The Share Our Wealth Amendment

No one shall be too rich.

No one shall be too poor.

No one shall be too powerful.

No one shall ever again feel powerless.

The following proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to impose a cap on wealth, to limit annual income and inheritances and to provide American families with a Universal Basic Income is taken from Sen. Huey P. Long’s book Share Our Wealth: A Manual for the Share Our Wealth Society:

Principles and Platform:

  1. To limit poverty by providing that every deserving family shall share in the wealth of America for not less than one-third of the national average of wealth …
  2. To limit fortunes to such a few million dollars as will allow the balance of the American people to share in the wealth and profits of the land.

The Share Our Wealth Amendment would create a floor underneath the working class and even more importantly a ceiling on the wealthy that abolishes the oligarchy.

About Hunter Wallace 12400 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There are several faults in this scheme.

    It would keep very productive ppl, like Ford, from building enough capital to realize their concepts of scale an fully vertical production. It would keep Edison from all his lab and mining experiments and developing large scale , high efficient concrete production.

    Limiting poverty, would cause massive public housing of a certain hue of criminals, already a problem.

    Until we have a racially consistent society, everything will be another patch on a rotten inner tube, destine for failure.

    • The days of pioneering industrialists like Ford, Edison, Carnegie, Westinghouse, et al are long gone, though.

      • Spahnranch 1970,

        Westinghouse behaved like a predatory jew. He cheated the great Serbian Nicoli Tesla out of a fortune.

          • George Westinghouse died in 1914, whereby Nikola Tesla passed away in 1943. It was the Westinghouse Company that paid for Tesla’s NYC hotel room, but considering that Tesla tore up the royalties contract he had with George Westinghouse, after Westinghouse cried that her was broke due to the “Current War” he engaged in against Thomas Edison and JP Morgan, by any means of measure, Westinghouse and his company made a killing by not having to pay Tesla $2.50 per horsepower created and sold.

            Edison got reamed even worse by JP Morgan.

    • Arri is right. We need to repatriate the N-words, and castrate the Jews (fiscally speaking) before we could enact such a plan. In short, we need either Revolution or Secession. Either way, 14 words.

      • No, ‘Arri’ isn’t right, the “very productive” people aren’t going to take their ball and go home to be poor because they can “only” amass a fortune of 100million dollars instead of 100billion.

        I love the caved in head lolbertarian boomer takes, from people fantasizing that they’re some kind of aristocrat.

        • I didn’t say wall street.

          People need to distinguish between ‘productive capital’ and ‘parasitic capital’.
          Financial manipulators aren’t productive.

          • Wall Street is not “productive”

            Just because rats infest a granary, doesn’t mean storing grain is bad.

        • Very true. Wish I had put every spare penny into it starting way back in high school. I might have extracted enough to be able to fund a pro-white media conglomeration by now.

          • “Wish I had put every spare penny into it starting way back in high school”

            How could you have known that the Fed would flood the financial markets with cash?
            Without fed/treasury backing, stocks would be cheap toilet paper.
            If there wasn’t market manipulation, 30 trillion debt would suck all markets dry and interest rates would be in the 100’s of percent.

            If you ever get a crystal ball, let me know:)

  2. All of this merely address symptoms and does nothing against the actual disease (Godlessness, Usury and wealth extraction, even further security for the most indolent of society, lack of social cohesion and duty to tribe/nation). To get this passed would be ‘miraculous’, only to find out every citizen of Israel is given a max cap salary merely for existing.

    Address the problem, not the manifestation of it. This is basic problem solving.

  3. What are you a commie now? I am all for going full Sula and using proscriptions against the jude but this crap they you peddle is a road to nowhere!

    “ After my last article, one “Alfred” commented, “Alexandria was a beautiful Greek city. The Greeks of Alexandria were vastly richer and more cultured than the Greeks of Athens. As a kid, I went to some of their houses. They were like palaces on a hill with big gardens and overlooking the Mediterranean. Like the best of the Côte d’Azur. Their kids spoke 4 languages—Arabic, Greek, Italian and French. I felt like a peasant next to them.”

    That Alexandria and those Greeks are gone, and so is Alfred and most other Egyptians of his class. In his magisterial Cairo: The City Victorious, Max Rodenbeck clues us in, “One summer morning in 1961, many an ex-pasha was to spill his Turkish coffee on reading the headlines in Al-Ahram. To finance the march to socialism, the government had just made it practically illegal to own assets worth more than £10,000. Anything in excess of this amount, whether it be a Garden City villa or a stake in the Cairo Electric Tramways Company, was to be seized. Four thousand of Egypt’s richest families were ruined.” As a consequence now those ancient cities, outpost of the Greco-Roman civilization look like shit!

