Michael Lind: The Revenge of the Yankees

I’ve swung away from history over the past few weeks because of the election. I’m planning to pick up where I left off though with my series of articles about Modernism.

Tablet Mag:

“Is America disintegrating into anarchy and civil war among races, religions, and regions? Is the country more divided than ever before? The answer is no. The social and economic divides among white Northerners and white Southerners, Blacks and whites, Catholics and Protestants and Jews were much more intense in 1920 than they are today in 2020. What has happened is that the formerly unified, mostly Northern mainline Protestant American establishment has—perhaps temporarily—broken down, allowing the actual diversity of interests and opinions in the United States to be expressed rather than suppressed. If the emerging woke national establishment has its way, however, that diversity of viewpoints and values will soon be suppressed once again, in favor of an intolerant and exclusive doctrine that greatly resembles the old-time Social Gospel from which it is derived.

With the exceptions of Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson, every American president between 1861 and 1933 was a Republican mainline Protestant from the North or Midwest. …

What we are witnessing is a power grab carried out chiefly by some white Americans against other white Americans. The goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities who refuse to be assimilated into the new national orthodoxy disseminated from New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and the prestigious private universities of New England. Properly understood, the Great Awokening is the revenge of the Yankees.”

I’m currently reading E. Digby Baltzell’s classic book The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy & Caste in America and William R. Hutchison’s book The Modernist Impulse in American Protestantism.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s rather humorous that the most prominent Hispanic in the US political scene is AOC. Hardly representative of her folk. Ivy League adjacent mystery meat.

      We NEED our own Utopia … or chance at coming as close to a Utopia as humanly possible.

      Yes … the northern libtards are partly to blame. Ignorant zeros. GOD didn’t make us all equal and even segregated us with oceans land language culture AND IQ.

      Our future isn’t up to any president. It’s up to US. We have 4 years.

      • Can we send our niggers back down south after separation? You Southerners brought them here, you can have them back.

        • The trans-Atlantic slave trade was a partnership between African sellers and shipping enterprises from Europe and the Yankee states, not Southerners.

  2. As I was reading E. Digby Baltzell’s book, which you linked, Mr. W., I was reminded of the very-first appearance of hero Flash Gordon, in the sixth panel of the first Flash Gordon comic strip, in 1934. After we learn Earth is due to collide with an approaching planet and that Dr. Zarkov is working on a device with which he hopes to prevent the disaster, the scene shifts to the interior of an airliner, in which a seated, blond stalwart is reading a newspaper:

    “Aboard an eastbound transcontinental plane we have Flash Gordon, Yale graduate and world-renowned polo player ….”

    Sounds as if Earth has nothing to worry about.

    PS At https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2014/04/20/flash-gordon-80th-anniversary/7479945/ is the strip itself, if you’d like to see it. Interestingly enough, Alex Raymond, who created the strip was himself Catholic, from New Rochelle.

  3. *yawn*

    There is no Yankee problem, only a WASP problem. The WASP problem is that money-grubbing trumps racial loyalty. WASPs are the perfect business partners for Jews.

  4. “”… Is the country more divided than ever before? The answer is no….”””

    This is exactly why you should never let things run by intellectuals or great thinkers.

    1920 was US economy self sustainable. Food and other basic necessities were produced locally. There was no problem, that power outage or collapse some supply chain can drive half of the country to mass starvation and chaos.

    Foreign policy
    1920 was entire world one big post WW I chaos. There was no chance that some rich countries can corrupt half of the Government.

    And so on. 1920 was different world. As a typical intellectual, Michael just ignoring obvious facts that are too simple to play great thinking intellectual. Exactly like Pat Buchanan. Because 100 years ago happened this and 50 years ago happened that, then today this supposed to be truth and when something contradicts great thinking, then just ignore.

    This is the Rome, this can not fall. And the rest is just beautiful quotes from long dead men and unreal BS. There can never be immigration in Sweden because Vikings destroy every last foreign group landing on their shore. And some Swedish King said something smart 400 years ago.

