The real situation in China, Retweet and share. FOLLOW ME FOR REGULAR VIDEO UPDATES DIRECT FROM CHINA#coronavirus#coronoavirusoutbreak #coronaviruswuhan pic.twitter.com/mK0mxJ7umL
— Raymo Faro (@RaheemFarooq5) February 11, 2020
You will NOT be surprised by what Hindu nationalists think will stop the coronavirus.
— Scott Greer (@ScottMGreer) February 11, 2020
You know you're an advanced superpower when cow dung is your secret weapon https://t.co/ySbYwntfS5
A patient in China recorded this video saying everyday people are dying of coronavirus getting put in body bags day by day. ?
— 24/7 Crisis News LIVE ? (@livecrisisnews) February 11, 2020
She basically says once your in the hospital its only a matter of time until its your time to go. ?#coronavirus #COVID19 #coronavirusoutbreak pic.twitter.com/8b2XbywJqy
BREAKING: 94 new coronavirus deaths
— The Spectator Index (@spectatorindex) February 11, 2020
NEW: Quarantine officer of Japan's health ministry diagnosed with coronavirus, defense minister says
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 11, 2020
BREAKING: Epicenter of coronavirus outbreak reports 1,638 new cases and 94 new deaths https://t.co/eUoE2b20hL
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 11, 2020
BREAKING: 39 new cases of coronavirus on cruise ship near Tokyo, raising ship's total to 174 – Jiji
— BNO Newsroom (@BNODesk) February 11, 2020
Globalism will bring the virus here and spread it all over the country before terrorists are able to operationalize it.
I would be less worried about a fed honeypot like The Base than the IRGC acquiring the coronavirus and using it to enact “severe revenge” on the United States for assassinating Soleimani.
Footage sent to us of a man, spitting on his hand and wiping his saliva on elevator buttons in #China. We can not confirm his health status or exact location, but it seems to be a ‘superspreader’. #covid19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak pic.twitter.com/rD4GGanP3L
— SaveManMedia (@SaveManMedia) February 11, 2020
What is stopping any Islamic terrorist who wants to harm the United States from getting infected with the coronavirus and coming here and spreading the virus in New York City and Washington, DC? Even if it didn’t originate as a bioweapon, it could still be used as one.
#GRAPHIC: In order to conserve body bags during the coronavirus outbreak, Chinese are putting multiple children into one bag. #coronavirus #coronavirusoutbreak #covid19 pic.twitter.com/53xOYK9Ebp
— 24/7 Crisis News LIVE ? (@livecrisisnews) February 11, 2020
This is the official response of USA to corona virus epidemic in China. Everyone please be aware of this. if the Americans are taking drastic measures then there is more to Corona virus than what we know. This is really worrying.
— bubbles (@golgappa456) February 11, 2020
?? pic.twitter.com/owUwb5kvmR
Sen. Cotton is worried.
Dr. Leung isn’t optimistic:
“Prof Gabriel Leung, the chair of public health medicine at Hong Kong University, said the overriding question was to figure out the size and shape of the iceberg. Most experts thought that each person infected would go on to transmit the virus to about 2.5 other people. That gave an “attack rate” of 60-80%.
“Sixty per cent of the world’s population is an awfully big number,” Leung told the Guardian in London, en route to an expert meeting at the WHO in Geneva on Tuesday. …
Even if the general fatality rate is as low as 1%, which Leung thinks is possible once milder cases are taken into account, the death toll would be massive. …
Leung – one of the world’s experts on coronavirus epidemics, who played a major role in the Sars outbreak in 2002-03 – works closely with other leading scientists such as counterparts at Imperial College London and Oxford University.”
#Coronavirus could infect 60% of global population if unchecked. Hong Kong’s leading public health epidemiologist says other countries should consider adopting China-style containment measures. https://t.co/6KhjlOYsV6
— Max Howroute?? (@howroute) February 11, 2020
Curtis Yarvin is watching Dr. Leung:
“When Dr. Leung turns optimistic, you can chillax. If he dies, stock up on ammo. Anything that sounds like Dr. Markel can be ignored.”