      • You can abolish the oligarchy without enacting into law juden crap like cap on wealth and guaranteed income. This will only allow for the stupidest and laziest among us (the coloreds) to breed even more. Why do we need that? The goal of the perfect white people’ state is to create conditions for greatness and conquest not to worry about the comfort of its average citizens most of whom are idiots in the best of times and are in need of guidance and firm hand. In other words screw democracy, human rights for the savages and the idea that regular people are owed anything! I hate to sound like fucking republican but the fact remains: even in today’s juden-infested economy many people are poor very often as a consequence of their own imprudent actions!

        • I don’t think so.

          I also don’t see why anyone needs more than, say, $25 million or $50 million. The wealth cap will abolish the oligarchy. It will also be extremely popular and probably has majority support.

          Give the money away. There is nothing that working class people can do with a guaranteed income that is anywhere near as damaging as a bunch of idle millionaires and billionaires intoxicated with absurd ideologies.

          • here is nothing that working class people can do with a guaranteed income that is anywhere near as damaging as a bunch of idle millionaires and billionaires intoxicated with absurd ideologies.

            I understand the point you’re trying to make here, and I largely agree, but guaranteeing everyone an income the way you want to promotes a stasis of its own. That’s dangerous because one of the more formidable obstacles to pro-white politics is the fear that it would cause tremendous upheaval. If you give the white working class too much of a stake in the anti-white status quo, then why would they cooperate in overturning it?

            As for BannedHipster, I wish that envy-bitten lefty POS really were banned.

          • I’ll tell you why anyone needs more than 50 milions! Because unlike you there are people whose ambitions do not have a cap and these are the kind of people that a society needs in order not to stagnate. The jude are servants of the devil on this earth and they do all these evil things with the money they have because they are evil. If you remove their influence, re-establish the Christian moral norms and enforce these norms then the future rich Whites will have much less incentive to try to undermine society. I am sure many of them will attempt nevertheless. Instead of cap on income though enforce ban on monopolies, arrest people for undermining the Christian morals and encourage charity. These measures will keep both spectrums of the society in check and will be much more efficient that the juden, marxist garbage that you are promoting right now.

          • I don’t think so.

            Does anyone see any of these multimillionaires or billionaires on our side? I only see small donors. I see them corrupting our political system, rigging our economy and financing all the poison that is pulsating through our culture and throwing us off the internet. We would be far better off without people like Michael Bloomberg dropping $900 million on a presidential campaign like it was chump change.

          • “Does anyone see any of these multimillionaires or billionaires on our side?”

            So very true!
            To their great disgrace.

            It’s always been a doctrine of mine,
            When we come to power, anyone of great wealth who hasn’t supported White causes must forfeit everything they own and take up
            Menial hard labor.

          • @ the working class is very fond of playing the lottery, are you advocating a cap on lottery winnings also?

          • I’ve yet to hear a persuasive argument as to why anyone should be worth more than $50 million dollars. How many times though have multimillionaires and billionaires thrown around their wealth to harm this country?

          • “envy-bitten lefty POS really were banned.”

            Silver thinks it’s “lefty” to not want to be ruled by Jewish billionaires. Apparently he hates freedom.

            Just like how “anti-semites blame their personal problems on Jews” etc.

            I wish collaborators would be banned.

        • People like Erik Kolvenson are enemies, not allies. He wants Jewish bankers to be able to “discipline” the goyim workers.

          “juden crap like cap on wealth and guaranteed income.”

          Neither of those things are “juden crap.” Personally I don’t want JUST a “cap on wealth” – I want a huge swath of the wealthy arrested and sent to prison.

          Erik Kolvenson thinks this is a game, like a sport. It is not – it is war.

          Collaborators are going to get it, too.

          • Yes they are juden crap! Both things have been tried already in the many countries that had communist regimes and led to even more inequality and the creation of the worst type of oligarchy: that of the stupid incompetent lazy scumbags from the lowest of classes that somehow made it to the top because they were communist zealots! Over there a person who was a good party member with connections could never be fired from top managerial position no matter how bad he screwed up: he would just be moved to another managerial position to wreak even more havoc!

            The idea that the cap of income and guaranteed income is somehow panaccea of all present day problems is frankly stupid oversimplification and betrays total lack of knowledge and understanding of how a succesful society operates. And who cares what the people thing about this, as I said most of them are too stupid to understand the implications of such action! You give them free money and they’ll spend them on drugs and video games!
            As I said the juden infuence could be easily removed without resorting to juden ideas to do that! Think Sula proscriptions and Hitler!

