H/T TruNews
As I said in the last article, the various factions of the Right are reacting to coronavirus in very different ways. Contrast Ramzpaul with Philip Blair.
Note: It is going to be a difficult week between Palm Sunday and Easter. The Surgeon General is comparing next week to Pearl Harbor.
Who is that kook preaching to? Look around you, the streets are empty, you idiot!
y’all … need to repent of worshipping the dead “jew” as the “Lord” God Almighty …. 2 Cor 3:17
He’s alive
Name above all Names
what do you think that means
Isaiah 9
amen too 2 Cor.3:17, 1 John 5:7, Father Word and Spirit, these three are One
Ecclesiastes, when 1 fall’s, how will he get back up, if 2 walk together, one can pick up the other, and threefold cord is not quickly broken
repent yourself ullr
bear fruit’s worthy of God
broken and contrite Heart, God will not despise, Psalm 51
Cute, a theater major, wearing a costume and everything. I hope he’s monetizing his Youtube channel.
Brother Nathanael Kapner – the Jewish boomer ‘street evangelist’ who is a ‘convert to Orthodox Chrisitianity’ and who broadcasts his ‘Real Jew News’, and even has joined the ranks of the dozen or so ethnically Jewish ‘holocaust deniers’, along with Ron Unz – is even more entertaining
Who funds this person’s travels? Is he a paid agitator? Or maybe a trust fund guy.
No idea.
I just saw him on TruNews. I am pretty sure he has been around for a while though. I was tired of the conspiracy theorists though so I shared it. Seemed appropriate on Palm Sunday.
There are a lot of strange things going on. Patterns are off. You do allow dissent and differing views here. That’s a good thing.
Just a garden-variety busker. His youtube channel lists his “ministry” donate button, a Paypal address, a Venmo, and a PO Box for cash donations.
A more talented man might open his guitar case and strum some tunes for money, but preaching is a legitimate folk art I guess.
This is kind of boring though, he doesn’t have any signs about anal sex nor pictures of aborted fetuses like you’d have back in the day.
Religious hucksters are quite good at cashing in on tragedy. I remember the Wall Street Journal proudly noting that churches were raking in the dough after the September 11th attacks.
This gives people stuck in small towns, like Port Charles, LA, a way to “see the big city” on Youtube without having to actually go there.
The 1980s were really the last time when white religious hucksters could make real money from broadcast media, but all the sex scandals – Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker, etc. – kind of ruined it for the rest of them.
Unlike the TV preachers back then, this guy will never have his own private plane, nor a hot-to-trot church secretary. But he might make enough to pay for his tourism.
Actual sackcloth.
The virus is only the beginning. The drift away from God and Christ is going to lead us all to killing each other. Only though the teaching of Christ will we be able to save ourselves. Admit we are sinners, ask for forgiveness and promise to live by Gods laws in the future.
Repent, Repent… of prostrating yourselves (how dishonorable to your own ancestors) and worshipping (how dishonorable to your own ancestors) some dead jew as if he were God Almighty and his kin … 2 Cor 3:17
It’s excellent practice for public speaking, projecting your voice in an empty city center. Don’t know what he’s accomplishing besides that. How much money did the guy spend to preach to nobody on his national tour?
His wardrobe needs some work. If he’s going to wear the sackcloth, he might as well go all out and smear some ashes on his face.
I’ve always had respect for Street Preachers. Those act like Jesus and take the Gospel to the lost….just as Jesus did. Deo Vindice !
The Southern Baptists and the Roman Catholics probably don’t appreciate him moving in on their turf.
Another kook preacher.
A dime a dozen, if u can find someone who will pay a dime.
Yeah ok, Hunter, this week is “pearl harbor”, you say. It is more than a little bit absurd to say that.
The Surgeon General said that this morning. Not me. I shared the video.
You mean that Negro homosexual? They do have a flair for the dramatic, don’t they?
He should be in the cast of “Hamilton”, madam!
How can this be? I was told time and time again that America was blessed by God and would come to no hard as long as we blessed Israel! Instead the opposite seems to be happening.
The first cogent sarcasm to be found, in this list of useless comments.
