Two female Muslim refugees …
One hates America …
The other loves America …
One loves big government …
The other hates big government …
One hates our freedom …
The other loves our freedom …
One loves Soleimani …
The other hates the vicious terrorist …
One wants to impeach your favorite president …
The other is pro-Trump …
One hates our Constitution …
The other defends our Constitution …
One stands for progressive liberalism …
The other stands for conservative liberalism …
The choice is clear.
KAG 2020
I am not sure I understand this. A refugee is a citizen and could be a US representative? Merely for betraying her country she can be more powerful than native born citizens?
I have no words. Have you people contacted your representatives? Or is that a waste of time? How do refugees gain citizenship? Being a refugee should just be a temporary status before being put back in their own country.
It is true that both political parties are internationalists and must hate their people. Yet I see political rallies with cheering white people. I wonder if white people will ever wake up to your impending doom.
Us white folks had better reconcile ourselves to living under Chinese rule for the next 300 years, miss. But it won’t be so bad. The Orientals appreciate our fine arts and technological achievements far more than we do. And they will treat us with more benevolence than they will the niggers. I don’t know what plans Peking has for your people, though.
I have somewhat more faith in your ultimate survival than many people on this website. Though you are a strange race.
As for my people? Mexico is rich in resources and rich in corruption and inefficiency. Perhaps some Chinese exploitation for our benefit?
Spawn, Cristina. I would advise you to procure and/or read below ‘Ways that are Dark,’ if you either jokingly or ignorantly think rule by Asians would be ANY better, than rule by Jews.
I, for one, will be donating to this woman’s campaign. better an Aryan Moslem, than a N*gger Bitch Jihadist.
Fr. John,
I will add your link to my list of things to read. I thank you for providing it.
Ah yes…she has the classic look of an Aryan. What do you like the most…the dyed hair or the black eyes?
Fr. John,
I read about a third of that book online you sent here on China. Fascinating. I only stopped reading because of sleepiness.
Speaking for myself the only people I would want ruling Mexico besides Mexicans would be a benevolent European country from the past. Possibly Russia.
I sometimes speculate what would have happened if Mexico would have been under French rule from the 19th century. The French were fellow Catholics, they are easier to get along with than most others.
My speculations are generally kept private since most Mexicans cannot grasp the benefits of European rule. As it is Mexico receives a lot of loans and freebies from the USA.
Surely, you jest. Any Chinese exploitation will be only to benefit the Chinese hierarchy and trickle down to the proles to keep them sated . At least, the Chinese do for their own because of healthy levels of ethnocentrism. Whites could learn a lesson from them because they’ve flipped the script.
As you stated, Mexico is one of the most corrupt countries in the world to conduct business in, so yeah, the Chinese will find Mexico easy prey.
Of course I was jesting. I do not want any foreign domination of Mexico. I Never go against my own kind outside of some moral imperative like condemning an atrocity or something similar.
I was assuming Spahnranch1969 was joking so I was doing so in return.
As a pro-white, I am not going to vote for an Iraqi Muslim. I really believe that we should be focusing on creating an ethnostate for our people instead of working on getting non-Europeans into positions of power in America. I like Tom Kawczynski’s idea, New Albion. I will place the link here if anyone is interested in his concept.
Unless you are living in Minnesota, your pretentious posturing is moot. If you ARE a Minnesotan, do you know of ANY OTHER candidate that could stand in the district now represented by Ilhan, suffused with stupid Nigger Moslems as it is? She at least stands a chance….
They’ll both work for the same thing….bringing in more of their co-religionists.
Worse is better, keep Ilhan in office and shine a light upon her as a warning of what the future holds. Some Whites can learn and she is an excellent teacher of the benefits of diversity.
As a Minnesotan, let me say: Send both bitches back to where they came from.
Ditto, but until that day comes, and you are there, helping the people onto the buses in Powderhorn Park, or loading the planes at MSP, comments like this don’t help the REALITY that Omar needs to go.
I had no idea that you were so concerned with practical reality, based on many of your past comments. If the opportunity to send them back ever arises, I assure you I’ll be there with bells on to shepherd the lost back to their native flocks.
If you don’t like humorous or sarcastic comments, or if you don’t want to allow people to vent in some way, run your own blog if you seek to prevent that. Otherwise, fuck off.
