Conspiracy Theory Carl shares his theory on the coronavirus:
Trust the mainstream media, bigot. People respect us. REAL NEWS is Trump’s impeachment, Black History Month 2020, the Puppy Bowl, the rise of xenophobia and, of course, the flu.
So many packages, so many dogs. pic.twitter.com/iGMBpDUNZ3
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 2, 2020
One particular “Puppy Bowl” athlete seemed destined to be a star. Here’s how comedian and animal advocate Whitney Cummings saw his potential. https://t.co/fYVArhjiPB
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 1, 2020
Anti-Chinese sentiment and xenophobia are adding hatred to the hysteria of coronavirus. https://t.co/7EmiKBuWvi
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 1, 2020
“Taylor Swift: Miss Americana” addresses multiple topics about the star singer, including her feud with Kanye West, her mother’s cancer diagnosis and she also reveals that she’s battling an eating disorder. pic.twitter.com/hAJzPpI8iu
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 1, 2020
#BlackHistoryMonth #BHM pic.twitter.com/Ih9DAsM7tJ
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) February 1, 2020
People need to stop fear mongering ffs#influenza #fluseason #washyourfuckinghands
— ? (@LWJshornygrip) February 2, 2020
Coronavirus is scary, but the #flu is deadlier, more widespread https://t.co/4VQGSQMxs5 via @usatoday
How bad is this?
A few days ago, the “conspiracy theorists” were saying China was cremating the bodies to cover up the death toll. Today, they admitted that they were doing it.
Don’t leave me, Mom! Heartbreaking online video shows a woman in Wuhan crying “Mama” as a van takes the body of her deceased mother away for cremation. Bodies of #coronavirus victims are cremated immediately, without funerals, to prevent the spread of virus. pic.twitter.com/n7aSXAi1yZ
— Global Times (@globaltimesnews) February 2, 2020
— Just Loki (@LokiJulianus) February 2, 2020
God damn it… https://t.co/UhiA0JfBcd pic.twitter.com/lHTdHv8LC1
— Just Loki (@LokiJulianus) February 2, 2020
Switching to lead-based protease-inhibitors, I see. pic.twitter.com/2alaZW60To
— Just Loki (@LokiJulianus) February 1, 2020
It’s just like the flu.
You have a 50/50 chance of recovery. Xenophobia is the real virus!
Latest on #coronavirus:
— CoronaVirus Tracker (@coronavirusapp) February 2, 2020
? 14411 confirmed cases
? 304 Death
? 329 Recovered
? World 144 confirmed cases
? 2020-02-01 – 2589 New confirmed cases
via @coronavirusapp
WHO said its greatest fear is coronavirus establishing itself in a place like India or Africa and mutating into something more deadly as it rips through the Third World. The virus spreads through vomit, fecal matter and diarrhea. The dead are still infected.
UAE announces new #coronavirus case https://t.co/gnvLUlsQZu
— The National (@TheNationalUAE) February 2, 2020
BREAKING: Second confirmed coronavirus case in India
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) February 2, 2020
How we will die, most probably:
— Nikhil Taneja (@tanejamainhoon) February 2, 2020
Half of the India: ‘Shit, Coronavirus is coming! We must work together!’
Other half:
‘But what about when SARS came?
Where were you when Ebola happened?
Why didn’t you write about Swine Flu, you libtard?
The End.
Looking into the crystal ball, I see only communism and coronavirus coming down the pike. How do you plan to survive the Year of the Golden Bat?
Hey, what about the flu? What about racism?
A dead patient was sent straight to crematory fm #wuhan’s Xinhua hospital. No funeral service! Back-sound: a family member’s crying. Video taken by a journalist #coronavirus #china pic.twitter.com/MLI3YNz1PQ
— jaysquared (@holajtimestwo) February 2, 2020
Anyway, if you want to read an article ACTUALLY related to #nCoV2019 unlike that one, here: Racism 'still very much alive' in Canada as stereotypes around coronavirus spread https://t.co/MV3EHEFqv7 (and I'm off to go eat some Szechuan pork)
— Sarah Rieger (@sarahcrgr) February 2, 2020
If you live in the U.S, your risk of contracting the new coronavirus identified in China is exceedingly low.
