Deconstruction is another lovely idea that comes from our Jewish friends alongside Marxism and Freudianism which are the foundation of Critical Theory. Jacques Derrida was the Jewish father of deconstruction which is one of the favorite techniques of woke supremacists:
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
You’ve likely seen this word in media and in academic literature. If you want to understand wokeness and how it operates, you MUST understand deconstruction. It is the key method the woke use to attack both our institutions and our civilization.
A thread: pic.twitter.com/1UDO2QvTKH
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
To understand deconstruction, we first need to know what it’s purpose is.
The Purpose of deconstruction is to undercut the ideas, beliefs, words, ideologies, art and discourses of our civilization by attacking their MEANING.
Read that again because it’s important.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Now, everything we do (relationships, work, school, politics…everything) we do based on our ideas and understanding of the world, and our ideas and understanding of the world are built from such things as concepts, beliefs, words, ideologies, art and discourses.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
If a set of ideas and a way of understanding of the world provide the blueprint for a society, then you can tear down that society by destroying it’s blueprint. You do that by destroying the IDEAS and understanding of the world used to create that societies blueprint.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
This is the game that the woke are in. They do not like our liberal democracy, and they want to tear it down by destroying the ideas that hold it up and keep it together. Which is why “deconstruct” almost always appears alongside “dismantle” and “disrupt.”
now… pic.twitter.com/uQzUEKsrzI
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
So how does deconstruction work?
Deconstruction operates by attacking at the level of MEANING. What gets deconstructed are words, ideas, ideologies, concepts, discourses, art, texts, symbols, etc. Whatever can be used to MEAN something or communicate gets deconstructed. Why?
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Because if you destroy the MEANING of ideas (or the concepts that make up or communicate those ideas) you can suck the power out of those ideas. If ideas lose their power, whatever is held together by those ideas (in this case our society) will begin to come apart…
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Consider capitalism:
The person who “deconstructs” capitalism is attempting to attack the concepts, beliefs, and ideas which power capitalism. Why? Because if the concepts that are used to create an communicate about capitalism lose their power then capitalism falls apart.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
In the same way that a person who loses faith in Jesus will stop going to church, a person who does not see the value in liberal democracy will cease to care about or defend it. People defend things that have MEANING to them, and MEANING is what deconstruction attacks.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Jacques Derrida, the father of Deconstruction, had a core group of tactics and ideas that make up his concept of deconstruction. I can’t list them all here (this is twitter not a full fledged academic journal ?) but I’ll give a brief outline of the main ideas
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Derrida said words had “traces” ( a sort of linguistic residue) of other words because words define each other. So the word Cat contains traces of “cute” furry” “small” etc. Thus you can consider the “traces” of a word when interpreting what that word means in a given context
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Derrida said words had “traces” ( a sort of linguistic residue) of other words because words define each other. So the word Cat contains traces of “cute” furry” “small” etc. Thus you can consider the “traces” of a word when interpreting what that word means in a given context
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Derrida’s next idea was sometimes meaning comes from what is missing. Think of an archivist deciding which things to archive and which things to throw out. You can learn something about the archivist by what he leaves out, what is “absent” from the archive tells us something
13/ Or think of a wedding. if the best man doesn’t show up the fact that he is absent tells us something. Maybe there was a fight, or his plane was late…we may not know what, but it does tell us that something went wrong.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
The intent of the author, does not decide what the meaning of a text is. Consider a postcard. You can understand a postcards meaning even if you don’t know who wrote it. Derrida thought this showed you don’t need to know what the authors intent was to grasp the meaning
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Add all this up and see what happens.
The theory of traces means I can say “you’re a racist for saying you prefer white shirts to black shirts, To not like a black shirt is rooted in not liking the concept of black. and African Americans are black, which you don’t like”
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
The theory of meaning from what’s missing (absence) means one can say
“you’re racist because only white people were at your wedding.”
