About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I wonder if BLM has ‘come to Harrison’, because the Chamber of Commerce Republicans there are anxious to see Pastor Thomas Robb, his family, and supporters driven out.

    My prayers are with the Robbs and his extended family out there.

    Glad to see that, other than the Chamber of Commerce, much of Harrison ain’t been hoodwinked into a kind of Sonnambulistick Sheepdom, that has run rampant all over The South!

  2. Though I have never been to Harrison, Arkansas, I will say just one other thing – this was exactly what North Carolina when I was a kid.

    Whatever the hell it was that hit us, I’m glad that at least some Southerners have been immune.

    Long live Harrison – a seed plant for the New/Olde Dixie!

    • You sound like an uneducated dumb geezer and the days of your childhood are long gone and never returning, old man. If you even watch the news you would know Idaho and Montana are Northern states and hotbeds for white nationalists and the alt-right. The support for BLM is concentrated in cities and wanes as you move outward. I don’t like BLM, but how does verbally abusing a lone white guy holding up a sign further your cause? It only sets it back in the eyes of the public.

    • @Captain John…

      “Why not protest for UBI?”

      Because that would benefit Whites, and, where would the virtue be in doing anything that could possibly benefit your own kind?

      Self-defeating don’t you think:) – or, at least, you can be sure that is what he was taught…

  3. “Most racist town in America” yet notice that not one person physically assaulted him. Meanwhile, when a white person, an Italian-looking dude, simply tries to say the more non-racial motto of “All Lives Matter” in the average black neighborhood. He actually gets physically attacked and assaulted! Clearly, the average black neighborhood is FAR MORE RACIST against others than the so-called “most racist town in America”….note the HUGE DOUBLE STANDARD:

    • Yep absolutely some heeb paid this kid to go there because he knew the reaction he’d get. Everyone was respectable to him and only uttered threats. I wish someone would of knocked his ass on the curb

    • Precisely. One law for the White Man, another law (Lawlessness) for the bLack Animal.


      Lee Kwan Yew, longtime leader of Singapore, once said this: “In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests or social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”

    • @Rex Stetson

      The huge double standard is one of the things about Non Southern outsiders, that really aggravates Southerners.

    • We all know that here but it’s nice to see new names with like-minded thoughts.

      They are whipped up night and day, day and night, by their real masters. You can’t steal a civilization without a plentiful army of low IQ, no impulse control, high testosterone, constantly angry rottweilers incapable of little else than fighting. It also helps if your target is filled with often sedated, amazingly gullible, low IQ (proof is in the pudding, folks), low testosterone (same here), mindless shih tzus lying around waiting for the aforementioned troops to toss a ball around on their huge 666″ screen TV.

      The former wins the gold medal and all the glory while the latter gets buried in an unmarked grave on land once used as a landfill.

  4. You have to love his video description. “I have been facing threats and need you to donate to me for a legal defense”. What legal defense? The people in the video are the ones who need defending, not the punk heading to their town uninvited to ruin their lives.
    I dont really like the racial slurs some of the people use or the implied violence its a bad look and maybe I am wrong but I think this has the opposite effect this fool intended. It might just cause people to have more courage and self love

    • It’s people being attacked by a powerful system. They know it. A strong response is warranted. Or, they could be polite and liberal and lose like the strong conservative republicans have done for decades.

      Im not condemning any language or attitude these people use against the tip of the system’s powerful iceberg coming in. They know the forces this sack of garbage represents. It cannot be politely reasoned with. Vocal disgust is healthy.

      Notice he wasn’t killed or attacked. However, extricating this type of cancer before is kills a community is the correct thing to do. Abstract ideals of liberty and everyone being able to advocate for whatever destructive bullshit they want to is suicide. We’ve already seen it happen.

  5. Lmfao at the boomer who said hed be back in ten minutes to beat his ass. That last part with the girl and the note seemed very scripted to me

    • @SC Rebel…

      I, too, Brother, am glad.

      Thank God there are some Southerners left who can recognize a threat when they see it and not coddle it.

      That young man, misinformed and brave as he is, came to Harrison with a spiritual knife in his hand, and it was returned in kind.

      So be it.

  6. Hunter,

    This isn’t good propaganda for us. It’s same old, same old – Old White folks acting mean and all the White people are old. This could have been taken from Mel Brook’s Blazing Saddles where the mean old Racist Western town folks are all acting mean and ignorant against the young handsome Black sheriff sent to clean up the town.

