— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 24, 2020
America's richest 1% now own half the value of the stock market.
— Heraclitean Fire (@heraclitean11) November 24, 2020
The richest 10% own 92% of stocks.
So when Trump says the stock market is the economy & the stock market is doing great, know who he’s really talking about: himself+his corrupt donor bung buddies, not the people. https://t.co/Y6596gMusK
Our stock market, who art on Wall St.,
— Will Westcott ?? (@westland_will) November 24, 2020
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is on Wall St. pic.twitter.com/Ds6XxxnOgU
Stocks are at an all-time high, but the severe impact of the pandemic on the rest of America is reflected in stats like this.
— Will Westcott ?? (@westland_will) November 24, 2020
Without stimulus checks (UBI), student loan forgiveness, national healthcare, or increased unemployment benefits, most people cannot afford to have kids. https://t.co/W1iAqAIkrv
Tweeting "Dow 30K" is why you lost. The Market didn't hit this mark by organic growth, or a return of industry to the US induced by Coolidge level Tariffs. But because beginning in March Central Banks created $13.5 Trillion in fake money, pushing trillions toward the richest 1%. https://t.co/KGaUYAfsLB pic.twitter.com/AceZF4MOTN
— LDF120 (@LDF120) November 24, 2020
This is a good example of why Donald Trump used to be president.

Cold. Wtf.
Unlike 1929, now there are mechanisms to keep banks, big corporations and the stock market propped up and growing forever. The nobility (elites) are too important to fail and cannot fail. The commons are mostly worthless and expendable, and slide deeper into poverty. See “Massive food lines and evictions as benefits expire”: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/11/23/pers-n23.html
I said some time ago that you might as well throw in with the 1 percenters if you have any money to spare. They have proven they will do whatever it takes to prop up the market. That definitely includes stealing from the peons.
“might as well throw in with the 1 percenters if you have any money to spare. ”
Very few have the ability to do that.
Most ppl live on too narrow a margin .
What? I thought this was the greatest country on Earth. American Dream….yada yada yada.
We will pay for DOW 30,000, in inflation and a weak currency.
They can’t print trillions without consequences.
Rents and home prices are going beyond the reach of workers. Other essentials will follow.
“The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return” kipling
.”Unlike 1929, now there are mechanisms to keep banks, big corporations …..”
Yes, and that patchwork can unravel at an amazing speed.
……the deep question is, ‘when?’
(How long can they transfer wealth from the poor to the rich , before massive social instability starts ? Going brown and going down, third world status is next.)
It won’t be 300-500K fewer black and brown babies born. You can count on that. Only people with a modicum of IQ have the inclination to limit family size during hard times.
How long can a market at 33 times earnings be sustained, when the historical norm is 16 ?
Seems the US has blown a super bubble of dept, by inflating shares, real estate and bonds.
“Only people with a modicum of IQ have the inclination to limit family size ”
That’s the dysgenic gospel !
The tragically ironic ruin of civilization.