Hunter Biden joins his father on stage following victory speech.
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) November 8, 2020
I didn’t vote for either of these Boomers.
America’s first senile president was elected by moderate White men in the Rust Belt … LMAO. First things first, we’ve got to save the planet, right? Get in the back, Jack.
Note: For the libtards who are browsing this site in search of salty Trump tears from White Nationalists, I got tired of Blumpf’s act like four years ago.

Democrats are the real racists, and Joe Biden is an old Segregationist from a Slave State who didn’t want darkies bussed into nice white neighborhoods.
What’s not to like? Biden will remind blacks of Obama and Kamala Harris will make speeches about “women of color” or whatever and the riot stop. Probably Covid-19 will go away too.
All Blacks and Browns need is faces on TV saying nice things about them. Just rhetorically kiss their ass a lot. You don’t even need to bash whites. Most of them just get suspicious when a white person makes a big deal about how “not racist” they are.
Policy won’t change, and unlike the Game Show Host, Biden will be meeting with actual leaders of Blacks and Browns, not rappers and “little pimps” like Trump’s Jew handler told him too.
Now is the time to do a big recruitment drive in non-white neighborhoods to get Boots Of Color On The Ground for Biden’s new war.
are niggers going to learn spanish or mandrian no lol
Mandarin Chinese?
Blacks won’t be used as cannon fodder in a war. They never are. No officer wants these fragging liabilities standing around them.
Interesting to see if they ease up or double down on Covid-19 dictates but they’ll never stop bashing Whites.
“Whew, so glad anti-racist Biden won instead of that fascist cheeto hitler. Now I can go back to feeling good and patriotic about killing millions of brown people around the world to further enrich a handful of jewish and white billionaires. Just like the good old days of Obama”- libtards
Now it’s the left’s turn to “trust the plan” and compromise all of their alleged principles in support of their side in the zionist uniparty.
At least the Dems have to pretend to be pacifists. Trump would have started a hot war with Iran in his second term 100%.. and his retarded supporters would have cheered him on.
True. We were at least spared the sight of Fuentes, Anglin, and Forney trying to convince people that war with iran is based and pro-white.
he shit on Trump when he bombed Syria cuz his daughter told him to small things even Trump knew better then to try more wars for global homo iam sure the left will love the next 20s years of being serfs visit a VA sometime……
Biden is likely to be the first US president who uses a drone strike on US soil against US citizens. You heard it here first folks.
He’s going to have to do it quick. I’ll bet that before 2021 ends he’ll be out due to “mental incapacities” (like no one knew) and we’ll have High Yeller for president. Other than relentlessly pushing more Hate Whitey policies does it really matter what else she does?
He is shaking….probably has Parkinson’s. This country is going to get what it deserves. Too bad it had to destroy Europe before it died.
“Trump would have started a hot war with Iran in his second term 100%”
Any doubts about you being an idiot have now been erased.
It’s great isnt it? Feel good about butchering brown folk as a united American people again.
I Need A Pussy Grabber
(From the ZOGling Whigger Collapse 2020 LP)
Where have all the White Men gone?
Where are the Demi-Gods?
Where’s the streetwise Hercules to fight the democratic odds?
Where is there a White Knight upon the fiery steed?
With the coming Night I toss and I turn and I know of what I need !!!
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be mean and he’s gotta be strong and He’s
Gotta tell Senile Joe & The Ho “So Long”
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon
So Kamala don’t becum [the] Presidential She-Boon !!!
(No damn Ruling Bindi-Coon !!!)
Somewhere after midnight, in my waking fantasy . . .
Somewhere now within my reach, Civil War is claiming me !!!
Racing on the Chaos and rising with the Heat !!!
It’s gonna take White Supermen to sweep ZOG off its feet !!!
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be mean and he’s gotta be strong and He’s
Gotta tell Senile Joe & The Ho “So Long”
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon
So Kamala don’t becum [the] Presidential She-Boon !!!
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
Out where the niggers meat the whiggers below !
Just before Kamala wields the Pillow !!
I could swear somehow Senile Joe is a-groping me !!!
Through the fraud, and the swill with no brain . . .