— NPR (@NPR) February 2, 2020
But the flu is another story — it's very active, and more than 8,000 people have died from it this season in the U.S. https://t.co/Lq2b77COdE
Do you think anyone at the Antifa demonstration got infected?
JUST IN: First possible case of coronavirus in New York City is being tested
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) February 1, 2020
BREAKING: The patient being tested for possibly having #coronavirus came to NYC from mainland China – Spectrum News
— LIVE Breaking Now (@LIVEBreakingNow) February 2, 2020
Racism is the least of your problems right now tbh.

In the last article, I assumed there will still be a 2020 election. Might be a bit premature.
Story in Wuhan
— shaoyiguan (@shaoyiguan) February 2, 2020
There was a man sitting on the bridge. His cry echoes above empty streets. He said he was infected #coronavirus He kept himself away from his wife and kids. Hospitals have no bed left. No public transportation to hospitals, no place to eat.
He jumped. pic.twitter.com/r60NiZSCR7
Stay calm and go back inside. This new virus is not bad. The normal flu is much worse! #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/mzJkruaisP
— Intelisassin (@INTELISASSIN) February 2, 2020
What about the flu tho?
The Chinese government are “allegedly” burning bodies to prevent further #coronavirus outbreak. We’ve known about this for days. Who knows, maybe if we can get them to “allegedly” admit to that. Maybe they will actually tell us how many are really infected and dead. pic.twitter.com/gufWNixj59
— Brian The Broken (@TheRealEBH) February 2, 2020
BREAKING: #CoronaVirus is transmittable via vomit and feces, Chinese researchers say – Global Times
— LIVE Breaking Now (@LIVEBreakingNow) February 2, 2020
NEW: China’s National Health Commission says victims of coronavirus should be immediately cremated after death. Burial is not an option.
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 2, 2020
BREAKING: President Rodrigo Duterte expands temporary ban to include visitors from mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau amid the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak. https://t.co/sDo55hwVGt pic.twitter.com/7sC8YLEMMC
— CNN Philippines (@cnnphilippines) February 2, 2020
2/1 #CoronavirusOutbreak
— ???? (@htommy998) February 2, 2020
Lockdown Wuhan is turning to a coronavirus tortured hell. Some infected people died at home before even getting a chance to the hospital. WHO is criminal to lie in front of the world. The bought-off Dr Tedros should apologize and resign immediately! pic.twitter.com/5sR4ynFg5f
Bird Flu Chan just happens to reappear at this moment. Impeccable timing.
Fantastic. A brand new bird flu outbreak in China that has a 60% death rate.
— SpartanWire (@SpartanWire) February 1, 2020
On top of the #CoronaVirus pandemic they are dealing with.
This will go well. pic.twitter.com/STX9nFMVIa
R0 of 4.
Death rate similar to SARS.
No vaccine.
No immunity to the virus.
China on lockdown.
People dropping dead in the streets.
Recoveries and deaths tracking about equal.
Could still mutate.
LMFAO, yeah, it is just like the flu, Lenny Bernstein. Fake news.
Get a grippe, America. The flu is a much bigger threat than coronavirus, for now. https://t.co/71OsdttcXT
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 1, 2020
zombie apocalypse in Wenzhou city, China? #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/Nl44mvWHv3
— Vikas Pandey (@MODIfiedVikas) February 1, 2020
Press F for India.
Scientists have discovered that fecal samples from patients infected with the novel #coronavirus also have tested positive for the virus, meaning it is highly possible that the live virus can exist and spread through contaminated fecal matter.
— China Daily (@ChinaDaily) February 1, 2020
Can’t make this up:
Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam says she’s troubled by the growing number of reports of racists acts and comments directed at people of Chinese and Asian descent related to the coronavirus outbreak. https://t.co/3kznOOsNVa
— CBC News (@CBCNews) January 30, 2020
How many people got and spread the virus BEFORE it came to world attention in mid-January?