    Soviet Union collapsed because of that. Our coup leaders thought that 1991 society lives and reacts like Stalin era society 50 years ago. When they were young, they never dared to question Stalin orders. It means that today young officers will blindly follow their orders. They did not and that was a big fat surprise.

    This is also greatest threat to Donald. 50 years ago, court were old school mildly corrupt bureaucrats who knew where is the red line. Today, young radicals have no limits and they will follow Soros most absurd orders. Seems that Donald legal crew fails to understand that Supreme Court may just ignore the evidence and don`t give a flying F about powerless public opinion.

    • “Exactly like Pat Buchanan. Because 100 years ago happened this and 50 years ago happened that, then today this supposed to be truth ….”

      Bingo. I’ve been waiting, oh, twenty years or so to hear someone say this about Buchanan. I’d been unable to tell whether I was the only one noticing or, instead, the only one hallucinating.

  5. If Ron Paul had been 3inches taller and weighed 190lbs his solid arguments would have steamrollered Romney and Obama may have faced a realigned Republican Party in 2012. That might have allowed a rational candidate to have emerged in 2016.

    Physiognomy is destiny.

  6. Oh look, the Jews at Tablet magazine want to discuss “mainline Protestants.”

    Did you know that the reason the US supports Israel so strongly is not because of all the rich Jews at AIPAC who bribe politicians – that’s an anti-semitic stereotype, you see – but in actually because of all the “Christian Zionist Evangelicals?”

    Sheldon Adelson has no power, but that guy John Hagee is Texas in the real power behind the throne.

    • LOL, yup exactly. It is enraging when Jews scapegoat Whites (as reprehensible as those of our own people are who collaborate with Jews) as the architects of various schemes, plans and policies.
      Lind may or may not be a Jew genetically, but he certainly is spiritually, given how hard he covers for them, and writes for their outfit.

    • This reminded me of a theology professor of mine, discussing Jewish influence in DC he m a aged to focus on Christian Evangelists as the driving force of that. Rather than the fig leaf that they perform. He knew he was bullshitting.

    • “Did you know that the reason the US supports Israel so strongly is not because of all the rich Jews at AIPAC who bribe politicians – that’s an anti-semitic stereotype, you see – but in actually because of all the ‘Christian Zionist Evangelicals?'”

      As a matter of fact, I did know it, yes. That’s why I said as much here, at Occidental Dissent, two weeks ago: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2020/11/07/jared/#comment-3557050

      I feel as if I’m listening to my greatest hits.

  7. North or Midwest.

    Are one and the same thing.

    The so-called “Midwest” or Great Lakes States, are just Western Yankeedom. Just as Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas; and even some parts of Kansas, are Western Dixie.

    I’ve personally observed, at work, three individuals, one from Wisconsin, one from Illinois, and one from New England, talking about how together, they had more in common with each other, than with the Texans with whom they worked.

    There wasn’t any of the “Midwesterners” are different from Northeasterners talk, one usually hears. Not in this case.

    We had an engineer from South Carolina, one from Georgia, and one from Alabama come over to our plant, and we didn’t notice, at all, that they weren’t from Texas. They walked, talked and acted like us.

    In unguarded moments, Northern visitors and transplants will admit that there is a very real difference between the North and the rest of the country. This difference in culture and worldview, is what accounts for all of the voting habits and political tendencies that we see across the regions. People vote in accordance with their thoughts, opinions and beliefs.

    In simple terms, the North, and to a lesser extent, the Left Coast, are governed by the New England Moral-Political Paradigm. And the South and the Interior West, by a diluted Jeffersonian Republicanism of sorts.

    Northerners= Government happens for us.

    Southerners= Government happens to us.

    Which is why the two people’s always butt heads when it comes to voting for or against this and that, and whoever.

    • “Just as Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas; and even some parts of Kansas, are Western Dixie.”

      Since I trust your read on things like that, James, I’ll add one or two little things you might find interesting.

