UPDATE: China's National Health Commission reports 750 new cases of coronavirus, raising the total to more than 20,000 https://t.co/eUoE2b20hL
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 4, 2020
Over 20,000 infections
First Brit known to catch coronavirus ‘beat flu with hot whisky & honey’ https://t.co/xpPL55qtBg
— The Irish Sun (@IrishSunOnline) February 3, 2020
Finally, a conversation about white privilege that isn’t completely retarded. He beat the virus with hot whiskey and honey! It’s a miracle cure!
The Chinese Politburo Standing Committee is showing signs of serious anxiety about public anger over its handling of the Coronavirus. Now that Xi Jinping is supreme, the buck stops at the very top with this sort of issue.
— John Simpson (@JohnSimpsonNews) February 3, 2020
As we saw with Qasem Soleimani, Trump would never sign off on an op like this.
‘Unfortunately xenophobia has existed in this country since the first settlers.’ Readers react to racism against Chinese-Canadians amidst coronavirus fears https://t.co/GqyOtkYX39 pic.twitter.com/3HLvH7EJ57
— The Globe and Mail (@globeandmail) February 3, 2020
I think the possibility that a malicious actor has created a lethal genetically engineered virus that only seems to target Chinese people and strategically released it before the start of the Chinese Lunar New Year when all the bats in Wuhan are hiberating should be a part of this conversation about racism and xenophobia. I’m fairly confident that no one in our community has either the motive or capacity to design such a virus and release it in the heart of China.
What about the flu though?
It’s just the flu…#Wenzhou #Huanglongyi District, the family who fled from #Hubei concealed and did not report being beaten by the community.#Wuhan #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/jXbZQGWvp7
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 3, 2020
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 3, 2020
Footage of containment camp in #Ningbo looks much different than the press release pictures of the #Wuhan hospital…#coronavirus
“Guys…chill, it’s just the flu. Besides, China’s got this”
-WHO pic.twitter.com/SdmgO56PIN
I’ve seen similar scenes here in the United States when people who have the flu in Georgia cross the border into Alabama. We’ve had to set up concentration camps and cremate their bodies before.
#???? #WuhanCoronavirus ??????????????????????????????? pic.twitter.com/TTtZCEpO9Q
— kenji (@kenji_tokyo2007) February 3, 2020
Tfw you get a bad case of the flu.
Authors of a recent study have rejected the hypothesis that 1029-nCoV originated from random natural mutations.
— The Epoch Times (@EpochTimes) February 3, 2020
This new #Coronavirus has unprecedented virologic features that suggest genetic engineering may have been involved in its creation. https://t.co/87GTczNuud
It sure seems to be focused on Chinese.
BREAKING: Epicenter of coronavirus outbreak reports 2,345 new cases and 64 new deaths https://t.co/eUoE2bjB9j
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 3, 2020
Latest numbers out of Wuhan.
A little bit of good news about coronavirus: The number of new cases outside mainland China is currently declining:
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 3, 2020
Jan. 31: 28 new cases
Feb. 1: 14 new cases
Feb. 2: 11 new cases
Feb. 3: 6 new cases
VIDEO: Early morning scene in #Wuhan – hundreds dressed in hazmat suits preparing to enter tower block. pic.twitter.com/uJObUkd30Z #coronavirus #Hubei #CCP #ChinaCoronaVirus #PRC ??
— Sam Pye (@freddie1999) February 3, 2020
This is similar to what we’ve seen in other videos, people collapse due to #coronavirus (a possible heart, lungs or nervous system failure, seizure). The original poster (@hongyihope) says he saw multiple corpses lying on the street in Wuhan, China. pic.twitter.com/WihBpkMqtA
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 3, 2020
Another video of a person resisting to be quarantined due to #coronavirus in China. pic.twitter.com/c2cECeekkP
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 3, 2020
I see more and more videos of people refusing to be quarantined due to #coronavirus. They’re definitely terrified of something, other than virus itself.
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 3, 2020
Might be worse than the flu.
Today’s Russian papers on the coronavirus:
— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) February 3, 2020
“Russian military to start evacuating Russians from China.”
“Negative consequences for Russia’s economy unavoidable.”
“Kremlin views battle against the virus as a military mission.”#ReadingRussia pic.twitter.com/nWXBcZLiGe
— Just Loki (@LokiJulianus) February 3, 2020
Just like the flu.
We’re disappointed to hear reports of racial abuse, as a result of Coronavirus. Anxiety and fear should never be a reason to vilify any group. We caution all New Zealanders – do not let your fears turn into racism. We must #GiveNothingToRacism. pic.twitter.com/1qc1Rwi9QS
— NZ Human Rights Commission (@NZHumanRights) February 3, 2020
Racism is the real virus.
Coronavirus fears wipe $400 BILLION off the value of China’s stocks #CoronavirusOutbreakhttps://t.co/UqYtdoUJoZ
— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) February 3, 2020
“Watch what they do, not what they say”. From an American living in Yunan province, China. #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/f3Xncx03LH
— Usr Flyr (@FlyrUsr) February 3, 2020
What about the flu though?
Did you see how opec’s crude price crashed on Friday ? Weird !
Here’s an idea that just occured to me. I wonder if anyone else is thinking the same? It goes like this:
All of American industry is in China, and China is seen as a big threat by the American olygarchy and US military. So Trump appears and says China! China! China! We gotta take down China!
