UPDATE: #1. game on Apple right now.
You might not think the new Chinese coronavirus could help a video game, but that seems to be the case with game Plague, Inc.? https://t.co/6bacbtf97Q
— FOX59 News (@FOX59) January 26, 2020
When you’re eating a Chinese chick out and a lil bit of corona virus hits the back of your throat pic.twitter.com/I7ieVZAlDo
— IG: @lilyandeezy ? (@yandeezy) January 26, 2020
UPDATE: Is it racist to criticize these people? If so, why?
Me at LAX at the international terminal seeing all the passengers from asian flights walking around me #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/AfPlH5HOfm
— Ivan Choy (@iChoy8) January 26, 2020
What in D hell is going on.
— MIKEB ?? Black American Certified D.O.A.S. (@mbunchen) January 24, 2020
So reports are coming out of China that the Corona Virus either started from the Fruit Bat Soup or the Sweet & Sour Civet Cat.
All I got to say is them folks will eat any damn thing. pic.twitter.com/wFRTgs0Xha
Video of a woman eating bat in 2016 recently went viral on Chinese social media, causing public condemn. She later apologized for her ignorance. According to a report by China Academy of Science, the virus caused #coronavirus outbreak is very similar to virus found in bats. pic.twitter.com/unBnn832No
— People’s Daily, China (@PDChina) January 25, 2020
Food market at centre of deadly coronavirus outbreak admits selling live koalas, snakes, rats and wolves – NZ Herald >> these are not human friendly domesticated animals for food bred over 1000s of years . This is insanity . https://t.co/RdK1rnIN1a
— Anurag Shrivastava (@hrnext) January 26, 2020
We’re already late. The Corona Virus can stay inside a host during the incubation period for more than 7 days and the virus can live up to 24 hours on surfaces of any objects. How many Chinese tourists have landed in this country ever since the outbreak? This is way too late now. pic.twitter.com/3vqlEMH9O9
— izati ? (@izati_miswa) January 26, 2020
The Role of Wild Animals in the Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak | Time
— Charles Mok ??? (@charlesmok) January 26, 2020
….You don‘t have to eat it to get sick //experts say that it’s hard to downplay the problematic nature of “wet markets”//https://t.co/PVxSTvjRn7
"Let's be clear. The Wuhan coronavirus is spreading rapidly, including to other continents… There is no known vaccine. Tens of millions of people who live in China or recently traveled to the Hubei province are still on the move," writes @WorldAffairsPro https://t.co/sTBwatL4vq
— CNN Opinion (@CNNOpinion) January 26, 2020
Who knows if this is real? I keep seeing these videos about the government covering up the scale of the disease. If the videos coming out of Wuhan are even partially true, the right thing to do is to criticize China until it bans the sale of these wild animals at wet markets.
rt to save lives
— ??? (@stan2seung) January 26, 2020
this corona virus outbreak is getting out of hand, the infection is much horrible than whats reported on TV. the doctor even said “dont EVER trust the government” so please take care, as much as possible dont get out. its too dangerous!pic.twitter.com/FHT4yZqnRe
UPDATE: This blog is generally pro-China but we reserve the right to tell the truth and make fun of anyone including the Chinese who eat dogs and bats and who keep breeding deadly viruses at these filthy wet markets. If a bunch of hillbillies in Arkansas had started a global pandemic by eating a possum, we would never hear the end of it.
Highly doubt the Wuhan coronavirus jumped from bats to snakes to humans. Snakes are cold blooded reptiles and it makes absolutely no sense for the virus to do that. Just examining the genetic code and making rushed assumptions to publish quickly is not evidence-based medicine.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) January 23, 2020
If you’re a media outlet or influencer circulating videos and pictures of Chinese people eating bats or other animals just to get clicks and views while fearmongering about different cultures and the Wuhan coronavirus, then you’re both a racist and a dangerous opportunist.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) January 23, 2020
Many cultures, including Western ones, have dishes that are considered strange or cruel to others. Force feeding a goose until her liver explodes with fat is called foie gras. Chaining a baby cow so that its meat is tender is veal. Jumping live maggots in cheese is casu marzu.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) January 23, 2020
China has the largest population of any country on Earth at almost 1.4 billion. That means just by pure statistical odds, most new viruses will originate where the highest concentration of human beings are located. It serves no good purpose to portray Chinese people as savages.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) January 23, 2020
No one is dying from global viral pandemics in Germany from eating sausage, Scotland from haggis or France from cheese though.