      1 — “The Big Land”

      Just a few nights ago, I saw, on television, a 1957 Alan Ladd movie called “The Big Land,” of which I’d not heard but which reminded me of the seemingly-countless Westerns a sibling of mine and I enjoyed on television when we were youngsters. Though the movie seems not to have been a hit, it was something like “Shane,” with which Ladd had had a big hit four years earlier. The opening narration is something like, “The Civil War was over, and commerce and enterprise were reviving. In Texas, former Confederate soldiers hoping to restore their state’s vitality started driving cattle to railheads in Missouri, to supply beef to a hungry East.”

      Anyway—that’s the idea. Ladd and some of his fellow Texas cattlemen drive their herds to Kansas City, where a nasty cattle buyer offers them only $1.50 a head (when Ladd had told his buddies they’d get $20.00, I think). When one of Ladd’s buddies says something angry or suggestive of violence or something like that to the cattle buyer, who’s with his equally nasty henchman, we, the audience, discover that the buyer is a Yankee scoundrel, who, with his sidearm quite visible, says something like, “Are you interested in starting something? We licked you rebs once, and we can do it again.” When the cattleman makes some kind of move, the quick-drawing Yankee knocks him out of his saddle by firing a bullet into his arm. “I could have put that right between his eyes,” says the buyer to Ladd; then he asks Ladd whether he, Ladd, has any point he, too, would like to make. “Maybe—but not now,” Ladd says; thus the whole story has been set up in about ten minutes.

      Anyway—I mention this because the story moves on to Ladd’s effort to establish a railhead in Kansas, two hundred miles closer to him and his buddies than K.C., Missouri. I was reminded of that when I saw, in your post, “and even some parts of Kansas.”

      The movie was based on a novel called “Buffalo Grass,” by a writer named Frank Gruber (a Minnesotan). I loved the movie.

      2 — “… talking about how together, they had more in common with each other, than with the Texans with whom they worked.”

      This reminds me of something I posted here, at Occidental Dissent, a few years ago. I mentioned that the (female) members of the country-music trio Pistol Annies are from widely-separated American locales. One (Miranda Lambert) is from Texas; another (Ashley Monroe) is from Knoxville TN, deep down in the Appalachian Valley; and the third (Angaleena Presley) is from Beauty, Kentucky, which is up near the West Virginia border in Hatfield-and-McCoy territory. (In fact, Presley’s birth-surname, intriguingly enough, was McCoy.)

      The moment I heard—if I’m remembering this correctly—the opening twang of their debut album, I was struck that the women were all Southerners, i.e., that they couldn’t be more similar to each other, culturally, if they’d grown up within fifty yards of each other.”

  8. “The goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities who refuse to be assimilated into the new national orthodoxy-”

    What can I say about this.

    Southerners haven’t had any power since 1865.
    They, like their fellow travelers in the Interior West, have been politically irrelevant for about as long.

    The Sixteen Northern States and their allies in Mexifornia hold all of the decisive votes, both in the Congress, and in the Electoral College. They have essentially picked every President since 1860. Any candidate that can successfully capture these seventeen states, can capture the Whitehouse, and can safely ignore the other thirty-three states while campaigning.

    The Jews have essentially taken over the political machinery and the country(The Yankees’ country, not the original one that we made.) that the Yankees built. It was a ready made, turn key operation for them. They exploited the similarities between their own cause and professed sociopolitical beliefs, and those of the Judaised Puritans, to blend into, and takeover American (Northern) civilisation/society, by seemingly assimilating to the New England Moral-Political Liberal Order. Now they rule it, while the Yankees arrogantly think that the Jews are simply their friends and allies in their interminable war against the rest of America. Which has been co-opted by the Jews, for their purposes.

