MASHUP: $2,000 STIMULUS CHECKS. pic.twitter.com/XBHhcp7l8y
— Watchdog (@demswatchdog) February 1, 2021
Over 752,000 Georgia voters who cast ballots in the November election didn’t show up again for the Senate runoffs, according to an @ajc analysis.
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) February 2, 2021
More than half of the no-shows were white, and many lived in rural areas. #gapol #gasen https://t.co/DAqnN8fVOQ
Schumer today after leaving the White House: “There’s agreement — universal agreement — we must go big, bold ….
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) February 3, 2021
“A picture of Franklin Roosevelt was hovering over all of us and we’re very much aware of that. It was alluded to a whole bunch of times.” https://t.co/90lfIeTH3m
Today is the 15th day that Biden has not sent $2,000 checks “out the door immediately.” pic.twitter.com/UOuJ4WYnvh
— Has Biden Done Anything Yet? (@WaitingOnBiden) February 3, 2021
UPDATE: Some senior Dems are looking at lowering threshold on stimulus payments so they start phasing out above $50K for single taxpayers; $75K for heads of households; & $100K for married couples
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) February 2, 2021
Stressing here: Talks fluid, conversations are ongoinghttps://t.co/0lZ8MKuqbt
Confirmed these cutoffs are being seriously explored w/ 3rd senior Dem
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) February 2, 2021
GOP & some centrist Dems have said checks proposal gives $ to those who dont need
Others say lower limits mean millions who need relief w/ current year income shocks would miss outhttps://t.co/0lZ8MKuqbt
This is currently the top story on Politico.
Neoliberal Joe is “willing to compromise” on who is eligible for $1,400 stimulus checks. The GOP wants to phase out eligibility at individuals who make $40,000 a year and cap eligibility at $50,000 a year. This would dramatically cut the number of people eligible for stimulus checks.
“During a call with the House Democratic Caucus, Biden said he was willing to compromise on who will be eligible for the next round stimulus checks — but remained firm on the size of the $1,400 payment, according to multiple sources on the call. …”
Try to wrap your minds around this.
As we noted in November, Neoliberal Joe is president because he rebuilt the Blue Wall in the Rust Belt. He rebuilt the Blue Wall because he won White Independent swing voters in the $50,000 to $100,000 income bracket. Democrats won the Senate by promising IMMEDIATE $2,000 checks. We were supporting Universal Basic Income years ago when Bernie Sanders was too much of a coward to endorse it.
Are the Democrats really going to do this? Is Neoliberal Joe going to screw his base on $2,000 checks, student loan debt relief and universal health care while doing all the woke, trans, open borders and climate change shit that the White upper middle class professional wing of the party wants?
Note: I can already hear the 2024 campaign now.

It will probably end up only being another $600. More money will go overseas to Israel.
We’d have been better off if Trump won.
But, but, but….the official retard consensus has verified that Trump’s jews were worse than Biden’s!
But……………OUR JEWISH FRIEND ISRAEL will get its yearly 3 billion dollar checkfrom the US Goverment-with filthy fucking cockroach Mitch McConnel’s approval.
Speaking of filthy fucking cockroaches:
Leo Frank
11 year old Irish Girl Mary Fagin’s corpse…You can google Mary Fagin’s mutilated corpse…autopsy photo…. on Google Images….
Expediency is more important than meticulousness and careful planning in certain cases. Especially when people are starving, dying, going to be kicked out. You can tax it back from the richest. These fucking morons do not know how to act (or don’t care. more likely this. and is using the rhetoric of “we don’t want rich people to get it. to kick the can down the road). And this is why I don’t feel much empathy when the Magatards bum-rushed the capital. This is absolutely embarrassing and disgraceful.
It’s supposed to be $2000 by the way. Now it’s $1400. I swear these people need to live on $600 a year.
2000 minus 600 (already issued) equals 1400. Bad facts and bad maff will undermine your position, no matter what it may be.
I’m well aware they’re trying to weasel out with the $600 shit being subtracted.
The cutoff is absurd. Do they believe people making $41k are doing well? And it’s been based on tax information from 1-2 years ago, which has almost no relation to how people are doing now.
Yes He Can!
Biden like Blumph has to take care of the corps. lobbies, special interest groups and (((allies))) before he has time for the chumps.
Biden would never consider making tax filers using ITINs in lieu of valid SS#s
(mostly “undocumented workers” ) ineligible.
“because he rebuilt the wall in the Rust Belt”
No, he didn’t. Barefaced lying is not “rebuilding.” Is there even a “working class” anymore? I am sick of these hackneyed phrases. What happened is that we have an increasingly stupid and certainly illiterate public perpetually waffling between relentless fear mongering by the media and crisis acting by politicians like AOC. Biden did not do shit, he sat in a basement and lied like he has been lying for over 40 years. Three years of the largest, most severe and constant political fraud perhaps in all of history, Russiagate, which you never fail to forget, and industrial grade media crisis mongering and lying, and so half of this wretchedly moronic country showed up more than they did in 2016 to give Biden a win even more paper thin than Trump’s in 2016.
You fell for Trump and you’re angry he didn’t fight enough? Ok, shame on them. You fell for Biden, a proven, shameless liar and fraud across nearly 5 decades, and you thought the fucking Democrats were going to do the Sanders platform after roundly rebuking it every chance they had during the primaries, and now? Shame on *you.*
And Sanders wasn’t really a coward. He saw what happened to Tulsi Gabbard; she was erased and made another Goldstein. He tried to straddle the fence and it proved impossible, because it is impossible. Blaming Sanders is about as foolish as blaming Trump.