UPDATE: China reports 181 new cases of coronavirus. This puts the total number of confirmed cases worldwide at more than 2,000 https://t.co/XQhLD5wMuG
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) January 26, 2020
Imagine what it must be like to wake up one day and find yourself and your family locked down in this f***ed situation. The SARS virus was deadlier, but the Wuhan coronavirus is 1.) spreading much faster and 2.) is gestating longer which is why people who don’t appear to have any symptoms are just dropping in public places.
UPDATE: It looks like this coronavirus was transmitted to humans from bats through snakes.
BREAKING: China virus toll rises to 54 dead, more than 300 new cases – AFP
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 25, 2020
"Save my life, doctor!" Videos show how the coronavirus outbreak in China has overwhelmed hospitals. More than 1,300 cases have been confirmed across the country and at least 41 people have died.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 25, 2020
Follow the latest here: https://t.co/E97Y3C5MLO pic.twitter.com/8SZ5z6BCpv
*CoronaVirus* Epidemic, Video from China.
— Sweetie (@Sweetie33320803) January 25, 2020
Very Sad and shocking.
The people of #Wuhan are literally dropping all over the city.
Like something out of a horror movie…. ?
Please share this msg around your friends and relatives for their knowledge. pic.twitter.com/l0eGxsf68q
UPDATE: This was so predictable that there was even a 2011 movie about it.
UPDATE: They won’t stop!
TO ALL CREATORS #108: #coronarovirus
— Honest TeamYouTube ?????? (@HonestGoogle) January 25, 2020
If you contract the #2019nCoV Virus, please document it on YouTube! The viewers of our platform love vlogs!
Also, Chinese people eat Bats, Rats and Tadpoles to prevent many diseases, don’t forget to Mukbang that too!
Honest TeamYouTube pic.twitter.com/e96L4liAJq
UPDATE: Trump’s fault?

UPDATE: Is this nurse telling the truth?
Kathy Zhu ordering takeout pic.twitter.com/fz42fiyD0A
— Liberty Hangout (@LibertyHangout) January 24, 2020
Kathy Zhu is such a gaslighter. She defends people eating bats and admits that she’s “eaten a lot of crazy stuff”, then she calls you a racist when you joke about her eating crazy stuff. This coming from the girl that routinely makes racist comments about white people!
— Liberty Hangout (@LibertyHangout) January 25, 2020
The Wuhan coronavirus genome has been sequenced. It jumped from bats to humans through a third incubator species likely at the Wuhan wet market last November. This isn’t the first coronavirus outbreak in China. SARS originated in bats in China in 2002. Ignore the conspiracy theorists on the internet who are suggesting that it is a biological weapon.
“The progenitor virus itself was almost certainly one that circulates harmlessly in bats (as SARS does) but has an “intermediate reservoir” in one or more animals that come into contact with people, Andersen said. Presumably, that reservoir is one of the species of animals at the Wuhan market thought to be ground zero for the outbreak. The ancestor of 2019-nCoV existed in that species for some unknown time, never infecting people, until by chance a single virus acquired a mutation that made it capable of jumping into and infecting humans.
The genome sequences suggest that was a one-time-only jump. “The genomes [from the 24 samples] are very uniform,” Andersen said. “If there had been multiple introductions,” including from many different animals, “there would be more genomic diversity. This was a single introduction.” …
Unfortunately, genetic analysis can’t identify what animal species the coronavirus jumped from into humans. But an analysis by a team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, posted to the preprint server bioRxiv, determined that the genome of this coronavirus (the seventh known to infect humans) is 96% identical to that of a bat coronavirus, suggesting that species is the original source. (Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine on Friday, another team of scientists in China reported that the new coronavirus is 86.9% identical to the bat SARS-like coronavirus.) …”
Chinese wet markets have always been incubators of these diseases. Specifically, this is the second coming of SARS. Apparently, nothing was learned from that episode.
