MILO: The Dangerous Faggot Is No More

MILO’s black husband has been demoted to housemate.

LGBTQ Nation:

“Now he’s done an interview with the religious right site LifeSite News, and while the outlet seems to take him at face value, the gadfly’s typical exaggeration, outright lies, and over-the-top asides insinuate that he’s trolling them too. He’s now claiming that he’s “ex-gay.”

“When I used to kid that I only became gay to torment my mother, I wasn’t entirely joking,” Yiannopoulus says. “Of course, I was never wholly at home in the gay lifestyle — Who is? Who could be? — and only leaned heavily into it in public because it drove liberals crazy to see a handsome, charismatic, intelligent gay man riotously celebrating conservative principles.”

“That’s not to say I didn’t throw myself enthusiastically into degeneracy of all kinds in my private life. I suppose I felt that’s all I deserved. I’d love to say it was all an act, and I’ve been straight this whole time, but even I don’t have that kind of commitment to performance art.”

Yiannopoulus describes himself as an action hero and claims his husband has been “demoted to housemate.” And while he may have been complaining about his finances online previously, in the interview he’s suddenly fabulously wealthy again – or trolling them.

“It helps that I can still just about afford to keep him in Givenchy and a new Porsche every year. Could be worse for him, I guess.”

I think he rebranded as a fed.

He claims to have gotten a knock on the door and was told not to go to the Capitol Siege. At least that is what I have heard. Trump era ecelebs have all fallen on hard times.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Wasn’t he always an FBI agent? He was part of the Breitbart operation, which is an Israeli operation. He also bragged about getting “secret videos” of “Alt Right” figures like Richard Spencer getting drunk and doing stupid and embarrassing things.

    I don’t know anyone who actually liked Milo, except for the “Alt Lite” which was basically Gays being paid by Jews to support Israel and dog-whistle against Muslims. Literally for them the number one issue was “support Israel because Tel Aviv has a gay beach.”

    Who cares?

  2. The problems with “conservatives”, they will let anyone in their ranks in order not to be branded racist, homophobic, etc. Racism is to conservatives as kryptonite is to superman.

  3. I hope his silly clown show will finally now end. Bathing in blood, calling Trump “Daddy, his gay floor show, good riddance.

  4. Through the power of Christ any personal modification can be achieved, although, after a several year period it oft is that The Devil makes a counterattack in the lives of the new Christian, at which point many succumb to their old habits.

    We’ll hope he makes it through that and finds love with a ‘cis-gender’ woman.

    God has no problem with peculiar intimacies a man may wish, or so it seems, so long as they occur in the bonds of faithful marriage to a woman.

    In the end, sex has a tendency to become less and less important with age, this as the focus shifts elsewhither.

      • @Meep…

        “god what a joke”

        I know, although, unfortunately, the joke is on you.

        But, I was once there, so I am not going to crow for having ‘seen The Light’, for, in reality, it was shown to me.

  5. Nothing wrong with being gay. Gay pride all day every day!
    You bigots can sit in your mommys basement and jerk to off all day to gross p0rn in between making meaningless threats to lgbt people who just want to live their lives. Meanwhile we are making endless progress toward equality, diversity, and freedom.

    • @Tigg…

      That you can feel ‘pride’ for being someone who sodomizes other males, or is on the receiving end of that, speaks volumes and volumes about where your soul is.

    • White Western societies – even traditional Christian societies like Victorian England, 1950s Britain/USA have always been more tolerant of Gays than non Western, non European societies. There are still very, very many Islamic societies where gay people are arrested, killed. It’s the same with many forms of slavery – Blacks and Muslims still do slavery.

      I think I speak for most people here when I say we think sexuality should be a private matter and if gay people just keep to themselves and don’t force their gay/homo stuff in public then things will be OK.

      We don’t want to see gay people walking around 90% naked in leather with whips, we don’t want the gay lifestyle forced on our 5 year olds with propaganda children’s books like “Heather has two mommies”.

      And any White gay person insisting that the USA, Sweden or Australia are now and have been the most anti gay societies in history and that White gays are another oppressed minority like Blacks, Jews, Muslims, the undocumented, women – NOPE. We’re not going to tolerate that B**8L Sh**.

      • That isn’t really true. Islam used to be much more accepting of it and had institutionalized pederasty for centuries, which is why all of the British homos like T.E. Lawrence became orientalists. They all went to the middle east so they could rape children with the mohammedans.

      • @jaye ryan
        Well said!
        They cancel Dr. Seuss, but cram trannie book club reading to five year olds at public libraries. Gotta agree with the chi-coms. These people are mentally ill!

    • Not too long ago, being a faggot or any form of deviant was considered a mental illness. How I long for those days.

