Reports of the GOP Demise Are Greatly Exaggerated

Sad face Harry.

The GOP exodus narrative is a bit overdone.


“(CNN) – Poll of the week: A new Gallup poll finds that party identification of all adults is 25% Democratic, 25% Republican and 50% independent. When independents are pushed to lean toward a party, 50% of respondents were Democrats or leaning Democratic and 41% were Republicans or leaning Republican.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans is not significantly different from Gallup’s polling in the lead up to the 2020 election in which Democrats held a small advantage when including leaners and were tied with Republicans in party affiliation when independents were not pushed. …

Across these three states, we see that if anything, the relative gap between Democrats and Republicans has gone in the direction of Republicans (North Carolina and Pennsylvania) since the election. This fits with what occurred in 2016 as well. Democrats tended to lose ground in registration immediately following the election.

If history holds, Republicans will likely take back the House in 2022 and have a good chance for Senate control as well.

On the state level, Republicans are the ones in the majority at this point. They now control about 60% of the state legislature bodies. Republicans are 27 of the country’s 50 state governors.

The bottom line is that the Republican Party isn’t going away anytime soon. …”

Woah …

Are the normies finally waking up? After all of this time?

American Survey Center:

“There is bipartisan agreement that the American system of democracy is failing to address the concerns and needs of the public. Nearly seven in 10 (69 percent) Americans agree that American democracy serves the interests of only the wealthy and powerful. Seventy percent of Democrats and 66 percent of Republicans hold this view.

The belief that the political system works against the interests of conservatives also finds considerable support among the public. Nearly half (48 percent) of Americans believe the political system is stacked against conservatives and people with traditional values. Roughly as many Americans (47 percent) disagree with this statement.

Americans with more conservative political views strongly endorse this view. Seventy-nine percent of Republicans agree that the political system is stacked against more traditionally minded people. Notably, close to half (46 percent) of independents and more than one in four (27 percent) Democrats also agree.

More than one in three (36 percent) Americans agree with the statement: “The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.” Six in 10 (60 percent) Americans reject the idea that the use of force is necessary, but there is significant partisan disagreement on this question.

A majority (55 percent) of Republicans support the use of force as a way to arrest the decline of the traditional American way of life. Forty-three percent of Republicans express opposition to this idea. Significantly fewer independents (35 percent) and Democrats (22 percent) say the use of force is necessary to stop the disappearance of traditional American values and way of life.

Although most Americans reject the use of violence to achieve political ends, there is still significant support for it among the public. Nearly three in 10 (29 percent) Americans completely or somewhat agree with the statement: “If elected leaders will not protect America, the people must do it themselves even if it requires taking violent actions.” More than two-thirds (68 percent) of Americans disagree with this statement.

The use of violence finds somewhat more support among Republicans than Democrats, although most Republicans oppose it. Roughly four in 10 (39 percent) Republicans support Americans taking violent actions if elected leaders fail to act. Sixty percent of Republicans oppose this idea. Thirty-one percent of independents and 17 percent of Democrats also support taking violent actions if elected leaders do not defend the country.

However, although a significant number of Americans—and Republicans in particular—express support for the idea that violent actions may be necessary, there is a notable lack of enthusiastic support for it. For instance, only 9 percent of Americans overall and only 13 percent of Republicans say they “completely” agree in the necessity of taking violent actions if political leaders fail. …”

I don’t think so.

There is far more to gain by dumping the Jeff Flakes and Ben Sasses of the world whose views on economics alienate moderate voters.

The Week:

“With the obvious exceptions of libertarians, who I am convinced do not breed in the wild, there is probably no political tendency more overrepresented in media relative to its actual share of the population than so-called “NeverTrump” Republicans. Every national newspaper in the country has at least one of these people on the opinion page; they are ubiquitous on cable television, and in the last four years they have created successors — TheBulwarkThe Dispatch — to the established conservative publications at which they were all previously employed. (It turns out that all you actually need is some wealthy backers and a handful of willing hacks to do journalism — the “whole audience in Middle America whose worldview we represent” thing was always an unnecessary middle step.) …

That is to say nothing of the problem alluded to above — namely, that no sizeable contingent of American voters share their aesthetic or nakedly personal objections to the GOP as it is presently constituted. Fifty or so former National Review editors and election consultants are not a political party — they’re not even an NFL roster. Meanwhile, as I write this, 70 percent of Republicans say they would be less likely to support any senator who voted to convict Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial. This might or might not be a good thing, but it is the reality on the ground in American politics.