Taxi drivers in Wuhan knew about the coronavirus in early December. The virus began there in November. Meditate on the fact that February is the THIRD MONTH of the outbreak. It only came to public attention in mid-January. How many people from Wuhan have traveled around the world since early December? How many people have died in the United States of the “flu” since December only it really wasn’t a bad case of the flu?
A man in Boston who recently returned from Wuhan, China, has the eighth confirmed case of coronavirus in the US https://t.co/YpW8dEyhUE pic.twitter.com/epQPDuQCBD
— CNN Breaking News (@cnnbrk) February 1, 2020
The R0 is 4.
If you have been prepping for the “collapse,” you might want to take a look at this. Have you seen the morons on television are doing the “what about the flu” bit? Yeah, well, if this paper is correct then the virus has been spreading since early December. Maybe people in the United States who have been dying over the past two months from seemingly weird and random cases of the “flu” died of the coronavirus BEFORE testing for it began.
Another video from China. Not sure what’s happening here, but it appears that the law enforcement officers are reloading their guns and putting gloves on. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/FO43S0D0LC
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 1, 2020
Another R0 paper on #coronavirus comes from scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences??—before sharing their R0 value, PLEASE do not engage in negative/conspiracy manner. We need to be very cautious of pre-pubs, given it’s not peer reviewed yet. So let’s thread lightly: pic.twitter.com/kOZr0Bkq2B
— Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 1, 2020
2) (Please read first post above before continuing): The authors report an R0=4.08. They made many assumptions; and did some simulations, and still got the ~4.08 approximate value. (Article found here: https://t.co/4gl8ilrjiM) pic.twitter.com/XVNFTrJoFv
— Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 1, 2020
3) …they also found their models suggest potentially earlier epidemic start date around Dec 1-15th fit their results the best. This is actually consistent with other previous @NEJM study that had indeed confirmed this in their figure 1: https://t.co/za9KEoPk7d pic.twitter.com/58wySqbXp6
— Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 1, 2020
4) …Finally, the authors estimated a fatality rate of the coronavirus to be around 6.5% (deaths so far mostly from Wuhan). They also provide comparisons to SARS, and forecasting into the future (very unpredictable – don’t rely on these alone, as others have different forecasts) pic.twitter.com/3EFBLlvhfj
— Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 1, 2020
Canada is screwed with Trudeau.
Trump is a germanophobe which is a -phobia that works to our advantage. He is also called a racist and xenophobe. Might come in handy as well.
Let’s hope we don’t start seeing things like this in Canada next week!#CoronaVirusCanada #CoronaVirusToronto #CoronaVirus #WHO #CoronaVirusOutbreak #nCoV #2019nCoV #CDC #NovelCoronaVirus#Wuhan #Chinapic.twitter.com/gJOtqiitbC
— ??dp?? (@westgat) February 1, 2020
Just great, this plane landed in Canada today. People so sick they had to be carried off the plane. Stop allowing flights from China. Quarantine those who are here. I can only imagine how sick the 190 Chinese “Canadians” Trudeau is flying in from Wuhan. pic.twitter.com/uSGoIKkxhB
— Horo the Wise Wolf ? (@Whiskeyjack75) January 30, 2020
As we suspected, Wuhan is running out of test kits as the growth of the virus accelerates:
??The ACTUAL number of #coronavirus cases is MUCH higher than reported: “#Wuhan residents widely report a severe shortage of testing kits…authorities announced hospitals would only give tests to those who showed severe symptoms.”@thespybrief #2019nCoVhttps://t.co/ObZcExJx6i
— Dr. Dena Grayson (@DrDenaGrayson) February 1, 2020
Imagine what it will be like when it arrives in force in the West and coronavirus collides with wokeness. If China is unable to contain it, imagine liberals trying to handle it. Has Canada even closed its borders yet? How will Justin Trudeau handle this crisis?
