Coronavirus Has Discredited The Mainstream Right

Since this charge is being tossed our way, I will happily respond.

I’ve always been a critic of liberalism and global free-market capitalism. Long before the coronavirus pandemic, I was criticizing the ideology of the mainstream Right on this website, which is conservative liberalism. I have also always believed that the Jewish Question is an effect of our social order. It is liberalism and capitalism that have made Jews wealthy and powerful.

I’m not a liberal. I believe individual liberty is a good, but it isn’t the ONLY good and it shouldn’t be the basis of our social order. There are other goods in life and when any good is taken to an extreme to the detriment of all other goods it becomes a curse. Health, for example, is another good. The liberal is someone who believes that “liberty” or “equality” or “tolerance” or “individual rights” are the only goods and takes these things to absurd extremes. They are rigid ideologues and fanatics who are incapable of balancing goods for the sake of the common good even in emergency situations.

The coronavirus has discredited the mainstream Right and its ideology of conservative liberalism. It isn’t the virus that is killing people so much as it is liberalism. The coronavirus epidemic in the United States was seeded by tens of thousands of unregulated flights from hot zones which landed at our airports, the fear of “spooking the markets” and the science illiterates who surround Donald Trump who advised him to “ride it out” and insisted on comparing a new SARS virus to the regular flu. It was made many times worse than it otherwise would have been by a toxic culture of paranoia and conspiracy theories. In New Zealand, Taiwan and South Korea, 11 people, 6 people and 230 people have respectively died from the virus. In contrast, over 35,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus and the death toll continues to grow by the day.

Unlike the mainstream Right, the “extreme Right” is flexible and would have easily dealt with this crisis. For starters, the “extreme Right” wouldn’t have been paralyzed with fear of being accused of “racism” or “xenophobia” by other liberals. The “extreme Right” wouldn’t have underreacted to the threat posed by the virus out of the fear of “spooking the markets.” The “extreme Right” is authoritarian and believes in the common good. Unlike conservatives and libertarians, the “extreme Right” isn’t hostage to a tiny oligarchy of billionaires and has bitterly complained about their sway over Donald Trump for years now. The “extreme Right” was right about both the danger of open borders and outsourcing our industries.

The “extreme Right” was on top of the coronavirus in January. Unlike the mainstream media, I never compared the coronavirus to the ordinary flu. I never once downplayed the threat it posed. I saw it coming months ago. I can say that I was right the Iraq War and the coronavirus pandemic. I also predicted months ago when China was still the epicenter that it would have its most devastating impact in the West. It was conservatives and libertarians who dropped the ball on the coronavirus and it is because of the flaws of their own ideology too which the coronavirus has cut through like a buzzsaw.

What is the conservative or libertarian solution to the coronavirus? Typhoid Paul has told us hundreds of times now. Their only regret is that the lockdown stopped the epidemic, which they initially ignored, from spiraling even further out of control and infecting and killing even more vulnerable Americans. It has been quite a stunning showing of their true colors for the “pro-life” crowd.

Who is the real “extremist” here? Is it those who are practical, prudent and flexible, informed by science and religion and committed to the common good of the nation, OR, is it those whose minds are hobbled by ignorance, greed and paranoid conspiracy theories and who have made a virtue out of selfishness and a fetish out of abstract individual liberty and taken it to an unreasonable and shockingly immoral extreme in a national emergency?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Coronavirus Has Discredited The Mainstream Right.”

    And it don’t seem to be flatterin’ The Far Right all that much, neither…

    • The “Far Right” or more accurately, 3rd positionists have been nothing but vindicated actually. We took it seriously, correctly placed the blame on Trump and the fed for keeping the borders open and letting planes land. We noticed the congressmen selling their stocks while telling everyone to keep calm. We Have always supported social distancing, self isolation, and YES even government measures to stop the spread. We correctly point out that 1200 is not enough etc.

      You just sound butthurt.

      • Excellent, WASP – you got it all right throughout the entire crisis.

        Indeed, I eagerly anticipate your running for high office, in the future, so that I can vote for you!