        • ” don’t see why anyone needs more than, say, $25 million or $50 million. ”

          Because you don’t know how much money is needed to advance certain developments,
          Like members of the Walton family backing the development of the Achates Engine.
          It takes 10s of millions of dollars just to fight off the patent trolls.

          If Beckman hadn’t backed Shockley, would we have ICs, microprocessors ?
          Would we have had all the engineers that came out of Shockley Transistor.?
          Without Beckman backing the seminal concepts of integrated circuits, we would be decades behind our current technology.

          Without Rockefeller money backing Apple computer, where would the personal computer be?

  4. Although I’m not in sympathy with share-your-wealth schemes, I’ll say Huey’s hat is nicely blocked there—to my layman’s eye, anyway.

  5. The idea of a wealth cap is just too impossible.

    The giga-rich would just keep their wealth offshore and direct their activities through groups of shell companies with strawman directors.

    This is the reason the Bahamas have so many billionaires. Tax haven and bank secrecy. A wealth cap would just increase their numbers.

    • I would love to see the polling on the issue. Also, if they fled overseas, they would remove themselves from this country which would remove their ability to interfere with our elections

      • “if they fled overseas, they would remove themselves from this country which would remove their ability”

        Um, plenty of influence comes from China and israel. Big money can buy many surrogates.

    • Tax havens like the Bahamas only exist, because of the big money corrupting US politics. If the US blockaided the Bahamas, they would give up their American tax dodgers in a heart beat.

      “Of course they could still interfere.”

      How do you bribe a politician if they can’t spend their bribes on big ticket items, and they can’t bank them? They could try to hide their bribes in crypto, but they couldn’t buy mega houses and fancy cars with it. If you can’t spend money on anything beyond a certain point, that money is worthless.

      $50 million is far too high though. It gives the rich woke crowd too much wriggle room. Allow them just enough money that if they are careful with it, they can live their idle lives, but not enough that they have spare money to play politics.

      • If not the Bahamas, then the channel islands, Singapore, Hong kong, Qatar, Russia etc.
        The clever will evade petty controls.

        I admire Huey long, as president I think he would have kept us out of wwii.

        The idea of a wealth cap would be counterproductive.
        With their networking and self-interested morals, it would be a great benefit to the
        Kosher klan.

        • “If not the Bahamas, then the channel islands, Singapore, Hong kong, Qatar, Russia etc.

          The clever will evade petty controls.”

          The USA caught up with John McAfee, and he is Jason Bourne clever.

          A country like America could make life very difficult for countries harboring these crooks. The channel islands, and Singapore would pose no problem. China and Russia don’t take nonsense from woke billionaires. China just took Alibaba from Jack Ma, and now he is keeping a very low profile. In Russia woke billionaires have been put in cages until they signed over their assets. If they lost control of America they would have no where to run.

          “The idea of a wealth cap would be counterproductive.
          With their networking and self-interested morals, it would be a great benefit to the Kosher klan.”

          The ultimate source of the power of the kosher klan is their control over money. It is how they tip the scales in their favor,. They know it. The 109 countries that kicked them out knew it at the time too. That why they murdered Huey Long.

  6. Anything short of revolutionary establishment of ethno-socialism is a temporary reform, soon to be followed by even more severe exploitation.

    Ethnicity is natural and socialism must be ethno-national or it will be unstable and unsuccessful.

    • Totally agree with Anonymous and Arrian! The Scandinavian model worked until recently because they were all White. Their economies were and still are capitalist though. Danes were actually pissed at the jude Sanders when he called them a socialist country. They said its bad for business.

      • Yes, and Icelanders have among the longer lifespans and highest standards of living in the world, despite living on an isolated frozen rock that explodes every few decades.

        Imagine what they could do on Cuba or Jamaica.

      • “The Scandinavian model worked until recently because they were all White. Their economies were and still are capitalist though. Danes were actually pissed at the jude Sanders when he called them a socialist country. They said its bad for business”:

        Well said. Scandinavia, especially Sweden, only became semi-socialist, for a while, after immense bottom-up struggle in the late nineteenth century against extremely harsh exploitation, worse than most other parts of Europe at that time. Millions of Scandinavian workers fled to the U.S. and Canada to escape extreme poverty and actual starvation, during the late nineteenth century, carrying their “left ideology” with them. But today Scandinavia has drifted back to full capitalism, and logically, it is becoming multi-ethnic/multi-cultural’cosmopolitan. Sweden in particular is recognized as one of the most corporate-friendly states, one of the best places in the world for global corporations to do business.

