A few months ago, I got bored with writing about COVID-19 when it crossed 100,000 deaths in May and broke the records for the 1957 and 1968 influenza pandemics. At that point, it was clear that it wasn’t “just the flu” and was on course to becoming at least the second deadliest pandemic in American history and one of the Top 5 deadliest events in American history. Currently, only the Spanish Flu, the Civil War and World War II have killed more Americans than COVID-19.
COVID-19 crossed a new milestone this morning: 200,000 American deaths.

I’m not covering COVID-19 on a daily basis now because there are only a few questions left about the virus that still interest me:
1.) Will I get it myself?
2.) Will it kill or ruin the health of anyone I personally know?
3.) When will a vaccine become available?
4.) How many more Americans will it kill in the fall and winter when actual flu season arrives?
5.) What will be the final death toll of this event?
6.) Now that it is clear that COVID-19 is a watershed event in American history, what will be the geopolitical ramifications of it? In other words, could COVID-19 be the catalyst for an even worse crisis?
7.) Finally, what are the origins of COVID-19? Did it originate in the Wuhan virology lab?
Tucker Carlson had a shocking interview with Dr. Li-Meng Yan about that last question on his show last night. I’m skeptical, but this is worth sharing and considering.
According to the CDC, only six percent of “Covid deaths” are caused by Covid alone. The rest are in conjunction with other health problems. I don’t deny that Covid alone can be very unpleasant, but the prospect of it killing me worries me about as much as being struck by lightning.
The average age of “COVID-19” deaths in the U.S. is higher than the life expectancy. In other words, there are practically no “COVID-19” deaths.
No, that just means the elderly are the most likely to die from it, you fucking lunatic. “They were really old, so they were going to die anyway and all the deaths are fake, just like the entire hoax covid NWO plandemic scamdemic.”
I’d bet many of the year flu deaths are in that age range too. How does that factor into the “JUST THE FLU!!!” mantra?
OMG. “When will a vaccine become available?” You can’t have a vaccine for a CORONA virus- which is where the Common Cold comes from. Ever hear of a vaccine for teh common cold? NO. Because it’s IMPOSSIBLE. Try watching this video, Brad, and learn something.
or this- https://www.barnhardt.biz/2020/09/14/heres-looking-at-you-kid/
THIS is what this ENTIRE PLANDEMIC was ALL about, from the Get Go.
Misericordie, Domine. Evangelical Xtians. AA is right-
“I mean, you want to talk about dropping the ball – American Evangelical Christianity is literally the single biggest failure in all of human history.
These people are supposed to be the defenders of our civilization. They promoted themselves as such.
Here’s an abridged list of Evangelical failures:
Racial integration
Sexual liberation
White women having sex with the blacks
Total Jewish takeover
Jews ban prayer in schools (“separation of church and state” hoax)
Women in the workplace (affirmative action)
Mass immigration
Homosexuality legalized
Pornography legalized
Jews forgiven for killing Christ (worshiping the Jews, saying they’re “God’s chosen”)
Teaching Atheism in school (“separation of church and state” hoax)
Endless Jew wars
Secret abortions for teenagers
Jews take down Ten Commandments (“separation of church and state” hoax)
Partial birth abortion
Gay marriage
Jews ban freedom of speech
Child trannies
Teaching 5-year-olds how to have anal sex
Rape hoaxes
Christianity being banned because of a virus hoax
Black Lives Matter
Jews are now in the process of normalizing sex with children, and Evangelicals are doing nothing to stop it.”- https://dailystormer.su/evangelical-christians-attack-the-only-woman-in-entertainment-to-stay-married-over-slutty-joke-photo/
@Father John…
This was another very good and sobering comment of yours.
I’ll use it in conversation.
Be well!
Outstanding comment Fr. John. There’s a reason the Lord named them as the Synagogue of Satan. It fits them to a tee. They are what they’ve always been and always will be. The more disturbing part of your post is how those who profess to believe in Christ have completely rejected his own description of them. The results are right there in front of our eyes.
That’s exactly my point, you dim-witted dummy. If “COVID -19” had any effect on the mortality rate of general population, the average age of deaths should be considerably lower than the life expectancy, not equal or higher. What this data proves is that the overwhelming majority of deaths attributed to “COVID-19” were those of advanced age already dying of various chronic conditions. The actual number of otherwise healthy people who died of “COVID-19” is so small as to be statistically insignificant.
I didn’t say anything about flu, so your tripe is straw man. In fact, your average seasonal flu is deadlier to children than this moonbat virus, despite flu shots.
You appear to be overlooking that the other 94% of the people who died from it would still be alive. This is something of a form of victim shaming : if you weren’t sick to begin with, covid wouldn’t have killed you. However, when you consider that someone with angina could easily live a normal lifespan (our former neighbor, who developed angina in his 70s, is now 104 years old), this argument is specious. You could say the same thing about regular flu, many people who die from it also have health conditions.
Duck Duck Go this:
“Steve Bannon China virus conspiracy”
They are saying this is propaganda from that trustworthy guy, Steve Bannon.
What the (((US Empire))) does whenever its economy goes kaput, is it starts big wars. It has never failed them before.
I’m more than skeptical. I outright denounce that Carlson shill show. I overheard some of that interview playing in the next room.
Meanwhile, “Epoch Times” is targeting the same gullible conservative, audience with the same anti-China story. I throw out all the paper sample copies of Epoch Times that come in the mail, skip all the paid online ads, and delete all the emails. Who is PAYING for this flood of Epoch Times disinfo?
Now Faux News is directing its gullible Dream Pillow buying audience to “Prager U.” Part of the Anglo-Zionist empire’s endless global “hybrid” war for global domination.
There are reasons to suspect that the origin of SARS CoV2 was not entirely natural, perhaps even deliberately created and released. The closest relative is a bat virus sample from bats in Indonesia and even that is quite different. SARS CoV2 is so well adapted to human cells, better than to bats, pangolins, or any other animals tested, that it must have been circulating in a human population (no one knows where) for a long time, but it could have become adapted much more quickly in a lab in human cell culture.
China maintains that it NEVER had this virus in its research facility.
Western mainstream media will not even mention that possibility that it could be a U.S. lab creation. There is also a very slim possibility that it is a U.S. bioweapon released on China as part of the hybrid war to subdue China and “make it a democracy.”