But even this misses the real point, which is that the Ben Sasses of the world are every bit as crucial to the GOP’s present coalition as the Louie Gohmerts. The party needs a respectable, PBS NewsHour-approved way of saying that the last thing struggling American families need is more money in their pockets in the same way that it needs backbench congressmen willing to go on fringe YouTube talk shows and discuss grainy security footage from ballot counting centers. This, in fact, is the whole point of political parties: disparate factions united by overlapping interests. …”

More wrist flapping from Bushies …

The Washington Post:

“This dialectic, however, only really operates in the realm of policy. If Trumpism were merely a set of proposals, there could be an antithesis. But the movement fully revealed by the Jan. 6 invasion of the U.S. Capitol is united by a belief that the White, Christian America of its imagination is on the verge of destruction, and that it must be preserved by any means necessary. This is less a political philosophy than a warped religious belief. There can be no compromise in a culture war. There can be no splitting of differences at Armageddon. …”

As I said on our most recent podcast, I have been feeling pretty white pilled lately. I’m bullish on “the rise of extremism.” I remember what happened when Obama was president. Also, Obama was never accusing all White people of engaging in systematic racism like Neoliberal Joe.

Donald Trump is gone. It feels like a black cloud has been lifted honestly. He’s no longer in power demoralizing and dividing us like he was for years.

Have you seen Gab and Telegram lately? Booming.

The Wokelash is coming.

The 4D Chess strategy of doing nothing, grilling and chilling and allowing the Democrats to throw out every rule in the book to defeat Trump only to win a hollow political victory has worked. They will probably lose the House in the 2022 midterms due to reapportionment alone.

The GOP establishment is demographically crumbling and losing power. The Democrats are focused on winning over all those pearl clutching suburbanites, but as those people concentrate in and poison the Democratic Party it thins out the PMCs who enforce political correctness in the GOP. We’ve been living under two suburban parties for decades which favored neoliberalism.

I’m look at this massive shift going on in the polls which is moving in the direction of my brand of politics … a sharp rise in White ethnocentrism and redistributionist populist politics.

Note: BTW, I don’t approve of violence.

The truth is that I am not nearly as “radicalized” or “extreme” as all of those people who have been pushed over the edge by Trump losing. It is normies who are losing it now. Trump had a sedative effect on them. He put them to sleep for four years simply by being president.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Polls only tell a portion of the story.

    People may tell pollsters that they support diversity and integration, but when a black family moves into the area, every White family has a “For Sale” sign in the lawn. (a wise course of action.)

    The Clinton’s talked a lot about how much they love black people, but then sent their daughter to an all-White private school to protect her from the feral black males in the DC public school system. Later, after leaving the WH, they bought a home in an all-White town in NY far away from the “diversity” they said they loved so much.

    People vote with their feet and their actions.

    The polls are encouraging, yes. But watch what people do when it really matters.

    Lawyers are fond of saying that, “The only story that really matters is the one told in front of a jury: not in front of a TV news camera.”

  2. “as those people concentrate in and poison the Democratic Party it thins out the PMCs who enforce political correctness in the GOP”:

    I see where you say you think this is going. But I say the two-winged Beast is not going to lose one of its two (twin) right wings.

  3. Trump did more for us leaving office than he did for us in office. His leaving, combined with the “insurrection” & “impeachment”, triggered the unprecedented “neoliberal” reaction that will red pill many more “normies”.

    The war on Trump is a proxy war on White Americans.

  4. This also dispels the narrative than the “real right” will leave the GOP in droves for a 3rd party

    Once the Dems finally move on from Blomph, he will fade from public relevance and the GOP will rally behind some red state governor like DeSantis and Noem

    • both of whom belong to the Israelites. If

      you keep on voting at the (((system))), it

      will keep on liquidating you.

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