“You can usually smell the markets before you see them.
Especially if you’re downwind.
It’s a sickly, almost sweet and nauseating smell of death. Once inside, the fetid stench — made worse by blistering temperatures and zero refrigeration — is overwhelming, and it is places like this where the deadly coronavirus originated.
In stall after stall, a mix of live and dead animals, which run the gamut from the known (pig, ox, duck, chicken) to the rare or unknown due to the condition of the carcass — stare back at you. In the wet areas of the market — usually reserved for fish and sea creatures and where the ground is slick with water and often blood — the stink is worse. The animals that have not yet been dispatched by the butcher’s knife make desperate bids to escape by climbing on top of each other and flopping or jumping out of their containers (to no avail). At least in the wet areas, the animals don’t make a sound. The screams from mammals and fowl are unbearable and heartbreaking.
These unregulated and usually filthy markets are found all over Asia and Africa. …
A few years ago, a Chinese friend of a friend, Jon Hsia, went with me on a tour of the real Chinatown in Queens and quipped, “Listen, in China, anything with four legs but a table, and anything with two legs and not a person — we’ll eat it.” “
For once, wypipo aren’t to blame.
BTW, Ebola in Africa also originated in bats shitting all over persimmons which was consumed by gorillas and chimps and was transmitted to humans by Africans eating bushmeat at a wet market. Third World eating habits and sanitation practices are the cause of these epidemics.
“LANGFANG, China — The typical market in China has fruits and vegetables, butchered beef, pork and lamb, whole plucked chickens — with heads and beaks attached — and live crabs and fish, spewing water out of churning tanks. Some sell more unusual fare, including live snakes, turtles and cicadas, guinea pigs, bamboo rats, badgers, hedgehogs, otters, palm civets, even wolf cubs.
The markets are fixtures in scores of Chinese cities, and now, for at least the second time in two decades, they are the source of an epidemic that has spread fear, taxed the Communist Party bureaucracy and exposed the epidemiological risks that can spawn in places where humans and wildlife converge. …”
Can we joke about Chinese restaurants now or must we continue to pretend that all cultures are exactly the same? The jokes are based on the grain of truth that Chinese people really do eat weird shit like bats, dogs and guinea pigs. It is absurd to deny this.
Note: Muslims and Hindus feel the same way about Europeans who eat pork and beef. White Americans also eat pork and chicken from animals which are raised in filthy and crowded conditions. A major difference is that these species are at least kept separate in the United States. It is the mixture of species at these filthy wet markets that is the problem.
And, Chinese restaurants remain busy throughout the United States. What’s in your wonton?
My dad told me this evening that some of the local farmers around here have told him that Mexicans in the area are trapping raccoons and armadillos to earn money on the side which they sell to the Chinese restaurants.
Hunter, please! I’m trying to eat a late dinner.
Let’s hope the Mexicans catching these raccoons and armadillos for a quick buck are not the ones who were crapping in the lettuce when Taco Smell, er, Bell, had its infamous sickness spreading from its food. Cinco de Crappo everyone!
Mr. Wallace,
In certain parts of Mexico armadillos are regularly eaten. They are a substitute for pork in general. Sometimes they are raised in armadillo farms.
I have never eaten one myself.
Armadillos carry the bacterium responsible for Hansen’s Disease aka leprosy.
Sounds repulsive of course. I have never heard of Mexicans getting leprosy from armadillos. I am not interested in eating armadillos. I think the normal, beef, chicken, lamb, goat, and pork is enough. I ate venison once. I thought it was tasty.
I stopped eating venison, after chronic wasting disease (CWD) was found in white tail deer in my region.
It appears that the earth’s fauna are fighting back.
So now even deer is tainted? The Earth is becoming like a Science fiction movie or Apocalyptic.
Mexico, California, and Texas all have the white tailed deer I think. My father and uncles once said the deer in the Southwest are scrawny compared to up north. I guess there are different types of deer in the northern USA.
I thought this was funny.
Less than a minute video.
That deer knows how to fight. Not interested in a victory he wanted complete devastation of his human enemy. It was kicking him when down.