After witnessing a seizure, special forces unit springs into action as their commander was clever to recognize advanced stages of #coronavirus. #CoronavirusOutbreak #Wuhan #coronaviruschina #coronavirusaustralia #CoronaVirusCanada pic.twitter.com/q9x0T6Ay8X
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 11, 2020
China gives green light to sanitation workers to stay home as widespread quarantine shuts downs cities.#coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Wuhan #coronaviruschina #coronavirusaustralia #CoronaVirusCanada pic.twitter.com/ZngGX8VhFr
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 11, 2020
This isn’t an ambulance, it is a body collection service in #Wuhan and this is isn’t the first stop of the day,#coronavirus #covid19 pic.twitter.com/S10qQEU8uM
— Darren of Plymouth ?? (@DarrenPlymouth) February 11, 2020
Confirmed to be dead.
Chinese National Health Commission has changed their definition of #WuhanCoronavirus “confirmed case” in their latest guidelines dated 7/2. Patients tested positive for the virus but have no symptoms will no longer be regarded as confirmed. This inevitably will lower the numbers. pic.twitter.com/q4eWKGfWev
— Alex Lam ??? (@lwcalex) February 10, 2020
China changes the definition of “confirmed cases” of coronavirus
China Daily: Patients stay optimistic, entertained at Wuhan hospital
— Russian Market (@russian_market) February 11, 2020
Reality: pic.twitter.com/gBQIwpHOUs
Coronavirus could have srarted in a weapons lab.. wow pic.twitter.com/tPHMs2R3so
— Russian Market (@russian_market) February 11, 2020
What is more likely? Bat soup or bioweapon?
The growth of confirmed coronavirus cases
— Dan Diamond (@ddiamond) February 11, 2020
Jan. 20: 282 cases, six deaths
Jan. 26: 2,014 cases, 56 deaths
Jan. 31: 9,826 cases, 213 deaths
Feb. 5: 24,554 cases, 492 deaths
Feb. 10: 40,554 cases, 910 deaths
Source: @WHO
The Road So Far (Confirmed Cases)
There are concerns about the global spread of #coronavirus, with a new map showing the predicted movements of 60,000 Wuhan residents who fled the Chinese city before it was placed into lockdown. pic.twitter.com/rZhQCgXw8T
— Sunrise (@sunriseon7) February 10, 2020
Where did travelers in Wuhan go before the lockdown?
Cameroonian student in Wuhan who was diagnosed with the Coronavirus (the only African National so far) has completed his treatment.
— Samira Sawlani (@samirasawlani) February 10, 2020
The gentleman will now be in observation for 2 weeks.
(Video shared with permission) pic.twitter.com/OfjQL5mRIp
Blacks can get the virus.
“The virus … in theory when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away. Hope that’s true!” — Trump’s comments about the coronavirus are tragicomically uninformed pic.twitter.com/knjE3eUCxx
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 11, 2020
Killer coronavirus may live on doorknobs, bus handrails and protective gear for up to NINE DAYS https://t.co/hFdrhm6i8t
— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) February 11, 2020
An old man in #china walks his dog on a transport roller, a good man never forget to protect his best friend with a mask from #coronavirus pic.twitter.com/c3RO4nzgWI
— Caesar Chadwick (@realCaesarChad) February 11, 2020
Mysterious fog again…what is it? What does it do? #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Wuhan #coronaviruschina #coronavirusaustralia #CoronaVirusCanada pic.twitter.com/Axl3SSFO2y
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 11, 2020
This is the most normal thing I have posted in a while#coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Wuhan #coronaviruschina #coronavirusaustralia #CoronaVirusCanada pic.twitter.com/oRJcR1QIsT
— Harry Chen PhD (@IsChinar) February 11, 2020
“the IRGC acquiring the coronavirus and using it to enact “severe revenge”
You have far more to fear from the average Chinese touist spitting and snotting around America. The most trained Iranian super spreader couldn’t compete with the average Chinese .
“What is more likely? Bat soup or bioweapon?”
China has a long history of plagues that become global pandemics.
Bet on the bat.
This was from five years ago, and the connection between bats and disease was already apparent. So why in the hell would the slopes still eat bat soup?
Unless something has a money result, chinese ignore it.
Yes , china has some very bright minds and 1500 million not-so-bright.
Have you folks ever considered the reasons for our ancestors passing the
The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ?