        • I understand your sensible feelings. The same positive things were said about me 20 years ago:

          “You should run for high office”

          The reality is that running and winning high office from a sensible 3rd positionist, American First, immigration patriot, race realist just isn t very practical now. It s like trying to start a WASP run Hollywood studio, or a cable news network. The last cable news network run by anyone even remotely WASP was CNN under Ted Turner and that was what 25 years ago before Ted Turner sold out to Gerald Levin and Time Warner inc.

          So what can we do now in this terrible , corrupt occupied society, world.?

          I say go local , separatist , Benedict Option. Look to the Amish as a good model.

          Why stress about bad movies, bad rap music , bad TV shows.they’re pretty much all bad.

          How many hours a day did Robert E Lee , Stonewall Jackson, their wives and daughters spend watching bad ZOG, TV, porn, Black Rap music?

          Answer none.

          Neither should we.

          J Ryan

  2. Unlike the mainstream Right, the “extreme Right” is flexible and would have easily dealt with this crisis.

    Only problem there is that the “extreme right” is completely powerless, so their opinion on the matter is irrelevant.

      • Excellent article and happens to mirror my own thinking on the subject. The middle of last year I was discussing our current vile situation in the West, and the person I was talking this over with (who does happen to agree with me on nearly everything pertaining to conditions here and in Europe), thought there was nothing that could change anything. I did put up the possibility of a catastrophic natural disaster or some kind of plague. Well, looked like my hunch wasn’t too far off the mark.

    • @Southron…

      I definitely do not think that anyone, of any political persuasion, would have ‘dealt easily’ with this crisis, Southron – for it has involved too many intangilbles and too many complex angles.

      On the other hand, if you wish to suggest that highly placed responsible Non-Mainstream Right politicians, of the Viktor Orban type, would have handled this crisis better, on the whole – I think that highly likely.

      The Mainstream Right in this country are, at best, posers at conserving the country and it’s people, and, at worst … well … decorum prohibits me from finishing that sentence…

      • On the other hand, if you wish to suggest that highly placed responsible Non-Mainstream Right politicians, of the Viktor Orban type, would have handled this crisis better, on the whole – I think that highly likely


        That was exactly what I meant, the “extreme right” in America, European Rightest governments would, and are, like president Orban, substantially more competent at statescraft, than anything we could find in America, especially from what was the erstwhile “alt-right”, especially from the likes likes of cartoon clowns like “Little Richie” Spencer (who, I believe, someone once said would make Mussolini look like a first-class statesman by comparison).

        Deo Vindice!

  3. Why would these people literally alienate themselves from the concept and instinct for self preservation? Everyone can see it.

    • Well with Anglin, I think he just wants people to go back to work to send him money. I imagine he must be getting even less money than usual now.
      With Trump, his handlers know that their Zionist and Bolshevist schemes depend heavily on proles paying taxes.

      • Have you read any of Colonel Wang-Lin’s doomer porn about this scamdemic? “There won’t be any more jobs or economy after this is all over, just motorcycle gangs of physically fit alpha males riding through the wastelands taking what they want.” Really useful information.

    • Denninger systematically obfuscates his numbers in every single thing he ever writes. For example, he talks about infection prevalence being possibly 50 times higher than reported – although he doesn’t say “possibly”, he asserts it as unquestionable fact. Even assuming it is true, do we know how many people in that extra population have died without being diagnosed as chinavirus? No, we don’t. Do we know that none at all did? No, we don’t. If you follow the reporting on NYC medical teams, or the events in Italy or Spain, there are many people being reported as dying at home who are suspected COVID cases but never tested and therefore never included in the numbers. One account I saw from an Italian doctor described how every single case coming into the hospital was “the same damned bilateral pneumonia”, and they knew perfectly well it was all COVID, but most of those cases never got officially tested or confirmed. So if you want to presume 50 times as many cases, you had better also presume some multiplier for deaths as well, and until you have some basis for knowing what that multiplier is you’re just blowing smoke. Denninger just skates right by this because it would make his numbers look less impressive.