  7. I don’t care about the jewish scumbags/hedge funds billionaires! They should have their citizenship taken from them and the government should declare that normal protection of the law do not apply to them!
    “ Proscriptions (Latin proscriptio, plural proscriptiones) initially meant public advertisements or notices signifying property or goods for sale.
    During the dictatorial reign of Sulla, the word took on a more sinister meaning. In 82 or 81 BC, Sulla instituted the process of proscription in order to avenge the massacres of Gaius Marius and his son… Sulla proceeded to have the Senate draw up a list of those he considered enemies of the state and published the list in the Roman Forum. Any man whose name appeared on the list was ipso facto stripped of his citizenship and excluded from all protection under law; reward money was given to any informer who gave information leading to the death of a proscribed man, and any person who killed a proscribed man was entitled to keep part of his estate (the remainder went to the state). No person could inherit money or property from proscribed men, nor could any woman married to a proscribed man remarry after his death.”

  8. @ sounds like you want to take ole jed clampetts loot, colonel sanders too? What about elvis, you gonna make him move out of graceland? How bout mr.howell from gilligans island, he better stay there eh? You gonna make paula dean public enemy number one, ole nick saban be moving on, he hear you talking this ole crazy nonsense.

    • The definition of crazy is allowing oligarchs to amass vast fortunes that swell into the billions and assuming that such an extreme distribution of wealth is somehow going to work out to the benefit of everyone and not poison our culture and corrupt our politics. None of those people are on our side and virtually all of them support the causes of our enemies.

  9. @ didnt howard hughes help the country? He did more than just introduce the country to that fine southern babe ” ava gardner ” right?

  10. @ wealth cap, income cap, dont smell like freedom to me, guranteed income? Really? Everybody gets their daily crust of bread wether they work for it or not? Yep, then they own you.

    • We don’t need excessive levels of freedom. We need hard limits and boundaries. We need a ceiling on wealth to rid ourselves of the bloated oligarchy that is corrupting our elections and poisoning our culture.

      • Re: “We need a ceiling on wealth to rid ourselves of the bloated oligarchy that is corrupting our elections and poisoning our culture”:

        Such a ceiling tends to be raised over time and then, disappear entirely. It is a reform, a temporary fix, not the cure for the problem. While people live and die in the short run, they may never see the ill effects of halfway measures in the long run.

      • Hunter Wallace – We don’t need excessive levels of freedom. We need hard limits and boundaries. We need a ceiling on wealth to rid ourselves of the bloated oligarchy that is corrupting our elections and poisoning our culture.

        I think I know where this is going. Excessive levels of freedom being pornography, fornication, interracial marriage, equal opportunity for women and minorities buttt you would be just peachy keen on nuts waving semiautomatics openly in public and blocking abortion clinics, right?

        You’re advocating a wealth cap and maximum wage, but your Achilles’ heel is neither of these have been tried in any country or even been proposed by any major socialist party. Why is that?

        Why not just raise taxes on the rich and return to the tax rates before Reagan got into office?

        Besides, the share our wealth program that Huey Long and you suggest would lead to even more welfare leeches and more importantly, overpopulation. When other countries imitate the program, that will worsen the global overpopulation problem.

        • 1.) There isn’t really a global overpopulation program. The birth rate has plummeted in the developed world and has spread to large parts of the Third World including countries like Mexico. It is a sub-Saharan Africa problem.

          2.) Oligarchy is a far bigger problem than anyone who is poor or working class.

          3.) Why are you defending billionaires and multimillionaires who have showered our enemies with their wealth and who corrupt our politics by buying the policy agenda?

          4.) Cultural degeneration and oligarchy are two sides of the same coin. Both stem from excessive levels of freedom and a lack of limits.

          • @HW

            You know you are over the target when you start getting flack.

            The next year is going to see your blog spammed with GOP shills pushing this or that politician, and as you can see, absolute HYSTERIA from ideologues who believe that oligarchs must be worshiped and coddled.

            A wealth cap? Why – that is impossible!

            The Huey Long thing is a winner. The language is a bit dated but the principles are timeless.

          • Hunter Wallace – 1.) There isn’t really a global overpopulation program. The birth rate has plummeted in the developed world and has spread to large parts of the Third World including countries like Mexico. It is a sub-Saharan Africa problem.
            2.) Oligarchy is a far bigger problem than anyone who is poor or working class.
            3.) Why are you defending billionaires and multimillionaires who have showered our enemies with their wealth and who corrupt our politics by buying the policy agenda?
            4.) Cultural degeneration and oligarchy are two sides of the same coin. Both stem from excessive levels of freedom and a lack of limits.