“I only invited family. My family’s white”
“So what? By not going out of your way to invite a non-white person you were excluding non-whites”
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Saying the author’s intent is irrelevant to a text’s meaning means anyone can misinterpret me and claim that I said something I never said. Why? Cause their interpretation of what I said is as good as mine. I can’t say”that’s not what I meant” because my intent doesn’t matter
18/ Do all three and you can distort and destroy the meaning of nearly anything. Which is of course the point of deconstruction. If you can make the meaning of an idea unclear, you take away justification for acting on it you suck the power out of the idea, and that.s the point.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
19/Another tactic is to claim an idea can’t be defined. Take for example a pile of leaves. 1 leaf is not a pile. Neither is 2 leaves. Well, what about 3, or 4? How many leaves are needed to make a pile? If you can’t answer the woke will say your meaning is unclear.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
And if the meaning of an idea is unclear you suck the power out of the idea, and that’s the point. One thing which gives an idea power is that it can be acted on. However, if an idea is not clear enough to be acted on then it loses all it’s power.
21/ Parodying or Mocking an idea or concept until it loses it’s meaning is another way to deconstruct. So is “flipping the script.” Think of Jon Stewart. He used parody to mock the news, and flipped the script by making himself (the comedian) look more serious than the real news.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Get the picture?
When the woke aren’t mocking ideas so no one takes them seriously, they muddy the waters by re-interpreting, or decontextualizing or recontextualizing ideas to blur their meaning. This makes ideas less clear, making it hard to organize around them.
23/ That my friends, is deconstruction. It operates at the level of MEANING, attacking words, ideas, ideologies, concepts, discourses, art, morals, values, texts, symbols, and so on. Anything that can be used to MEAN something, or to communicate information can be deconstructed.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) July 16, 2020
Now that you know the tactic, call it out. You don’t need to play along.
Reject their stupid word games.
When they mock you stand firm.
When they re-interpret you to make you look racist push back.
Postmodern Deconstruction is a dishonest and unfair game.
Don’t play.
Woke supremacy is the idea that Woke people are morally superior to all other White people on this continent and especially to previous generations of White people who were not immersed in the culture of Critical Social Justice Theory which did not exist in their time.
Deconstruction has become a catch-all term that is applied to subjects like literary and historical analysis. But the term, as Derrida concocted it, removes context. Without context, any fact or any word can be made to mean anything. Meaning then becomes just another ideological tool in the service of gaining or maintaining power. The left has used this tool to devastating effect, as the corporate press’ narrative that ignores nig crime stats and violence in order to deify them proves. The modern press gives fact-free stories to a credulous, enervated public. If people took just a little time to check out things for themselves, deconstruction would hold little influence over us.
Deconstruction is an escapee from a college English Department.
Rather, Deconstruction is an escape from a Talmudic shul…. or, ‘How to deny Christ as Messiah, in 20 long centuries.’
There’s your answer. There’s the guilty party. Now, ‘go and do likewise.’ – J.C.
Deconstruct JEWS.
Everything these kykes say and do is out of a hatred for Christ. But they are so so pathetically weak they do not have the balls to say out loud what they hate the most. When are these kykes going to grow a pair and tell us just how much they hate the innocent Christ and why. Don’t hold your breath.
Hey Jew, I hate your fuxcking guts. You persecute and torment the weak and the innocent and I hate your fuxcking guts. And I will scream it in your ugly fxcking Jew face. Booo. Go run to mommy kyke.
Whites, around the country, and, indeed, the entire Western World, are now getting a taste of what The White Southern Race has gone though for a very long time.
And let us not forget The Russians, who laboured under this for 3/4 of a century, nor the Scots, Irish, and above all, the Welsh, the latter which has undergone ‘reconstruction’ at the hands of the Brits since the blight of Edward I first touched their lands in the 13th century.
It does not have to be this way, though.
No, we can stand together, fight back, and win…
The White Southern Race”:
It might be a distinct sub-ethnicity, but I’m sure you didn’t mean race literally.
“the Scots, Irish, and above all, the Welsh”:
Diolch (thanks), Ivan. Dydd Owain Glyndwr is coming up soon. You may like these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OMISGGz1rs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm1TOcLWYZo and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpaYJT-5MHc
Re: “at the hands of the Brits since the blight of Edward I”:
But the Cymri ARE the original Brits (Britons) and their troubles began before the Papist (Norman) invasion, and before the Saxons, with the original blight of the Roman invasion.