My take on this ‘street preacher.’
1) He is play-acting… the ‘costume’ gives it all away. He is NOT John the Baptist.
2) True Christianity does not presume that anyone can just jump up and start ‘preachin’…. that’s the Protestant schismatic aberrational paradigm. Therefore, he is a fraud.
3) Someone mentioned the obvious fact- How is someone, in a lockdown scenario, getting to all of these varied places? He’s a poseur.
4) WHO IS FUNDING HIM? And, if he IS being funded (clearly the case) how is this ‘Christian,’ when Christ (if He were truly the model) as a true prophet, stayed within a 60-mile radius, because he had neither horse, chariot, or bus, plane, VW Vanagon…. He’s a hypocrite.
– https://www.quora.com/What-s-the-distance-by-foot-from-Jerusalem-to-Galilee?share=1
5) Does the US need repentance? Assuredly. But it won’t change the minds of people who already find Truth abhorrent… and it won’t come from someone the likes of him. He is not called.
6) the test of a prophet in Scripture, shows that he is a false prophet.
“For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.”
– https://www.openbible.info/topics/false_prophets
Does this latter-day prophet fly business class or economy? Does he wear the sackcloth and ashes while traveling?
What’s the buzz, tell me what’s a-happening
What’s the buzz, tell me what’s a-happening
Why should you want to know, don’t you mind about the future
Don’t you try to think ahead
Save tomorrow for tomorrow
Think about today instead
Bash Ramzpaul, but bear in mind that nobody has yet succeeded in refuting his arguments (or similar reputable commentators like John Ward of The Slog). While I tend to agree with Hunter on this matter, I appreciate Ramz’ courage in sticking to an unpopular viewpoint and encouraging people to think and question authority.
What are his arguments?
Is his argument that over 1,000 a day are dying from the flu in April?
His argument is that the most vulnerable (those over 65 & those with pre-existing conditions) can be quarantined and society can function without shutting everything down and risking a full-on Depression. The vast majority of deaths in Italy have occurred in the aforementioned categories. I don’t agree with Ramz on many things – and thus far in the case of Wuhan plague I am in your camp, Hunter – but I have seen nobody convincingly refute him or John Ward.
Time will tell who is right. I pray that God has mercy upon us, as he did with Nineveh in the days of Jonah.
“I appreciate Ramz’ courage in sticking to an unpopular viewpoint and encouraging people to think and question authority.”
RamZPaul mines White Nationalist videos for ideas, which he puts out as content on his Twitters. Then once every couple of months, he tweets that he supports Jewish nationalism, he supports all nationalism because he wants the best for all peoples. Then the very next tweet he says, he does not support nationalism for Whites.
RamZ’s courage is the courage of an establishment conservative, which is bought with shekels. Someone like Sheldon Adleson drops some bitcoins in his e-wallet and tells him what courageous establishment message he wants pushed next. This month it is, “Go die for the economy you filthy goys.”
“His argument is that the most vulnerable (those over 65 & those with pre-existing conditions) can be quarantined and society can function without shutting everything down and risking a full-on Depression. ”
Have you ever tried telling someone who is over 65, they will be locked away for their own good? Yeah, good luck with that.
We just told RamZPaul to stay home and he started posting Boomer memes of our White Nationalist founders going to war for “muh liberty”.
I think many people don’t like NanCpaul because he comes across as a Fed and a douchebag, madame.
Repent, Repent… of prostrating yourselves (how dishonorable to your own ancestors) and worshipping (how dishonorable to your own ancestors) some dead jew as if he were God Almighty and his kin … 2 Cor 3:17
LMAO! A theatre major in a potato sack? The time to embrace OUR Native European Faith and leave this Jewish Desert Cult in the trashbin of history is nigh. Blut Und Boden!
Blut and Boden!
It’s very hard to have any sympathy for the church when you see how corrupt and gay it is…literally. We live in a post religious world, perhaps we will find a form of spiritualism again but certainly not in the modern western world. I’m much more interested in somebody preaching nationalism, and populism then I am some fake and gay religion which hasn’t been relevant in over a century.