NEW from @FactTank: The movement of people across borders has come to a standstill in much of the world as countries close their borders to visitors in response to the coronavirus outbreak. https://t.co/2fL6sTLvhU
— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) April 1, 2020
I honestly don’t know what to say at this point.
The regular flu is a seasonal illness. New deaths and infections from the flu and pneumonia should be plummeting in April. We are entering the fourteenth week of 2020. Here in Alabama, it was 80 degree weather last week. It was even warmer in South Florida.
Even in the worst flu season of the last decade in New York state, there were 223 pneumonia deaths in a week whereas 372 people died yesterday alone in New York in a single day. We already have another 227 deaths today in New York. There has been something like 1,700 deaths from coronavirus in a week in New York. It is not like there is a brutal cold spell in New York either. The weather is normal.
Have 100,000 to 200,000 people ever died in the United States from the flu in April and May? The public is being prepared for this. I’m having difficulty seeing how this is all one big hoax because this doesn’t really seem to be in the interest of anyone. What politician wants to tell the public that they screwed up badly and have presided over hundreds of thousands of deaths or that they took actions which deliberately crashed the economy? What is the message that the United States as the leader of the free world is trying to send here? Are we trying to illustrate to the world that America’s elites are incompetent?
Note: Maybe it is a globalist conspiracy to bring globalism to a screeching halt though? Merkel and Trudeau have been waiting this entire time for the opportunity to close their borders.

The globalists will go back to business as usual after the crisis passes, unless the voters won’t let them. If you like closed borders and Mrs. Trudeau and Mr. Merkel haven’t learned their lesson, show them the door, sheeple!
I can’t believe anyone thinks Angela Merkel and Justin Trudeau are part of a global conspiracy to close their borders and kill the global economy.
Hunter, the more classic ‘conspiracy’ view is that the elites at some point crash the systems to institute draconian globalist rule, as desperate people will accept tyranny to get food etc
E.g., Cloward-Piven, import so many low-skilled migrants you overload welfare systems and it all collapses
Gordon Brown former UK Prime Minister is even saying out loud now that the covid-19 economic disaster requires global govt to solve it
Plus there is the Rothschild famous ‘buy when there is blood in the streets, prices are best’
You maybe missed key Alex Jones broadcasts in your youth : – )
Thank you, Brabantian
Oh how ironically rich that “right-wingers” are repudiating virtually everything they purportedly ever believed in and hypocritically stood for, happily going along with the talmudic tyranny in response to the big, bad “virus” – which even if it was what they claim it to be, doesn’t warrant this psychotic response to it.
Why not ? Flat earth , saucer behind hale-bopp is going to heaven, the world is ending every 3 years. What won’t ppl believe……………… except the truth ?
“What is the message that the United States as the leader of the free world is trying to send here? ”
Yet you still believe THIS, HW? The USSA has not been a ‘leader’ except to export the Talmuddied worldview, for at least forty years.
And what nation that kills babies in utero, allows men to ‘marry’ other ‘men,’ and starts chopping boy’s genitals off before puberty, can ever be thought or called, ‘free’? We are in the grip of Satan, and his children, the Juden.
Misericordie, Domine.
It would take one hell of a pretzelled maple syrupped loop of illogic to have them go along with total shutdown. Calling Alex Jones…
I see a great opportunity here though. It’s a vindication for heavy handed border controls.
Will this be the year Easter is cancelled?
What a coup for our friends in New York, eh Hunter? Call this off in April, but cancel Easter!
All the world lying except our friends in NY!
China 4000, basically over.
Iran 3000, 100 per day.
King County WA 114 – landfall in US! The virus knows not just to relentlessly spread in 2.2 million Seattle not to mention Chinese occupied Vancouver (26.5%!!!)? More opioid deaths than corona!
Australia 8! Is that how molecules work? They know which airplanes to take at the airport??
Against this you are trusting and ask us to trust the professional liars in media and government! I didnt like how folks tried to say the dodge charger didnt strike the woman, it did, but the driver acted out of fear after being attacked by an enemy mob- he faces the death penalty! They lied about the helicopter crash – it was faulty maintenance! After your fellow reacted in self defense to an enemy roving gang, they persecuted your fellow!
How quickly we forget!
Neither the media or the government was taking the virus seriously in January and early February. TruNews and Peak Prosperity have covered it since the beginning and I have shared their content all along.