The really odd thing, and one that no one can answer is why doesn’t UV light kill the COVID-19 virus? For that reason alone, I would call COVID-19 a Chinese bio-weapon. Every other virus is killed by natural UV light.
Re: “no one can answer is why doesn’t UV light kill the COVID-19 virus”:
But it does, in the sense that it damages it. A virus is really not a living thing and in that sense it can’t be killed.
Even the new predominant type with more durable spikes is quite fragile and short-lived, with or without UV exposure. Some of the good news coming from legitimate science recently is that the virus does NOT remain INFECTIVE very long on objects and surfaces such as postal mail, food, clothing and cash money as had been feared. But the viral RNA does persist, and can be detected up to weeks or months later, and it is always detectable in sewage (human waste) but it is damaged and not capable of infecting.
Probably 99% of all cases begin with inhalation of a sufficient dose of freshly-exhaled virus particles. The very cheap low-tech solution of universal public mask wearing (N-95 or triple-layer cloth, and worn over the nose not just over the mouth or chin) would break the cycle and bring the pandemic to a swift end, but millions of lazy, thick-headed, science-illiterate and disinformed people refuse to wear a mask at all, or to wear a real mask, or to wear it properly.
“we have always been at war with plandemic”
“and it is always detectable in sewage (human waste) but it is damaged and not capable of infecting. ”
and it always will be, its part of the terrain and its part of us. if your are susceptible because of all factors(your terrain) involved…you might die with it. 99.98% of you wont.
how many years you going to wear this mask? it just might be in your fecal plume ten years from now.
I meant My Pillow not Dream Pillow. I couldn’t remember what name I had heard, which shows I don’t watch the My Pillow “news” channel.
That pillow industry captain is a major Trump supporter.
You sound like a nut. You deny any possibility that the virus came from a Chinese Virology center in Wuhan and your best evidence is that China told you so…
Then you push a conspiracy theory that the United States created Covid-19 with no sources to back it up.
Tucker Carlson has evidence on his side, you don’t.
This is hilarious – it’s just common sense that the novel coronavirus is a Chinese bio-weapon made in a lab.
But the idea that the novel coronavirus is an American bio-weapon made in a lab is a “conspiracy theory.”
On that note, BannedH, check out “Moon of Alabama” today: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/09/cia-intercepts-suggest-us-lied-about-biological-weapon-use-during-its-war-on-korea.html
I said I think the virus is natural and ultimately bat-derived but to have such affinity for humans must have been circulating in a human population for some time, but we don’t know where.
I do not “push a conspiracy theory that the U.S. created it” and I certainly do not subscribe to the Tucker Carlson conspiracy theory that has NO evidence but only a big-lying, evidently fifth-column guest.
Epoch Times is run by the Falun Gong cult, which is backed by the CIA and state dept (through the usual channels of “NGOs” like NED and so on). So it’s basically pro-america and pro-neoliberal propaganda from the US government filtered through a weird Chinese cult used as a front.
There was proof early on that the virus was a lab-created mix of SARS, MERS and AIDS. Months ago, it was shown in various articles and reports that the virus was originally developed at the Univ. of North Carolina. A Chinese virologist was allowed access to the research, stole the virus, and brought it back to China. Their main virology lab is in Wuhan. Workers there are known to sell lab animals to vendors in the local “wet markets” to make some extra money. That’s where this calamity began. We developed it, they stole it and clumsily let it out, and now it’s biting us all in the butt.
The narrative is no longer “just the flu.” According to Dr. Anglin, it is now “just a mild flu.” Normal seasonal flu is worse.
And the bioweapon angle is really funny because you will see Trump shills flip back and forth between “just the flu” and “deadly Chinese bioweapon” narratives. They can’t decide which one to run with.
I think I now better understand why Anglin evolved into the person he is today after this. The old Andrew Anglin fled to the Philippines to hide in the jungle from the NWO who was out to get him. He also went there to liberate Filipinos from Monsanto.
When you look at the real COVID death numbers, which has been correctly pointed out in this thread to be less than 10,000, then that would make Anglin more credible here that you, Hunter.
So, you disregard all the 190,000 people who died because they were so arrogant to have heart conditions, asthma, diabetes, or were obese. How dare they muddy the figures by dying because they had pre-existing conditions.
Some of these commenters who know everything about the South and the Confederacy may believe they are just as wise and well-informed about everything else, including medicine, virology and epidemiology.
“So, you disregard all the 190,000 people who died because they were so arrogant to have heart conditions, asthma, diabetes, or were obese. How dare they muddy the figures by dying because they had pre-existing conditions.”
You missed the entire point of the argument, Rodent brain!
IF you have a pre-existing condition, then COVID by itself CANNOT be the ’cause of death,’ because (as any insurance actuary will tell you) PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS CAN DENY YOU COVERAGE!!!!
We are NOT discussing the ‘morality’ of not ‘feeling their pain’ when talking about COVID stats, but the MASSIVE LIES AND OBFUSCATION of Fauci, Birx, et al… especially Bill Gates!
But yes, as a person with some of these tendencies, and being ‘of a certain age’ I would be mad as hops to be included as a COVID stat, should I die of this bug. But it was MY CHOICES that led TO those pre-existing conditions, and so, unlike some statist slaves who think Massa (the FEDGOV) should take care of them from cradle to grave, I am CHANGING my lifestyle, in order to AVOID getting COVID! Oy.
But I will NOT take that G-D vaccine.
200,000 deaths is nice click-bait but many people are aware the number of deaths reported are inflated.
From the CDC: “For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause”
This whole lock-down experience was a free-trial in Marxism. I would like to end the free-trial.
Falling back on the cope “it doesn’t count if the people who died weren’t young and in perfect health” won’t be remembered by history.
Some people may enjoy wearing their ‘cuck muzzle’ and being prevented to work, worship, and socialize, I’m not one of those people.
Luckily I’m an “essential” worker, so the lockdowns never applied to me.
Don’t really care what history thinks. History won’t remember the fact that masks don’t stop the spread of the virus, any micro-biologist can tell you that covid-19 is so small it goes right through any face coverings. But you won’t hear that from the Marxists, who are apparently on the side of science…
Covid is carried in micro droplets which are quite large enough to be caught by masks. I would have thought that people on the right would have been happy to be able to gain a bit of anonymity in our panopticon society.