UPDATE: Number of cases of coronavirus reaches 12,000 https://t.co/XQhLD5wMuG
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 1, 2020
The Wuhan coronavirus outbreak has infected close to 12,000 people globally, as it continues to spread beyond China.@David_Culver has the latest on containment efforts, travel restrictions, reports of misinformation and medical supplies shortages. https://t.co/Z6knnNeKY5 pic.twitter.com/O63hN9z2VL
— CNN International (@cnni) February 1, 2020
Richard Spencer and the panel are discussing this within the hour:
Some asshole on the internet has uploaded Contagion to YouTube:
By the end of February, we will know the magnitude of the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. I find my thoughts turning to all the blue check mark “journalists” who live in their pods in places like Brooklyn. Will they contract the Wuhan coronavirus? How long will ordinary people continue to listen to the “journalists” who say the real virus is racism and xenophobia? How many of these yellow body bags will we see pile up in places like New York City?
BTW, how bad is it really in China? It must be pretty bad for these videos to be getting out from behind the Great Firewall in light of the severe penalties. Twitter keeps removing them.
A lady who was in line to buy medicine fell to the ground. The crowd behind her continued to snap up medicines. #?? #?? #???? #coronavirus #pneumonia #wuhan #China #contagion pic.twitter.com/BaoncqgVTV
— WoodmanK (@WoodmanK417) February 1, 2020
Death and despair. This medical infrastructure had no chance of success with such overwhelming numbers. #coronavirus #outbreak pic.twitter.com/j0ujvjx6Fp
— cablebeejax (@cjmiller000) February 1, 2020
— Luciux Luna (@Luciuxness) February 1, 2020
Sadly, people seem to be dying in their own homes in China.
A normal view in the streets of #China these days due #coronavirus outbreak.#CoronavirusOutbreak pic.twitter.com/7SmNmwQY07
— Ghassan (@Baltahji) February 1, 2020
#China is using drones in the fight against the #coronavirus outbreak.
— Darren of Plymouth ?? (@DarrenPlymouth) February 1, 2020
A dystopian future may well be waiting for all of us.pic.twitter.com/WDRG3XQhJf
The hateful comments and behaviours against people of Chinese and Asian origin on social media and in public places are a real concern.
— Steven Guilbeault (@s_guilbeault) February 1, 2020
Coronavirus prevention concerns everyone and must be based on scientific facts. #2019nCOV #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/BrTgAKbKGU
Heartbreaking! A 9-year-old girl brings dumplings to her nurse mother, who has been fighting frontline against the #coronavirus, during the Lunar New Year, a time when families are supposed to be together. #RealHero pic.twitter.com/kUh8UeOaiQ
— Suriya prakash APS? (@SuriyaAps) February 1, 2020
Chinese man collapsed in the street of manila.
— Tulfo mo yan (@Ipatulfomoyan) February 1, 2020
Red cross manila and Ospital ng maynila have been informed but no one likes to help. They said “no ambulance available”.?@DOHgov #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/Hadm4tcxeu
In case you wondered how things like the CoronaVirus start in China… pic.twitter.com/nD5t9tYuAJ
— Matt Couch ? (@RealMattCouch) February 1, 2020
According to Steven Guilbault showing how filthy the Chinks are and how they will literally eat anything, including stuff not even a green bottle fly would land on, is “hateful”. Imagine being that much of a womanish FAGGOT.
Justice demands that individuals and nations should be condemned or praised according to their actions. If that is too much for Senor Guilbault then I suggest he is a worm not a man.
If a white country was doing this no one would be worrying about mockery.
Justice is very expensive.
Picking up fight with billion Chinese and billion Arabs and billion Hindus and billion Africans because of bat soup is expensive.
There is no such things like ” nations “. Genetic white liberals making shit and normal people held responsible.
This all equal myth was created for reason. It allows the liberal hide behind the nation and watch and laugh how patriots killing each other for ” nation crimes ”
This is the big problem in the West. Nobody understands that genetic white liberals making things, not words or institutions or Nations.
What is better, communism or capitalism ? Well, in my home country this thing is very easy. The very same people, who ran the Labor camp in the Soviet Union, privatized it after the collapse and now the pay shitty money for slave labor and moaning about free labor market and luck of workforce…:D:D.
