Huey Long (Ken Burns Documentary)

This PBS documentary is a good introduction to the life of Huey Long. In the months ahead, I will be reviewing T. Harry William’s biography Huey Long and Huey Long’s own Every Man A King: The Autobiography Of Huey P. Long and My First Days In The White House. I’m also planning to review Alan Brinkley’s book Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin and the Great Depression.

Note: If we could find a candidate who could run on an updated version of Huey Long’s platform in 2024, he would walk into the White House.

Huey Long (PBS Ken Burns Documentary) from Temple of the Expanded Mind on Vimeo.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


        • There was a white hot level of Huey Long among his conservative enemies in Louisiana. It was covered in the documentary. It is not surprising at all that he was assassinated because he was so effective.

      • @Mr. Griffin…

        Yes, whatever Governor Long’s personal shortcomings were, they did not effeckt his fidelity as a servant of the people.

        A rare gem was he.

        The Good Lord willing, we’ll see a rise of a new class of populist Huey Longs.

  1. I haven’t read all of your Huey Long posts, so I’m not sure if you’ve highlighted his association with Gerald L.K. Smith.

    This is a passage from Smith’s autobiography Besieged Patriot:

    “In the midst of an unprecedented economic and sociological crisis, I became convinced that Huey P. Long was the man of the hour. I resigned my pulpit even though 95% of the membership implored me to remain, and announced that I was going to give my life defending American tradition and Christian faith… I became the one who was journeying across America in a campaign to make Huey P. Long President of the United States. James Farley, who was then the most important politician in America and who was responsible for the election of Mr. Roosevelt (a mortal enemy of Huey Long) said: ‘If Mr. Long had not been assassinated he would have been elected President of the United States in 1936.’ One evening I was walking with Senator Huey P. Long through the corridor of the beautiful State Capitol of Louisiana, which had been built under his direction. A young Jewish doctor by the name of Carl Weiss stepped out from behind a marble pillar and shot Senator Long and turned his gun toward me, and had it not been for the bodyguards who shot the killer, I too, might have been either maimed or killed. Two days later he died. I was at his side. I heard his last words. I delivered the funeral oration over his grave, which was the largest public funeral in American history, even larger than the Kennedy funeral. It required three acres just to lay one bouquet beside another. It was estimated that 250,000 people attended the funeral with thousands of people unable to get across the rivers in time for the funeral.”

    • It’s interesting to note, Huey Long’s wound was not life threatening, but the bullet hit a kidney, and that caused blood poison. Two surgeons were arriving from New Orleans, when Dr Authur Vidrine, a Jewish physician declared that he would have to perform emergency surgery before they had a chance to arrive.

      When the two surgeons arrived they were appalled at Vidrine’s obvious and calculatingly incompetent job. They openly stated he was an accomplice.

      In typical jewish fashion, they smeared defamed Huey Long’s memory. Today, Huey Long is portrayed as a corrupt philandering womanizer. There is even an attempt to rewrite the assassination by a F Morris Grevenberg, who claims that Weiss, the jewish shooter, got in an argument with Long, and Long’s bodyguards shot an innocent jew. The jew cries out as he strikes you!

      In order to further confuse the event, Grevenberg claimed Long was shot by his own bodyguards.

  2. HW should think about forming a new political organization called the Southern Populist Party. The name says it all.

    • @ spahnranch1970, yep, wonderful ideal, i am sure all the non southern populist, would find that most inviting.

      • @ spahnranch1970, how bout this one, mr.ranch, ” southern liberation army”, you could play the role of ” yassir arafag”.

        • I understand, Terry. I committed lèse-majesté against your Cheeto-colored god emperor. And you’re butt-hurt that he lost the election to a senile, child-sniffing recluse and his slutty colored nurse. But what else can one do, except perhaps to laff 6 million times?

          • @ spahnranch, just pranking around a little bit sir, i meant no personal insult, i hope your new year has started off well for you..

  3. He was the Mick Jagger of his day.

  4. Huey long’s ideology is irrelevant. He was around in the 20’s when the nation was majority white and a different culture. If he was alive today, he would probably concede to PC as they all do. George Wallace comes to mind when he PUBLICLY asked for forgiveness from blacks. They’re politicians. They go which way the wind blow.