Various commentators on here are probably in the FBI. The crazy anti mask antvaxx stuff at the beginning of pandemic was clearly AstroTurf agent provocateur product.
Keep writing about the pandemic Hunter. It’s a huge story and one that so few in our spheres are taking seriously any longer. Corner the market.
One could write a whole thesis on the psychology of our people in relation to the event. Just this week Greg Johnson, who earlier debated Anglin on the virus, published a just the flu piece. The BAP people fear posted for months then pivoted to just the flu when the msm picked up the story. Anglin said it was a US bioweapon to kill Chinese, then just the flu. TRS are over it.
Plenty to work with there, within your stated points of interest, and with wherever else you wanna take it.
“covid-19 is so small it goes right through any face coverings”:
You hear story from quack doctors, and fake experts. A mask of triple layer cloth mask or N-95 or P-100 material that is worn over the nose as well as the mouth WILL catch the moisture droplets that the virus rides on as the are exhaled, and the virus with them. It is a very cheap, very easy low-tech solution that would stop pandemic by itself, and no expensive, dangerous vaccine would ever be needed. But stupid, lazy, thick-headed Americans would rather listen to quacks and fake experts who tell them what they want to hear.
Just because I don’t want to wear a a cuck muzzle like you doesn’t make me a “stupid, lazy, thick-headed American”.
I’ll take the word of micro-biologists who say masks do nothing for Covid-19 over some clown on the internet who says they do.
I swear, there is something seriously wrong with you people that actually enjoy wearing these cuck muzzles. It’s like some sort of fetish. And all you pro-mask people obviously enjoy your free-trial of Marxism.
“You hear story from quack doctors, and fake experts.”
Hmmm…Center of Disease control says little evidence masks stop the spread of virus.
Clown on internet insults people who state facts. Enjoy your cuck muzzle. Enjoy your fear porn.
It’s rather discouraging, isn’t it? Here there is a simple solution to handling covid and these doofs are too spoiled an childish to use it. And by the way, this pandemic could have been stopped immediately if the HCQ regimen had been used, like it was in the first SARS outbreak.
Arrrrgh! These anonymous posters are driving me insane!
“You hear story from quack doctors, and fake experts. A mask of triple layer cloth mask or N-95 or P-100 material that is worn over the nose as well as the mouth WILL catch the moisture droplets that the virus rides on as the are exhaled, and the virus with them”
Brad was taken to task earlier this year for all the Coronaporn, and you’d think this commenting section would learn!!!!
Watch/read these- I dare you.
Gryphon: “Center of Disease control says little evidence masks stop the spread of virus”:
“Pamela Prepper” says that. Have you been watching Pamela Prepper videos? What the Centers for Disease Control DOES say is that SURGICAL-type masks do not offer full protection to the wearer, which is why medical personnel, and all of us, should insist on wearing N-95 or P-100 masks that when properly fitted (beards shaved off) offer excellent protection to the wearer. But surgical masks and other triple-layer cloth masks do catch the virus particles in moisture droplets emitted when infectious people talk or breathe. The CDC has been fighting this “CDC knows that masks do not work” conspiracy theory, and the director goes on record this week saying that even “inadequate” surgical masks (if everyone wears them for awhile, as long as necessary to stop all transmission) are better than a vaccine: https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-chief-says-masks-better-at-stopping-coronavirus-than-a-vaccine-173526486.html It’s an age-old, proven, super-cheap low-tech solution that will absolutely end the problem, but most Americans are too stupid, lazy and thick-headed to use it, and they have plenty of Pamela Preppers on the internet telling them just what they want to hear.
Why are you so emotional over masks? Like talking to a spoiled teenage girl.
Its not convenient for the dissident right if Covid turns out to have been a biological attack by China.
Not unlike the recent news from the Federalist that BLM now has confirmed ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Its more convenient if we can blame Trump and Jews, as that conforms to our now contorted miopic worldview that doesn’t allow any other explanations, and treats the idea that China is a malefactor as little more than a conspiracy theory.
Given the administrations hostility to China on trade, human rights and Hong Kong / South China Sea etc., there are many easily surmised motivations for China to be engaged in this pernicious behavior.
Just like with Russia though, everybody seems to want to post memes about Chinese girls in Wheatfields like they are totally based and or redpilled.
Just like Iran and the assassination of Brown Hero General earlier in the year.
I question this kind of mentality. These people are our enemies.
Russia is the only country of the three I have any interest in reconciliation with because of shared heritage.
China and Iran have been our enemies for a long time. Iran/Persia since ancient Greece.
Some perspective is in order.
It was a purposeful attack launched by The Chinese government against The West, but, not only them, but, in concert with many traitors and traitors organizations here, as well.
Where is any evidence for that belief? You are being used by anti-China war propagandists.
Republicans and Democrats, Neocons and Neolibs, and even many Alt-Righters, and Neo-Confederates such as you, all agree that China must be put back in its place once more, be “liberated” and made “democratic” – to be our low wage slaves, and consumers of our GMO grain and plastic and electronic waste, forever.
@Anonymous –
Did I witness a conversation behind closed doors?
No, Sir, I did not.
That said, It is abundantly clear that The Chinese Communist Government wants Trump out, just as it is clear that the 120 billionaires behind behind want Trump out for the same reason – to get rid of his policies towards China.
The Chinese Communist Party has been interfering in our elections going back to The 90s, when they began to purchase major politicians of both parties – starting with The Clintons & Biden.
All that is clear, so, yes, the Chinese Communist Government launched this against us – as clear as The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour.
That I’ll concede.
This Fauci guy and Bill Gates etc.
There is Chinese money behind the entire Democrat political machine. This should be no surprise.
My point is, that its not necessary to absolve the Chinese in order to point out the above. Or be total shills for Chinese society just because we are on the shit end of the stick in ours.
Which Chinese are bankrolling Democrats? Democrats are just as willing as Republicans to prosecute the hybrid war on China, which in fact began (or began to really rev up) under Obama (Obama’s “pivot to Asia”) and China knows that. But there is a fifth column of Chinese (CIA-led Falun Gong, “Epoch Times,” the Hong Kong protest leadership, fake “Christian” house churches, etc.) that would work with Democrats or Republicans to destroy their own country to get power and wealth for themselves.
Modern Iran is not a necessary enemy, and does not need to be one. They only became such due to the post-WW2 meddling by British and American oil interests, and now because of Zionist interests.
