BREAKING: Japan found an additional 41 #coronavirus cases on a quarantined cruise ship, while the number of infections on China’s mainland climbed to more than 31,000 and deaths top 636. (Bloomberg) pic.twitter.com/lHAkEKRjbV
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 7, 2020
Anglo-Celts will survive the coronavirus!
I avoid cruise ships the way I avoid nigger- infested shopping malls. I cannot imagine enjoying a vacation while on board a giant floating germ hotel staffed by third world thieves and rapists.
The Mall of America used to be nicknamed the Megamall or Megamess. These days, I hear it called the Mall of Somalia, and the light rail taking people there is now the Somali Trolley. Most of the pale people I know here in ‘sota haven’t been to the MOA for years, and have no intention of ever going back.
It will be interesting to see that once-great citadel of consumerism turn into a post-apocalyptic Dawn of the Dead ruin crawling with machete-wielding zombies and cannibals.
It will hurt us, ultimately.
Piffft the mall is still awesome.
“I cannot imagine enjoying a vacation while on board a giant floating germ hotel staffed by third world thieves and rapists.”
Spahn is sooooo right ! ! !
The cruise companies know this virus can kill their business.
So, they have seeded this story to the media of the jolly Englishman enjoying his “adventure”. They most likely greased the palms of a few editors to give wide placement of this story.
As spahn and Styx have said , avoid cruises
(At this point, until resolution of this pandemic , avoid travel, especially non-private.)
Aviod malls and especially avoid eating out, where Jose can sneeze , cough and spit all over your food and utensils.
lol totally chill dude and not overly paranoid
Hot whisky? Just how hot? Heat destroys alcohols potency it can go from 40% to 20% if you heat it long enough honey is a anti viral with some minor antibiotic properties but it isn’t gonna do much besides clearing a sore throat or runny nose
Trapped on a cruise ship sounds like a room in Hell, I don’t know why any-one thinks cruise ships are relaxing vacations,
Being trapped on a boat at sea full of old people, germs and Moroccan cut-throats would not meet the acceptable standards of a vacation, madam.
I don’t know why the passengers are on lock down. Considering the ease of transmission and life span of this Frankenvirus – every-one on the ship has already been exposed. What’s the point of worrying? The Frankenvirus is going to go everywhere in the world, and we’ll either live, or die. Period.
“every-one on the ship has already been exposed”
There’s no reason to justify that.
On a ship of 3000+ it’s very doubtful that more than a few dozen have had close enough contact to those infected to receive the disease.
The fewer the interactions , the less the transmissibility.
( it’s a cruise ship , not mainland China, ppl aren’t spitting everywhere and blowing snot rockets.)
“Mall of America used to be nicknamed the Megamall or Megamess.”
The most nordic heartland of America poisoned by the worst toxic waste of the world. Only one tribe of evil schemes could have devised this.
Minnesota is full of Swedes – for some reason Swedes are the most cucked of the N European tribes and they brought their cuckoldry to N America with them – it is some sort of genetic defect.
It’s not genetic, its cultural and yes Christianity is too blame.
There’s an American couple on that love boat too, and they are not happy!
But do they get the global publicity of the British couple?
Boomer status: vibrant and exotic