Editor’s Note: In the 2020 election, Donald Trump did significantly better with conservatives, Republicans and households making over $100,000 a year, which is to say these people, and significantly worse with moderates, Independents and households making under $100,000 a year.
As I have explained at length since the 2020 election, the American Right is composed of two core factions of conservative Republicans which have gone by various names in Pew typology surveys for the past thirty years like “Staunch Conservatives” and “Business Conservatives.” Both of these factions are social conservatives who embrace free-market economics. They are Republicans.
There are two other groups which are more on the periphery of the Republican Party which are moderates in opposite ways. The first group is cultural libertarians who reject social conservatism, but who are strongly aligned with mainstream conservatives on free-market capitalism. The other group of moderates are ethnocentric populists and nationalists who are social conservatives, but who reject free-market economics. The Alt-Lite and the Alt-Right respectively were drawn from these latter two groups.
The Free Marketeers or Business Conservatives are the group we call the “GOP establishment.” They are the group which dominates the Right. They are the group behind CPAC and Turning Point USA. Charlie Kirk and Ben Shapiro represent this ruling faction of the Republican Party.
By the numbers:
- 25% of Donald Trump’s voters in 2016.
- Nearly 100% believe the free market better solves complex problems than a strong government
- 7% support raising taxes on +$200,000 income households
- 37% say Medicare is a very important issue for them
- 10% say legal immigration should be made much harder
- 14% strongly favored the Muslim ban
- 17% say their racial identity is extremely or very important
- 34% say having lived most of your life in America is important to being truly American
- 38% say being born in America is important to being truly American
- 29% say being Christian is important to being truly American
- Only 2% say that being of European descent is important to being truly American
- 88% say that is important to accept people of diverse religious and racial backgrounds to be truly American
- 33% say that it is more important for children to learn obedience than self-reliance
- 26% believe the economic system favors the wealthy
- 67% favor free trade
- 2/3rds voted against Trump in the 2016 Republican primaries
- 90% think government regulation has become excessive
- 62% support increasing trade with foreign countries
- 86% believe that wealth is distributed fairly in America
- 60% believe they have a say in government
- 76% are warm toward Latinos, 78% are warm toward Asians and 74% are warm toward blacks
- 11% believe that what happens to their racial group has an impact on their own lives
- 60% describe themselves as traditional
- 58% call themselves pro-life
- 66% believe religious liberty is a very important issue
- 63% believe sticking to principles is more important than compromise. 37% prefer to compromise
In sum, the Free Marketeers tend to be upscale, wealthier White Christians and traditional Republican voters who adhere to a libertarian ideology. They are strongly anti-racist and anti-populist. They are rightwing in the sense that they believe in free-market capitalism.
By the numbers:
- Core Conservatives are 13% of the general public, 15% of registered voters and 20% of the politically engaged. They anchor the Republican Party and the American Right by punching above their weight.
- 83% believe government can’t afford to do more to help the needy
- 80% believe that blacks who can’t get ahead are responsible for their own condition
- 63% believe that U.S. involvement in the global economy is good for new markets and growth
- 43% say that immigrants are a burden on the U.S. by taking jobs and housing
- 75% believe the economic system is generally fair to most Americans
- 37% believe that homosexuality should be discouraged by society
- 45% strongly lean Republican, 17% do not strongly lean Republican, 35% lean Republican. They are the most Republican of all groups
- 80% follow what is going on in government
- 93% always or nearly always vote
- 93% say it matters which party controls Congress
- 90% believe the GOP represents their values
- 83% believe the GOP cares about the middle class
- 12% say the GOP is too willing to cut government programs
- 15% say the GOP is too extreme. Core Conservatives are highly satisfied with the ideological makeup of the GOP
- 53% say American is better for people like them than it was 50 years ago
- 78% believe that the U.S. has been successful because of its reliance on principles. This is far and away higher than other group
- 97% believe the U.S. either stands above all other countries in the world or is one of the greatest countries in the world
- 53% say their family has achieved the American Dream. 37% say their family is on the way to achieving the American Dream. They are the only group in America who believes this
- 93% prefer a smaller government with fewer services
- 89% say government is almost always wasteful or inefficient
- 65% have a negative view of labor unions
- 45% say that banks and financial institutions have a positive impact on America
- 8% say income inequality is a very big problem. 46% overall say it is a moderately big problem. This is the smallest number of any group
- Only 21% say the economic system favors powerful interests
- 94% believe that most people can get ahead through hard work
- 88% believe that government is not responsible for ensuring that Americans have health care coverage
- 51% want to lower taxes on +$250,000 households
- 50% say it is best for the U.S. to be active in global affairs
- 68% say U.S. involvement is good because it opens new markets and creates growth
- 71% say there is no solid evidence of global warming. This is far and away higher than any other stratum of the population
- 92% say that stricter environmental laws costs jobs and hurt the economy
- 31% say it is important to protect the environment even if it costs time and money
- 52% believe it isn’t necessary to believe in God to be moral
- 51% want to keep religion separate from government policies
- 69% say abortion should be illegal in all or most cases
- 76% are generally satisfied with their finances
- 72% could live off their savings for more than six months
Basically, Core Conservatives are White people who believe in classical liberalism and free-market capitalism and who do not feel any sense of solidarity with other Whites.

