Pandemic math: Billionaire wealth soars as millions fall into poverty, Oxfam says https://t.co/QZ9N9hVeMc
— CBS News (@CBSNews) January 25, 2021
So relieving that Joe Biden’s administration is catching up with National Review, whose editors made a thoughtful, principled case for replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman five years ago
— Pedro L. Gonzalez (@emeriticus) January 25, 2021
Conservatism truly is home to the most progressive eunuchs https://t.co/HS3kHNWRsZ
.@PressSec says that the Biden administration is taking steps to put Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill pic.twitter.com/5P31q0wqNg
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) January 25, 2021
Twenty-dollar bill going from Andrew Jackson to Harriet Tubman — one symbol of difference between Trump and Biden. Proposed new design below: pic.twitter.com/e6xaukiSJJ
— Michael Beschloss (@BeschlossDC) January 25, 2021
WATCH: Trump trolled with “worst president ever” banner flown near Mar-a-Lago https://t.co/yG6x05slje pic.twitter.com/fR2WtVFlrw
— The Hill (@thehill) January 25, 2021
Interior designer Linda Allen reimagines the Oval Office. pic.twitter.com/3dqFhxsvob
— Mike Sington (@MikeSington) January 25, 2021
I’m confused.
Shouldn’t this be announced tomorrow? I thought tomorrow was supposed to be Woke Day. It seems like every day is White middle class liberal day.
Note: Andrew Jackson probably wouldn’t take offense. Old Hickory hated these people. He killed the Second Bank of the United States and paid off the national debt.
I suspect people will write the word “nigger” on twenty dollar bills if this happens.
I’ll be exchanging my Tubmans for Bitcoins. One imaginary Bitcoin is worth $1667 Tubmans. LMAO
any I get will be handed back:
“just give me 2 10’s, thanks”.
(((they))) hate Jackson precisely because
he killed the 2nd Rothschild National Bank.
It looks like a baboon on the bill.
I heard they’re putting Stepinfecthit on the $10. At least he made us laugh. Our Anti-White overlords love to rub our faces in it. We’re about where Germany was in the 1920’s.
Ron that’s a GREAT idea 🙂 I love it. Bidens puppet masters want all memory of Jackson gone because of what he did to them ( the bankers, ) back then.
Trumps next 4 years in office gives us one last chance to create a super all white CSA II … if only the likes of Richard Spencer would repent of his sucking up to the left to avoid deplatforming and get back on track with the creation of an ethno state, things could go our way and we could actually achieve Confederacy 2.0
Meanwhile … wanna know what’s “really” happening in DC? Here :
I suspect you’re right.
“I’ll be you a nigger he doesn’t”
“lemme borrow a nigger”
“man that aint worth a nigger”
im gonna love this.
So you placed your big white brain into overdrive, and that’s the comedic gold you came up with.
The genocide proceeds apace.
Biden? more like a Burden. That’s how yah assuage the fears of the right and frighten of center. Literally erase whitey off the most common banknote in an ATM.
Money with blegs on it? What could go wrong? $200,0000,000 Zim bucks.
From one of our best Presidents to a she-bootlip on my favorite denomination of Judefetzen – it’s all so tiresome.
since you Trumpchumps weren’t paying attention, your
“best prez evuh” just spent the last 4 years
kissing black ass, massaging spics, sucking Jewish dick,
and shitting on the Whites who voted for him.
Republicans assumed whites had nowhere else to go but to vote for Trump. I resent that mentality on their part immensely. But in the end, voting doesn’t really matter.
Same thing Biden is doing.
The society is dying, global pandemic, economic depression, climate disaster, and we have a someone wanting to put Tubman on a dollar bill.
This society is such a joke.
I’m waiting for a meteor at this point.
The descendants of the people she helped to free from slavery moved to Chicago and committed over 784 murders last year in 2020: a record and quite a legacy for comrade Tubman and her people.