So Trump gets elected and gives China crap for a few years, and then a CIA man goes on holiday in China with some samples of magic CIA dust…
Then happenings start to happen. The world gets scared and closes its borders with China. Then the Chinese economy collapses and Golbalism Inc. is forced to move its operations somewhere else, and so the ‘Murrican Empire gets to live for another day.
Promises made! Promises kept!
Considering how heavily leveraged the world markets are, especially china, is this a tripwire event? What about real estate?
Copper plunged severely last week, never a good harbinger, particularly in a non-perishable primary commodity.
Like the NZ government…never let a pandemic get in the way of an opportunity to Virtue Signal.
” give nothing to racism ”
Probably the most intense communist slogan ever written.
Race is the very foundation of civilization.
The difference between mud/manure huts and space stations.
“Race is the very foundation of civilization.”
There are extremely few people who realize this fact.
” give nothing to racism ”
I have a far better slogan and infinitely true.
I like how the politically correct liberals have their priorities in order. Never mind that this slant-eye virus could wipe out hundreds of millions, we mustn’t be guilty of any kind of -ism or -phobia! But I’ll bet if they see a Chinaman approaching them they cover their mouths and take off like scalded cats!
The slopes have two things in their favor: 1) Dey no rike brackie and 2) they are exceptionally talented classical musicians. Whether that is because they have the ability to mimic everything we do or they have a genuine understanding of the music itself I couldn’t say.
it’s mimicry. Their playing is mostly metronomic, with the exception of a few crazies like Ling Lang.
or was that a giant Panda? I get Lang Lang and Ling Lang confused. They
all look (and play) alike.
” White people invent and forget.
Yellow people copy and remember.
Black people do neither.” Robert frenz
An eternal truth !
“do not let your fears turn into racism. ”
Why not? Every prohibition in the Bible, was against ‘race mixing,’ from Cain’s expulsion to the Twelve Tribes (only) representing God’s racial Elect. It encompasses both sexual/mating unions, to trade, and treaties. Because only ONE ‘genos’ is getting into Heaven, and only those of that race who repent and believe, just as it’s always been- and it’s not the imposter Jew!
“And at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of he sons of Israel were inscribed… and the wall of the city (to keep the Xenos, out!) had twelve foundations, and on it the twelve names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb.” – Rev. 21:12ff. RSV
Yes, there will be many ‘tribes, languages, nations’ represented at the end, but ONLY those of the Race of Adam who ‘come out of those lands’ are to be admitted, and none other. God is a RACIST God, and His elect are only of ONE race- the race Christ God incarnated, the race of Adam- those faithful “of Adam’s seed and David’s line,’ as the hymn attests. Once the Incarnation happened, ALL OTHER CLAIMANTS TO HEAVEN were forever excluded. That’s why the Edomite/Khazarian [sic] “Jews” crucified Him- they knew that they were being excommunicated, [John 1:12ff, 11:48.] and that judgment was falling on their entire way of life: Temple, city, means of making a living, etc. And, at AD 70, it all came to pass…..and yet- the ‘Jews’ STILL PROPAGATE THE LIE THEY ARE BELOVED OF YHWH GOD, even after crucifying His son! [ I Cor. 2:8]
It’s not hard to understand this, unless one has imbibed the lies of the Devil, and the Synagogue of Satan [ Rev. 2:9]. But then, everything that said false Church has long taught, suffuses the entire world with her error. All one has to do is look at what the Whore of Babylon is preaching/teaching today, to see this.
The reformers were substantively right, the Orthodox were substantively right, Fr. Seraphim Rose was right. “In the end, ALL the churches will serve Antichrist.” Because all of the ‘churches’ today have listened/accommodated the Heirs of those Pharisees- the FALSE JEW, in their midst. (Here are just a few sources, most of them from Catholics- so, I can’t be called ‘false’ for quoting her own faithful!)
One man in the 20th Century knew all of this, and had to die for this truth. We all know who he was, too.
Every decision (even the decision to be an atheist) is a RELIGIOUS decision. ‘Choose ye this day…”[Josh. 24:15]
Coronoavirus certainly IS an “ecuse to be waaayciss”. There are so many reasons – but this is an especially good one. Tell all the Anti Racist Vermin to go to China and help.
Sweet idea !
Again – considering the way they brutalize and torture animals – CORONA KILL EVERY GOOK ON EARTH!!!!
Me no rike yerrow srant eye, madam!
The way I read it, Coronavirus could be shipped into the US on Chinese goods. Even on the clothes and luggage of tourists, students, businessmen, or Americans living in China and returning to the US.
Honestly, as I watch this unfold, and listen to the inane, moronic, irrelevant things that Trump says and does, I keep remembering the story of Nero playing the lyre as he watched Rome burn. Granted, there is no historical evidence that Emperor Nero either set the fire or plucked a lyre and sang as Rome went up in flames (although the performance by Peter Ustinov in the 1951 film Quo Vadis is definitely worth seeing) Trump and our Jewish ruling class seem strangely detached from the engulfing horror.
Of course, I would never call Trump a “pro-active” POTUS (except in offering up his bottom to Jewish donors who want to sodomize and dominate him) there is an above and beyond passivity beyond his normal aloofness to things that really matter to ordinary people. As our Rome burns, our Nero is “monitoring” the situation. Stay tuned for “big” things to happen as we are “winning.”
“On January 23rd last month, Syrian jihadi cleric Abd Al-Razzaq Al-Mahdi celebrated the spread of coronavirus in China and urged Muslims to pray for Allah to “annihilate” the people of China.”