About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The company to focus on is MindGeek – they are an “influencer” company which controls virtually all contemporary commercial pornography. For the last few years they have been promoting incest which has alarmed everyone from religious conservatives to far left feminists.

    As an “influencer” company, MindGeek uses the same psychological behavioral modifications that online advertisers like Google, video games, and gambling use.

    They have already forced video games to stop using “goodie boxes” which is a form of gambling that is heavily addictive.

    MindGeek is the target. – don’t go after “pornography” so much – go after the major company pushing it.

  2. I don’t want the government regulating any more shit. I believe in SELF- regulation. And anyone who is interested in “Blacked” videos or homo stuff really should be ashamed of themselves. Actually they should be disgusted with themselves.

    • The government IS the people (or atleast it inherently should be), and a people must regulate itself. Based on your logic, I assume you support child trannies and prostitution. Because that involves government regulation….

      I mean as long as we are “free” who cares if society and decency burns down around us.. Because muh freedoms

  3. With the knowledge we have now of the devastating effects that pornography has on society, it shouldn’t just be “regulated,” it should be completely outlawed. Granted, there’s always going to be someone who will try to import it into any country that bans it, but in large measure it will be kept from the eyes of most citizens.

    But what about “freedom and liberty”? If one thinks that pornography brings freedom, they are sorely mistaken. It enslaves and morally debases the soul. A sane government doesn’t allow its people to be flooded with such destructive images because it recognizes the long-term effects on society, especially on families.

    A sane government recognizes that pornography is in large part something promoted by Jews in order to destroy white culture from within, to break down its moral and Christian base. These incredibly wicked and subversive people did this during Germany’s Weimar era, and they have been doing the same in the U.S. for the past 60 years.

    Not so ironically, I had recently read that Israel prohibits Internet pornography from coming into their country. I don’t know to which extent this is enforced, but even these subversives are smart enough to know it’s not something good for their nation. They prefer to keep it among the Goyim rather than themselves.

    • You’re probably right, but it certainly hasn’t stopped the cyber-powers that be from trying to eliminate/regulate “hate sites” from the web.

      • That shows the obvious agenda of our overlords. Porn by the shipload and not an ounce of political dissent.

        Additionally, porn companies have millions of times the resources (money) of truth telling sites.

  4. I think it’s shameful that an 18yo can be the center of a gang bang with 10 guys and she can’t even have a beer after.

  5. Ramzpaul’s video entry music certainly has ‘porno’ vibe to it.

    Anyway, instead of banning porn maybe churches should get on the ball and marry off young men right out of high school along with the women. Of course, no Christian wants to do this yet will bitch and moan about how immoral everything is when it comes to sex.

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