      Then there’s his talk about 33K deaths nationwide and how it’s not that big a deal. Except it’s not 33K deaths nationwide: it’s that many deaths localized to a few specific places. Most of the nation hasn’t experienced it yet. Scale things up to the same level of deaths and serious illness currently being seen in NYC or New Orleans, all over the country, and the picture looks very different. Denninger doesn’t want you thinking about that, because it invalidates his argument, so he presents his numbers in deceptive fashion.

      He talks about the R0 value and how – according to him – it started going down before any mitigation measures were in place. How does he know that? He doesn’t tell you. He never discusses his methodology, he just posts up his pretty graphs. Where do they come from? Drawing lines in Paint? Maybe. For my part, I’ve got a spreadsheet where I’ve been inputting the numbers, that then calculates the percentage change in cases and deaths as well as a number of other things, and that displays very clearly that the recorded cases in the USA were growing at 30%-40% daily for several weeks in early March, dropped to 25% around March 25 – about 5 days after the lockdowns started – then to 14% in the first week of April and now down to 5% and still dropping. There’s a direct correlation between drops in the growth rate and implementation of social distancing and restrictions, it’s completely visible in the numbers, and absolutely anybody can replicate it for themselves.

      He’s blowing smoke up your ass and hoping you’ll buy it without asking too many questions.

      He does this with every single argument he ever makes. It’s understandable that the naive who take him at face value might be fooled – but once you get in the habit of expecting it, you can see him coming a mile away, every time.

      • @Butt-Goy

        For a “philo-semite” RamZPaul sure does call out the Jews a lot – in virtually 50%+ of his videos. The Jew double-standard is one of his major talking points.

        Is that why you people specifically lie about his “philo-semitism” – precisely BECAUSE he’s solid on the Jewish problem?

        Forget Corona-Chan for a moment – RamZPaul is one of the most anti-semitic (in a good way) “normie” social media people out there.

        Is that what sticks in your craw? Effective pushback against Jews?

        “Normies” will listen to RamZPaul but not, say, Andrew Anglin or (((Weev))) – that really burns, huh?

        • 1 – The “Holocaust” narrative is the foundation of the neo-liberal world order and the justification used for every anti-white policy on earth.
          2 – Israel ferociously maintains and promotes the “Holocaust” narrative.
          3 – RamZPaul thinks Israel has a right to exist.
          4 – RamZPaul implicitly supports the neo-liberal world order.

          The Jews themselves say that anti-Israel = antisemitic, therefore those who admire Israel like RamzPaul must be philosemetic. By the way I’m well aware Anglin and Weev are paid shills.

          • @Butt-Goy

            1. RamZPaul has constantly complained about the censorship of “Holocaust deniers” and the pushing of Holocaust propaganda in public schools. He’s even called it a “religion.”

            3. Surely you can’t be that stupid.

            4. Bizarre.

            “The Jews themselves say that anti-Israel = antisemitic, therefore those who admire Israel like RamzPaul must be philosemetic. ”

            Thanks for basically admitting you’re just trolling and have no real complaint.

            It’s really fascinating the people who get attacked via these twists-of-non-logic. Basically, anyone discussing Jewish power who is not a (((Hollywood Nazi))) LARPer. RedIce, RamZPaul, etc., etc. In other words, the people who are the most presentable and the most convincing.

            Obvious to see why they are targets. The tactic is transparently obvious.

        • @HW

          Yes I know you’ve never had any problem with RamZPaul. And calling him “Typhoid Paul” is pretty funny and he might deserve it. The tweet about the masks was cringe.

          Disagreeing with him on various issues is one thing. Blatantly lying about his record – as Butt-goy is doing – is quite another. The same group that blatantly lies and says that Red Ice is Jewish and run by the CIA. The same group behind “Seductive Jewess” literally a Jewish pornography site. The same group behind “McZOG” who used to go to and say that I was a CIA agent, etc.

          They are just Jewish trolls. They want cartoon neo-Nazis like Weev, not serious discussion of Jewish power.

