Tucker Carlson: Small Investors Revolt Against Wall Street

I enjoyed the show tonight.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Re: Tuckers comments on market manipulation

    What gentiles don’t understand is this.

    Jews derive , from the Torah ( first five books of the bible ) , Joseph’s exploitation
    of the Egyptians , to swindle gentiles of all they own and to do it so exhaustively that
    the gentiles are eventually driven into abject slavery. By expanding on the example of Joseph in Egypt, along with other Torah examples, methods and justification for exploiting all non-Jews, ruthlessly.

  2. When the Tribe starts infighting amongst themselves it means there is fuckery afoot – Gary Cohen, Gabe Plotkin, Ross-Sorkin, Dave Portnoy, Dan Sundheim, Ryan Cohen – it sounds like a bar mitzvah invitation list. But no matter how much the hebes fight over a penny they will always stick together – they are probably looking for a sacrificial goy right now – if they haven’t found one already, that is.

    • “matter how much the hebes fight over a penny they will always stick together ”

      NOT SO !

      I know of too many instances of jews killing jews , over a botched business deal.
      History is filled wi examples.

  3. I may actually buy some gme stonks. (not sure if it’s too late to do it tomorrow. I’m scared. I read a little about candle sticks and bearish/bullish shit. I hate financial stuff. Was going to use Robinhood but may not be good since they colluded with them [because that’s how capitalism works]). Could use the money.


    • @AspiretotheStar

      If you used Robinhood for even one trade, you need to join the class action suit.

      What they did was highly illegal – there should be criminal charges against various officers – and opened them up to potentially unlimited liability.

      • Yeah, I unfortunately didn’t use Robinhood. I think it’s too late to use Robinhood. They blocked it (although I heard they opened it up later) buying I think of gme. I do hope there’s still time to get in on it, no idea if the short squeeze is happening today or not. I’m sure if it’s even possible to buy stocks without spending $500. I’ll try today to get a different broker and put some money. What do you think? Too late?

        Yeah, that class action lawsuit is going to be something.

  4. What Tucker does not explain,

    high priced “modern art” is a way to camouflage bribes and payoffs.
    Also, when the bribe or payoff has been completed, the “modern art” can
    be sold at a big loss, for a giant tax deduction.

    So, not only has a bribe been concealed as an “art transaction”, it also becomes a
    Tax deductible bribe.

  5. I never realized that a company, like robinhood , could be feeding transaction information to someone, like James Simons, so he could frontrun the transaction with his high frequency system.

    • @Arrian

      “I never realized that a company, like robinhood , could be feeding transaction information to someone, like James Simons, so he could frontrun the transaction with his high frequency system.”

      LOL – that is the entire point. It’s hardly just RH they ALL do that, that is the entire business model.

        • @Arrian

          It is only illegal if the trade flow information is not public yet. Bid/asks are public information.

          So the game is who gets the public order flow first – and it is a game of milliseconds. One particular company semi-famous a few years ago, they installed their own physical fiber optic cable to NYSE from the building next door. Some companies get their order flow beamed over satellites.

          As for “front running” – like “naked shorting” – it depends on what the SEC says is kosher. Considering the SEC is run by Goldman Sachs people, whatever Goldman Sachs says is kosher is what the SEC says is kosher.

          Sure, it is all rigged, from top to bottom. That is the point. You are always free to build your own Wall Street.

  6. I’m loving how this Psaki cow is already saying how Jews are experts who deserve their money.

    That’s good optics Big Red!

  7. No individual investor or group of individual investors is responsible for the GameStop botch. The hedge fund experts went short and got caught.

    • Not just short, but naked shorting, shorting without borrowing the underlying shares, which should be absolutely illegal.

      Shorting without having the underlying shares is effectively COUNTERFEITING !

      • It’s claimed that you can make shares you own “non-lendable”. You need to talk that over with your broker, and his research department.

    • Yeh, but when (((they))) lose, (((they))) aren’t suppose to pay.
      Only gentiles are suppose to pay.


      Ruth Madoff

  8. “No and she’s an (((expert))) and deserves that money” you stupid goyim. I literally heard that in my head when the big titted ginger Psaki said that lol

  9. Even tho gamestop ceos and corrupt wall st investors were gambling with the companies money were suppose to feel sorry for these bastards because redditors found out your ponzi scheme? F*#k right off Free market for Me but not for thee says the crony capitalist…

    As a gamer I don’t really care for gamestop they rarely ever have good sales anymore either. I’m not gonna buy a psychical copy of a game when I can get digital copy at half price or cheaper

  10. (((Experts))) (((world renowned experts))) no less.

    What I shall be doing as Biden collapses in scandal is pointing out the mother lode of (((experts))) fiddling the books and enslaving the people.

  11. Gamestoppers driving anti-Semitism. Hate crime indictments to follow. Pro-Semite oaths under penalty of perjury will be mandated before stock market trading allowed.

    • Naked short selling can be a very destructive instrument.

      (((They))) used massive naked shorting to cripple and try to destroy
      Overstock.com (a Mormon run company).

  12. The uptick rule was supposed to stop the jew parasites from manipulating the market but that was tossed out during conservative, Bush jr. administration. Now the jews are free to manipulate the market because those safeguards are gone.

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