Re: “Russia is the only country of the three I have any interest in reconciliation with because of shared heritage. China and Iran have been our enemies for a long time”:
China was the world’s largest economy for more than a thousand years. But in the nineteenth century, when China did nothing to us (was NOT our enemy) the United States and other Western empires (and Japan) ganged up on it, and raped it, bringing it down to “third world” status for a “century of humiliation,” that finally ended with the Communist Revolution. I would say China was NOT our enemy, but we were (and are) its enemy.
I recommend this documentary film by John Pilger: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=john+pilger+the+coming+war+on+china&docid=608004705978745794&mid=06EF5B4268F7C78212AF06EF5B4268F7C78212AF&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
Regarding “shared heritage,” by which you mean Whiteness, are you aware that many Iranians are of Aryan descent? Ancient Persia was not only Aryan, it was even monotheistic (some of which was copied/stolen to create Judaism (PHAR-iseeism) – and it was a very advanced civilization with the richest city in the ancient world, and the largest empire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7Mq6FZSleA
Ignore all the propaganda and read accurate history of what the U.S., along with the U.K., did to Iran, which has done nothing to us, We were and are its enemy.
Your knowledge of the history of Russian-American relations may not be sufficient either. Regarding your interest in reconciliation with Russia: Again the guilt and the need for reconciliation is nearly all one-sided. Read accurate history, not propaganda.
Anon-mouse- Russia is our racial and religious brother. China is a pagan, communist country with a hive mind race. Besides, Chinks stink. And a Moslem Iranian is not my racial equal, if his soul is demon-possessed. Period.
“…I have no illusions about people like her. They can do only one thing, which is to destroy. If you let them into your company, soon your product will cost more and be less good. She cares more about taking home her paycheck than doing what is right. She is of lesser blood.”- http://www.amerika.org/politics/mask-off/
We have see who those powers were. These powers had no problem outlawing miscegenation between Europeans and Africans, which is also a clue as to who they were. Historians pretend it was Germans or other Europeans that were heavily into eugenics, but it was always the Jews that were most interested in it. They had known the benefits of controlled marriages for a millennium, at least. It had worked very well for them as they moved West. We saw this in my paper on the Crusades. We have also found evidence it is the Jews who were interested in the “Aryans”. Jews have always had a fascination for the tall blondes, and the only people the Jews would marry other than royals and nobles were the beautiful blonde people. They wanted their genes, and to some extent now have them. The Germans and other northern people weren’t as fascinated by blondes because they were already blond. It was a commonplace. But for the Jews, the blondes were the spell-binding others._- Miles W. Mathis, On Mussolini
“The idea of a God gene echoes longstanding religious debates about whether a person’s level of faith is determined by free will or destiny. In Judaism, discussions about hashgachah pratit, or divine providence, are the subject of rabbinic literature and Jewish philosophy, and ask to what extent God interferes in the details of a person’s life. In other words, is a person’s religious behavior guided by her own choices, or by some immutable force, be it God or DNA?’
T’he Bible also alludes to this in Genesis, when God promises Abraham that his descendants would always have a special relationship with Him by virtue of their bloodline. Rather than a gene, however, God says that a “seed” will be passed “throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant.” This pact gave birth to the idea of the “chosen people,” a group whose progeny would have a preordained—and inherited—closeness to God….” ”
(Not that Jews are TRUE Semites, Israelites or Chosen People, you understand…..)
The Chinese clearly saw an opportunity to knock down the West with this disease. They successfully ran their own SARS MERS drill, internally quaratining Wuhan City as a theatrical spectacle to panic the globe…and unscrupulously allowed it to filter into the open societies of Western Europe and America.
I had the disease in March/April and still get stomach acid reflux from it and sore ribs. Otherwise I’m alright. I think the death total will slow dramatically now they know to give oxygen and steroids. Vaccines for the elderly will eliminate deaths almost completely.
Your comments are usually accurate, but MERS is not Chinese. It is a naturally-occurring camel virus that was first noted in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, not China.
You generally display a good sense of humor, so I hope you were only joking that China wanted to “knock down the West with this disease” and that the epidemic in Wuhan was “a theatrical spectacle to panic the globe.” Absurd.
They had an epidemic in the city of Wuhan. And contained it inside that quarantine and protected the rest of China. Then let the fetched flee to various nations. Quite rotten of them.
You misunderstand. The Chinese have drills for epidemics. Long term planning for disease control and a population that will take epidemic seriously.
I understand what you meant now. As I said, your comments are intelligent and worth reading. Thanks.
So the virus isn’t a hoax (you had it) but all the footage and reports from China were a hoax? What?
Stop right there. The initial epidemic was contained within Wuhan by the Chinese. The chinese then allowed people to flee Wuhan on international flights. The Chinese used theatrical footage of new hospitals and drama from the quarantine to make everyone everywhere else shit a brick. Simple solution was to isolate China completely. Somehow that didn’t quite happen. The British evacuees from Wuhan should have been told to stay in place an dask for reimbursment after instead of being flown back to Brize Norton with the cameras rolling. Same for all expats and nationals in China. I’m not dealing with your pilpul and stupid attempt to create a dialectic.
I agree Again, I understand your original comment now.
“QAnon” and other conservative conspiracy-theory sources are serving a purpose by spreading disinfo that “the pandemic is a hoax,” that “mask wearing makes people sick,” and that “the CDC is backing off from the pandemic” and has “drastically cut the official death rate.” The new low rate they cite is the official “best estimate” infection fatality rate for CHILDREN. They also claim ridiculously that nearly all recorded deaths were really caused by other conditions.
The system pretends to care and does as little as possible, while it works to force or lure the working masses back to work, travel and shopping under unsafe conditions, regardless of consequences.
The system that disinforms the masses seeks to place the blame on the thoroughly dis-informed masses for not following the rules! To some extent the people ARE to blame for being thick-headed and ignorant, especially for being ignorant of science while they know everything about sports and vices. Therefore they tend to refuse to wear masks at all, or not wear real masks, or wear masks improperly (just over the mouth or chin). The cycle of transmission could easily be broken by such a cheap, low-tech means, but the pandemic will not stop until “herd immunity” is reached after a “few” hundred thousand deaths or they are forced to receive a dangerous, expensive vaccine.