    Russia Today does very solid propaganda. Features news and politics from a pro Russian, populist nationalist perspective and lots of stories, photos of sports and attractive YOUNG women like Sexy American (White) golfer Paige Spiranic


    • Ohh bad optics Harrison you remind me of stereotyped racists from a mel brooks film

      Good optics Russia today slutty golf whores and their inflated egos lol

      dude it doesn’t even matter what I think but you think Russia is gonna save the white race or something? a hopeful realization at best but i wouldn’t bet on it

      • Nationalists with/under Vladimir Putin took back mother Russia from our internal enemy the Js who had taken over Russia during the chaotic transition period of the drunk Boris Yeltsin. Russian Oligarchs were basically given most of the Soviet State owned enterprises for pennies on the $ Rubble. Russians were despairing, economy collapsing, alcoholism, suicide, prostitution everywhere.

        Then the nationalist hero, savior Vladimir Putin came to power. The Jewish Oligarchs gathered to stop him, destroy him as they do to any and all White populist, nationalist leaders here in the USA.

        One of THE worst J oligarchs the head of Yukos Oil, tried to set up American style J, Zionists, degenerate anti White TV networks in Russia. Vladimir Putin put him in a public jail/cage and sentenced him to hard labor camp in Siberia.

        A large number of the worst anti Russian, J Oligarchs in Russia decided it was a good time to flee Mother Russia and do things like buy up British Premier League soccer teams in England.

        I note that the worst J international $ money changer in human history George Soros constantly funds anti Russian, anti Hungarian, anti Trump causes and is extremely anti White. But George Soros has decided never to try to set foot in Vladimir Putin’s Russia. Good move.

        What’s not to like about Russia Today – good politics, good posts, good sports and pretty girls. You would prefer CNN, MSNBC, The Jew York Times – or would you prefer photos of really ugly Jewess and Black women like Ruth Bader Ginzberg, Michelle Obama, Serena and of course 24/7 worshipping of Black Negro Felon league football thugs?

        Can I ask….

        What’s wrong with you?

        I’m going with the pretty Russian women and support the Cossacks as they break up any and all Antifa, Pussy Riot demos.

        Seems like an easy choice to me.

        • What does this have to do with your negative comment toward white country folks and old white people? I’m glad you’re now obsessed with Russian women and have totally ditched the octoroons from South America. You’ve come a long way, especially in the Jew department. The only thing left to tackle is your lousy Kozachok skills.

    • What the heck is wrong with you? Good old-fashioned white pride is a scarce commodity. I fully endorse every white brother and sister in that video. I’m hoping it becomes a series.

      • Snowhitey writes:
        JULY 29, 2020 AT 1:43 AM
        “What the heck is wrong with you? Good old-fashioned white pride is a scarce commodity. I fully endorse every white brother and sister in that video. I’m hoping it becomes a series.”

        I reply:

        This is a Leftist, Antifa anti White propaganda video – Hunter W just reposted here for some reason. This is enemy propaganda designed to show White people in Harrison AR as mean, ugly, ignorant, hateful – there are no good looking, intelligent, courageous, honorable Whites featured here – just angry hateful people driving buy and threatening the Lib Leftist protester.

        This is very standard, time tested (very jewish) anti White Southern propaganda – depicting our people as ugly, ignorant and hateful. Those New York Communist Jews who came down to Dixie in the early 1960s play off this stereotype ALL the time.

        There will now be well funded (Soros, SPLC, BLM) to bring in “freedom riders”, BLM demos in Arkansas designed to counter this “HATE”. Our enemy and traitors, know basic propaganda skills – make their side look good, young, handsome, beautiful, intelligent, progressive, make our side look mean, ugly, ignorant and hateful. The anti White Leftist can bring in handsome Hollywood actors or that British young royal couple – Meagan and Harry – they can pose as handsome Kennedys from Camelot – young, noble knights fighting ignorance, bigotry and HATE in some racist, White Southern town in Arkansas that’s a hold out for segregation, Jim Crow etc.

        Again, this is typical Lib Leftist anti Southern White propaganda.

        So why are you promoting anti Southern White propaganda?

        Seems rather basic to me – that we shouldn’t live our lives reading from a bad, Hollywood Leftist Jewish anti White script.

    • @Mr. Ellis-Ryan…

      Like you, I totally dislike rudeness, of any kind, at any time, and, pursuant to that point, I think it important to point out that The South, as a whole, has repeatedly shown friendship, civility, and hospitality to others, over the last century.

      Having lived in 13 states in all regions of this country, and having toured around the rest as a musician, I can say to you that the South, as a whole, stands out as being the friendliest and least rude.

      The closest to it, in these regards, would by the fly-over rural areas of The Midwest.

      That said, the price of all these niceties has been that we have been completely undermined and overcome.

      Moreover, we are terrified and fearful what anyone might think, and or say, if we actually stood up for ourselves.