Vaya sorpresa. Hace novelas que no veo a la princesa encomendera merodeando por acá.
Flaxen headed Strumpet,
I am never sure if you are on my side or not.
Sorry to leave you perplexed. I am.
Flaxen-headed Strumpet,
Well, I prowl or lurk around here because this is a far more interesting news site than Yahoo. Yahoo News might as well be called Pravda. I also can bite back on here when I disagree or give my approval when I agree. A person can not really debate teachers or parents.
I hope you are not going to conduct your own Inquisition on me. I went through that a lot this past summer and fall from many people.
Surely, some of the things I say you must agree with.
O tal vez estoy escribiendo un libro. Quien sabe?
When you said “I am”. Did you mean you are on my side or you were perplexed why I am here?
The only Asian food I have tried in the West that I liked is Thai. Chinese is gross. Japanese is bland. Korean is just burnt flesh.
Japanese food bland? I’d say salty always some variation of noodles rice and seafood is your basic japanese meal, not sure where you ate Korean food but if it tasted like burnt flesh maybe you were eating soylent green…
White ppl are stupid.
They don’t realize the very high value of their genetics and the resultant culture.
“Gimme sum sportsball . Did you see dem Dodgers last night”
Yes, we are stupid. Our own inventions and productivity and the lifestyles they have afforded made us weak and stupid.
We have become the victims of our own success. And in our weakened condition we have allowed hostile, parasitic aliens to take advantage of us.
If the Chinese don’t adopt European sanitation practices and eating customs, their prophesized rule might not be happening as scheduled. They eat disease-ridden rats? Mmmm, one big helping of black death, coming up!
Bubonic Plague, which devastated Europe several times, came out of China. Chinese merchants were trapping sickley marmots, which should have been left alone. The fleas , which carried the plague, came along with the pelts. Millions of Europeans died in repeated outbreaks. In one outbreak alone about 25% of all Europeans died.
Pretty sure the plague was used as a biological weapon by the Mongols
Yes, they did catapult infected corpses into cities under siege.
Are you sure they were that crafty? I think they enjoyed raping and killing on a more personal level.
The Mongols employed Persian engineers for their siegecraft. I’m sure the murder and raping came later.
(There’s a lot of Greek blood in upper caste Persians.)
It didn’t help that the Roman Catholic Church decreed cats to be the “familiars” of supposed witches, so cats throughout Europe were killed allowing the rat population to soar, and thus aided in spreading the Bubonic plague.
@ nov
Didn’t you know, mice bring prosperity. Each time there are lots of mice there’s a big grain harvest.
Cats eat mice, therefore they ruin prosperity.
Don’t you know your church dogma ? They are all knowing, vicars of god.
I had to go far afield to find a reply button to respond to your fantastic generous response below. No. I do not consider myself a hostile outsider here anymore. I am not sure when I went from somewhat hostile to a cautious neutral to being more supportive than not.
It took steps. I always thought White advocacy was more right than wrong. And then even before the Civility Law I was mostly treated well. After the Civility Law and all the nice responses from almost everyone even when you and others did not agree with some of my views, then I was sold.
I have dark brown hair not black. Naturally it is long. I have the blue veins. I am definitely pretty though skinny up top. Outside of one of my cousins and myself my family all have black hair.
It is the supreme flattery that some white nationalists would consider me for a girl friend or bride. Sweet and kind words I have no defense for. I am not unique among girls on this.
Thank you.
Looks will fade with age, it’s your intellect, morals, ethics, and personally that makes you unique, especially among young women in your generation.
As I am probably your father’s age, I wasn’t speaking for myself, but for some of the single men in their early to mid-twenties.
Of course, if I was in that age group…
Not wishing to sail under false colors it must be admitted that white nationalists have some views that I do not understand.
Like the firearms issue. 1. The march in Virginia I really did not grasp. Men with guns I understand but the USA is unusual to this extent.
2. The concern for animals is beyond me. I do like canines however.
3. Of course forming an ethnic State from a country that is a United Nations in minature seems strange. Obviously, an impossibility and not even thought of by Mexicans.
4, The continuing love affair that many WN’s have for Trump even when he betrayed you.
