Is the GOP aligned with populist values?
— Hunter Wallace (@MisterBlackPill) December 14, 2020
Taxes – No
Trade – No
Regulation – No
Infrastructure – No
Income Inequality/Poverty – No
UBI – No
Student Loan Debt – No
Health care – No
Foreign Policy – No
Immigration – Not really
Political correctness – No
White identity – No
What are the issues that keep you voting for the GOP?
— Hunter Wallace (@MisterBlackPill) December 14, 2020
Political correctness/Wokeness
Owning the libs
Gay marriage
Free speech
Second Amendment
White identity
Southern heritage
Our Greatest Ally
Conserving my culture
Along with Eric Striker, I keep tabs on the TAC podcast, particularly when populist issues are discussed. In this episode, Arthur Bloom, Oren Cass, Rachel Bovard and Ross Douthat discuss what went wrong with the Trump presidency or basically how it lost its populist veneer.
SPOILER: what went wrong is that populist voters empowered conservatives at every level of government who spent the last four years advancing their own priorities. We ended up getting MIGA, bloated Pentagon budgets, corporate tax cuts and deregulation, conservative judges from the Federalist Society (read: pro-business judges), criminal justice reform for the Koch Network and goosing the stock market for investors, but not a trillion dollar investment in American infrastructure, a second stimulus check, closing the carried interest loophole, an end to decades long unpopular wars in the Middle East, improved foreign relations with Russia, the return of factories and jobs which have been outsourced abroad, deportations of illegal aliens, reform of the immigration system, an end to billionaires controlling our politics or any meaningful rollback of political correctness or destigmatization of White identity.
Note: We also ended up getting lots of things which weren’t on our radar screen in 2016 when we voted for Trump like the destruction of hundreds of our monuments, Big Tech censorship, an explosion in Antifa violence and the collapse of law and order.

The stolen election narrative not only distracts from Trump’s sell outs, it distracts from the demographic changes in states like Arizona and Georgia.
Trump lost Georgia because of white voters shifting against him.
Arizona is full of “retired” government workers.
“populist voters empowered conservatives at every level of government who spent the last four years advancing their own priorities. We ended up getting MIGA, bloated Pentagon budgets, corporate tax cuts and deregulation, conservative judges from the Federalist Society (read: pro-business judges), criminal justice reform for the Koch Network and goosing the stock market for investors”:
So true. People are begging and hoping, in vain, that Trump will pardon Snowden, and Assange (who never broke ANY U.S. Law – Espionage Act, already inapplicable, not applying AT ALL to non-citizens) before he steps down in January. But instead he keeps building up global Zionism, right up to the end of his term. One of Trump’s latest ANTI-populist pro-Zionist acts was to give U.S. recognition to Morocco’s illegal occupation of Western Sahara, in exchange for Morocco recognizing and supporting Israel, the illegal occupier of Palestine.
No other nation but the U.S. has formally recognized Morocco’s annexation of Western Sahara so rich in phosphate and other valuable mineral reserves and huge untapped oil reserves. Not just part of a country, like Trump’s recognition of Israel’s occupation of the Golan Heights of Syria, and of Palestine’s East Jerusalem, but this time he has betrayed and given away an entire independent country – in defiance of the Geneva Convention and several UN Security Council resolutions expressly forbidding it. How populist is that?
Gay sex in Bostwana Boom muslims are scared of us now
I want to hear a no-holds-barred blood sports debate between Ross Douthat and Rod Dreher over the future of American Conservatism.
Voting for the two party scam has always been a losing battle.
Good article. I also do not understand why people think Republicans are “conservative”, or maybe it’s the new definition of “conservative”. Pro-amnesty, pro-immigration, anti-white, etc. The Republicans don’t even care about white votes. Which is odd, because most of them are white, and have to have children and grandchildren.
Trump himself didn’t get his personal baby, the infrastructure bill. Trump the builder wanted new airports, bridges, roads, etc and let Paul Ryan squander the first part of his presidency on the very unpopular Obamacare temper tantrum and tax cuts. He went out without his personal hobbyhorse issue, building infrastructure.