Think about it. Trump himself is running for re-election on an Israel and tax cuts platform. So much for the promises of 2016 …
Conservative, Inc. exists because its members don’t want real jobs.
Well this is all dreadful. I take splice in just noticing – that Mother Russia has been reborn and Putin’s Russia, Orban’s Hungary, Poland, Slovakia all seem to be doing just great! Most everything I hear is, well great, sensible, it’s what I would do. It’s like hearing Dave Chapelle’s commentary on Jussie Smollett – that French actor…..
Here’s the link, have a laugh.