I once again thank you.
Lets talk about evil White men and how they ruin the world.
In China, in the 1600s, there was massive hunger. Chinese crop yields were collapsing. Over years the harvests were getting worse and worse, people were going hungry and mass starvation was imminent.
A Belgian missionary to China, Father Ferdinand Verbiest, noticed the Chinese Calendar was ‘drifting’ , it was inaccurate. The Chinese were planting later and later in the seasons and crop yields were commensurately falling. By his knowledge of astronomy and advanced math Father Verbiest corrected the calendar and showed the Chinese Emperor the errors and corrections of seasons. The corrections were implemented by imperial decree and Chinese crop yields shot up, making China prosperous and well fed.
Singlehandedly, Father Ferdinand Verbiest, had saved 10s of millions Chinese and 100s of millions of their descendents.
White men are so stupid and evil.
There is nothing noble or worthwhile about saving 100s of Millions of gooks.
Nonetheless, it shows how a single White man’s knowledge has the capacity to save millions and an entire nation. Saving a nation, that in its own right, was highly advanced.
It shows the value of our culture, that of higher sciences, and genetics, that produce that culture, are of amazing value.
I know. It’s CRAZY. Christians are EVIL. This stupid deranged Kristard “saved” something that should not exist.
By the by – much is made of the alleged 106 point IQ “average” of the Yellow Insects – but my stupid peasant Welsh ancestors know enough to COOK THIER FOOD and not eat things like bats and live mice!
China needs to have a wild spread nuclear “accident”.
“alleged 106 point IQ”
Cherry picked stats.
Yes, Arian – I know.
People always assume China is some sort of high intelligence, advanced society…a deeper look shows most of them are illiterate agrarians and any advancements they appear to have made is via technology and research they stole from Europeans and the Japanese.
The Chinese intelligentsia do believe however, they are the supreme peoples of this earth (they’re like jews that way).
They name all their civic buildings with the prefix “The supreme peoples” but they live in filth and haven’t grasped the concept of meat and refrigeration… Several people I know who’ve traveled to China say Beijing is one of the dirtiest cities on earth, where its residents engage in public defecation as a matter of regular city life..a city of street shitters running neck and neck with New Delhi for the top spot of most disgusting cities and residents on earth.
The chinks and wogs breed like mice, so if they get hit with a pandemic that kills off 50 million of ’em who’s going to even notice, let alone care?
Much of China is engineers by Europeans.
The Shanghai maglev is a Siemens project . many things are.
‘Red pill germany’ on youtube, does much of his work in China, along with many other Germans.
The Chinese know where to go for brains.( they are using their massive wealth to buy many german companies, all high tech).
The Chinese space missions just use Vostok rockets.
That was extremely valuable information to know. The Chinese should be very grateful but then gratitude is the most fleeting of all human emotions.
jews should publish and extoll all the sacrifice and amazing contributions that Whites have given the world.
Don’t hold your breath.
@ Cristina
There are many histories like that of Father Verbiest, suppressed from the common knowledge.
As a general rule I knew that due to the White race’s medicine and technology that there are hundreds of millions or more non whites in the world than otherwise. Africa alone has only increased their population recently because of White help.
There is no doubt that Whites have done way more good than all of the other races put together. Huge populations can only be supported by modern knowledge.
Since outside of White Nationalist circles I am considered White I take a bow myself.
I think you’re making a large generalization by writing that, “outside of White Nationalist circles I am considered White.” You’d be surprised at how many people believe you to be White in WN circles. And don’t even me get me started about how many WNs would desire you as a girlfriend or wife. Do you still feel like you’re being treated as a hostile outsider here!
Thanks for sharing the story.
Norman Borlaug. Look him up if you don’t know the name. Saved millions upon millions of 3rd world eaters with his wheat. Thanks, Norm. The Planet is so grateful.
He is nicknamed “the man who saved a billion lives”.
His cultivars of cereal grains feed much of the world.
It is another illustration of how our innovations are given away, to our detriment.
Do you think the Chinese or other Asians would hand out such priceless weath?