  4. He should have locked down the country in January, right before the impeachment vote. I’m sure it would have gone over well in the Senate.

  5. Ramzpaul reminds me of the white liberal SJW who moves into to central Baltimore, gives up driving their car, and writes an oped piece for the NYT saying something to the effect of,

    “Hey, this fear of black people is irrational and racist. I have moved into downtown Baltimore and I love it. It is very safe. I socialize with other twenty-somethings, we go to theater, dance reviews, plays, and concerts, and there is nothing to fear in Baltimore. Black people are no different than white people. My neighbors are all black and they are wonderful people. There is nothing to fear. I walk from the bus stop to my townhouse at night with no problem. If you are afraid of black people, or living in Baltimore, it is all due to racist stereotypes and media fear mongering. There is nothing to fear in Baltimore.”

    Two weeks later, she is raped and murdered by five young black males, one of them 13. A glowing obit is written in the NYT. Her father talks about how brave and open minded his daughter was. And the rest is history.

    Yeah, Z-Man reminds me of that SJW type.

    • Paul is greedy little ghoul who needs a thorough ass-kicking, followed by a spell as an bedpan-emptying orderly in an ICU ward full of corona patients.

  6. The lamestream right was discredited long ago, at least as far back as the 1960s when Commander Rockwell and Dr. Oliver exposed them for the flakes, frauds and cowards they’ve always been. As far as LOLbertarians are concerned they’re nothing more than pot-smoking pedophiles.

    • @Dart … just curious – what makes you think this pandemic has ‘accelerated the death of conservatism”?

      • Normal people are watching the reaction from conservatives and they are turned off by it. Fewer people will be sympathetic to conservatives from now on. Conservatism was already dying out, but it will just come sooner than expected now.

  7. The only people ‘discrediting’ the CV are those who continue to feed and maintain the staged narrative of a large-scale pandemic while convincing themselves that they are enlightened o the matter. Inauthentic and mentally timorous frauds like little Joey Rogan come to mind!

  8. Unlike the mainstream Right, the “extreme Right” is flexible and would have easily dealt with this crisis.

    May the wonderful sight of Jacksonville Beach reveal the truth that the Far Right hates so much: The government can’t force White people at the point of a gun to stay in our own homes and expect us to listen. The government doesn’t get to control us or tell us what to do, not unless they want to go Full Area 51 and shoot all of us down at once. Only the sick should be quarantined. Healthy people should be allowed to leave their homes, shop, eat at restaurants, swim at the beach, walk around theme parks, and do whatever the hell else they want to do. Even if a stupid Chinese virus spreads, it’s death toll will be no higher than yearly deaths from cancer or heart disease, which we take for granted and don’t freak out about. The deaths from COVID-19 are totally worth it in order to be able to move around freely. The Far Right clearly views the White Race as yet another group of undesirables that it wants to control, and that, among many other reasons, is why the Mainstream Right still has institutional power whereas the Far Right has been morally discredited for decades.

    Ideally, the U.S. government would Fash the Border and Liberate the Interior. BUT, if we are forced to choose between Fashing both or Liberating both, than those Florida beaches and all those protests demonstrate that the majority of White Americans would rather liberate both. The White Race does not need to be controlled or told to stay in doors.

    Hail Liberty

    Hail Victory

    • Interesting.

      In your own words, you are comfortable with 100 million people dying of coronavirus so long as your lifestyle isn’t temporarily interrupted by a disease, but you think *we* have been “morally discredited.”

      • Whites are generally willing to put up with death if the exchange is that we won’t be told what to do. During WW2, the propaganda that the U.S. government used to rally White Americans for war with Germany was that “the Nazis want to take away your freedoms.” I don’t believe this was actually the case, but the point is, White America was willing to sacrifice over 100,000 lives and go into full war time economy mode in order to defend their freedoms (or so they thought).