People making things, not words. I do not like the isms because liberals decide what those isms mean.
I do not recall writing anything about fighting others over this but only condemning that which is disgusting or other habits prone to spreading disease. If eating bats is dangerous then it should be condemned. If it is not dangerous then it just becomes an exotic food.
Some people eat scorpions in Mexico but condemning such grossness is not the same as fighting Mexico.
Forgive my use of such coarse language, miss. I normally do not resort to the use of vulgarity, unless I am dealing with obnoxious cretins.
You did not offend me in the slightest. And neither did juri offend me.
@Spahnranch your lazy spoiled NY ass would eat anything if the SHTF for real. Don’t judge boomer or X’er or whatever you label yourself. We got one thing in common, our enemies.
…and by the Spahn the way you comment here and ‘elsewhere’ 24/7 I’m guessing you’re a fat fuking lazy rich NY slob, ‘and probably a self hating jooh’ that takes everything for granted.
I’ve eaten these kinds of foods in my lifetime traveling and never gotten sick. This outbreak is nothing but fabricated BS like all the rest.
BTW the best sex in my life were in Asian countries for you poor incels who can’t get Amerikan womanized juduea influenced Amerikan woman to do your deed without bowing to their every demand, yes ISIS is very real in our society and I’m not talking the terror BS, who know. Ya, the earth has flipped.
And, if ANY type of person should be labeled as a culture destroyer/threat to society/ground zero individual, it’s amoral asses like you, who can’t keep their zipper up, and remain chaste in such situations:
But instead, look to any hominid whore as a valid substitute for monogamy and normal sexual relations, and not just ‘sex.’ Sometimes, the rationales of the Catholics vis à vis procreation make sense….. Sex is for making babies, not getting endorphin releases, like an unthinking kid with a sugar addiction.
Ok yellow fever faggot.
Lord, you are such a predictable adolescent.
Citizen 0,
If you’re HuWhite and not a JIDF/Hasbara jew, you’re culinary and sexual predilections make you a prime candidate to be referred to as Patient 0 in a future pandemic.
If you’ve eaten Canis Lupus familiaris cooked with a blowtorch, or any other Chinese “wet market” slop, I sincerely hope you contract virulent pathogenic bacterial and viral strains that ends in a long painful death.
pay no mind to anything Dr. “Eric Feigl-Ding” says. He is
evident a Jew-Chink mongrel. Pay more attention to
China’s Minister of Health,
Dr. Hu Flung-Dung.
i suspect many of the Orientals have the jews khazarian genetics..one day this world will go dark.
Hunger games, the purge…etc
This is why all these movies exist…to prime our minds to what the controllers have in store if they get their way…and what exactly has the left ever demanded that they didn’t eventually get?
Still hasn’t popped up where I live, so I am still safe to watch it spread from afar. Cautiously optimistic that it will actually live up to the hype and reach true pandemic status, and do some long overdue population control in third world and nonwhite areas. It’s not been particularly lethal so far, but with a big enough infection pool the fatalities will climb just as a rule.
” Still hasn’t popped up where I live ”
Famous last words.
Hahaha, perhaps. I do think it’ll start approaching me if it continues to spread this month. But I won’t be making myself an easy target for it in that case.
ahhh you no rikey bat soup and lat dloppin on meat ??
“highly possible that the live virus can exist and spread through contaminated fecal matter.”
Don’t eat dead Chinese.:)
The Chinese re filthy peasants Their economic miracle is a proven fraud, handed to them by Nation Wrecking KIKES like Dianne Feinstein. They possess a myriad of European created technology – but haven’t figured out refrigeration and soap. This INSANE belief that consuming vermin, an wild meat, and NOT keeping clean in prevalent in Third World places. I’ve dealt with plenty of Mestizo squat monsters; they think the Gringo emphasis on cleanliness is silly and weak, The Coronavirus is EVERYWHERE. All over the world – including here. We’ll find out how deadly this is….