    • Wallace was broken from living with constant pain, a consequence of the four gunshot wounds he received from Arthur Bremer. He wasn’t just another politician.

    • John’s right about demography and culture making a difference, but his criticism of Long and Wallace isn’t completely accurate. Long refused to win the endorsement of the KKK, campaign against Catholics and Jews, or maintain the status quo in favor of the planter class as other Southern politicians did at the time. He actually eschewed demagoguery and his policies benefited ordinary Americans of all races and religions. If you actually read about him, you’ll know he was a nonconformist. He dressed sloppily, wasn’t religious, and he was a well known hard drinking, womanizing, middle-aged frat boy in DC.

      As for Wallace, his support for Jim Crow in the early ’60s was NOT blowing with the wind because most suburban middle class Southerners in the peripheral South and Northerners opposed Jim Crow by then. Even during this ’68 Presidential run, he didn’t renounce his earlier support for Jim Crow. He only asked for forgiveness from blacks after he was paralyzed and became a born-again Christian.

      A statesman stands firm on his principles even if unpopular and Long and Wallace were arguably statesmen because they supported things that were unpopular at the time. How many politicians are willing to do that today and how many can still get elected after doing so?

  5. Actually, none other than Sen. Jesse Helms got soft in the head in his later years. He hung out with Bono of U-2 for a while and set that “Wise Latina” Sonia Sodacracker jibara on her path to SCOTUS.

      • @Misanthrope…

        No point in singling out Senator Helms, for most of The White South made this transition between 1968 and 1980.

        Presidents Nixon and Reagan had a lot to do with this, as did President Johnson, he chasing Dixiecrats out of our own party with his transition from a segregationist to a forced integrationist.

      • In other words, you agree with my analysis that Helms changed positions with the times as most politicians typically do. You label every non-Southerner as a “New Englander” as another commentator noted so why criticize fellow Southerner LBJ?

        Nixon was wise to race and Jewry and that’s why the establishment was so against him. He was probably the last President who did things for everyday Americans and stood up to the elites, especially the carrot noses.

        Reagan was senile and signed amnesty and started the practice of giving free annual aid to your people’s ancestral land. Only Trump has been a bigger Zio tool so no wonder your people praise the Gipper and Zion Don despite them screwing over most American citizens, especially whites. Your divide and conquer strategy will NOT work on everyone, Schlomo.

  6. Huey Long is good to reference because he like Chicago’s mayor Daley Sr. knew how to compete and win elections – pretty much all the elections he contested… unlike certain other White people, White political orientations that always lose (Libertarians, economic Conservatives, race denying Constitutionalists).

    As far as 1930s American populists go – I prefer Father Charles Coughlin to Huey Long. Coughlin named the J bankers, J Communists – Huey Long only hinted at the JQ.

    Also, I would never recommend any Ken Burns documentary on PBS – he’s extremely biased against White Americans – total PC BS. His horrible daughter produced a terrible, worst ever documentary that the Black Central Park rapists of our White woman jogger were supposedly all framed.


    Here’s a link to a very fair PBC back in the White day documentary about Father Coughlin on The American Experience “the Radio Priest”

    • @Jack Ryan OD,

      I completely agree with you about Father Coughlin. He names (((them))) like Henry Ford Sr. had done before him.

      Huey Long was a good fella, but his populist crusade today in this multicultural and multiracial poor excuse of a nation would be an exercise in gibs.

      Both men were despised by FDR, and that automatically makes them a-ok in my book. The fact that the assassin of Long was a jew speaks volumes to his motivation.

    • Mr. Ryan,

      An excellent comment on Father Coughlin. Unfortunately, I remember reading that the Church finally shut him down after years of doing good work. Nowadays, I can not imagine him lasting for a month without being forced to be quiet.

      I do not know much about Huey Long except what I have read here. I do not know what populism is and have to continually look up the definition. When I read Wikipedia and it’s definition I am still not sure what it means. i am not sure if I support or condemn such a belief. Still can populism be worse than the current system?

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