Donald Trump Celebrates Independence Day At Mount Rushmore

What do you think?

As far as the speech goes, I said last night that I basically agree with the vision – protecting our monuments, protecting free speech, ending cancel culture and ending Antifa violence – which is what we have demanded for three and a half years now along with securing the border, ending globalization and ending the foreign wars which is what we were promised and never got in 2016.

The problem is that Trump and the GOP have done nothing virtually nothing to tackle these problems and advance a nationalist agenda. We have a bunch of old men who are goofballs who not only sit around and do nothing in Congress, but squander the power we give them doing shit that no one cares about for their donors. Peter Thiel recently compared the Trump campaign “to the ‘S.S. Minnow’ – a ship that ran aground on the television series Gilligan’s Island.” It was a good analogy which describes the total disconnect between what the voters want and were sold and what they have gotten.

Note: The memes say it all.

This is why June was such a disastrous month for Trump.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • @Cow…

      “Trumps visit to Mt. Rushmore basically guarantees it’s destruction now.”

      Interesting and original point of view.

      Thank you!

  1. Trump’s poll numbers are free falling and even his rallies have been a bust, so he is bringing back the 2016 vdare-adjacent dog whistles. Trump will be sounding like Jared Taylor by election night. The sad thing is it will work on a lot of people. Not enough for him to win, of course.

    • don’t short Drumpf. During one of the “debates”, Biden might fall on the floor and start drooling.

    • I still want him to win, just for the simple pleasure of seeing many weak people cry hysterically. Maybe some will even decide it is time to move on to a new plane of existence.

    • For 42 months Trump consistently took the side of the blacks against Americans. Too late, much too late, not that he has actually done anything for us anyway.

    • He probably has a good chance of winning.

      Of course, he won’t do anything constructive with the victory. But, he’ll still likely win.

  2. Watching the fireworks over Mt. Rushmore, thought what a sad end America is facing. If you have not seen Mt. Rushmore in person, might want to do so, before they destroy it…

    Trump can do nothing to save America, the fix was in before any of us were born. What is happening is the final episode of a long-term plan. The last generation who could have stopped this, was the WW2 generation, and they chose to look the other way, as the take-over from within proceeded.

    Brace for impact.

  3. Watching this Zionist Traitor become increasingly ‘based’ as the election draws closer is infuriating. I’m sure the Jews who write his speeches are laughing their asses off at how easily they can control the stupid white boomers.

  4. “”….The problem is that Trump and the GOP have done nothing…””

    I honestly disagree. Trump has done everything to demonstrate that you living in the country full of communists so there are enough people, ready to make French or Russian revolution. All white of course.

    “””….protecting our monuments, protecting free speech, ending cancel culture and ending Antifa year of violence…””

    Well, this happened in Russia in the years of 1905-1907. Then we had first revolution. Czar protected us but genetic white liberals were not addressed, they reorganized and 1917 they got another chance.

    This is what the draining of the swamp really means. When you suppress the 1905 then the only reward is 1917.

    Genetic white liberal problem must be recognized and properly dealt

    • It’s extremely difficult to express oneself well in a second language, and Juri usually does an excellent job of writing in English. But am I the only one who imagines this is how Boris Badenov from “Rocky and Bullwinkle” writes?

      Also, Blompf has done nothing but posture, Juri. As is often said, the Potatus hasn’t kept one of his campaign promises, especially the ones that got him elected.

      • @Boomer…

        Yes, Juri is a great commenter, and often sheds light on things that most of us miss, and he does it in our language, no less.

        I think Juri has very well demonstrated how we are, at present, getting perilously close to making an open air Judeo-Bolshevik reenactment, here in this country …

      • @Boomer…

        “Also, Blompf has done nothing but posture”

        Yes, and the way I understand this phenomenon is the following…

        President Trump has the mouth of George Wallace, but, the governance of Jeb Bush.

        An unlikely marriage of the twain repose within him…

  5. A while back I saw a special about what would happen if all the people on Earth died out. After all the buildings collapsed and roads were overgrown with weeds what artifact would be left to tell future visitors to Earth from another solar system that the planet once had intelligence life? They decided upon Mount Rushmore which would endure for thousands of years if not hundreds of thousand. Perhaps even millions.

  6. Reading these remarks, I agree that President Trump has had a very bad couple of months.

    That said, y’all seem to have forgotten that President Trump has the very best ally he could possibly have to win reelection.

    That ally?

    The Far Left.

    Political commentator, Tim Pool, made a fascinating case about this just yesterday, and, as well, how the results of the 2020 presidential election are unlikely to be accepted by anybody…

  7. Trump talks shit about what he is “going to do” and – like Pavlov’s dogs – HW starts drooling.

  8. I think Trump has done much more than you guys give him credit for. He made the jews loose their minds and accelerate their anti-White anti-Christian agenda. The only problem is our side has no fight in it and all the tools of oppression are in jewish hands. Remember the Accelerationists? Well, I don’t see them being too happy that their predictions came through!

    • Part of the logic of accelerationism is directing the blowback correctly. Trump is the wrong kind of acceleration because the blowback is all aimed at White people. Obama was the right kind of acceleration.

  9. Ivan Turgenev :That said, y’all seem to have forgotten that President Trump has the very best ally he could possibly have to win reelection.
    That ally?
    The Far Left.

    Erik Kolvenson: I think Trump has done much more than you guys give him credit for. He made the jews loose their minds and accelerate their anti-White anti-Christian agenda.

    Ivan, as a self-admitted Jew, maybe your support for Trump comes from the fact that he’s the most pro-Jewish President we’ve ever possibly had.

    The last President who was wise to the JQ and stand up to them and the deep state was Nixon, who I doubt you’re a huge fan of, and look what happened to him in the end. Kissinger admitted that If the Soviets hadn’t funded the Arabs during the Yom Kippur War, Nixon wouldn’t have even intervened to save Israel. The first President to really kiss up to Israel was Reagan who began the custom of sending billions of aid annually to Israel.

    You, Erik, and other Trumpians can claim polls are fixed and Trump’s going to win in a landslide, but his famous 2016 backers like Ann Coulter, Richard Spencer, James Allsup, and Nick Fuentes have all turned against him and predict his loss. Even Fox News concedes that Trump’s trailing Biden in every battleground state he won in ’16 and Trump’s last rally was an embarrassment. Trump won in ’16 because he convinced moderate suburban independents and blue collar moderate Democrats to join the Republican camp. This time, they’re either staying home or going for Joe out of frustration for Trump not keeping his campaign promises, bungling the handling of Covid-19 and the economy, and governing like Jeb instead of Ike or Nixon.

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