. . . and the war and the flood !!!
We need his “Approach” to keep fire in our blood !!!
Civil War !
(8 times)
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be mean and he’s gotta be strong and He’s
Gotta tell Senile Joe & The Ho “So Long”
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon
So Kamala don’t becum [the] Presidential She-Boon !!!
Repeat Chorus:
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be mean and he’s gotta be strong and He’s
Gotta tell Senile Joe & The Ho “So Long”
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
He’s gotta be sure and it’s gotta be soon
So Kamala don’t becum [the] Presidential She-Boon !!!
(lower volume)
I need a Pussy-Grabber !!!
I’m holding out for a Trump ’til the End of the ZOG !!!
(Fade Out)
Hail Victory !!!
Pastor Martin ‘Mad-Dog Half-Beard’ Lindstedt
Church of Jesus Christ Christian / Aryan Nations of Missouri
Write-In White Supremacist Candidate for Governor of Missouri
Its actually a relief Blumpf the orange goy lost. Now we get to see Biden kiss heeb ass for a change and basically be blumpf lite to the libtards
Let them be the war party. Will make them much more self aware.
Self-awareness from the Left? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!
Donestk, Iran or Syria first?
“America’s first senile president was elected by moderate White men in the Rust Belt”
“Yankees gotta Yank.”
Which means that they’re set in their ways, which aren’t ours, because we don’t share a common culture, geography, climate, agronomy, or even much of a common history, outside of a few wars, with them. All of which determines their mentality, and therefore their political paradigm, and voting habits. By way of analogy; Canadians vote the way that they do, because they’re Canadian.
As Southrons, we gotta do our own thang, in our own country, separate from them and theirs. Ain’t no two ways about it.
Biden didn’t win jack. The prick stole it wit his blacks robbing, er, counting the vote. All I see are black faces doing the vote counting..lol. More examples of diversity being a strength for robbery.
Michelle Obama always made me sick but her little twitter rant was ghettoesque. Congratulating our first( yawwwnnn) black/Indian female vp in Harris who got like 3% when her boring ass was turned out. But being vp has zero to do with votes. She’s just a black window dressing. Obama is such a nig. Of course her and her pet husband live in a White area. Do blaxxx with money ever stay or move to black areas? Gee, I guess it’s tough hating whitey while always wanting to live with him.
America is 100% jewish owned. There is no more press in this country. Just jew approved slop.But muh Evangelicals can’t point out the obvious of the chosenites.
What makes me sick is the snail like pace Trump moved on things. Gee, Twitter and Faceburg came back to bite Trump in the ass? Just sooo shocking..lol. He did jack in watching tons of his supporters tossed from social media. But hey, his black support went from 8% to 11%!. Wooo hoodoo!! Party time!!! And of course that Kim Klasick chick from Maryland could not even get 30% of the vote in that giant ghetto state, Maryland.
I am still pulling for Trump. It’s rather obvious he was ribbed. The thought of Senile Biden and the affirmative action hoochie once again reminds me how bad diversity is.
Blacks are such arrogant slugs. So much for their church act again. How do 89% of black people vote for an abortion pushing, homosexual pushing, open borders pushing party? Answer: Because the Democrats hate White people just like most GOD less black people do. Only White people can be so moronic to promote their own replacement and destruction as we now leap to being like Somalia. After all, we need more of dem refugees until Whites go the way of the dinosaur.
The spike protein (the spike is infection key) of SARS Co-V has mutated in Denmark, creating a possibly deadlier new strain, or different enough that it will all evade all existing B-cell antibodies and all vaccines currently in trial or development. At least twelve people are known to have caught it from mink.
Would it be racist for Trump to ban all travel to and from Denmark? Remember, “the health of the world is as weak as the weakest link”:
How DARE you presume that Biden is the President-elect, with the MASSIVE amounts of VOTER FRAUD, and ILLEGALITY that his ‘Tribe’ engendered. Are you such (word deleted) sorry attempts at men, that you would rather be slaves on the plantation?
NOT MY PRESIDENT! Anathema. May God strike he and his WHORE running mate down, ‘by any means necerssary.’
An immoral ruler, does not rule with God’s approval.