      To that end I say to you that your criticisms of our brethren in Harrison, though well intended, don’t really land.

      No, at this point, with our entire civilization and lands on the line, we cannot afford to listen to Non-Southerners, no matter how well-meaning, criticize us to a lack of style points.

      Case in point – at the beginning of 1862 Stonewall Jackson met with General Lee and Jefferson Davis in Richmond (our now alien-occupied capital) and presented his war plan – marching North and burning it down.

      Lee and Davis balked. Why? Because it was not what honourable men do.

      So, instead it was done to us.

      After Appomattox, the surviving veterans of our armies realized there was no room for error, and settled into a vicious guerrilla war that drove the United States ‘Government out.

      There was nothing remotely gentlemanly or civil about that, and you, as both an Irishman and historian should know, above all, about why that was necessary.

      So, Dear Jack, we have to now look out for ourselves, because it is very clear that non-Southerners, with respect to those to whom this does not apply here, are not going to going to have our backs.

      In any case, be well!

      • Lee and Davis balked. Why? Because it was not what honourable men do.

        Lee and Davis didn’t listen to Stonewall Jackson’s “war plan” because it was an extremely foolish one. First, it was not practicable. Second, any attempt to carry it out would have turned the Civil War into a Total War and resulted in the extermination of the rebels.

        • @Lighthorse…

          I respectfully disagree with you, Sir.

          All that happened from Lee and Davis’s balking on Jackson’s plan to carry the war North, was that The South got total war, but, The North did not.

          Thank you for your thoughts!

          • They did attempt to carry the war into the North on several occasions, starting from Felix Zollicoffer’s invasion of Kentucky in 1861. Every attempt ended in failure, most (in)famously at Gettysburg.

            The South got hard war, but not total war. If Lee and Davis had listened to Jackson though, they would have got total war and the Confederates would have been exterminated.

      • You and I, both!! This Ryan character is dead wrong and tiresome beyond endurance.

    • @Jude…

      I have serious Leftist fatigue. I really think that, in the end, Blue States and Red States are going to have to be separated, because there is no way forward with each other – other than endless pointless dissonance.

      In fact, I will hazard a prediction : —– just as you have seen The Brexit Referendum come about, and you will soon see an Italexit Referendum, you will begin seeing referendums in The Far West on leaving the United States.

      These processes may be 3,5, or 10 years off, but, they are coming – and they may even be preceded by divisions that first occur within states, such as a plausible leaving of parts of Virginia to join West Virginia.

      My personal druthers aside, this is what I see down the pike.

  7. Have y’all seen this guy’s other videos? He is a professional clickbaiter. This is a scam to garner views for his Youtube channel and he has set up a gofundme page to make some money as well.

  8. This is heartening. I see white people with a spine and a sense of who they are. This is another blow to the “white people have never acted as a group with interests” bullshit.

    Racism is essentially both in-group preference and an ethnic immune system that rejects its own destruction through outgroup deconstruction. Healthy.

    I don’t give a shit if these Southern whites are looked at as poor or “trashy.” Southern and white heritage and culture is not about income or perceived status.

    Good for Harrison.

    • @Dixieland…

      I agree, this is heartwarming. They, Harrison, haven’t been talkt out of being themselves, nor are they willing to maintain radio-silence about it.

  9. Ivan writes:

    “I agree, this is heartwarming.”

    I respond: you think typical Lib Leftist anti Southern White propaganda is “heartwarming”? This sh** makes me want to puke – it depicts our people as mean, old, ugly, hateful, ignorant RACISTS that supposedly need their grandchildren taken away from them by progressive Harvard and U Cal Berkeley Lib Leftists like Hillary and Chelsea Clinton – “It takes a village to raise a child”. They want to steal our children, because – well just look at their propaganda videos that show the people in places like Harrison AK to be all mean, old, ignorant, hateful RACISTS.

    That doesn’t sound very heartwarming to me.

    • @Jack Ells-Ryan…

      I agree with you that, on the surface, it is not appealing.

      Below, however, it is rather quite different – because, in my state of North Carolina, practically no one would dare be so rude, and yet, we are being completely destroyed by our inability to defend ourselves.

      Carefully groomed optics has been tried numerous times, in recent decades,and I cannot see that it has achieved anything.

      The people of Harrison felt they were being invaded by someone with a homicidal intent, and they react accordingly, though, even then, it was with great restraint, when compared to what they would have done in 1950.

      That is heartwarming.

      Folks are frequently upset with me for my blazing Confederate insignia, and some of them, as you might imagine,regale for for being rude, inconsiderate, and hateful.

      I disagree, and I keep flying our flag.

      I will not be ‘polited’ into submission.

      Be well, Sir!

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