“The White Southern Race …It might be a distinct sub-ethnicity, but I’m sure you didn’t mean race literally.”
It’s what we call it, in The South, and, yes, we mean race, because no Southerners think themselves Italian, Finnish, or the Ukrainian race.
Thank you for your comment and your detailed observations.
That said, they don’t change the assertion that the Scots, Irish, and Welsh, have all undergone reconstruction, for centuries, at the hands of the Brits – irrespective of whatever racial legacy your regard the Modern Brits as having.
Be well!
A people, or ethnicity, or nation, is more accurate than race. But you can say race….
Genetic studies of British Whites show the invading Saxon, Scandinavian and French components are much smaller than the indigenous Briton, although the British language disappeared outside Wales.
I appreciate your finer points about history.
You are very studious and that is to be commended!
I wish everyone put themselves out like you do to look into things.
It is important to understand what is meant by deconstruction, since two can play this game. Problem is, it’s 2-3 generations too late to reverse the tide.
More than simple destruction of the enemy, deconstruction is about the scattering of his ashes so that no Phoenix arises. The morality justifying deconstruction is The Platinum Rule.
The Platinum Rule is the secular version of “What Would Jesus Do?” Do to others as they would have you do (unless they are white). No reciprocation or contrition from the other is expected, much less required. The Rule doesn’t apply to the Regime or its enemies, of course. It is intended for slaves.
Another historical monument “must” be deconstructed:
The 2,000 year old Arch of Titus in Rome, that commemorates his stunning victory over the Jews and the looting of Jerusalem: “Yeshiva University senior Michael Weiner, writing in the Jewish magazine ‘The Forward’ argues: ‘Like Columbus, Robert E Lee, and King Leopold II, it too must come down. There is no excuse for Italy to maintain, fund, and proudly display a structure that celebrates the destruction of Jerusalem, the forced displacement of the Jews of Judea, and the burning of the Temple. As an ancient propaganda tool to glorify Rome’s bloody conquests and a modern emblem of Christian persecution and Jewish subjugation, the Arch of Titus is a cruel symbol’ (…) Weiner seems unaware, or more likely does not care, that there is considerable irony in his denunciation of the Roman subjugation of Judea while ignoring the very real contemporary genocide of the Palestinian people by his co-religionists in Israel”: https://niqnaq.wordpress.com/2020/07/16/never-mind-the-monument-feel-the-width/
Wokster verbal witchcraft can be stopped dead in it’s tracks with a fist to the mouth.
Forget arguing….it’s pointless, they don’t give a shit. They already know they’re shitbags. They want power…and if they can’t have power they’ll take chaos and destruction….which is a form of power.
Until every one of these fucks from top to bottom are made to physically pay for their demonic shitbaggery nothing will change.
What incentive do they have to stop?
It’s all Jewjitsu. That’s why I pay it no mind.
Tell a Jew or one of his Neo Yankee/Puritan minions that they’re stupid and full of shit, and that their ideas are retarded bullshit, and watch them come unglued. They literally do not have an answer or comeback for; “You’re full of shit.” Kevin Levin blocked me when I told him in so many words that he was full of shit, concerning Confederate memorials.
Try it sometime. It works. Try attacking their sanity, too.
@James Owen…
“Tell a Jew or one of his Neo Yankee/Puritan minions that they’re stupid and full of shit, and that their ideas are retarded bullshit, and watch them come unglued”
While I do not tell Leftist people the exact words you say, I do go on the offensive, like you – and, yes, it flusters them, because none of their prepared attack lines work.
Though I have never found a consistently effective way to awaken our willfully sleepy-headed Conservative Southern Brethren, I have found a lot of success kickin’ the hell out Leftists.
Glad to hear I have company!
I have a close family member who avidly read Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, and Guattari for years. Luckily, genetics and family bonds are stronger than that nonsense and they’re now branched out. I once asked them, ‘If this philosophical approach towards grappling with reality is so superior and correct, then, why did one of them jump out of a window and commit suicide in front of passerbys?”
I think that struck a nerve…..