We do not believe that billionaires have the right to buy elections.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) November 24, 2019
That is why multi-billionaires like Michael Bloomberg are not going to get very far in this election. pic.twitter.com/738Eg5ssLe
After his remarks at the labor solidarity dinner in Manchester, NH, @BernieSanders danced. pic.twitter.com/yhTfonsSHD
— Annie Grayer (@AnnieGrayerCNN) November 24, 2019
Progressives are torn between condemning us as “anti-Semites” and silently agreeing with us about Jewish billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer having a malign influence on our political system. They are trying to buy the Democratic Party.
Note: I think this is an opportunity for Bernie. It is too bad 2020 Bernie won’t be able to fully capitalize on it because of his SJW shit trying to appeal to wine track voters.
Hasn’t Bloomberg kept up? We already have a billionaire jew in the Oval Office.
Wrong jew,apparently…
Butt licking Shabbos goy who really wants to be a jew more like but yep
Bloomberg is just getting started. It says here he plans to spend a minimum of 500 million of his own money to beat Trump. That is some serious butthurt.
If Trump had done something about social media censorship and supported his supporters, Bloomberg, even with all his money would be no problem. Now Trump has no friends and is out gunned. What a dumbuck.
Yeah everyone pretty much openly hates bloomberg hes a unlikeable heeb to the left or right leaning parties. People are already pissed off how hes buying all this ad space for elections. Hes just a unlikeable person all around absolutely no charisma either
Jew-billionaire crook (((Steyer))) has already spent c. $20 million of his pocket change. Result:
nil standing in the polls.
expect the same for Jew billionaire crook (((Bloomberg))) and his $30 million.
The only person I would consider voting for president is the great Art Jones of Chicago. Every other candidate is an asshole whose only goal to in life is to stab his supporters in the back.
Bloomberg wants your guns, tobacco, sodas, vapes, and national pride. He may spend a $1,000,000,000 to buy the Presidency, maybe more. All the other rich Jews are behind him. The Jew media roots him on. I guess this was inevitable.
Yes. You can bet your last dollar he won’t disarm those murdering (((settlers))) either. All considered tho’, he’s the scariest kike of them all, because he’s perceived as a “centrist”.