“To some extent the people ARE to blame for being thick-headed and ignorant, especially for being ignorant of science while they know everything about sports and vices.”
That describes 85% of Americans, maybe more.
I very respectfully disagree with this figure of 200,000
The CDC put out, just last week, that only 9,210 people had died in The United States, this year, from the China-virus.
All the others had serious health conditions, not to mention it has been exposed that health departments and hospitals were told to change cause of deaths to be listed as died from The Wuhan flu.
At this point I am firm in my opinion of the following –
#1.The Wuhan virus is a man-made illness.
#2. It was let loose on purpose from the Chinese military lab in Wuhan.
#3. It is a fully-planned biological warfare attack let loose on the world, but, principally focused on The West.
#4. The entire pandemic is a scandemic pulled off by renegade members of The United States’ Government, in concert with the 120 globalist billionaires supporting The Joe Biden Campaign, along with the Democrat party and infinite NGOs and mainstream media organizations, who have long been in the pocket of the secondary CIA.
#5. Mask-wearing is not only ineffectual, it is training to teach people how to be so completely subjugated that they even accept their bodily subjugation.
#6. It is being used by Leftist officials to begin the final destruction of The Christian Church in this nation.
#7. It is being used as a pretext to vaccinate people to further control the minds and bodies of the populace.
Though it has not been acknowledged by institutions of the media as such, this bio attack on this country has been acknowledged by President Trump and is why he is leading the entire pacific coalition in an attempt to strangle the Chinese Communist party by destroying their economy.
Good on him.
Let his efforts extend to this country, and punish all those who helped the Chinese do this to us, not to mention putting up against the wall the conspirators of Russia/Obamagate.
No clemency for elite criminals.
If you are healthy you have no business wearing a mask or social distancing.
If you are a church you have no business complying with any restraints issued to you by any Leftists on your town council.
The wife and I have refused to wear masks, refused to social distance, and have refused to change our lives, insofar as such is possible in states, such as North Carolina and Virginia – where we live – which, unfortunately, are now governed by George Soros-installed and other alien-financed governors that are private sector analogs to the Intelligence-Security State.
Like most other reactionary White Southerners in our area, we have NOT gone along, will NOT go along, and have encouraged everyone else to do the same.
When we see young people in our area wearing masks, we trouble ourselves to ask them why, and then disabuse them of their disinformation.
The symbol we wear is the Confederate flag – NOT a mask.
“I have refused to wear masks, refused to social distance”:
A dreadful confession, but not unexpected.
“Re: Chinese virus,” “those who helped the Chinese do this to us,” etc.:
Absurd, and you have no evidence. It would be out of character (historically) for China to do such a thing, but perfectly IN character for Anglo-Zionism to wage biological warfare, and we have a well-documented history of doing it.
Nevertheless I think SARS CoV2 is probably a natural virus. It could have been lab-made, and if lab-made, it could have been AMERICAN lab-made, and there is even a very small chance that it could have been deliberately deployed (probably by proxies, for plausible deniability) in the U.S.’s ongoing “hybrid” war against China.
The only thing that is ‘absurd’, Sir, is allowing this country to be taken down by a virus that has killed but 1/4 of the people that the normal yearly influenza does.
The science is clear that wearing masks and social distancing is motivated by something other than medical concerns.
Moreover, I am aware how the United States’ Government, and their vast consortia of shadowy private sector people and entities, work – they present you with an excuse for why they ought take away what remains of your liberties.
The list of this kind of behavior is so long that I do not have time to write it here, but, will trust to your faculties and knowledge to see into what I sad.
No more, Young Man.
This old man has been polite and backed up one time too many.
No more.
Why are you replying to such an obviously fake post?
You hit the nail on the head with the casualties and how they have been inflated.
It makes me sick this is still getting misused on the right just because it is a convenient way to virtue signal against Orange Man who is bad.
I concur with all your other points also.
Covid is a scam.
Thank you so much for the kind words and confirmation. I am sorry my reply was delayed.
All the best to you and yours!
Hmm? Covid is fake. That’s why it doesn’t spread during antifa events, but becomes super dangerous when people go to church or a Trump rally or don’t wear a mask while grocery shopping. This is all made up. Real viruses are not woke.
Hunter you think the USA CDC was joking when they fracking ADMITTED that 94% of the alleged ‘covid dead’ had OTHER SERIOUS LIFE-ENDANGERING CONDITIONS … it is the same everywhere
These are dead *with* covid, not *from* covid
Hunter how can a smart guy like you fall for this manipulative shite
Which masses of people know is shite, people with with much less edumacation than yourself
This scam, destroying small businesses and working class incomes worldwide, enriching and increasing the power of the .01%
Am personally hearing from families whose elderly dead people are getting posthumous fraudulent ‘covid death’ certificates, when no one at the hospital even mentioned this before they died from everything else going on in old age
Hundreds of thousands dying around the world from covid-related economic destruction, impoverishment, and lack of medical care for ordinary conditions
You know the covid tests are bogus and give false results … hospitals and governments are getting paid to claim ‘deaths from covid’
There is a bizarre near-total absence of ‘dead from covid’ stories involving real people who are not elderly or seriously sick, just a few randos, some of which may be fake too
Multiple virologists showing up on TV in Europe pushing corunka-mania are under police protection, because the public is furiously angry and sending them dark messages
Cheesus, Hunter, how can you be so blind
“The welfare of humanity is the alibi for tyrants”- Albert Camus
Scottish lady Aangarfin is keeping a good eye on this mess on her blog
Once again, it is a meaningless conservative talking point that is going around. The majority of Americans have some kind of preexisting condition that is wrong with them.
Then why are the vast, vast, vast, majority of deaths from the elderly? Young people have preexisting conditions as well.
Keep outing yourself, shill.
@Hunter Wallace I see this blithering about only 10,000 people died from covid alone as a form of victim shaming. I think it’s also an opportunity for some of these idiots to feel all superior and sanctimonious. Perhaps fear plays a part, too, they can convince themselves that they are so ‘free of sin’ that they won’t get sick.
I predicted long ago that you could not let this go and admit you were wrong. Even though you have not written about it because your position is not popular this virus has been dominating your thoughts. This foolish innumeracy of yours reveals a lot about your mental state. Think of it like this, if 3 million people die each year in the US approximately 1.5 million have died over the last six months. At least 10-20% have had corona. There’s your 200,000 dying with corona right there.