I called it before and I will say it again:
1) The checks were downgraded from $2,000 to $1,400, and will be downgraded again!
2) For the next downgrade, there will be an income qualification
3) UBI will NEVER happen, EVER.
4) Universal medicare will NEVER happen, EVER. Only Obamacare, forever!
5) To compensate for this lack of real help, you will get tons of fake help with nuclear grade anti-white legislation, signaling, prosecution, and anarcho-tyranny turned up to 11.
Notice how the media and the medical industrial complex are already downgrading the deemphasizing the spread of COVID?!?
You and Spencer were punked.
@ different anonymous:
We share the same handle, but your comment is good and accurate.
“Barefaced lying is not ‘rebuilding.’ Is there even a ‘working class’ anymore? I am sick of these hackneyed phrases. What happened is that we have an increasingly stupid and certainly illiterate public” – is so well said. Yes, the parasite system must have the public stupid, and the public is very stupid if it hosts such obvious parasites.
Accurate post, whomever you are.
No jewbux for hardworking wypipo making $100K.
Who would have ever thought that a metal band from Seattle in the 90s would have called this right?
Revolution Calling
By Queensryche
For a price I’d do about anything
Except pull the trigger
For that I’d need a pretty good cause
Then I heard of Dr. X
The man with the cure
Just watch the television
Yeah, you’ll see there’s something going on
Got no love for politicians
Or that crazy scene in D.C.
It’s just a power mad town
But the time is ripe for changes
There’s a growing feeling
That taking a chance on a new kind of vision is due
I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I’ve seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone’s a crook?
Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
There’s a revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through
Well, I’m tired of all this bullshit
They keep selling me on T.V.
About the communist plan
And all the shady preachers
Begging for my cash
Swiss bank accounts while giving their secretaries the slam
They’re all in Penthouse now
Or Playboy magazine, million dollar stories to tell
I guess Warhol wasn’t wrong
Fame fifteen minutes long
Everyone’s using everybody, making the sale
I used to think
That only America’s way, way was right
But now the holy dollar rules everybody’s lives
Gotta make a million, doesn’t matter who dies
Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
There’s a revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through
I used to trust the media
To tell me the truth, tell us the truth
But now I’ve seen the payoffs
Everywhere I look
Who do you trust when everyone’s a crook?
Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
There’s a revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through
Revolution calling
Revolution calling
Revolution calling you
There’s a revolution calling
Revolution calling
Gotta make a change
Gotta push, gotta push it on through
There’s something going on
There’s a revolution, there’s a revolution, there’s a revolution
Just get it done and stop arguing back and forth about it. Do what’s right for We The People. Deo Vindice !
I’ve been triggered by Trump betraying union workers by removing a tariff!
Might get on the Biden Bus…
“In one of his first trade actions, President Joe Biden on Monday night reinstated a 10 percent duty on aluminum imports from the United Arab Emirates that President Donald Trump removed just one day before leaving office.”
How is this a surprise to anyone? The Democrats couldn’t put politics aside long enough to work with Trump on rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure and creating jobs for Americans. Their position boiled down to let the people suffer if such suffering would hurt Trump and the Republicans, This attitude was once again on display this year with Pelosi blocking stimulus relief since March to prevent Trump from having a “triumph.” Every business and life destroyed were destroyed to serve the Democratic party’s partisan needs. Every suicide and every person whose despair turned to drugs were sacrificed to those same partisan needs, “Winning” the election hasn’t softened their hearts any on helping foundational Americans (Whites). As to Backroom Mitch and the establishment Republicans, they’re adopting their familiar guise as accountants for the welfare state; nothing can be done to help the people as opposed to special interests, unless done cheaply and uncaringly. The actual sufferings of the middle class, white collar or blue collar, still employed or not, are nothing to them either. As Shakespeare said, “a pox on both their houses.”
Both parties are always willing to compromise when it comes to withholding aid from normal Americans. When you hear the words “compromise” or “bipartisan” coming from Washington, then you know you’re getting screwed.
Here is the word you are looking for to describe Joe—-
An individual with loss for words, staring blankly with mouth open. Often clueless and/or confused.
Even a steady $2,000 every month would mean nothing at all, a mere pittance trickling down from all the TRILLIONS being stolen from exploited workers here and around the world. The parasite system is rotten, cancerous, gangrenous, and armed overwhelmingly with nuclear, conventional, chemical and biological weapons ready to be launched anytime anywhere by its vast armies of hired mercenaries.
How about that $1400 to offset the inflationary hit my life savings that has been sitting in the bank earning NO interest for over a decade? After all the billionaire NYC oligarchs used that first stimulus to get out of all their bad investments back in April. Seems they plan on only the little people paying for their Covid mess they made.
I seriously regret letting my money rot away and depreciate in the bank all those years. We should have known all those kike Fed Chairmen would steal from savers to prop up their stawk market.
I’m finding out this “free” money may not be free at all. The $!200 was based on 2018 tax return and the $600 on 2019 return. The 2020 return will “reconcile” these two amounts. I’m hearing that, depending on income, you may end up having to pay all or some of it back. I can’t think of a better way to piss off millions of taxpayers more than they’re pissed off already.