Australia’s Population Plunge

This is all a part of the HOAX.

It is exactly what the globalists wanted to happen!

310,000 immigrants have left Australia where 71 people have died from the coronavirus! 300,000 more temporary workers could also be leaving soon! What will happen to the economy?

Note: The fact that only 71 people have died in Australia and 12 people have died in New Zealand compared to 40,131 in the United States and 16,060 in Britain makes the case against unregulated borders.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Imagine if Australia became whiter, with all the nonwhite scum permanently deported? Lower crime, less congestion, no chinks around driving up the cost of real estate and spreading their dirty chink diseases all over the place….crikey!

  2. It’s time to get all the sullen BAME ingrates on one way trips to the Third World. Use the airplanes idled by this plague for masses repatriation.

  3. Recently, a lot of blogs and websites have been discussing the impact and insight of David Icke’s second interview with London Real which was taken down by YT. Icke has his flaws, however, he does a superb job of capturing exactly where we are at and what is at stake for us with this world-wide false-flag being imposed on the people’s of the world.

    As the Trump worshiping Q-tards and pandemic advocate suckers are squandering their diligence and energies on a fabricated ghost, the sands in the hourglass are running out as the majority of the people are transfixed by unnecessary alarm being force-fed to them by their idiot-box!

    A Bolshevik-type terror is not out of the realm of possibility!

  4. “310,000 immigrants have left Australia”

    Will it happen here ?……..
    …………plz, plz, plz !

  5. In what will go down as the largest false-flag in history, 3-11 has many aims! It is not JUST for 5G or JUST for mandatory vaccines. There are many aims and objectives that they will be implementing under the cover of the pandemic narrative, some of which will be incorporated depending on how the public responds.

    • Right; in the same way the Patriot Act had been earlier drafted with the foreknowledge of 9/11. The GWOT’s claims of terrorists lurking under every rock proved inadequate to finalize imposition of the surveillance and control apparatus of state, requiring yet another New Pearl Harbor to justify what’s already being called “rolling lockdowns” all but abrogating what little hasn’t already been abrogated in the name of protecting us from FBI faked attacks. Que Dieu écrase l’infamie en DC.

  6. For those of you wanting to penetrate deep into the damage this phony pandemic is wrecking, take some time to watch Davey Crocko’s video here where he breaks down the fraud behind the SBA(Small Business Admin.)loans.

    The money allotted for the SBA’s in the stimulus bill was already siphoned-off within the first couple of hours which basically means there is zero oversight on where this money is going and most of that money was already designated to go to certain parties from the beginning. And, of course, Chuck Schumer wields enormous power with the SBA!

    • At what point do the trials and hangings begin though? The sleight of hand by the rich is expected but will folks do anything about it?

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