No, I said that I was bored with it and would occasionally post updates as the death toll passed new milestones. I’m not sure how 200,000 deaths in the spring and summer is “like the flu.”
At this point nobody gives a flying fling if this has been like the flu.
The severity of this pandemic has been overblown and intentionally taken advantage of to destroy what was a decent economy, and the lives of far more than the 200,000 who died (almost all of whom were going to die anyhow because of severe co-morbidities).
You’re being deliberately obtuse about this obvious fact.
Set aside all the bullshit and show some humility. The juice wasn’t worth the squeeze, and it was done intentionally.
Nobody cares if Orange man is also bad. Real actual people are suffering.
It sucks that those few thousand people that legitimately died of this bug had their lives cut short.
The damage that was done to the wellbeing of the rest of the White population of this country, the future of young people like me, for the sake of saving niggers and boomers (the bulk of the casualites who died because of co-morbidities) was all out of proportion.
I very respectfully disagree with this figure of 200,000
The CDC put out, just last week, that only 9,210 people had died in The United States, this year, from the China-virus.
All the others had serious health conditions, not to mention it has been exposed that health departments and hospitals were told to change cause of deaths to be listed as died from The Wuhan flu.
At this point I am firm in my opinion of the following –
#1.The Wuhan virus is a man-made illness.
#2. It was let loose on purpose from the Chinese military lab in Wuhan.
#3. It is a fully-planned biological warfare attack let loose on the world, but, principally focused on The West.
#4. The entire pandemic is a scandemic pulled off by renegade members of The United States’ Government, in concert with the 120 globalist billionaires supporting The Joe Biden Campaign, along with the Democrat party and infinite NGOs and mainstream media organizations, who have long been in the pocket of the secondary CIA.
#5. Mask-wearing is not only ineffectual, it is training to teach people how to be so completely subjugated that they even accept their bodily subjugation.
#6. It is being used by Leftist officials to begin the final destruction of The Christian Church in this nation.
#7. It is being used as a pretext to vaccinate people to further control the minds and bodies of the populace.
The six theories of covid-19 coronavirus, circulating in mass media and on the alternate web
Leading to immense confusion amongst even the sceptical public … as with the at least five different stories as to what happened on 9-11*
(1) Covid is real and natural like the Spanish flu a century ago, and capitalist governments such as Trump’s, out of a combination of desire for business, plus incompetence, have let the virus spread, via negligent efforts to keep the economy going
(2) Covid is real, and the Chinese are responsible for creating a bio-weapon that got loose and out of control
(3) Covid is real, and the USA plus maybe Israel, are responsible for creating a bio-weapon launched against China and Iran, that got loose and out of control
(4) Covid is real, a bio-weapon created to cull the elderly and sick, saving pension, disability and welfare funds for governments
(5) Covid is a hoax, ‘just the flu’, a scam co-ordinated by world governments / deep states both east and west, to put in place a control grid staging an eventual NWO, blaming deaths on ‘covid’ when over 90% of ‘covid deaths’ are seriously ill or elderly people who are regularly killed off as the flu hits them, with constant false covid test results, hospitals and governments paid and bribed to diagnose ‘covid’, etc
(6) Covid is a mixture of chemical weapon and hoax, given that light deployment of chemical weapons such as sarin gas, will create similar symptoms such as respiratory system pseudo-pneumonia and collapse … sarin gas perhaps being deployed in China, in Iran and Italy, followed by co-ordinated covid exaggerated claims by world governments as above
*Major 9-11 stories / theories:
(1) Official story – Muslims with planes
(2) Israeli ‘art students’ installing explosives during their NYT-documented visit some weeks earlier (my vote)
(3) Mini nuclear bombs in WTC cellars
(4) Nano-thermite
(5) Directed high energy ray
NOPE – 2, 3, and 5 are NOT “major” 9/11 stories/theories. There’s not a single real person willing to put there names to those “theories” except for Judy Wood, an Israeli Jew.
There is no theory that Israeli art students planted explosives “some weeks earlier” – that is pure disinformation meant to confuse people about two stories – the Israeli “art students” that tried to get into the Utah NSA facility long after 9/11, and the “art collective” -“Gelatin” – that worked in the WTC – a story that can be found on the New York Times website, to this day.
As for “mini-nukes” and “directed high energy rays” – those are NOT “major” theories. Those are comical disinformation created by a non-entity, “Dmitri Khosolov” – not even a real person, just a defunct website – and the Jewish professor Judy Woods.
No one – literally, zero people – in the actual “truth movement” have ever endorsed either Khosolov or Wood, and have spent nearly 20 years pointing out how ridiculous those non-theories are.
“Nano-thermite” – i.e., modified thermite – was actually found in the WTC dust, has been tested for in a lab, has been actually ignited in a lab – which you can watch on video – and has had peer-reviews papers published about it. This is quite literally the only thing in your list that is even remotely close to true.
Spencer and Hunter can smugly take the new mystery cocktail corona vaccine if they choose to but me personally I’m not taking the Bill GAYtes sissy vaccine thats being fast tracked by the blump administration and various pharmaceutical companies pushing it
I wear a mask only because I’m with someone who cares for her elderly mother with Alzheimer’s. The lady is in her 80s, and obviously in a high-risk category if she catches any potent virus. My invasive state gov’t mandates wearing of masks in all public buildings (stores, restaurants, etc.), as well, although I’ve seen plenty of people breaking that law. Most businesses here insist on customers having a mask on, though.
The figure that really tells how lethal a disease is, the excess death rate, is currently 1.7%, according to the CDC. As I noticed they keep trying to sneak related comorbidities into the numbers, I’m not sure how accurate that rate actually is, however. Lying through stats is a specialty of all large corporations and gov’ts.
The anti mask protests would have been more effective if they kept Trump at a distance, didn’t bring their guns and didn’t look like loons when being videoed with smartphones. If they were smart, they would have worn BLM t-shirts instead of masks when they went to places that require masks since woke protests are better able to protect one from the virus than masks.
The antimask protests are obviously JudeoAstroTurf.
I’m not opposed to such a thing becoming a habit. A lot of ugly people should cover up their ugly mugs. I especially enjoy not having to see too many niggers any more. If the state governments do it all right things going forward we may yet muzzle the nogs. For example any statues of blacks should be masked up to set a good example.
