Due to ongoing violence and public safety issues in the East Precinct/Cal Anderson Park area. Mayor Jenny Durkan has issued an executive order to vacate the area. Seattle police will be in the area this morning enforcing the Mayor’s order. https://t.co/SpVRYIB8eg pic.twitter.com/JAt2AvUTCr
— Seattle Police Dept. (@SeattlePD) July 1, 2020
#UPDATE: First look at the #CHOP zone since Seattle Police cleared it out this morning.
— Deedee Sun (@DeedeeKIRO7) July 1, 2020
Dozens of tents and lots belongings left, but all protestors have been cleared out. @KIRO7Seattle pic.twitter.com/dULugXBtBz
RIP Seattle CHAZ!
Black Lives Matter protesters at the NY CHAZ brag about their college educations and mock the police for being uneducated, working class, illiterate rubes. They also call a black cop “black Judas” or race traitor. pic.twitter.com/HD01cu2ZVc
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 1, 2020
Long live New York City CHAZ
Like Occupy Wall Street, it was nothing but a controlled-opposition fake “revolutionary distraction,” a huge time and energy waster (and SARS CoV2 spreader) with no true revolutionary plan or purpose.
It was never worth paying any attention to. I haven’t wasted ANY time reading, watching and thinking about these sensational street protests that are such juicy “red meat” for Fox and Carlson Tucker fans.
Correction: fake “revolutionary” distraction
Read the top Tweets under the Ian Miles Cheong bottom post… All “conservatives” calling out “white liberals” and comparing the protesters to the KKK in the face they actually believe race is real and not that we are all the same genetically.
If this is the best the Right can muster, Fox news level pandering, things are over
The last month has provided a goldmine of Murdoch Murdoch material. They may have to make a full-length movie: “The Wrath of Murdoch-Chan”.
Outside of the sanity of my friends here along with all Brad’s hard work, I must admit that “Murdoch Murdoch” brings the largest and most refreshing burst of sanity over the past few years. They are always ahead of the curve sparing no one, whether fake right women hating incels like Fuentes or Trump himself. I owe those crazy kids my sanity
This thing got shut down PDQ when BLM/Antifa stopped trying to terrorize working class White neighborhoods who were armed to the teeth and invaded Hollywood, yelling, “Eat the Rich” and almost stormed Mayor Derkan’s mansion. I might add that Bezos was treated to the lovely sight of a guillotine in front of his complex.
If any of this crap starts up again, we all need to point them back to rich enclaves so that all these rich leftists funding these organizations can deal with the monsters they have created.
I think the last straw was BLM announced they are against Israel.
Also Trump announced the 10 year sentences are now in effect. Also the kids shot by CHAZ securiy. Also the masked (((Anti-Fa))) terrorists shooting into innocent peoples cars.
All summed up, the “optiks” were starting to look bad, and so the radicals for the establishment have taken their victories and returned home to their jewish parents mansions… Until its time for the next (((establishment))) approved revolution.
Let’s offer the pay for the guillotines, too.
“Bezos was treated to the lovely sight of a guillotine in front of his complex”
I though it was lovely, too.
Sometimes controlled opposition groups, right and fake left, wander off their reservations and need to be disciplined. Or their period of usefulness is over. Excess energy that could have been used effectively has been channeled off into another fruitless dead end, and the system remains secure.
Yes, let us note the Dems and GOP colluding to prevent Trump withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and Europe. Same old same old.
If you’re not going to blow up the Bank of International Settlements building, or wipe out the Davos attendees, what you do in the mainstream political sphere will be of limited effect and influence.
CHOP was the perfect acronym. Rule by machete is how these places tend to finish.
Re: phone calls from the POLICE asking for money:
Where do those annoying police fundraising phone calls come from? They cannot be stopped. Some actually come from the police…union!
A “union” that represses workers does not belong in the AFL-CIO, or then, maybe it does….
I always thought the gauge of public discourse and free speech was seen in the South Park animated series. I am surprised the powers that be have not advocated for its removal. They take on everybody. I cant wait until they portray Black Lives Matters and Antifa! As things now stand Eric Cartman would make a much better president than Trump! LMWAO!