Twitter Censors Trump Again

This is how societies collapse.

Very slowly. Then it happens very rapidly.

Twitter is gagging the president of the United States for vowing to restore law and order in the American capital, but not the violent anarchists who are seizing control of the streets to establish lawless zones!

Note: I see it as another symptom of elite fragmentation and political destabilization. Of course, this is five months after the president was impeached for the Ukraine hoax.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If you casually read most news outlets, the enforcement of laws against law-breakers is classified as “Harm” and “violence.” (Except tax collection. Odd.)

    When criminals beat, shoot, or stab police officers it is called “scuffles with the police” and “misconduct involving firearms.”

    One has to wonder what is the end game behind the Orwellian Newspeak.

    How do they think this is all going to end? Are they all banking on all of us voluntarily showing up at labor camps and firing squads out of a sense of lingering patriotism to a non-existent nation?

    I doubt anyone who works at Twitter or Facebook has seen real combat or is ready for real combat. They have no idea what they are invoking.

    Question: If the Union troops who resupplied Ft. Sumter had been able to see the future and seen all of those dead Americans rotting on the battlefields, would they have been so eager to provoke?

    Poking bears, even those in cages, is never a wise idea.

    • “Question: If the Union troops who resupplied Ft. Sumter had been able to see the future and seen all of those dead Americans rotting on the battlefields, would they have been so eager to provoke?”

      If they could have seen the way the country is now, they would have turned around and marched on Washington.

  2. Awesome. Maybe then he’ll tweet less and think about why he’s about to become a one term President. Try fulfilling your America first nationalist campaign platform instead of tweeting all the time, boomer fool.

  3. There is no “elite fragmentation.” Everyone in Congress, big business, entertainment, and the media are loudly in support of the wine agenda. Trump sends out spicy tweets every now and again but his actions in office show that he’s on the same page too. This is the one thing that keeps me from expecting actual civil war in the near future, as Peter Turchin has noted that elite fragmentation is historically essential for it.

    If there was really “fragmentation,” you’d see influential and powerful people countering the woke agenda and trying to rally the public to their side. Where are the elites calling for positive white identity, of racial realism, or a even just a defense of our historical monuments? Where are the moneyed men financing the counter movement? They are nowhere to be found. The “fragmentation” you think you see here is all for show. No one is busting the elite union.

    • Trump is still talking about all he has done for blacks at his rallies and promoting the great American holiday of juneteenth (which he had never heard about until a week ago). Conservatives are still posting up pictures of themselves with all five blacks who go to Trump rallies, saying cliche crap like “this is the real America.”

    • Yes, it’s psychological warfare, Trump’s “impotence” is really a clumsy, albeit seemingly effective disguise for rolling out these sorts of measures against any and all opposition.

    • Solidus,

      I agree. I do not see any elite or even any mid-level organized opposition to the current happenings.

    • Solidus,

      Excellent and very incisive observations on your part.

      Trump sends out spicy tweets every now and again but his actions in office show that he’s on the same page too.


      This is probably why Trump da Chump keeps constantly making the Masonic, inverted triangle hand sign.

      Trump is on record as well saying that he is a freemason.

      • Blumpf is too stupid to be a Freemason but luckily for him you don’t have to be smart just filthy rich and willing to do the long nose tribes bidding, the same could be said of any secret society organisation.

    • @Solidus…

      Like many here, I agree with you, but, there is one thing you omit, and it figures largely in this : ——— many people, at the top of the food chain, are now like those in the middle or those at the bottom – too frightened to resist, because they are wary of the costs.

      We’ve reached the point when only plum mad-dog meanness is going to break this vicious cycle.

  4. The cyberpunk dystopia stories never mentioned that the giant megacorporations usurping power from elected governments would be woke leftist dystopian megacorporations.

  5. I have to say that, as one who came up in the 1960s and 1970s, the notion that a sitting president, or any president, really, would be publically censored by a private media corporation, is really quite something.

    If I had not lived through the last decade, this would be too much to fathom.

  6. Twitter is evil it encourages hatemobs and antifa. Bluecheckmarks which I call “blue cheka” are allowed to fedpost and talk all the antiwhite hate til there black hearts content with little to absolutely no consequences doxing white people is fine and justified as long as they are “racist” and even if they aren’t its still okay with them because they irked some pos poc so they will just ruin your life and get you fired from your job

    Its a hivemind of hate, social justice, jleft bigots and constant promotion of faggotry Too bad Trump is a retard and has given big tech huge tax cuts to them they don’t need to abide to his rules and will censor him anyway

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