If this really did come from that Chinese Virology lab in Wuhan, then the United States need to completely isolate China like it does with North Korea.
China has been a parasite on our economy for decades and I see this as an excuse to finally do something about it.
Sanctions. Sanction. Sanctions. I never want to see ‘made in China’ ever again. Let’s manufacture 100% in the United States.
I’m still trying to figure out why Richard Spencer and Hunter Wallace are so pro-lockdown. Is it because being pro-lockdown is the opposite of the conservative position? What do Hunter Wallace and Richard Spencer make of the anti-lockdown protests going on around the world? Do they approve of the draconian measures undertaken by Australia for example?
‘Aussie police ‘SATISFIED’ with arrest of pregnant woman over anti-lockdown message. She described it as scary kidnapping’
We destroyed the global economy over a mild virus. Only about 1.5% of people who catch Covid-19 even get sick. Only 6% of reported deaths are caused by Covid-19 alone.
I’m not a follower of Andrew Anglin but when he says “it’s just the flu, bro”, he has a point.
To be honest, I primarily care about points 1 and 2, and 7 out of curiosity. Does that make me bad? I am more interested in effective treatments than a vaccine, because I will not take any vaccine until a couple years have gone by and it’s been proven safe.
The other consideration is that hospitals get a significant reimbursement for patients diagnosed with covid19. That would be a great financial motivator when income from other hospital procedures is down sharply.
I am agnostic on whether the virus is natural or whether China or the US engineered it. I actually see more motivation for Western origin if engineered. I am not even sure the statistics can be trusted given the testing criteria variability and standards for classifying deaths.
So, while there is an actual virus, its medical consequences are apparently greatly exaggerated. My suspicion is that it was known last fall that the US and international financial system was unsustainable. I think the virus might have been a convenient or deliberate opportunity to distract attention away from a huge credit infusion into the financial system and blame an inevitable economic downturn on on outside forces beyond our control. This would explain the go-along by most governments in the US financial orbit.
An old friend of mine is currently coming up on month 2 of her struggle with covid 19. She has only been off an oxygen feed for about 6 days of her first month, and walking 10 feet causes her blood oxygen to fall from 95 to 87, at which point she has to sit or lie down. She is taking steroids, antibiotics, cough medicine, and blood thinners. As she puts it, “This thing has really knocked the stuffing out of me”. She didn’t think covid was much of anything and insisted on going to church, where she acquired this charming companion. She doesn’t even know when she will get better. So, no, it’s not just the flu, bro.
Have the person try nexium. The cough is sometimes produced by acid reflux.
The American People should have came together on Covid-19. I’m talking about everybody should have cared about it and showed love for others. It remains our patriotic duty…Wearing Masks, using Hand Sanitizer, Wahing our hands, and Social Distancing. I think everybody did all that in the beginning. However wearing masks became a political issue and the rest is history. Now the idiot Conservatives, Republicans, and Libertarians now even deny that Covid-19 is even real and I argue with those nuts on a daily basis. My own Father in Law and around 200 of his fellow Furniture Factory Workers here in Mississippi caught it or was put in quarantine over it. He died from it. Yet some people still argue with me about it being real or not. They only deny it because Trump is President. They think he can do no wrong. Brainwashed idiots that I have zero respect for. Trump and Biden are do nothing partisan politicians. These 2 political idiots should have got together at the White House and put all the ignorant partisan junk away and showed everybody how serious this is and we can all do our part and help stop the spread. That’s what leadership is all about. Oh and I’ll not even type on the idiots that argue with me on a daily basis about Vaccines. Anybody that would refuse a clean and proven Vaccine that works is a sorry excuse for a human being. Deo Vindice !
@Brian Pace…
“Wearing Masks, using Hand Sanitizer, Washing our hands, and Social Distancing. I think everybody did all that in the beginning. However wearing masks became a political issue and the rest is history. Now the idiot Conservatives, Republicans, and Libertarians now even deny that Covid-19 is even real and I argue with those nuts on a daily basis. ”
No, Dear Brian, the virus is real. It’s just been wildly overblown to remove Trump from office.
Thus, it did not ‘become a political issue’, but, rather, was born as such.
As to washing my hands, I already was doing that 20-30 times a day. before the virus, if for no other reason than I prepare food for my family.
As to refusing a vaccine – I would submit that any adult would would take one, or forcing their beloved children to do so, would have to be a pinhead.
Why do I think that?
Because with things such a Garlick, Elederberry, Zinc v& Vitamin C, we already have the answers, not to mention hydroxychlorquine and cortosteroids to keep the inflammation down, if necessary.
Moreover, the history of the modern vaccine-makers is very very bad, downright nefarious, in fact – from the addition of unnecessary poisonous substances, such as Mercurick Sulphide to the fact that Bill Gates and his vaccine foundation were thrown out of Modi’s India, after having killed over 490,000 Indians with them.
Moreover, these vaccinations are the first to play with your RNA, so, no, I do not wish to be a guinea pig.
Moreover, these vaccines are made with aborted babies’ parts, and I will NOT have anything to do with that, not if I know about it.
So, while I totally respect your right to imperil yourself by any means you see fit, or go along with another attempted U.S. Government coup of President Trump, I ain’t gonna be with you, nor are tens of millions of others.
And you can bet your sweet ass we’ve got good reasons – reasons supported by a ton of science and logick.
Early in this corona-chan mess, I came across studies showing higher doses of selenium in the blood were effective against that particular virus (and most others). Natural medicine isn’t always the answer, but it never hurts to strengthen one’s immune system, either.
Re: “with things such a Garlick, Elederberry, Zinc v& Vitamin C, we already have the answers, not to mention hydroxychlorquine and cortosteroids to keep the inflammation down (…) Moreover, these vaccines are made with aborted babies’ parts”:
Please don’t listen to “Doctor” (not medical) Judy, Atlas the Radiologist, and other quacks who say they “have the answers.” Furrthermore the story about 496,000 children being killed by vaccination in India is absolutely false. What “alternative” sources of deliberate misinformation have you been reading? India was declared polio-free in 2014 thanks to the thorough vaccination program. It is possible (the chance is vanishingly small) to develop polio from the vaccine, and only about 17 out of all the millions vaccinated in India developed polio.
The county of India with a billion + population and I’m sure some health conditions contributing to their Covid death toll is less than the USA economic zone population , yep HW the USA North/South is not a serious sovereign nation since 1840. And we all know China with over billion will never be honest with the number games of Covid.