    Non-whites, especially Africans in America, are nothing more than political weapons and tools of conquest used by the Yankees and their Jewish allies/masters, against the White South.
    The Blacks have now outlived their usefulness, like Abraham Lincoln did, and are being thrown under the bus in favour of hordes of Amerindians, Mestizos and Asiatics. But in no case, are the Yankees and Jews interested in the assimilation of their coloured auxiliaries. Nonetheless, Blacks are still a useful distraction and bogeymen for Whites, at least for a little while longer.

    The Yankees don’t need to take revenge. It’s their own fault for giving up on their rulership of America, which the common folk of the North have never relinquished, or stopped believing in.
    They can’t, because it was so much of their blood spilled in the Great Patriotic War of 1861-65, that secured Suzerainty for the Yankee elites. Elites who, if not disdainful and contemptuous of them, are certainly apathetic towards their plebian classes. If not outright ignoring their existence.

    • Southern WASPs bought niggers from Jewish slave merchants. The Jews were selling and southern WASPs were buying, you stupid cracker.

      Southern WASPs used nigger slaves to undercut the wages of ordinary White men, which is obvious race treason.

      On average American niggers have about 20% European ancestry. It is because Old Dixie slave masters fucked their niggers on an industrial scale.

      To celebrate the old south is to celebrate race-treason and nigger-fucking.

      These the south is hopelessly swamped with muds. Stick a fork in Dixie, you retarded hicks.

      PS. Southern nationalism is gay.

  9. The Judeo-Protestant ethic was the path to communism and the World Health Organization for example is just one of their gifts. Are you guys ready for your “vaccines”? Get ready to roll up your sleeves for a series of injections and a Covid pass. You will have to keep wearing the masks and “social-distance” and stay-at-home etc.. But what the hell, it’s real in your mind. By the way, that middle-eastern desert sect which develops these injections refuses to take them and they forbid their children to take them. Did you know that? The companies that culture the vaccines from murdered unborn children and the sputum of thousands of flu afflicted patients refuse to take their own medicine. Those vaccines are for the cattle. You peddled the coronovirus hoax and fake statistics; cited CDC propaganda and outright lies the last time I checked this site months ago. So I hope you will be the first in line when the armed forces come to your area. It’s the least you can do for us. Roll up you sleeves and get ready to get injected by some masked Asian, Indian or Guatemalan nurse. If you succumb, don’t worry. You will be removed from your home by EMS or Army personnel dressed in space suite. I’ve seen this with my own eyes, I kid you not.

  10. How do we “unite” with Anti-Whites who hate my race and want it gone? There never was a stable multiracial democracy and never will be.

  11. Lind who is “possibly of Jewish descent,” argues that “the Yankees” (“the new woke national establishment,successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment”) are out “to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant (…) Jewish whites” !!!

    I hope this not another case of Northern Whites of Protestant or of Protestant descent being demonized, and juxtaposed to the “good”: Jewish whites, Southerners, and Roman Catholics.

    • I should have written: “subtly demonized” because it is subtle, and put Jewish whites in quotes: “Jewish whites.”

    • “I hope this not another case of Northern Whites of Protestant or of Protestant descent being demonized, and juxtaposed to the “good”: Jewish whites, Southerners, and Roman Catholics.”

      Oh, I think you’ve put your finger right on it.

    • How about fuck England and its money-grubbing, race-betraying diaspora. If you wish to go on existing you should do so under a pan-Nordic, National Socialist identity. Otherwise, you can breed with niggers for all I care.

      • Niggers talk with a Southern accent and are part Southern white. They left the South and ruined many areas outside of the South. Ghetto blacks all have a twisted Southern accent no matter what part of the US they are in.

        Slavery is and was a terrible thing. Yankees built massive cities in the North on their own, blacks didn’t build Boston, NYC, Philadelphia ect. Blacks didn’t build areas in the Southwest. Blacks however did build the South because Southerners were to lazy.

        When this nation breaks apart all blacks should be returned to the South.

  12. Linds analysis has some holes.

    What about White Protestants who moved out West to get away from the Eastern Establishment and its Democrat Party machine politics (Biden us likely the great successor of this system) to live in the Wild West and embrace libertarianism?