        60,000 deaths, or whatever the number is going to be, is a tragedy, but its also part of life. We accept it and deal with it. We certainly don’t lock ourselves inside our homes to prevent it. Apparently, however, COVID-19 “requires” the government to lock us inside our homes. Well, guess what, that’s unacceptable, and it’s coming to an end. As you yourself said, the Florida beaches demonstrate that a lot of people feel like this is a hoax. It’s not a hoax, but it’s also not nearly enough of a danger to justify the extreme, authoritarian measures that the government has taken.

        The Far Right only supports those measures because they’ve developed a lust for authoritarian government regardless of who is actually in charge. I would oppose these measures even if Robert E. Lee or Uncle Adolf was in charge, but in any case, supporting authoritarianism for the sake of “obeying authority” is antithetical to the spirit of our race. That much should be obvious. Hence why this ridiculous shutdown will be over soon.

        • The “spirit of our race,” at its best, is and was embodied in Prussian virtues such as self-discipline, and believing in higher ideals than mere self-gratification.

          “We won’t be told what to do” is the mindless tantrum of a child; in adults, it is the characteristic behavior of the “youths.”

          It is an anti-white, base imperative; and the fact that any number of whites have been brainwashed into reverting to such a primitive, impulsive way of behaving is a sad testament to the decline of the race.

          • The “spirit of our race,” at its best, is and was embodied in Prussian virtues such as self-discipline, and believing in higher ideals than mere self-gratification.

            Except the Prussians were just one subgroup of the White Race. I hate to sound like a divide-and-conquer Nordicist here, but it’s a fact of history that White people of Northwest European descent have taken their individual freedom seriously, particularly the British, particularly the sect of the British that landed on Plymouth Rock. Sam Dickson bemoaned this fact at the 2013 NPI Conference, saying that the Pilgrims were the most individualist sect of the most individualist tribe (Anglo-Saxons) of the most individualist race on the planet. Those are your founders of America right there.

            The Pilgrims literally left Britain because they didn’t want the Anglican Church telling them what to do. The 13 colonies literally declared a war of independence because they didn’t want the British Empire telling them what to do. If nothing else, this demonstrates that White Americans do not like being told what to do. The Far Right sees that as a bad thing, and I’ve come back around to seeing it as a good thing.

            It is an anti-white, base imperative; and the fact that any number of whites have been brainwashed into reverting to such a primitive, impulsive way of behaving is a sad testament to the decline of the race.

            No, here’s the real issue, which you people on the Far Right are either unwilling or unable to grasp the nuance of: There are some things that people should be allowed to do, and there are other things the government should ban them from doing. It’s not an autistic, all or nothing proposition. Simply put, Whites should be allowed to eat out at Applebees, and they should NOT be allowed to have Drag Queen Story Hour. Reasonable, well-intentioned minds can debate and figure out what activities should be allowed, and what shouldn’t be allowed, but instead, you guys have fallen for the Jewish trap of “we must have one extreme or the other.” Either everything must be fashed, or everything must be liberated. That’s not how morality or ideology works! You are allowed to pick and choose what is acceptable, and what’s not acceptable, and if there is such vast disagreement between what activities should be acceptable and unacceptable, then its best for those people groups to go separate ways and form their own countries, like the Pilgrims did when they came to North America.

            I initially thought the critiques of freedom coming from the likes of Dickson and Richard Spencer that I saw in 2012 and 2013 was a justified response to the excesses and failures of Conservatism Inc. I didn’t realize or suspect that they were seriously, unironically opposed to the very concept of personal liberty or individual freedom. Insofar as any of them actually believe in individual freedom, I suspect it’s the same “freedoms” that the serfs had during Medieval times. The fact of the matter is, we live like Aristocrats compared to the Serfs of Medieval times. No one’s going back to that. No one WANTS to go back to that. Freedom has been mostly good for White Americans, and although there are indeed some activities we shouldn’t be allowed to engage in, the COVID-19 shutdown has made it clear beyond any shadow of doubt that the Far Right is not interested in having a good faith discussion over what should and should not be allowed. You guys believe that eating out at Applebees is morally no different than Drag Queen Story Hour. Sobeit. No self-respecting White person is going to follow a movement that wants to force them to stay inside “cuz its foh yo own guuuuddd.” There is no “collective good” that justifies being locked into your own home, least of all a virus that has an insignificant death toll.

