Morgoth’s Review: We’re More Than Just Consumers

I’m a terrible consumer.

I bought nothing on Black Friday.

I rarely watch television except for The Weather Channel or to see what people in power are saying about breaking news events. I mostly read books, watch and share YouTube videos and spend time outdoors. I can’t relate to the lifestyle of consumerism.

I’m not completely detached from mainstream culture. I watch the occasional movie or football game. I watch the occasional television show with my wife. I keep very, very close tabs on the news cycle and watch the “mainstream” to analyze and criticize it on this site. Overall, I am not immersed in or sympathetic to “mainstream” culture though. I couldn’t tell you anything about what most people are watching on television outside of a few big shows.

Note: These people live in a parallel universe to our own.

About Hunter Wallace 12411 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • What’s up with that photo of Bill Moyers? Is that collage meant to represent elderly Shriners who watch the Golden Girls and subscribe to the Christian Science Monitor? Why do they drive around in those little toy cars?

  1. Have you seen that new Scorsese film, HW? It’s an instant classic, but I think DeNiro should have played Jimmy Hoffa instead of Pacino.

  2. Libertarianism and globalism are alike in seeing people as less than human. We’re all just economic units, which makes us interchangeable and essentially meaningless. So moving millions of angry, stupid brown and black people to white countries doesn’t matter. It’s only shifting consumers to different markets. We’re here to consume, to buy and use products. In the workplace, we’re also seen as mere cogs in a machine. If other cogs can be used for cheaper from elsewhere, you will be discarded. If we’re one world, one people, as the globalists proclaim, it doesn’t matter if the workers are from Beijing or Boston. We’re just parts in a machine, to be used up and replaced. The profits are what matter, and those getting the majority of the proceeds don’t like sharing. To get beyond a life of slaving for corporations, there needs to be limits on capitalism.

    • Here here fellow Boomer. Glad you have joined me in rejecting the profits before people crowd. Now, as mentioned in the Huey Long Share the Wealth thread, the question arises what specifically we should due to funnel more of those profits to the workers without destroying the material incentives of the creative entrepreneur class that generate the ideas we love to consume? I’ve said my peace on that subject, so let’s here your suggestion.

      • I was already in the people before profits crowd, E.G.O. Chloupek. In other threads, I’ve brought up different possibilities for setting up parallel institutions to the extant ones. Institutions set up by elites have a habit of absorbing or diminishing challengers. Historically, it’s the people going outside the established order, without directly challenging it, that get their ideas accepted. Those ideas get tried out and passed on at lower levels, percolating up through the social and cultural levels.

        I advocate setting up homeschooling groups, interconnected home and small businesses, purchasing groups for anything from groceries to home loans to insurance, getting into local and county politics, etc., etc. Going around the already controlled and programmed institutions of a multicultural bent, in other words, which is damn near all of them. Step by step; first one neighborhood, then one town, then one county, at a time. Not threatening anyone in power (yet), merely building benign community-oriented self-help groups. (I’m writing of gathering like-minded nationalists, of course.)

        Want a different system? Organize your own. The efficacy of going through mainstream politics is limited. Such ideas would only work if benefits would also accrue to the elites. Making it possible for certain members of the elites to co-opt (profit in some manner) those policies is the only way to get the funding and organization necessary through to the majority of normies. The way I suggest is a hand built, quietly renegade system not in competition with the overarching one. Such an organizational structure would owe no special interests a damn thing, and by its’ nature be responsive to people already in agreement with it’s principles.

        • Fine suggestions Boomer X. Setting an example, person-to-person, building cooperation until it is self-sustaining. In effect, living off the grid without actually doing so, right under the establishment facade. I like how you think. And these local/state/regional cooperatives could incorporate anyone who agreed with the goals, whatever their appearance or other attributes. Good luck to you going forward. I hope to hear about your ideas coming to fruition one day.

  3. I agree. My life is much like yours. I don’t have cable tv, just internet. I am a furniture maker,who works at a antique store who maintains and repairs the antiques in the store. I have worked on furniture made as far back as the 1690’s , I build and repair antiques at my home shop, grow exotic plants. I am an artist, as is my wife, who paint gorgeous paintings of vintage buildings and signs. Consumerism, we don’t even have the money to live that way. I live a mostly rural area. Just bought a big hickory smoked ham from a local guy who does this as his avocation. Have a huge library too, no fiction. Part of a Godly church too.The point is, I can’t even relate to those creatures at the top of the post . They mate like some animals do. That poor child when it’s born. My wife and I couldn’t have children for health reasons, but wanted to. Stories like that really bother me. Garaunteed, that sick group of people will all be gone in year after the child’s born. She will raise it alone. The moral depravity of it all….

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