I know a young White Millennial “woke” woman. She’s not a bad person – she’s just trapped in her generation’s ideology. She’s frightened to her marrow.
To those of you in cities – do try to GET OUT. At least stock up on nonperishable foods and medical supplies.
As Solidus states – population control is long long over due for the teeming filth of the planet. If the virus is deadly – then it will cure as great deal of backwardness and stupidity.
Madam: It is believed that whatever technological advances were made in ancient China came about as a result of their contact with the Celts, who at that time lived in Central Asia and Western China!
Now, THAT I had never heard of before. But, if the CI thesis has ANY validity, I wouldn’t put it past the Almighty to use His Elect’s predisposition (when times are normal) to be altruistic to the Sinoid races, even going back to the expulsion from Eden (if Eden lay in the Tarim basin, as some allege).
“handed to them by Nation Wrecking KIKES like Dianne Feinstein. ”
Henry kissinger got this started.
Anyone with good sense would have left China in isolation and stone age communism, but no, the tribe of know-it-alls had to create this monster.
Clearly, the answer is: the Jews.
Gwyneth Paltrow is a Jew. She acted in the film, Contagion about a similar scenario, almost to the letter. Jews have been planning this bio weapon for some time. Jews killed Christ, and they want to control/own the world. We need to find an answer, let’s go full-on racist, and blame the Jews- FOR EVERYTHING. We’d have a more than 50/50 chance we’d be right, and enclosure/containment/Final Solution could be effected, in the wake of this pandemic. Clearly, this is OUR WAY FORWARD!
Oh, and if we are wrong, at least we would have done something right, since Cromwell’s error…
My sentiments exactly…why do our idiotic people cling onto the worlds perversion of the biblical facts about who (((they))) are and yearn to have this “friendship” with these obviously evil “people”?
Are they even human?
And what have they EVER done for anyone but themselves?
I’ve never heard of Israel or a jew every doing anything for anyone but themselves.
The children of Cain and the direct descendants of the devil.
Who could argue that the pushers of homosexuality , pornography, opiates , open borders, multiculturalism, feminism and everything else evil and degenerate and against humanity.
i raff six mirron times when i hear normie-fags tell me that the Chinese aren’t kiked out by zionism like my ridiculous “claims” that the western world is totally under jew occupation.
These people get their information from the talmudvision and their {{{college education}}}….
Their smugness sickens me and i secretly wish them to be diversified properly by multiculturalism.
…are evil?
You don’t have to believe in the bible or Christ to understand this shit..
Dark times are coming.
Ok the usa flu is carona virus everybody is going to die very soon.
Get right with your maker and have a sit down with 2 movies.
“Omega man” Charlton Heston one and “I am legend”
Might as well watch soylent green while you’re at it the EG robinson death scene is preddy gud!
See ya on the other side…except you all going in LOF.
Zero Hedge reporting on Corona-chan having HIV strains in it got them canceled by Horseyfag at Twatter. The chink dictators must be saved from truth getting out, apparently. The elites protect their own. Now there’s SARS rearing its’ deadly, ugly head again? This could be a viral culling of the herd.
The cosmopolitans willing to get themselves and the rest of us infected for the sake of their easy virtue should be considered conspirators in serial murder. If the virus hits us hard here, they should have to pay dearly for their treachery.
Today, the Chinese celebrate their Lunar New Year. It’s the Year if the Rat, but shouldn’t it be The Year of the Bat?
At least 21 provinces, municipalities and regions in China have told businesses not to resume work before Feb. 10 at the earliest.
Last year, those parts of China accounted for more than 80% of national GDP, and 90% of exports, according to CNBC calculations of data accessed through Wind Information.
More hyperbole in time to watch tje markets crash? Would “deep state” goto amy length to kill trump 4 more years?
Am I the only one, how notice a weird thing. There is no wide spread recommendation whatsoever, for the authorities how people can protect themselves.
I find it very weird because epidemics is one of the few things where grass root level self defense is more effective as massive government hi tech solutions.