          • FWIW, Conservatism, Inc. hasn’t even gone so far to say that it is better for 100 million people to die than to be unable to go to Applebee’s for a month. It would be political suicide for any politician to say something like that.

          • DP84,

            Don’t lump British heritage in with your dumb Americanism. In Britain, people made sure to keep their lights out at night to make it more difficult for German bombers to bomb London. Britons served in the home guard risking their lives to help out fellow Britons around the city. In Canada during the Seven Years War, British soldiers used to share food rations with starving French Civilians and respected the French way of life so much so that Quebeckers not once but twice fought off American invasions of Quebec in subsequent wars.

            Your average Briton is far more communally minded and respectful of other Whites than what the U.S. has become today. His reference to “Prussian Values” may as well be a reference to “European Values” something that seems to no longer remain in at least 10% of the U.S. population.

        • @DP…

          “… Pilgrims were the most individualist sect of the most individualist tribe (Anglo-Saxons) of the most individualist race on the planet. Those are your founders of America right there…”

          With all due respect, DP – the pilgrims (Anabaptists) were NOT the founders of America, but, New England.

          My country, Dixie, was founded in Jamestown, Virginia principally by entrepenurial types looking to get away from totalitarian do-gooder theoreticians, of either religious and or secular stripes, because they were already suffocating life in Olde England.

        • The Far Right only supports those measures because they’ve developed a lust for authoritarian government regardless of who is actually in charge. I would oppose these measures even if Robert E. Lee or Uncle Adolf was in charge, but in any case, supporting authoritarianism for the sake of “obeying authority” is antithetical to the spirit of our race. …


          A very big HURRAH TO YOU!!

          Whatever the American Right is, or should be, we should never, EVER, be cartoon fascists … that spirit is COMPLETELY ANTITHETICAL to our American, and in particular, Anglo-Celtic spirit of the True South.

          Robert E. Lee, like president Jeff Davis, are rolling in their hallowed graves at what they are seeing now.

    • “if we are forced to choose between Fashing both or Liberating both, than those Florida beaches and all those protests demonstrate that the majority of White Americans would rather liberate both”

      In other words, “Hail Globohomo’s victory, so I can do whatever the f— I want!”

      Literally the reason the West has become such a sh*thole is because the RamZPauls are no better than — and indeed no different from — the “youths” and the gays and the tribe and the feminists and every other base-impulse-driven group.

      It is precisely these base, chimp-out-like impulses that whites conquered in themselves in centuries past, and thus created ordered, noble societies beyond mud huts. And now those base impulses have returned, labelled as “liberty.”

      • the RamZPauls are no better than — and indeed no different from — the “youths” and the gays and the tribe and the feminists and every other base-impulse-driven group.

        How exactly are any of those groups your enemy? You agree with them on every meaningful policy. You guys tried to convince the Pro-White Movement that we should support Bernie Sanders for President. Your whole ideology can be reduced to, “actually, everything you’re hearing from the media is good for White people.” There is no fundamental difference between the policies you support and what Luke O’Brien or Jared Holt support. The only difference is how you feel about race, where Enoch and Striker got taken to school by those two obnoxious lefties the other day (Caleb and Brenton).

        Seriously, drop your prejudices and join the Left already. You would be happier

        it is precisely these base, chimp-out-like impulses that whites conquered in themselves in centuries past, and thus created ordered, noble societies beyond mud huts. And now those base impulses have returned, labelled as “liberty.”

        I’m going to defer to Ricardo Duschene and Charles Murray on this. It was our superior intelligence, superior creativity, and superior impulse control that allowed us to build and discover all the cool things. There’s nothing impulsive about not wanting to be locked inside your own home, or about wanting to eat out at Applebees. Get over it.

        • “There’s nothing impulsive about … wanting to eat out at Applebees.”