The Christian Right has a serious problem in the Republican Party. You can’t mix Christian Family Values & Morals with Free Market Capitalism because it’s the excuse people make on the right / Libertarians that keeps Sin legal. It’s just that simple. Just name a Sin and is probably legal in America. Free Market Capitalism could be a good thing in a Christian Society. However not in a society where anything goes. It’s the excuse used for legalization of all forms of Sin against God. What the Church should do is realize the Republican Party has gone far away from being Social Conservative. We can look at everything and base it on that…like Abortion, Gay Marriage, Pornography, Strip Clips, Alcoholism, legalizing Drugs, and many other Sins. The Church had a big role in the Republican Party in the past. However when Gay Marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court…..the Church dropped in it’s influence in the Republican Party. However the Sheeple keep Voting Republican for oh gee because the Republicans are all about the Jews and ZOG. Bad thing for the Church…we must enforce the Word of God if he’s gonna bless us. Deo Vindice !
Good. I’m all about freedom and free markets. People can practice Any Religion they wnt to.Strip clubs are awesome BTW.
You strike me as someone who’d be proud to have a mulatto grandson.
“Capitalism could be a good thing in a Christian Society. However not in a society where anything goes”:
The corrupting influence of “the profit motive” (greed) – which necessitates eliminating competition and creating a monopoly, and exploiting “the market” (human victims) for all that “it” (the human victims) can bear – cannot coexist with true Christianity. It is impossible to serve both masters, God and Mammon.
That’s where the tension exists. One certainly has to pay attention to both things though. A perfect Christian would a perfect victim in all worldly affairs.
I’d guess you’re projecting, anonymous, as I’d guess communists generally do with respect to this subject. Greed is rare and is not equivalent to the desire to prosper, which is what the phrase “the profit motive” means, if it means anything.
The desire to prosper is not created by capitalism—or by laws that respect the right not to spend, as I should prefer to say it. It is simply not inhibited, except to the extent that it might prompt trespass, theft, or crimes against the person. Nothing in “capitalism” REQUIRES anyone to pursue profit. You yourself, for instance, could start, this very moment, organizing a medical-insurance cooperative whose membership is open to every person in the United States. If there are persons whose wealth offends you and who are uninterested in joining the group, you could organize boycotts of every single enterprise that yields them “profit.”
I’d guess you’re unlikely to do that, because you don’t care enough about medical insurance to do that. In the manner of any communist, you live only to scorn the living.
“Greed is rare (…) Nothing in “capitalism” REQUIRES anyone to pursue profit”:
Why do you put capitalism in quotes as if it is not real? You seem to lack real, practical life experience as an exploited worker in capitalism. Likely you are well off, a property owner, even a landlord who collects rent, and bank interest, so you have a substantial personal stake in the system making you want to justify and conserve it. But you should not.
Your expression “desire to prosper” may be a whitewashing of the lust to have more than others have, or to have more than enough, which is at the expense of others, rather than living to serve others and share with others, until the lowest are lifted and everyone has enough.
You live in what was once a Quaker city in a Quaker colony and state, the only one of the thirteen that was founded on the Christian principles of peace, equality and brotherly love.
I put “capitalism” in quotes, anonymous, because it’s not the term I prefer for what we’re discussing; I’m not sure it’s at all apt.
Recently here, at Occidental Dissent, I’ve also put another common term, “private property,” in quotation marks, because, again, it’s not the term I prefer. In my own terms—in my private lexicon—“capitalism” and “private property” are THE RIGHT NOT TO SPEND (which I’ve typed all-caps simply because italics are not reliable, as far as I can tell, in e-communication). That, in my view, is a right that should not be compromised.
You write:
“Your expression ‘desire to prosper’ may be a whitewashing of the lust to have more than others have, or to have more than enough, which is at the expense of others, rather than living to serve others and share with others, until the lowest are lifted and everyone has enough.”
No—my expression “desire to prosper” isn’t a whitewashing of anything. Your inclination, on the contrary, is to blackwash that desire, to view it as objectionable, as something that, in and of itself, involves action at the expense of others. I simply don’t see it that way. When the desire to prosper drives one to trespassing, theft, or crimes against the person, as I’ve said, then it is objectionable; and under laws that shield the right not to spend, such things are prohibited.
As to living to serve others and share with others: Nothing’s stopping you or anyone else from living that way under “capitalism.” If you do wish to live that way and would like to see, for instance, “universal health care” (another term I reject), then you’re free to start organizing exactly that, as I said in my original comment.
You write:
“You live in what was once a Quaker city in a Quaker colony and state, the only one of the thirteen that was founded on the Christian principles of peace, equality and brotherly love.”
