I’m coming across so much great content lately. I increasingly just watch and share these videos. It is taking up more and more of my time. I’m going to miss these people when they are gone.
How many of these great channels will survive the upcoming YouTube purge on December 10th? You can see why the ADL is panicking. The goyim can’t be allowed to have their own platform to do social commentary and build up their own audience.
E. Michael Jones:
Edward Dutton:
Keith Woods:
Dave Cullen:
Is Ireland’s situation proof that they aren’t in cahoots with ZOG? There may be a kernel of truth when it comes to the Irish Question in the U.S., but they’re still white and okay in my book. In the past, Greg Hood has recommended the movie Michael Collins for those in our movement looking for inspiration. Incidentally, I’ve been listening to a lot of Clannad lately for some reason.
Jew-pozzed white Christians.
same as “Murka.
Woods is an incredibly smart philosopher and cultural critic, imho. He regularly devastates economic, cultural and political liberalism, and the poisonous ideas behind it all. He also points out some of the deficits of HBD theory (Dutton, in this case) in this video, almost as an aside.
Being a real nationalist means more than just hating Englishmen and Protestants.
Bravo! As a Celt and an Anglophile, I can only say that ‘Why Catholics can’t sing’ helped me see the intransigent nature of the ‘hard-nosed Irish’ is more than half their problem, and not ours.
Irish nationalism was communist. The Irish Catholic Church was comically, absurdly corrupt and sexually degenerate.
E. Michael Jones gets one thing right though: Ireland allowed the predatory financial capitalists to come in, blow a bubble, and everyone felt rich. They opened the borders to get foreigners to do cheap labor.
Then when the inevitable collapse came they were up to their eyeballs in debt.
Then they legalize gambling, prostitution, vice, foreign control of media, etc. There you have it, your country is now ruled by the bad guys.
Basic mafia extortion tactics.
I remember ole Bob Whitaiker said in the Cold War Catholic countries were prone to fall to Communism very easily. He said the residents would throw down one book (the Bible), and pick up another one (Karl Marx) lickety split.
It was something to do with a concept he calls Wordism. You’d have to search his blog to find the article.
THE ROBERT W. WHITAKER ARCHIVE robertwwhitaker.net
I checked out that article, and there is some truth in it. Trad Catholicism will not make /our guys/ feel welcome–something those who are Trad Catholic will admit.
Here it is:
Of course, relying on Whitaker’s words, is itself a form of ‘Wordism’- which means you have substituted the words of a Man (Whitaker or Marx) for the Word of God. This is because Man- European Man- was created to BE a Word-indwelling Hominid, unlike the other lesser races.
It also means you’re no different, and therefore, no better. At least the Catholic countries had a True word. What they had that left them vulnerable, was a corrupt Hierarchy – not a false one, for Man needs Hierarchy as much as he needs Word. It merely means the RCC was the false ‘kingdom’ that they substituted for another false ‘kingdom,’ instead of the True One.. On Earth as it is in Heaven.
You just showed you don’t understand what wordism means. Its okay, wordism is a difficult concept for Europeans to understand, since most are wordists.
If I am Pro White/Pro European/Pro the people I share a common ancestry like Southerners, and that is my core identity then I am a nationalist.
If a belief system or instiution is my identity and I am deracinated, then I am a wordist. Such a person if forced to choose between his religion and his race would betray his race every single time.
You are either a nationalist or a wordist.
And you don’t understand a single thing of what I said. Because in the real world, you are either Christian …or damned.
How many times have I said this??
White liberal women are a CANCER that WILL, with out ANY DOUBT, destroy any society within a few decades
That is what happens when you allow females to believe they can be for all intent and purposes, “men”.
I totally agree with your statement. You can’t help but notice this commonality within the Anglosphere. Bougie White Women love their “Colored Pets” and always take their side over the White Working Class. I remember reading this article about wives of former Confederate higher-ups being in mortified that their former slaves went north to New York and were forced to work with the Irish.
Sadly, too many of /our guys/ want to ignore just how god awful white women have become. You can blame the Jews all you want, but that still doesn’t change just how god awful these women have become.
A good phrase to describe these white liberal women.
” god awful white women “
And here is some bitter truth.
ESPECIALLY for any woman that has practised abortion/infantcide:
Deep down, killing anything for no good reason at all marks one’s soul in a deep black oppression and even depression, especially if what you have killed is a Life that was growing inside you, i.e. a Mother murdering her unborn baby.
Now this oppression and depression on any women that has committed infanticide, forces her to a place where she will look to ease that HEAVY CONDEMNATION she feels that oppression she carries with her.
That is why white liberal women act and behave and think like cult members!
A proper real women KNOWS instinctively that her place is in her home where she is the Home Maker and the Mother of her family !!
Thank God we Southern Europeans are STRONG believers in the Patriarchy.
You in the north, especially the Norse & Nords …. good luck, you’ll NEED IT !
My Family has addressed this problem before in discussions. We blamed it on lack of a strict societal structure. It is not authoritarian with leadership that can think and operates for the benefit of it’s people.