          The most boomer statement ever written.

          • You will continue to pay for your own healthcare. You will continue to pay off your student loans until the balance is zero. You will continue to go to work and not expect to be paid for missed days when you get sick. You will continue to pay all your bills with your own money, and you will not receive 1000 YangBux per month. You will continue to make a fraction of 1% of what a CEO or manager of a big corporation makes unless and until and create your own business and it becomes wildly successful. As a socialist, you have no rights which any business bound to respect. The only good commie is a dead commie.

            Eat At Arbys

        • The question is doe sthe waitress want to serve serve fat obnoxious assholes any more.

        • You speak of “superior impulse contol” as you work yourself into a bawling frenzy, stamping your feet and screaming in a spoiled brat tantrum, because you’re unable to exercise enough self-discipline to get through a temporary mild restriction of movement being carried out as a community/tribal effort to avoid being potentially decimated by a pestilence.

          “You better open Appleby’s and the beaches RIGHT NOW or I’M GOING TO HOLD MY BREATH UNTIL I TURN BLUE! WAAAAAAHHHH!!!! WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! WAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”

          You’re so weak, pampered, and spoiled that you start whining and throwing pissy little tantrums after a few weeks of relatively mild restrictions, because you’re incapable of amusing yourself at home like 99% of humanity did for 99% of history.

          You only feel alive when you’re out (((consuming))). It’s all the shekels and the mall for you. You can’t take a walk, or read a book, you can’t talk with family and friends, you can’t enjoy a quiet dinner at home, you can’t watch movies on your computer, you can’t engage in a hobby, or do some gardening.

          No, you’ve got to be out chanting “Shop until you drop!” in order to consider yourself “free.” A completely deracinated CONSUMER, not a human being, who lies on the floor bawling and drumming his fists and feet in bratty, melodramatic hysterics because his “shopping experience” has been slightly impinged upon for a while.

          You’d never be able to cope with a real disaster, or a war, or the so-called “boogaloo.” You’d lose it and perish within a week, because you’re the most disgusting kind of human of all.

          A vile, crybaby weakling completely commanded by his impulses.

  9. I hate cowards and traitors. I can smell their spinless jelly backs a mile away. My revulsion for traitors is why I don’t like RamZPaul.

    Jews and other diversities are what they are. They are symptom of the disease called treason.

  10. “I have also always believed that the Jewish Question is an effect of our social order. It is liberalism and capitalism that have made Jews wealthy and powerful.”

    Have you noticed any Jews putting forth the conspiracy theories you’ve rightly been scorning in connection with this virus, Mr. W.? I doubt it. Jews are unlike a very-large portion of the Teuton population, in that they, the Jews, are a serious people. Many a Teuton is quick to show you that he is unfooled, that he knows the World Trade Center wasn’t destroyed by the airliners that were flown into it, or that this virus is part of some convoluted scheme that others are just too dumb to see–but then ask that Teuton how he did in high-school algebra, which his Jewish peers were taking seriously while he himself was focused on obtaining fake ID for the obtaining of liquor. Ask him whether he even knows how to balance his checkbook, while his Jewish peers have gone onto advanced science studies.

    This isn’t a problem of “liberalism” or “capitalism.” It is, as I will say again, a problem of what one avoids–or does not avoid.

    • You make a good point but when the crazy Germans did get serious they got thumped

      • If you’ll reread “Mein Kampf,” Captain, you’ll find, I think, that Hitler foresaw that possibility. He said the outcome of the war would turn on England, specifically, on whether the British would find racial solidarity with the Germans or, instead, succumb to anti-German (((programming))).

        I think we know how that turned out. The Teutons in Germany were thumped by the unserious Teutons elsewhere, in Britain and America.

  11. The US was lost when ordinary whites got run out of the Democratic Party. The party of Ebineezer Scroge is not the answer to solving the problems facing the nation. Instead, whites put in the big business regime that shipped their jobs overseas and served up a minimum wage, part time no benefits jobs economy that impoverished them. The conservative big business response to this epidemic is just another example of this.

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