Hey, Boomer X, I was a fellow Minnesotan, before making the mistake of moving to Florida. I can tell you that among my crowd there were many dissidents to the Oligarchy, some of whom might have agreed with my call for a general strike until the evil ones surrendered. The Minnesota Nice thing does not stop a realist from noticing. BTW, I offered my support on a separate post to your Baby Bond proposal, FYI. Economic collectivists (really collective ride-sharing, i.e., social insurance, or social security for all in practice) and social conservatives, unite!
I remember your idea for a paid-for UBI, J.R. UBI will eventually be necessary, I think, so having it not being a further drain on the gov’t budget is important. Your support for my proposal was appreciated.
I always thought “Minnesota Nice” was an ironic joke. I’ve known so many that would put the knife in as soon as your back was turned, no matter how “nice” they seemed. No matter where you go, people are status-conscious and insecure about it, imo.
I could never move to Floriduh. The summers here in the Metro area are hot and humid, and almost unbearable. Having to deal with that all year-round, plus all the crime and cultural vibrancy there, would probably make me go insane. Almost twenty years ago, I stayed at a house in Sarasota. The nightly news there had stories of murder, arson, rapes, stabbings, shootings and robberies, many of which happened within a few blocks of where I was staying. A murder occurred a block or two away, actually, on my first night. I was in a supposedly upper-class neighborhood, btw, and only there for a week. The perps of those crimes were all black, as I recall, even though the PC newscasts never mentioned race; they just showed pics of the criminals. The crime there is probably even worse now.
I had moved down to Florida as a test of my capacity to make a life on my own, as I had no relatives in that part of the country. What I found was that a majority of people here are also from elsewhere, so they feel free to misbehave, absent the tsk-tsking of extended family and friends. The result is high crime and other social disharmony. All in all, I should have stayed in Minnesota and endured the weather in return for a quieter life.
I’ve proposed my UBI post-general strike until Oligarchy capitulates on multiple forums of diverse political-economic-cultural philosophies, as well as family and some acquaintances. The result is always the same: heaven forbid anyone but those in each person’s tribe of alliances benefit. Capitalists complain it’s socialist (they have never heard of the concept of cooperation, that is, collective action-everything is purely the result of individual effort), socialists complain it is another type of commodification of people’s acts, and thus supports capitalism, which they cannot tolerate, libertarians cry the government blues at the mechanism for creation of the UBI ( government passive 50% ownership of businesses). And no one wants to lift a finger to try to change anything, much less act together to force collective risk-sharing, or any other possible way to break the wage slavery/ totalitarian thought control. So I’m done preaching. Let the masses learn the hard way that living a life of selfish indifference has consequences, namely letting the bad people always win.
You and I and others who understand the sham democracy/ [un]free-market capitalist system will just have to protect ourselves and those we care about as best we can. The rest deserve their fate. Bring back the Phoenix Program.
I’m going to go way out on a limb and guess that the campaign of this Iraqi mystery-meat candidate is being organized and funded by Zionist jew billionaires. Wouldn’t it be crazy if I was right?
They’d never stoop to subterfuge. They’re the chosen people.
I be shock! Shock! No way would George Soros do something like that.
That would be nice to know….
every time you vote,
you validate the (((system)))
that is destroying the Whites.
And unless you are willing to take up a gun and die for the freedom you claim to uphold, your non-vote is still a vote for tyranny.
Hey the past few articles have been so ironic i cant actually tell what your stance is. How about we put this ironybroism to bed? I want a serious movement with serious results and a serious culture.
A pro jew/israel muslim vs anti-Israel muslim. I don’t give a damn. It is not my problem.
Did you really think millions of dollars would not pour in from Zionist elements to whoever her opponent is? The same thing will happen to Rashida Talib. IF we had our own nation contributions to political campaigns would be limited to a certain amount and only from private individuals. Likewise donation for state elections would have to originate in the state and also be limited to private individuals. Otherwise all talk of democracy is a scam because it is rule by financial oligarchs not by the people.
Two female Muslim refugees …
One hates America …
The other loves America …
One loves big government …
The other hates big government …
One hates our freedom …
The other loves our freedom …
One loves Soleimani …
The other hates the vicious terrorist …
One wants to impeach your favorite president …
The other is pro-Trump …
One hates our Constitution …
The other defends our Constitution …
One stands for progressive liberalism …
The other stands for conservative liberalism …
The choice is clear. “
And may I add, another twist to another self evident difference between these two followers of Mohammed:
One is of african lineage and the other woman is of mixed European/Persian lineage !
I advise American Europeans to learn how to move forward in a PERPETUAL manner.
Learn that you will NOT get what you want, but you’ll get things and persons you can work with which you must make the best of !!