Aside from the fact they were bigotted, xenophobic, petty racissssssst.
Corona Virus Fakery and the Link to 5G Testing
Corona Virus Movie: Wuhan to Wirral- Fake Quarantine and WHO Oscars
yeah, you are the only person on any “pro-white” website i’ve seen make the connection with CV and wuhan being a testing center city for 5g tech.
Are {{{TPTB }}} even human?
Amandha Vollmer disusses the phony virus pandemic with Richie Allen below:
Louis Pasteur falsified his lab books. Polio, measles, smallpox, etc. were in steep decline long before the mass vaccinations began in the mid-20th Century. Beware the vaccine industry.
This is a global Black Swan. Any one who is denying this is LYING to themselves.
The Normies I know, who don’t pay attention to ANYTHING, are paying attention to THIS, and are pretty well educated on this subject thus far. A cable techie that came to my house to fix something this AM was VERY well versed on these matters, and infection and disease in general. Americans are NOT stupid – we are simply too busy trying to keep our heads above water. Even Normie ladies I know who only care about their kids, food, and shopping are paying attention. I keep telling people to boot your immunity as much as you can. A neighbor lady who hates politics asked me “how”. And every-one is PISSED TO THE MAX over the fact that just about every medicine comes from China. And no one I’ve spoken to – the White Christian Nicey-Nice folks I know don’t give a FLYING F about “racism” over this, The men I’ve spoken to laugh knowingly about racial reality when I address the racial aspects of this. The Nice White Church Ladies, who know me but have kept me at arm’s length for years because “Racism just isn’t NICE” are going full Nazi. BEYOND NAZI. Waaaaay beyond Nazi. As in MENTAL. “GET THEM OUT!!! ALL OF THEM!!!! GET THEM OUT!!!” is the general consensus. Not just Chinese. Every invader. Get out and DIE. It’s kinda funny. When the rubber hits the road, things get….interesting.
This is for real. If we to take down (((globalism))) – the Hour Cometh.
I am certain I don’t need to re-iterate White To Do to the regulars on this site. Ya’ll better be DOING it, is all .
“f we to take down (((globalism))) – the Hour Cometh. ”
From your mouth, to God’s ears…..
The best way to boost immunity is by removing plant oils , sugar and green plants/veggies from your diet and consuming raw milk and eating (high quality-obviously) meat / animal fats.
Irishman – Yes. Raw milk and good meat. But I still believe in veggies and fruits. And good local honey.
German virologists in Ghana try to understand what viruses bats can transfer to humans and animals humans consume, while backward Ghanians eat bat and other “bush meats” from their versions of “wet markets.”
Don’t forget goyim, we are all the same.
BTW, dibs on the brown eyed blonde haired German researcher.
” Don’t forget goyim, we are all the same.”
It’s a digrace, that slogan can float for a second.
Bats are the #1 carriers of diseases that can be transmitted between mammals.
Dat jus be sum of dat honkey jive BS.
How youz think Batman get so strong, eatin bats!
National Geographic on eating bats in the third world.
OK, total deaths have passed 1000, how long before they pass 1000 PER DAY ?
Before the end of the month ?
“What is stopping any Islamic terrorist who wants to harm the United States from getting infected with the coronavirus and coming here and spreading the virus in New York City ”
That would be as redundant as throwing water into the sea.
“When the rubber hits the road, things get….interesting.”
PPl only care about their own a5535.
When n1gg3r5 beat the hell out of your kid, ” he probably deserved it”.
When n1gg3r5 beat the hell out of their kid, ” OMG , we gotta sell the house, move to the country, out of state, you know anyone who wants to buy our house, quick ? “.
Arian – sad but true.
Not me.
I openly and loudly in my personal life take the side of any white person in ANY argument (or otherwise) involving nonwhites.
IDC what anyone thinks of me or my family.
They can all go be friends with those who despise their ancestors and genetics.
That makes you a rarity and you kow it.
IrATE – we are outliers. Good on you! Sliante!
12 monkeys was a pretty good film, I actually think it was one of brad pitts best roles as the weird eco cultist and bruce willis’s since die hard in all honesty
I agree. 12 Monkeys the movie not the NBA teams was a really good film very Phillip K. Dick and Richard Mathesen like.