California +3,135
Texas +2,262
Florida +2,625
Georgia +1,018
Louisiana +1,288
North Carolina +1,428
Arizona +1,540
Alabama +891
South Carolina +785
Arkansas +548
Here are the latest numbers:
The South: 6/13
MS: 19,348 cases, 889 deaths
AL: 24,601 cases, 773 deaths
SC: 17,955 cases, 599 deaths
GA: 56,801 cases, 2,446 deaths
TX: 87,903 cases, 1,989 deaths
FL: 73,596 cases, 2,928 deaths
LA: 46,283 cases, 3,009 deaths
AR: 12,095 cases, 177 deaths
KY: 12,455 cases, 499 deaths
OK: 8,073 cases, 359 deaths
WV: 2,274 cases, 88 deaths
VA: 53,869 cases, 1,541 deaths
MO: 16,193 cases, 890 deaths
NC: 42,844 cases, 1,127 deaths
TN: 29,541 cases, 472 deaths
U.S. cases:
6/1: 1,859,323
6/2: 1,881,205
6/3: 1,901,783
6/4: 1,924,051
6/5: 1,965,708
6/7: 2,007,449
6/8: 2,026,493
6/9: 2,045,549
6/11: 2,089,701
6/12: 2,116,922
6/13: 2,142,224 <— YOU ARE HERE
U.S. deaths per day:
6/1: 730
6/2: 1,134
6/3: 1,083
6/4: 1,031
6/5: 975
6/7: 373
6/8: 588
6/11: 904
6/12: 791
6/13: 702 <— YOU ARE HERE
TOTAL: 117,527 dead
We have to keep a vigil, to see if there is a surge in cases at the end of the month, resulting from all the rioting and massed protests.
China is stamping out yet another local infection cluster brought to Beijing from outside the country. Global Times reports: “It is impossible for China to completely eradicate the virus. The epidemic may break out from unexpected directions, and we must be able to withstand such situations and respond effectively. What happened in Beijing is very likely not the end of China’s domestic COVID-19 spread. To cope with COVID-19 in the long run, we must at least do two things. First, we must let our prevention and control system stand unremittingly. We should be able to detect new confirmed cases in a timely manner, and quickly lock and cut off the chain of infection. We must win every fight, confine every outbreak to a relatively small range and prevent it from spreading far and wide across regions. This is a hard test for us. Second, our COVID-19 fight should be more precise and accurate. We should not let the new local epidemic control mobilization bring a large-scale or even a national panic. We must avoid the new local epidemic from affecting the resumption of work and production. This time, Beijing has responded quickly and powerfully in targeted local areas, but it has not announced a city-wide raise in the COVID-19 emergency response level. This has gained general support from public opinion. In the past couple of months, places across China have been through fights to contain the virus while pushing forward resumption of work and production. China has accumulated much experience in this regard. As the anti-virus fight drags on, China must boost the effectiveness of its anti-epidemic measures and try to contain the new outbreak, so the impact on people’s lives will be minimized and the country’s economic recovery will not be disrupted. This can be seen as the lifeline to win this battle. The Chinese people have confidence that the epidemic in Beijing can be contained and the country has the ability to contain these situations anywhere in China”: https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1191567.shtml