1. Ramp up your personal immune system. Quit bad habits at least temporarily. Proper sleep, lot of vitamins and minerals, less alcohol and cigarettes and stress. In case of infection, your organism immune system is the thing which will decide, are you part of 5% or 95%. .
2.Do not touch stuff what many people touch. Forget the supermarkets and buy your food from local farmer and cook it properly. Viruses die with heat.
3. Masks are useless. They are only single time use, even the best surgical ones. Virus spreads by mucous membrane, so when your eyes are unprotected, then nose and mouth mask is just funny. Hazmat suits are for reason.
4 Soap and hand washing is also useless. Those skin friendly court case resistant soft soaps do not kill any virus. Get the proper disinfection liquid or just pure 96% alcohol and use it any time, when you need to touch strange things.
5 Limit psychical contact to minimum. Only necessary contacts, work home, no eating or chilling outside without reason. .
6. Prepare emergency evacuation package. Are you ready to leave home within one hour for 2 weeks ? With water and food ? Bottled water and packed food can be disinfected when they are kept in boiled water for 2 minutes. Most viruses die, when temperature goes above 100 Celsius.
And so on.
Actually corona may be best thing what happened to white people. Personal hygiene and discipline is the greatest weapon against epidemics. Dirty people die, clean people survive. This thing may wipe to old order away like Spanish flu did 100 years ago.
Don’t eaf out ! Eat at home.
This will be the first “racist” pandemic in the history of Man. First, it is “racist” to notice that it began in China. Second, once it hits Africa and Central America, with their limited, primitive medical care, Africans and Latin Americans are going to be dying in huge numbers. We will be called “racists” for “not doing anything” and for noticing their backyard, medieval approach to medical care. With all that in total, this is the first “racist pandemic.”
About 25 years ago I was in Boston for business. It was a beautiful autumn day in late October, perfect weather, everyone was out and about, overwhelmingly white and prosperous, people were friendly and enjoying the day. I walked through Chinatown, which, unlike other parts of the city was dirty, with Chinese people busily going about their business, whatever that was.
As I walked down one of the busy streets in Chinatown I noticed an old Ford van with NY license plates and a group of Chinese people crowding around in the back, excitedly speaking in Chinese and jostling each other to get at whatever was in the back of the van. Curious, I walked to the back of the van where there was a cardboard sign with Chinese characters on it and a price, $3.00/Lb. Directly on the filthy steel floor of the van was a huge pile of large shrimp with water dripping from the floor on to the street. A man had an old fashioned balance with individual weights weighing out purchases.
As I walked in the street to where I could see the back of the van an overwhelming stench of low tide struck me. It was like those old science fiction movies where there is an invisible force field that prevents further progress. The stink almost knocked me down from those delicious looking shrimp, probably three days old, resting on the filthy floor of the ancient Ford van, yum. Within 50 yards of me there were about half a dozen Chinese restaurants with the big fish tanks in the window, seafood on the menu!
The temperature that day was about 60 deg. F., lower at night of course. The shrimp had probably been riding around on the filthy van floor for a couple of days, they didn’t look too good but the crowd couldn’t get enough of them. The Chinese restaurants seemed to be busy with people oblivious to the activity in the street. I ate in an Italian restaurant later and it was great. No seafood though and they didn’t have a big aquarium in the window either.
I once ate at a restaurant in the Austrian Alps where you caught your own trout in the pond outside & they grilled it and served it with pumpernickel bread, pickles and roast potatoes. And a large, cold beer, of course!
I went to a Halloween event at the City Zoo a few years ago when I suddenly encountered a large group of 7ft tall Chinamen emerging from the darkness! I shit you not.
Northern ‘manchu” can be tall, lean and have long angular noses.
Not all Chinese are Han.
You’re just so use to seeing Han Chinese and haven’t seen the other races of Chinese.
Is this Chink virus transmissible to regular (i.e., white) people?
We’re going to find out.
The mainstream media promotes the hysteria to bolster ratings. Sober facts are needed to prick the hysteria bubble.
Do You Know All Coronavirus Victims Appear To Be Chinese? Thought Not
@ Jim
Thanks for the heads up , on that article.