Yes—it’s now a dump, thanks to the Christian principles of peace, equality and brotherly love.
Re: “When the desire to prosper drives one to trespassing, theft, or crimes against the person, as I’ve said, then it is objectionable; and under laws that shield the right not to spend, such things are prohibited”:
But the very nature of the system is the drive to MAKE people spend or otherwise extract wealth from them, by doing business. Some of the worst and largest theft in human history is entirely legal in this system. The “ethic” of the system is to “prosper” (and stay in business) by creating a monopoly to charge “the market” (people) all they can bear.
Re; “THE RIGHT NOT TO SPEND (…) is a right that should not be compromised”:
Not compromising the “right not to spend” might entail not paying taxes except for services that are essential for protection of your person and property, such as police, prisons, and military defense. Global imperialism is also essential for capitalism, and comes with a one trillion dollar a year price tag, for the U.S. But look at all we get for it.
Not compromising the “right not to spend” might mean not paying taxes for public health, education and welfare. Not compromising the “right not to spend” might also entail the concentration and increase of wealth in families from generation to generation through inheritance or gifts. And those who don’t have any gifts or inheritance, or any savings from their work, and don’t own any property at all, except the clothing on their backs (everything else they use being owned by banks and credit services) would seem to lack capitalism’s most basic “right.”
Re: “As to living to serve others and share with others: Nothing’s stopping you or anyone else from living that way”:
That may still be possible on an individual or very small scale. The Amish are allowed to do some of that, for now. But it cannot be scaled up, any more than a real, democratic election would be allowed above a very local level.
Finally I do not agree that Christian principles can make a city, state and nation become “a dump,” but perhaps you were joking.
Thank you for explaining your view.
Here’s the thing…many, or most, of the “lowest” can never be lifted. It is a product of their nature and habits to sink to the bottom. I agree that those on the top have too much, but there will always be some at the bottom, because of how they behave.
Capitalism and communism are secular forms of judaism.
wignat nonsense written to sound tough
communistic ideas existed before marxism
“capitalism” means everything and anything
The mainstream Right supports free-market capitalism.
It doesn’t support White identity or anything of that nature. So, if you vote for the mainstream Right, you should expect to only get the pro-free market policies like tax cuts, bailouts of investors, deregulation of everything, etc.
Something everyone seems to miss is your average Conservative and middle American republican is so because of values which is largely due to our Christian past in some form or another. These passionate people you see so often especially in Boomers is because of their social beliefs and they simply tie things like Democracy and capitalism with it because in their eyes the other side are communists.
The anomaly is how many people supported Trump and got behind his blacking and pro gay message. It was totally a cult of personality where Trump will always be the good guy but his behavior and support of such issues really did a lot of damage. Watching people cheer for Milo or Lady Maga as upstanding people is a side effect.
I am willing to bet that around 90% of people on both sides vote based solely upon the social stuff. Abortion versus kids in cages and so. Economics and even taxes are a much smaller part
There is nothing free about a rigged market. Any society which permits usury will not have any free markets left over time. The usurers control the issue of money so they are essentially unlimited in their ability to control everything over time. For example, it recently came to light that the leadership of the Southern Baptists have sold their souls to George Soros. That’s why they’ve abandoned Christianity in favor of woke doctrines. Christian societies at one time outlawed usury. All discussions of “free-markets” are meaningless under any system which allows usury (debt-racketeering) as usury results only in rigged markets.
Usury is part of the free market. If you borrow $10 Bucks from me, I SHOULD Charge you Interest. Why wouldn’t I?
Lending real money – even with interest – is not usury. Predatory lending of fake money – whose issue is entirely controlled by usurers – is what exists in the so-called “free-market” of the west = usury. Real money has not been lent in USSA since 1933 apart from small quantities of silver lent on a personal level (which ended starting in 1965).
The right and the left are pretty much on the same level as far as social issues go. Both virtual signal to minorities, except homosexuality, wars for Israel and other issues.
Neither have any real opposition to homosexual behavior since they all accept the notion that you can have an identity based around shoving things up your ass/pussy. “Heterosexuality” is as much of a meme as homosexuality since it too treats the act of bonding and creating new life as just a matter of consumption habits/coomin.
>wars for Israel
Leftoids only protest Israel when they can frame it as mean White men attacking dindu nufin Achmeds.
Incidentally, today is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Friedrich Engels. No he had no Jewish genetic heritage, of purely Gentile descent. Despite the close association with Karl Marx, his vision of socialism was a little different. His writing style was more readable and actually more influential, and he pioneered the theory of liberation of nations and peoples colonized or exploited by Imperialism that is an essential component of capitalism. In his vision, socialism brings the pleasures of life, comforts and good things enjoyed only by the elites to everyone. Socialism provides the maximum of freedom to the greatest number.
Socialism is unfeasible. It’s not a coincidence that it has impoverished every country that embraced it. It will do the same to America once the Democrat Party enacts it here.
So … am I right in thinking that a national GOPe figure has actually told the truth about something?
One doesn’t know what to say.