            1)It doesn’t shock me you’d say this because what religious fundamentalist who believes women should return to the kitchen and abortion should be banned doesn’t agree with you? Unfortunately for you, scientists disagree that 8 billion people are beneficial for the planet. Species and the environment are suffering on an unprecedented scale, the cost of goods will continue to exponentially increase, climate change is a direct result of more consumers, the pandemic wouldn’t have been as devastating if the world population was what it was just half a century ago, most developing world birth rates are or above replacement level, and even in the developed countries population will continue to rise as a result of immigration and population momentum. Depopulation of humans on a global scale will benefit all species and the environment and result in better standards of living for all.

            Sorry, but almost nobody is buying your white genocide and Genesis in the Bible theories for reproduction and conservation!

            2)Why haven’t a wealth cap and maximum wage been tried in any country or even been proposed by any major socialist party? *crickets*

            3)Why not just raise taxes on the rich and return to the tax rates and restrictions on big business before Reagan got into office?
            Americans preferred FDR over Huey Long even during the Depression!

            4)What you define as cultural degeneration (people remaining single, childless couples, premarital sex, LGBT rights, working women, veganism, interracial relationships, irreligion, abortion) IS mainstream and the people against it are dying off. Whether you like it or not, it’s here to stay and you are guys are in the minority so stop trying to impose your antiquated religious values on the rest of us. We have separation of church and state and it’s 2021, not 1951.
            You say the woke progressive left turns the rest of us off when it strays from economic progressivism to divisive cultural issues. What do you think you on the far right do when you whine about “degeneracy” (modern world)? Maybe if you stick to anti-immigration, law and order, and taxing the rich you’ll actually get somewhere.

          • Daria I liked that show lol. I don’t think you’ll get through to them because they want to turn the clock back even past the 20th century. For Christ’s sake, they believe the Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, overpopulation, gun control, and the theory of evolution are conspiracy theories. We’re talking a very extreme minority. As bad as Sleepy Joe is, I’d rather have him as President than the folks here which is an even scarier thought!
            I started coming here because I liked the different subjects that are covered and the honest commentary. But some of the content and comments on the social issues especially are on the extreme side and as a result I honestly don’t think the economic issues that are covered will become a zeitgeist of the 2020s because people tend to associate them together.

  11. “definition of crazy is allowing oligarchs to amass vast fortunes that swell into the billions”

    Would you deprive great innovators, such as Bell, Edison, Ford, Westinghouse etc. Of the fortunes they made ?

    • Why aren’t you naming the billionaires who exist today who have been so vastly supportive of our cause? You could cite Sheldon Adelson who until a few weeks ago was singlehandedly responsible for Donald Trump’s foreign policy.

      Jeff Bezos – $187 billion
      Bill Gates – $129 billion
      Mark Zuckerberg – $175 billion
      Warren Buffett – $87 billion
      Larry Page – $75 billion
      Sergey Brin – $65 billion
      Michael Bloomberg – $55 billion
      Charles Koch – $45 billion
      Sheldon Adelson – $30 billion
      Steve Schwarzman – $19 billion
      Bernie Marcus – $62 billion

  12. Are we talking personal income cap + companies can have more or just a straight up total wealth cap.

    If the former then people will just find ways to hide assets in companies. If the latter than the issues Eric is talking about are pretty serious. On a larger project scale what sounds like big money to little guys is chump change.

    Either way I don’t see enforcement being realistic. The greater wealthy would find ways around caps, and only the lesser wealthy would be brought down.

  13. The mantra of boomer cuckservative Milton Friedman fans- “they’ll just leave, if you tax them or cap their fortune”

    I don’t think these people comprehend the country’s military power or foreign influence based on foreign countries dependence on our military. Are you aware of things like sanctions, embargoes?

    If you leave fine, you leave with 50 million dollars and you never again use an American patent, you never use American technology or materials and you never again produce or sell your products in countries dependent on the US military, any violation of this policy is an act of war.

  14. Yes, I know what you’re saying. When the woke left and alt right dive into their pet peeve social issues it’s just cringe and most people just tune them out. We have to keep in mind though that both sides have their extreme nut cases. Look at antifa and the Capitol siege. OP and I agree something needs to be done about the billionaires. He just takes it farther and I think there will be complications with a wealth cap and maximum wage. I think we can find common ground on the inequality topic and we can start from there.

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