In 2021 America, one cannot walk the streets of Baltimore, Cleveland, Philly, Detroit or Chicago without getting shot, stabbed, assaulted, robbed or raped by black people. We are not suppose to notice.
Woke, inc. churns out 24/7 TV and films showing “diverse” street gangs with white male leaders. There is a whole multi-billion dollar industry devoted to convincing you that blacks and Mexicans are no threat to your safety and are in fact all NASA scientists and Mayo surgeons.
Meanwhile, White families are quietly selling their homes and moving to small, all-White towns in Utah, Idaho, Minnesota and New Hampshire. If asked, they say it is to be “closer to family” or seeking “good schools.” But everyone with an IQ above 75 knows the truth.
The US spends more on housing, feeding, schooling, etc. for blacks than the space program, which creates good jobs and spurs invention.
Only Black people use cash. White people use cards. Easier to track us with.
Another homerun for you and Spencer
Joe Biden has issued a bunch of executive orders. Legal challenges are already being filed. The filibuster appears to be safe. Nothing has been done that can’t be reversed by the next administration. Meanwhile, Blumpf is gone and QAnon has been discredited. The detritus has been cleared and we are charting a new path forward. Did I mention that the AmNats set themselves on fire for Trump?
To the cashier, can I have two 10’s please.
LOL. Putting Harriet on the $20 is going to start a lot of bar fights of the “nice picture of your mother” variety.
They can put whatever they want on the $20 federal reserve note, just as long as they give me 100 of them monthly and retroactive from the beginning of the pandemic. Preferably in a bag.
The kikes are no doubt taking special glee at not just shitcanning Jackson, but in replacing him with one of the fugliest niggers that ever lived.
Africa sho’ do produce da sexiest hoes, mm-hmm…
Over half of all US dollar bills circulate outside the country. That being the case there’s no way that the Russians, Arabs, Latin Americans and Asians are going to want to use any currency that features the portrait of an ugly old colored lady. Maybe they could use the likeness of Marilyn McCoo from The Fifth Dimension or 1970s blaxploitation actress Pam Grier instead?
They don’t get is that once the Harriet Tubman replaces him, Andrew Jackson can finally rest in piece. Jackson killed the second Bank of the United States and would have loathed having his face on any Federal Reserve fiat currency.
Andrew “I Killed The Bank” Jackson would feel gratified that it is Tubman who now graces the funny munny in his place.
Here’s to you, Old Hickory.
There’s an old story that John Brown would always refer to her as “General Tubman.” His associates would think it was just Brown giving her an eccentric compliment, but it was also said he actually believed Tubman was a man. I think this was mentioned in Oates’ bio of Brown.
Horse on the 20 contributed far more in battle and farming.
The Dollar is based on the Spanish Dollar, the symbol of oppression of the natives, the Nigger is ready to become the world reserve currency, symbolized with the productive labor of Africans who built our American greatness.
It’s better to for the regime in charge show it’s true colors rather than have the vestiges of White America continue to confuse people. The United States is anti-White and people need a daily reminder of that.
I am sure it is just one of many changes on currency. Next expect MLK!
In light of where the Corporate/Neo-Liberal Jew England Yankee United States Government is, I think the Tubman bills are absolutely appropriate.
For that matter, I think George Washington Carver ought be on the $1 dollar bill, Saladin on the $10 dollar bill, and Simon Bolivar in place of the Ben Franklin.
Lincoln on the $5 dollar bill is their most appropriate currency bill, as it correctly indicates their attitude towards all who would disagree with them, particularly on the matter of sovereignty.
“I think George Washington Carver ought be on the $1 dollar bill, Saladin on the $10 dollar bill, and Simon Bolivar in place of the Ben Franklin”:
Imagine Thomas Sankara, Ho Chi Minh, Gadhafi, Assad, Lumumba, or Sukarno on one of them!
At our current trajectory blacks will soon be able to kidnap your children for muhdik or murder/assault you in public for looking at them wrong…oh wait.
The only reason they’re doing this is to offend Whites and to get niggers to stop niggering.