Having the perception of a late response would allow the narrative to say that the virus has spread out of control in the U.S., which does two things: allow a full blown panic and let the gov’t off the hook (by appearing incompetent). Easier to implement tyranny if the virus is “out of control” rather than “contained early”. Easier for people to accept tyranny if their is a perceived need rather than the government’s desire.
C’mon man.
“China 4000, basically over.”
I have some fine
swamperr recreational land I’ll sell you 🙂Oh HW, you know this is NOT a hoax .
Don’t allow some babbling idiots to taint your thinking.
From that first exponential graph you posted, it was obvious that this virus was especially virulent.
We’ve been following it since January.
Yeah, and you seemed to have talked about nothing else since.
So how does this site differ from anything else from the msm?
“We’ve been following it since January..”
I know.
I think one of your first postings was an exponential graph of the cases spreading in Wuhan.
Caitlin Johnstone agrees with Hunter on a ‘relatively normie stance on Covid-19’ and helpfully adds:
“You don’t blame a population who’s been constantly lied to for their disbelief in what they’re being told by the very political/media class which has been lying to them. It’s not the fault of the rank-and-file public that they’re believing conspiratorial narratives, erroneous Facebook memes, right-wing pundits and the US president over the mainstream press; it is the fault of the mainstream press themselves.
So I never join in the loud finger-wagging and aggressive demonization of those who express doubt in what’s really going on with this thing. I’ll leave that to those of a more mainstream bent, since they seem to enjoy it so much.
As for myself, I will continue pointing out that the reason misinformation is so readily believed is the same as the reason Trump’s criticisms of the mainstream press are so readily believed: they have absolutely earned their garbage reputation. The people screaming the loudest about disinformation right now are the ones most responsible for it.”
Repeat after me: corvid-19 is not a hoax. The cure for that disease, destroying the ability of the 99 percent to make an independent living for the rest of their life after a forced shutdown of the economy for 12-18 months to “flatten the curve,” is far worse then even the most severe forecasts for illness and death. There will be no relief granted until a cure is acceptable to the FDA. In 12-18 months.
See, not so hard after all, if one uses the mind the good Lord gave you. There will be no let up from the chains imposed until we are neutralized as a force against the Oligarchs. They did not release the virus intentionally (those Chinese Powers That Be you so admire now did so accidentally) but they are using the situation to impose martial law, and that will never change once accepted meekly by the normies and the respectable dissident right. Got it? Call us names like the Establishment media does to you if that deflection gives you a good feeling. Doing so does not change reality. You are being schooled, sir. Cucking to your enemies will not make them your friends. Tony M is right.
… using the situation to impose martial law, and that will never change once accepted meekly by the normies and the respectable dissident right. Got it? Call us names like the Establishment media does to you if that deflection gives you a good feeling. Doing so does not change reality. You are being schooled, sir. Cucking to your enemies will not make them your friends. Tony M is right
Spot on, JR
This is why the “right wing” has always been a joke, the “movement” a bowel movement, since it always primarily seeks affirmation and validation, rather than genuine truth-seeking and finding.
By definition, Coronavirus is a FAMILY of flu-like illnesses. MERS and SARS are also CV’s. People keep arguing back and forth whether the CV is ‘real’ when the important thing is that the pandemic we are being fed 24/7 is being STAGED! There is no pandemic! Keep in mind that the idea of ‘contagion theory’ itself is a fraudulent paradigm which was set up by the Western ‘medical establishment’ which was created by Rockefeller Foundation through the funding and cultivation of allopathic medicine.
This phoniness of this pandemic is confirmed by the premeditation of Event 201 back in October. It is verified by the countless independent videos now of individuals going into their local hospitals and showing that the intake areas are virtually empty or at normal flow and that the extra tents for CV patients in N.Y. are completely empty.
I’m still amazed at all the people who still are buying this scam!
I’m still amazed at all the people who still are buying this scam
Thanks so much for presenting truthful, factual evidence to the contrary of all the “pandemic” bs.
Those who refuse to believe the truth, well, they deserve what will come next, which will be toxic, deadly vaccines (remember the “$wine flu” vaccine scandal in 1976, and all the deaths it caused), as well as getting biochipped like f-kin sub-human livestock.
When you really stop and think about it, some goyim really are cattle
Video speaks for itself!
The corona pandemic, like the holocaust, is faith-based.
COVID-19 doesn’t seem to be hindered by warm humid weather. Or if it is, it’s not enough to slow the spread significantly.
At the end of the story the wolf actually did show up.
Therein “lies” the problem.