Of course our jew media will keep us well informed on the racial implications of this disease. As they keep us well informed on other racial matters.
I’m starting to feel like Charlton Heston in the Omega Man.
Considering how mainland Chinese spit everywhere and blow snot on everything ( they consider it healthful ), is it any wonder this pathogen has spread so rapidly.
Ewww. Really? ‘Ways that are Dark’
“A harsh critique of Chinese society and culture, Ways That Are Dark was written at a time when China was in the grip of considerable civil strife. Townsend claimed that the source of China’s problems lay in fundamental defects in the ethnic characteristics of the Chinese people. Although the book was a bestseller in the United States, it met with highly polarized reactions from its supporters and detractors.”
– https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17930037-ways-that-are-dark
I liked the next sentence, which can be read two ways (Wei’s?).
“Though praised by some periodicals, it was denounced by missionaries and sinologists, including Owen Lattimore who condemned it as “a general indictment of a whole race”. — from Wikipedia
Wei #1 – All Whites are implicitly ‘racist’ and we need Bolshevik ‘re-education.’
Wei #2 – Christianity should never have been preached to the non-White races, but only to the ‘Israel of God [ Gal. 6:16 (i.e., White Europe) and our altruism is therefore, both personally, and divinely misguided. [ Acts 16:6 “And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia.” – ESV]
Wei #2 conclusion – God is not mocked. Pandemics come as judgment on apostate hominidity. We should never have opened trade with the Chinks, nor let them into our lands.
I wonder if San Fag-cisco- with both its sodomites and Chinatown, trade with the Orient, food manufacturing of Oriental products, will be ‘ground zero’ for the REAL Corona pandemic, when it hits the USA? (isolated cases are outliers in this instance) WILL Americans finally realize we should have put all the faggots in isolation and camps, back in the 1980’s, when AIDS first appeared, and when we were a (slightly) more moral people? Just sayin’……
It’s pronounced san fag sicko. There fixed it for you.
NOW the Chinee overlords are telling the population to murder their housepets.
The Yellow Insects need to be fed TO dogs. THEY DON’T BELONG ON EARTH.
@ denise
This is reminiscent of Mao and his war on pets.
“All Whites are implicitly ‘racist’ ”
I only wish.
I wonder if San Fag-cisco- with both its sodomites and Chinato …….will be ‘ground zero’
I doubt it.
USDA and public health are pretty strick and thorough.
You know ……… WHITE STANDARDS !
This Corona-chan outbreak is exposing the Chinks as the cruel, dirty savages we always knew they were, madam! Perhaps I was mistaken when I predicted that the yellow race would rule over our own for the next three centuries. I can see why our Japanese allies in WWII treated those rat eaters with such contempt.
My personal Bushido is: Try to harm me, and you’re in a battle for your life, but if you attempt to harm my dog, no one will ever find your body.
Is bill gates really behind this corona virus? or is that just bullshit, I dunno what to believe anymore but its scary if this happens globally could have another Spanish flu genocide in the works. So is this virus wholly manmade or is it from the consumption of weird wild meats like bat and snakes? Why the piss poor response and why is USA and Canada still allowing flights from china
Stick with experience and historical precedent.
The Chinese are notorious for filth and lack of hygiene.
For centuries China has been an incubator of pandemics, long before any biological science.
What you’re seeing is the natural outcome of poor hygiene , poor animal husbandry and massive overcrowding.
China is a mess on steroids.
“America the idea” will spon be forced to accept even more downtrodden, tired, hungry, poor, diseased once this newest pandemic subsides, afterall who can blame Chinese for wanting to live in such a backward country. Full of squalor and disease.
Spread your Shores from sea to shining sea “American idealand” They must be let in!
IF we allow the same (ppl) to run our media, finance and politics.
Just a single factor alone, out of dozens,can account for the rapid spread.
Chinese squat toilets, chinese aren’t very good at aiming.
Then tracking wet and dry fecal matter everywhere which in turn becomes airborne.
That alone could do it, without considering dozens of other factors.