Infowars Has Been Removed From CPAC

I’m not sure what is going on here.

I guess the point is that Nick Fuentes, Patrick Casey, Gavin McInnes, Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer, Michelle Malkin and all the rest of the Alt-Lite and AmNat crowd have been purged from mainstream conservatism. Unlike Lady MAGA and Scott Presler, none of these people are welcome at CPAC.

Note: Lady MAGA is actually one of the most based people at CPAC and is willing to at least engage with people like Fuentes as they hover around the building. The other conservatives there want nothing to do with him or his fans. Charlie Kirk has called the police on him twice.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • Amnats are cargo cultists. They believe that if they dress like conservatives and hang around in physical proximity to conservatives, then the conservative magic (lol) will rub off on them. Funny enough, Conservative Inc has the same relationship with liberals.

  1. “I guess the point is that Nick Fuentes, Patrick Casey, Gavin McInnes, Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer, Michelle Malkin and all the rest of the Alt-Lite and AmNat crowd have been purged from mainstream conservatism. Unlike Lady MAGA and Scott Presler, none of these people are welcome at CPAC.”

    They were also purged from social media at the Republican Party’s request.

    No matter how badly they are treated by the Republican Party, they’ll still go out and campaign for them for FREE. Its just sad at this point.


    • BTI,

      I just saw a short clip on zoomer clips. But yeah, Michelle doesn’t mince words. She was the best speaker at cuck PAC last year, but she told too many truths, so they made her persona non-grata, as they did with Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter.

  2. That should make it obvious for Info Wars that Conservatives, Republicans, and Trump don’t care about them. It’s time Info Wars and others are restored and back focused on going after the 2 Party Dictatorship, the New World Order, and World Government. Deo Vindice !

  3. The party knows that they will all still vote Republican and advise their fans to vote Republican regardless, so what does it matter if they kick them all to the curb? The stupidity and ineptitude of American right wingers is very blackpilling. These idiots say that unconditional voting for the GOP is “strategic.”

  4. Don’t think Jones can blame this one on the chincoms, if he doesn’t know who barred him from attending hes dumb as a doorknob. This is how zog inc treats even their most basic bitch of once upon a time supporters unless you are willing to be a blumpf dick rider or plan truster full time like Kirk or Pressler No criticism of Trump allowed KIG!

  5. Saying that the man in a dress (MAGA, surtitled ‘Lady’) doesn’t feel ‘tainted’ by talking to catboy Fuentes, is no badge of honor, TYVM. Secondly, will God please smite that Kirk queer? He’s the one that should be arrested…

  6. Off topic:

    What do you think of this from Bloomberg News:

    “JUST IN: Activist investor Elliott Management has taken a sizable stake in Twitter and plans to push for changes, including replacing CEO Jack Dorsey, sources say

    This is jew vulture capitalist Paul Singer. What changes do you think he’ll push? Maybe banning all criticism of Our Most Cherished Ally and the Special People?

    Will Bloomberg cut out the middle man and buy the presidency? Will Singer buy on-line extreme censorship? Is it time to move to vk and other Russian and foreign sites?

  7. I think that’s the My Pillow guy in your top pic…..


    “For the best night sleep in the whole wide world…..”

  8. The vulture funds are ultimately thieves relying upon the U.S. Government’s power to collect on the debts they buy up for pennies on the dollar. Financially it makes no sense to lend money to perpetual deadbeats like Puerto Rico or Argentina unless the lender knows that ultimately the U.S. Government will make the defaulted bond holders good on both principal and interest. The only risk has been the length of time it takes to get paid off by the U.S. Government and how expensive the scumbag lawyering will be. Singer and his pals have been experts in working this system form both the financial and political angles for a long time.

    When the U.S. Government destroys the USD through the cumulative effect of its corrupt policies over many decades the bonds will be worthless anyway. That day will be a day of trouble for everyone however, not just the vulture capitalists. Hyperinflation will allow the Government to truthfully claim it has not defaulted, it paid off its debts in full. The Government can always pay its debts, it can never go bankrupt because it can just print money backed by nothing but the Government can’t guarantee the purchasing power of its money.

    This is a hard lesson available to all in history books but for those too busy watching feetsball this bitter lesson will have to be learned up close and personally instead. History is harsh mistress for those not paying attention.

  9. ” the Government can’t guarantee the purchasing power of its money.”

    WON’T !

    We use to have a precious metal (gold/silver) based currency.
    Now , we have guaranteed inflation, with an illusion of prosperity.
    Where does it end ?

    “Singer and his pals have been experts in working this system form both the financial and political angles for a long time.”

    (They ) always have , since the time of Jacob or Esther, they are trained in it.

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