If the chinx had invented the incandescent bulb or the internal combustion engine they would have guarded that technology the way cloistered priests guard sacred texts, so that only their aristocracy and imperial families would have benefited from it.
“would have guarded that technology the way cloistered priests guard sacred texts”
You nailed it.
The jwz would be even more covetous.
Foreign Policy Magazine on Wu Han Virus: https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/01/25/wuhan-coronavirus-safety-china/
The history of Father Ferdinand Verbiest also puts the lie to the jewish narrative of Whites only doing harm. Whites have given far more to humanity than any other race.
Just a couple of Whites have saved more humanity than all the slaves that ever lived times 1000.
I don’t even really like Chinese food that much not to mention the westernized version of chinese food isn’t as tasty as authentic chinese cuisine this eating bats and snakes is messed up tho we could have a full blown contagion on our hand now
You no likey MSG, round eyes ?
Msg is just a perservative, its not exactly bad for you thats a misconception but it can be in large doses kinda like sulfites
The corona virus may be the black swan that collapses financial markets, they have been setting up for an historic fall for years. Quarantines and other travel restrictions; anti-globalism, will be necessary to try to limit the spread of the disease. This will necessarily affect the travel of people and goods. Stock up now on that cheap Chinese bullshit at Wal-Mart.
One problem is that supply chains are thousands of miles long, all interconnected and rely on just in time inventory to function. The whole financial ponzi scheme requires unlimited trade, travel and growth to function, or else it collapses. The miles high mountain of debt underpins everything, especially the U.S. dollar. The main concern of the ruling oligarchs is their wealth and privilege, they would choose to have millions die rather restrict trade and collapse financial markets but the decision may be out of their hands already.
I guess DJT won’t be able to campaign of the bestest stock market evah, lowest black/hispanic unemployment evah when the markets are in the gutter.
Chinks torture, kill, and eat human companion animals: dogs and cats.
Jews and Chinks: birds of a feather.
Did you see that video of the Chinese zoo releasing the mule into the tiger enclosure ?
To be fair, a Danish zoo has done the same thing with some lions.
Without killing the animal ?
Who runs that zoo?
Didn’t the Copenhagen Zoo butcher a live healthy giraffe in front of a crowd that included small children and then fed that giraffe to the big cats in their collection?
Chinese restaurants are packed on Christmas Day. Guess who?
Good for them. Let them feast on rat/cat/dog meat.
I hope this totally unnecessary flu take out EVERY Yellow Insect on Earth.
Be careful, Asians tend to be very resilient. Its Whites who are most vulnerable.
The Asian strain of syphilis can be fatal to Whites in months. Whereas, Asians can carry it asymptomatically for decades.
@Haxo Angmark Any society or culture that tortures, kills, and eats dogs or cats is a culture or society that White Europeans need to have nothing to do with.
Whites are the only race that have empathy for animals.
@Arian Whites and Animals have souls.
Leave the ching chong Chinamen alone you bigot! Let them eat bats!
The old saying used to be ” let them eat cake. Now it’s let them eat bats!”
We should’ve allowed Imperial Japan to maintain their control of the South Pacific and Far East. Now we have to deal with the Red Chinese, who are much worse.
Fake – and gay.
We’re talking about the coronavirus and not Nick Fuentes.
You mean adam schiff.
Sometimes I think that the guy in the movie “Twelve Monkeys” had the right idea.
Looks like I won’t be able to hoist a glass of Three Penis Wine in celebration anymore, or Snake Wine.
Nothing beats the smooth, refreshing taste of cobra or Russell’s viper!
Maybe the zipperheads can wash down their bat entree with some fresh cockroach milk.
Then there’s the “Three Squeaks” delicacy – live mice.
This is one of the reasons I stay away from almost ALL Asian cuisine. That includes south west asia, i.e. India, Bangladesh, Pakistan.
Is these people that live in these regions had a healthy and wholesome food/cuisine, then they would be healthier and normal thinking human beings that would include a humane culture.
But they are SICK in body & in spirit !!
For cooking, one needs “Gutter Oil”. Raw sewage can be heated to destroy all bacteria and the toxins they produced, so there is no danger of food poisoning. The oil separates and is filtered out. The problem is the heavy metals and the like which remain.