Here’s the video referenced. pic.twitter.com/s2qR4jVZXe
— Jamie J Anton (@JamieJAnton) January 15, 2021
Trump gave the order to riot. Then gave the order to lock the rioters up.
— Tyrone Jackson 5% (@cashmoneyglock) January 18, 2021
Only holding Trump responsible can save the rioters. There should be a ruckus against Trump but I don’t see any. pic.twitter.com/oYwCfwVg8E
DEVELOPING: President Trump will reportedly pardon “high profile rappers” before he leaves office this weekhttps://t.co/NVGb46XBVK
— XXL Magazine (@XXL) January 18, 2021
Never speak to journalists – they are intelligence operatives for all intents and purposes and you DO NOT HAVE THE SKILL TO DEAL WITH THEM.
— The Ghost of Charlton Heston 5% (@TheHeston) January 18, 2021
Do not fall for contard derivative fa66ots like Fuentes' AmNat morons.
Why do people want to learn the hard way to learn such basic stuff?! pic.twitter.com/QJ2PgASnSr
Crazy charges by the ?@FBI? against 22-year-old Riley Williams from Harrisburg. They claim she broke into the Capitol and lead a group to ?@SpeakerPelosi? office with the intention of stealing a computer or hard drive and selling it to Russia. ??@CBS21NEWS? pic.twitter.com/1z9sPiLBRU
— Michael Gorsegner (@MikeGorsegner) January 18, 2021
Riley Williams, 22, from Pennsylvania stormed the buildings during the Washington DC siege. She attracted attention after she was filmed directing rioters “up the stairs, up the stairs”. pic.twitter.com/IrTBy75tvK
— Cleavon MD (@Cleavon_MD) January 18, 2021
— The Daily Grifter (@DailyGrifter) January 12, 2021
This is unambiguously a crime.
— Richard ? Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 14, 2021
At the very least, Fuentes is disrupting government activity. And that’s a charitable reading. The whole event has been declared an insurrection by prosecutors. They will treat it as such. pic.twitter.com/H12UhI85ad
NBC News: The FBI has charged Riley Williams with her role in the Capitol riot.
— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) January 18, 2021
The FBI says she told a former partner that she intended to take a laptop / hard drive stolen from Pelosi’s office, ship it to Russia, where a friend would turn it over to the SVR — Russian intel. pic.twitter.com/OFW5LuABr2
The charging document says, “according to W1, the transfer of the computer device to Russia fell through for unknown reasons and WILLIAMS still has the computer device or destroyed it.”
— Tom Winter (@Tom_Winter) January 18, 2021
The FBI agent on the case says the matter remains under investigation.
The DR: “We just gotta redpill the (conservative) normies bro!”
— Christian Picaia – 5% (@CPicaia) January 18, 2021
Normies: pic.twitter.com/KG9iHmve5O
Nick, this is called obstruction of justice.
— ? Punished 5% Marcus Cicero (@Marcus4Punished) January 16, 2021
For all the grift, you never retained an attorney to explain these things to you? pic.twitter.com/9YdFWaKbuB
In MAGA’s Joker Moment and Radio Free Indiana: The Capitol Siege, it was already obvious to us that this was going to be dealt with far more harshly than Charlottesville and that Nick Fuentes and the America First movement were in deep trouble with the feds.
We knew this for the following reasons:
- Joe Biden was about to be sworn in as president in two weeks.
- The shady Bitcoin transactions that we had witnessed in December.
- The dumb shit we had seen Ali Alexander say at the “Stop The Steal” rallies.
- Baked Alaska livestreaming himself before and during the Capitol Siege and his history as a turncoat flipping on his allies.
- Donald Trump’s record of disloyalty and unwillingness to defend his supporters at rallies.
- The scummy people surrounding Donald Trump like Rudy Giuliani.
- Nick Fuentes boasting about the Capitol Siege and taking credit for it and saying stupid things which establishes intent. See also Baked Alaska.
- The fact that a Groyper with an America First flag was seen on the Senate floor.
After everything we had seen from Trump for four years, there was no way in hell that any of us were going to DC to risk anything for his sake. The fact that Andrew Anglin was loudly telling his supporters to go was a sure sign that it was not a good idea. We also didn’t want to go to a Qtard rally anyway. How much worse could it get though? What didn’t we know? What was the next shoe to drop?
Now we know:
1.) First, the Groyper with the America First flag who we had seen inside the Capitol was filmed by The New Yorker bursting into the Senate, taking Vice President Mike Pence’s seat, proclaiming Donald Trump as “emperor of the United States,” confessing to breaking into the Capitol and getting into a debate about the optics of disrespecting the office and whether America was still a democracy.