Stay safe, stay dry!
And support private white businesses!!!!!!!!!
Not diaper mask limited walk in patrons being ostracized not wearing a defective mask!
Chinese are incredibly careless and produce endless quality defects when left to their own so I have no problem believing someone screwed up and infected themselves with one of the thousands of wild bat samples they were keeping in that Wuhan Lab in their SARS investigation. The fact the thing started in the city that hosted their main Virology research centers can’t be a coincidence. If some strange disease broke out in the subdivisions right outside the CDC level 4 lab you know everyone would immediately suspect.
But she’s from Hong Kong and hates the CCP so has an axe to grind about making the “deliberately released” accusation. This damaged their economy very badly and releasing a bioweapon is on par with pushing the red button so I am highly doubtful this was intentional. Also why would they release it right next to their lab where any logical person could see the link, you don’t shit where you eat. Was it a natural result of their filthy eating habits? A natural virus collected in their SARS research efforts accidentally released by typical Chinese carelessness and incompetence? Or were they doing “gain of function” experiments to try to show they were “smarter than those stupid westerners” and could beat them in virology research and the thing got out of hand? What is true is the treasonous western media and liberals hate their own people so much they will cover up any Chinese malfeasance out of spite for their own or out of outright being on the Chinese Globalist Payroll.
I’ve probably commented on this post too much already, but this item regarding the obviously lying fifth-column Chinese woman being featured on the Carlson Show, is important enough to add one more:
Russia Today reports on Carlson’s featuring of the fifth-column Chinese woman: https://www.rt.com/usa/500862-covid-man-made-china-virologists/
Amplified on NiiqNaq: https://niqnaq.wordpress.com/2020/09/17/this-will-be-used-by-the-us-congress-just-like-all-the-other-phony-reports-have-been/
I’m more than a bit suspicious of this Chinese “whistleblower” suddenly appearing as she did just in time for the final runup to the election. This does not negate the bio-weapon theory, or its release in Wuhan. As has been noted in a series of interesting articles at Unz, including this recent one, there are those who have been pushing for a war with China would love “conclusive proof” that the dreaded Chinese released this from the famous Wuhan level 4 facility – especially as the wet market story has been completely destroyed by now. There’s also the esteemed physician Bill Gates who stands to do very nicely from the vaccine he wants to be mandatory.
After all, the enormous black-hole sized self-licking ice-cream cone centered in the District of Corruption and the equally important usury-rackets in NYC must be kept operating at all costs. There’s been a lot of book-cooking with this disease not to mention frequent goal-post shifting along with release of numerous violent criminals and sending those with the disease to stay in nursing homes.
I have never poo pooed the China virus. It needed to be taken seriously, but not to the extent of allowing tyranny to rule us (Gretchen Whitmer). It was in fact a poo poo platter intentionally released by China. A deviously evil plan to throw us into chaos in an election year. We will loose more lives as a result of the reaction to this than to the virus itself.
“It was in fact a poo poo platter intentionally released by China. A deviously evil plan to throw us into chaos in an election year”:
Surely you jest. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, professor of public health sciences, esp. epidemiology, and former Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School, says the best current estimate of the global death toll is about 940,000. Yes, the death toll is approaching one million, and the pandemic is just getting started in many countries, and rural areas in countries that do not take real, adequate public health measures (the most important being rigorously enforced universal public mask wearing) to stop the spread.
ISRAEL is under national lockdown again, beginning today; Madrid, Spain is going under lockdown again; and the U.K. may be forced under lockdown again soon. AMERICANS, who mostly do not wear masks and never had a real lockdown, now have about one quarter of the cases in the world, though we are only 5% of humanity, while the intelligent nations (including of course China) that do require masks, and have real public health systems, have eliminated it inside their borders.
The five countries in Europe AND ASIA with the highest deaths PER CAPITA are Belgium, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the U.K. Sweden, which never locked down has five times more deaths than all the other neighboring Nordic countries combined, which did lock down to some extent. Locking down and social distancing have some benefit, but requiring and enforcing universal public mask wearing (of adequate masks, worn properly, not just over the mouth or chin) is sufficient in itself to finally end the pandemic without a vaccine.
Because the “Americans” include:
Fake “americans”
Paper “americans”
Then far less than two hundred thousand REAL Americans have died of “COVID-19.”
This is for certain.
Give it’s rest already man. This shit is a hoax. Very clear to see that you’ve been mentally affected by the lockdowns and social distancing nonsense as well.
All gloom and doom,no hope to be seen on this site anymore. Just when our side needs fired up, too.
Li-Meng Yan is Steve Bannons little whore. If you believe her unproven claims you are dumb.
Exactly. This worthless prostitute should be in a gulag. Conservatives are bad- Chinks acting as running-dogs for conservative trash are even worse.
You are correct. However we run the real gulags, and she won’t be in one of our gulags.
I can’t believe there are people still not tired of all the fear porn related around Covid-19.
It’s overblown out of proportion. Nobody gives a shit about Covid-19 except Marxists who enjoy lockdowns.
Excellent new article on “Moon of Alabama,” a must-read: https://www.moonofalabama.org/2020/09/in-which-we-debunk-a-coividiots-pamphlet.html
I find it fascinating that people who are so distrustful of the mainstream media regarding other subjects, i.e. race. Would be so trusting of said sources regarding this so called pandemic.
Chris Martenson, of “Peak Prosperity,” a capitalist financial advice Youtube channel, has switched sides on the pandemic, gradually over the past several weeks, and now completely.
But the capitalist financial advisor remains convinced that hydroxycholoroquine, elderberry, zinc, invermection and erythromycin are effective against the disease despite lack of scientific evidence. In his most recent coronovirus video he rails against basing public health measures on “tests that give a high number of false positives,” while failing to mention what these tests are for, and that they give a very low rate of false negatives, whereas the other kind of test being used has a high number of false negatives.
While Dr. Martenson turns out to be an unreliable source of information on the pandemic
(as well as politics and economics) , Dr. John Campbell is steady and reliable:
Quite a good article in the mainstream news today, worth reading: http://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/this-overlooked-variable-is-the-key-to-the-pandemic/ar-BB19A13A?ocid=ientp More and more the “erratic” course of the pandemic begins to make sense.