    Nixon, Goldwater, and Reagan from California and Arizona waged campaigns against the Eastern Establishment, New York Intellectuals, and the incipient rise of political correctness.

    • ” . . . Nixon, Goldwater, and Reagan from California and Arizona waged campaigns against the Eastern Establishment . . .”

      . . . and were at best oblivious and in the case of Reagan, abetted the southern invasion of the U.S. by the Third World across the open 2,200 mile border. Reagan’s 1986 amnesty not only legalized at least three million invaders but set a bad precedent cited ever since by the scumbag Republicans and Democrats for more amnesties. Those three clowns from the S. West were always attentive to the interests of Big Agriculture and its never ending quest for lower wages, the original point of keeping every yard of the southern border wide open.

      Things change and now even Big Ag is using robots and automation to plant, pick, sort, clean and package crops, especially produce. This follows the same pattern in manufacturing where there has been a constant substitution of capital and technology for brute force labor beginning with the steam engine. The demand for cheap, unskilled labor is rapidly diminishing and within a few years robots will be doing most of the hard, dirty work in agriculture, also meat packing plants as they get automated, too. Covid is accelerating the automation process.

      We already have one of historical example of cheap labor becoming obsolete farm equipment causing endless trouble, now there will be a second example. I guess Michael Douglas was wrong, greed is not “good.” ” . . . For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. . .” 1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version


  13. The thing that I’ve never cared for about Northerners is their know it all attitude in things large and small.

    As far as AOC goes you will find she is the face of the Catholic Church in the future, more so than Pelosi, or Gillibrand.


    I love it!

    That said, I would reduce this to The New England Question, which could also be made more accurate by reducing it to The Urban New England Question.

    Come to think of it, it’s best reduced to this…


    Yep, because, at this point, I cannot tell much difference between, Raleigh, Boston, Portland, Atlanta, Detroit, Jackson, and Seattle.

    When I was a kid, Southern Cities were really SOUTHERN CITIES.

    Nowadays, cities everywhere are holding zones for those many who pray for oppression and repression, and, in so doing, consider themselves sublimely superior.

    How this gets solved I do not know, because, at this point, I would be perfectly content if Raleigh, Charlotte, Asheville, Greensboro, Chapel-Hill, and Durham ran away from my state, or, perhaps better said, those in those place were run off…

    The vast majority of these people do not know us, do not respect us, and, thus, ought not have a place voting in our state, much less living in it.

  15. If you southern boys picked your own cotton,we wouldn’t have a nigger problem. 2nd, if Booth didn’t kill Lincoln, he would have sent them back like he planned. The reason he wanted them freed was to deport them. You can;t deport property. Lincoln’s southern VP (Johnson) was worse than Lincoln. He is the one that sold your people out. I am a Yankee and always supported the south but let’s be honest, your own people sold you out as the decades went by.

  16. American history

    1620 – 1760: Yankees vs. French & Indians, Yankees win
    1761 – 1783: Yankees vs. British, Yankees win
    1784 – 1876: Yankees vs. South, Yankees win
    1877 – 1890: Yankee supremacy
    1891 – 1941: Yankees vs. Jews, Jews win
    1942 – present: Jewish supremacy

    • @BTI…

      Your history makes a very good point, but, because you are a New Englander, there are many omissions…

      1620 – 1760: Yankees vs. French & Indians, Yankees win
      1761 – 1783: Southerners and New England Yankees vs. British & Indians, New England Yankees and Southerners win
      1784 – 1861: Southern Supremacy – New Englanders chafe
      1861-1865 : Yankees vs. Southerners, Yankees win
      1865-1877 : Southerners vs. Yankees, Southerners overturn Yankee win
      1877 – 1890: New England Yankees lead government, but have no say in The South
      1891 – 1941: New England Yankees hand over US Government to Jewry
      1942 – present: Jewish supremacy over all virtuous Yankees and compliant Southerners

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