In Latin countries when they fall to communism or liberalism there is frequently the Military to save them such as the cases that occurred in Spain 1936, Chile 1973, etc.
Just recently Bolivia had a military coup.
The Military in Venezuela could take out Maduro whenever they want but they support him. Maduro’s is not liberal to the best of my knowledge and his semi Marxism is limited. It is against the law to have homosexual marriages and abortion is not only illegal but punishable by law. Making Venezuela more Christian by far than the United States.
Only in Catholic countries to the best of my knowledge has communism ever been kicked out. Liberalism seems more dangerous in recent decades since people fall to degeneracy faster than the more brutal approach.
If the Catholic Church in Ireland were really Catholic none of this would have occurred. Immediate ex-communications etc. And if we had a Pope he could Interdict the whole country meaning no Catholic country could trade with them. A big IF I admit.
Bob Whitaker addresses all your points in his article above:
Catholics are raised from birth to be loyal not to King and Country (race), but to the institution of the global Catholic Church. The Communist Party is just another global institution, so when the Catholics go radical they just swap institutional loyalties.
The Communists are never kicked out by Catholics, they are kicked out by Fascists, who are loyal to their *race*.
I have seen people here report that the infuriating thing about E Michael Jones is he understands Jews but is blind to race. They say Jones thinks a Catholic Black from Africa would be just as good for Europe as any White Catholic.
How the Catholic Church raises its children to believe this nonsense, is why every Catholic country ends the same way. Poor, dirty and brown.
E Michel Jones is not the solution to Ireland’s problems, his wordism is the root cause.
Alex J,
You and someone named Bob Whitaker know nothing about my religion but it is amusing for you to pretend you do.
E Michael Jones does not represent Catholicism and neither do you.
Anyway, I am not a WASP. Your white nationalist views that you have or pretend to have are your affair. I and my family and people have a great future in North America. Good luck on yours.
I also have never known anyone to think that blacks and whites are interchangeable. That is a modern idea.
Pope Pius XI said in 1929 that Fascism is Catholicism and that whoever was anti Fascist was a Bolshevik.
The Communists in Spain were destroyed under Franco who had Church and State united. Without Church support Franco would have been dead in the water.
I could go on but you are not of good faith. And why throw my pearls before swine?
“My Family has addressed this problem before in discussions. We blamed it on lack of a strict societal structure. It is not authoritarian with leadership that can think and operates for the benefit of it’s people.
In Latin countries when they fall to communism or liberalism there is frequently the Military to save them such as the cases that occurred in Spain 1936, Chile 1973, etc.
Just recently Bolivia had a military coup.”
What are you going to do with The Communist Leader Of Your Church? Throw him out of a helicopter?
When your Pope goes Communist, it is not a bug, it is a feature!
“Only in Catholic countries to the best of my knowledge has communism ever been kicked out. Liberalism seems more dangerous in recent decades since people fall to degeneracy faster than the more brutal approach.”
1) Catholic countries had a 30% Communist vote whether they were rich or poor.
2) Until our borders were opened to the third world without our permission, there was no popular Communist support in any Protestant country.
“If the Catholic Church in Ireland were really Catholic none of this would have occurred. ”
This is the same nonsense Boomer Republicans tell themselves when the Republican Party betrays them again and again. “No! They ae not True Republicans TM, they are RINOs! Lets vote more in!”
The Catholic Church is an Institution. Catholics put loyalty to the Institution before loyalty to their own countries and people. If you exchange your organic identity for loyalty to an Institution, or a set of words, then you are Wordist, not a nationalist.
Jesse J, or is it Alex J
Saying that Popes going communist is normal is as ridiculous as the rest of your comment. Traditionally speaking it was automatic ex communication to be a Communist or support them in any way.
As for saying something stupid like throwing the Pope out of a helicopter? Think about how ridiculous that is.
I am not going to waste any more breath on you. In cases like yours I am never sure if you are an agent provocateur or just some pagan or protestant.
I know self proclaimed experts on my religion do not come across very well.
When your Pope invites the third world into Europe including Islam, and kisses the feet of black Muslims that makes him a dirty Communist and a traitor to his fellow Europeans. Europe is not his to give away.
Facists in South America throw Communists like your Pope out of helicopters. Communists fear the helicopter!
Apartheid South Africa was 90% protestant and kicked out communism. To the best of my knowledge, it and Rhodesia at the time were the most anti-communist countries in the world, most probably because there existed a direct threat to their existence. Liberals write our Border War was there to protect Apartheid, but nothing could have been further from the truth. We went to the army in order to combat the Red Danger and that was what we were trained for. We were not trained to combat South African blacks. South Africa was a refugee country for blacks in southern African countries which turned Marxist. Many of the refugees, mostly from the Portuguese Angola, voluntarily joined the South African Defense Force, expecially 32-Battailon (one of the most efficient units in our army). All these blacks on the South African side were thrown to the wolves when the last white state president, F.W. de Klerk, gave the country away.
White women are no cancer. They however have weaknesses unique to women, weaknesses that make them good mothers in normal times, which are being exploited.
ex South african,
That is good information to know.