Is there anything that could possibly be worse than that?
2.) Second, we learned today that a female Groyper from Pennsylvania who was wearing an “I’m With Groyper” tshirt has been charged and has been accused of stealing Nancy Pelosi’s laptop in order to sell it to the Russians. The Riley Williams story is all over the media now.

What’s the next shoe to drop?
Barring the exposure and arrest of more Groypers who stormed the Capitol and all these people turning on each other starting with the rat Baked Alaska, this is almost certainly coming:

I can’t believe you didn’t trust the plan.
If you don’t trust the plan, you are cringe, bro.
It’s the Baroness!
I don’t want to read too much into that Hillbilly interaction but I noticed that Fuentes and Jones looked over at Ali when the Hat Guy suggested a sit in. Like they knew January 6 was going to be a Storm Building. Like he wondered if the Hillbilly was onto their actual plan.
Who put Sammy Davis Jr. in charge of anything?
Are you happy about this shit, Hunter?
Many of these amnats are stupid and they got carried away by adrenaline, but they don’t deserve this shit, this is a gay operation to put innocent people in prison.
I’m sick of this damn shit, there is no political solution to this, at this point even that Nick goes to jail is not such a bad thing (while being 1 year like baked), he will come out a convinced fascist and he will be totally radicalized.
No, I am not.
These are immature kids who have gotten themselves into big trouble.
I’m angry that everything we learned from Charlottesville was unlearned after Trump lost the election. Keep in mind that no one took the bait and was arrested and went to prison by going out and getting involved in those riots last year. This is a waste and Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes are responsible for it. Aren’t these the guys who said for three years NOT to do these “goon marches”?
The worst thing the Gubmint can do is hit these kids with bogus “sedition” or “insurrection” charges. Way to ratchet up public anger. Especially since they couldn’t even arrest Raz Simone and the CHAZ leaders! They need to give them a slap on the wrist and apply the lesser “disruption” charges with the lesser penalties (better yet, let them out like Portland Antifa). Anything more severe would be the sign of a flailing, diseased elephant lashing out as it slides into the pit of spikes…
At this point, the government has shown that it can do whatever the hell it literally wants. There is no longer a rule of law.
Studious looking slightly nerdy white girl. Good optics.
Instead of going to this stupid Trump rally and getting herself in trouble following a bunch of Qtards, she should have went to AFPAC 2. She could have paired up with an equally nerdy Groyper. I’ve seen it happen dozens of times.
Trumpianize Liberation Army pose too.
Yes, I got a Patty Hearst/Tanya vibe from her. Gadsden Flag morphs into the SLA hydra snake head one?
Trump will not pardon these people but he will pardon a couple of criminal n1ggerz.
They’re even saying she tried to sell it to the muh Russians.
I’m having a hard time believing the Russian angle. This was incredibly stupid but the J-left is merciless and will happily ruin this kid’s life.
“No e-girls ever.”
-Nicholas Gay Fuentes
For those AmNats that are denser than lead, America First adjacent co-grifter Vincent James still promotes both Milo and Laura Loomers Telegram channels as ones to subscribe to.
Milo glows, and it isn’t because he is wearing a glow in the dark condor with his black “husband.” Loomer is a nationalist. An Israel First Nationalist.
Both Fuentes and James have not disavowed either of these jews. Hmm.
These people will be taking fed deals and become informants, do not let any ex amnats/ fuentes crew anywhere near your circle.
Finally there’s a ride or die bitch, but she hasn’t had a single real man around her to steer her straight. Fuck this gay earth.
I know for a fact there were people trying to get her to ditch nick fuentes and america first trust the plan. She wouldn’t listen she was totally enamored with nick and trump. Some people just won’t listen.
Riley Williams seems to have re-enacted the plot of the Burn After Reading movie. Enter Congress, retrieve hard drive from Pelosi’s office, walk down the street to the Russian Embassy, go in, speak with FSB/GRU men and offer a deal.