    • No Tigg, I will enjoy my wife a children and our traditional family. I will try to protect and defend it from your deviant predilection, pedophilia and drug abuse you homos know so well.
      The virus that is currently coursing through your veins is there because you are disgusting degenerate with a unhealthy lifestyle. God hates you.

  6. Can’t this guy just go away? After his whole “pederasty” shit, you’d figure that he’d off himself or something. Yet here he is. Narcissistic as ever.

    • He only told the truth, that homosexuality and pederasty go hand in hand. It used to be common knowledge that homos prey on young boys. Anyone who is an outspoken homosexual advocate supports pederasty because it is part and parcel of the gay lifestyle, but they just aren’t all honest enough to admit this fact like MILO did.

    • @Aspiretothestars He seemed to be part of the whole infiltration of the “alt-right” thing. Whites can’t have any movement without nonwhites infiltrating it.

  7. I liked Milo when he was just a very funny, very cleaver Breitbart News movie critic. His review of the God awful Feminist remake of “Ghostbusters” was brilliant and he got banned from Twitter for saying that the not funny Black woman comedian actress in this terrible movie needed to lose a lot of weight.

    It’s really impossible to be any type of populist, American First actor or comedian anywhere but the most marginalized places in the USA. RamZPaul and well – me, we do what we can and have a small following of fans, but no one with our politics can make any kind of $ doing comedy or acting standing up for our people and standing against the J media mafia, BLM, PC Libs, Conservative inc etc. Bo Derek arguably THE most beautiful actress in American history was basically blacklisted for defending George Bush Jr’s milk toast “compassionate conservativism”.

    Milo, like Gay Dutch political leader Pym Fortuyn and that Black Somalian immigrant critic of Islam in Europe do what they can, and our side tries to present them and Milo as something that can somehow get through the Iron Curtain of censorship because they speak the truth and aren’t straight and White/Christian etc.

    Our side doesn’t help when they go super, super moral – some talented actors and writes, singers like Elton John, Freddy Mercury, Oscar Wilde really were Gay. In better times sexuality was more of a private matter.

    What a terrible time we live in when the worst forms of hard core pornography, violent anti White gangster rap music are pushed on our young people most everywhere, but uptight backward looking Conservatives get all uptight that someone pushing our issues once smoked MJ in college or was/is gay had gay friends.

    Is anyone here old enough to remember when Ronald Reagan won his landslide Presidential elections in 1980 and 84 and the Beach Boys were scheduled to perform at the inauguration party? The *#$&@ idiot, uptight Right Wing Westerner Secretary of the Interior GOP nominee James Watt made a big stink that the Beach Boys were evil bad people for promoting Rock and Roll Music to America’s youths. Well, First Lady Nancy Reagan set him straight.

    Others of this type are (sadly) pretty much all recent LDS Latter Day Saint Mormon political, religious leaders (Mitt Romney, Orin Hatch, Jeff Flake) who make a huge deal virtue signaling that they’ve never drank a beer, smoked anything and always wear a neat sweater or suit, yet they take the knee for George Floyd a heroin/meth dealer, drug addict and always make excuses for Black murder and mayhem and endless Neo Conservative Zionist wars.

    • “Our side doesn’t help when they go super, super moral – some talented actors and writes, singers like Elton John, Freddy Mercury, Oscar Wilde really were Gay. In better times sexuality was more of a private matter.”

      What doesn’t help is compromising our principles in the pathetic hope liberals will think better of us if we hold up non-Whites and sodomites as our leaders. Shunning sodomites as pathological perverts and as a danger to every boy is not being “super, super moral” (what a ridiculous phrase, btw, as is your use of the propaganda term “Gay”, capitalized no less), it’s merely affirming the truth.

    • @Spahn…

      “Once a homo, always a homo.”


      Through Christ all things are possible, and, indeed, if you had any idea how much degeneracy, sin, and evil of all kinds, within people that has been conquered by Christ, you would be simply staggered by your statement.

    • Because their religion forces them to worship a certain people and their nation. I’ve met some who said that their God commands it, because they are chosen. Which is odd, because those people deny the basic tenet of Christianity, which is Jesus is the Son of God and Savior. Yet, this doesn’t bother these Christians at all.

      • It’s only fair to point out that jew-worship is an exclusive Protestant phenomenon. Regarding those who rejected Christ, rather than those who follow Christ, as the people of God is yet another asinine Protestant notion.

  8. “Conservatives” taking up this literal cocksucker as a leader shows, once again, that there is no right wing to speak of in the US, only different factions of liberalism. True right-wingers, who don’t buy into All Men Are Created Equal and, therefore, do not regard jews, blacks, or sodomites as countrymen, are an infinitesimal portion of the population. It will take this country’s downfall for a substantial number of “conservatives” to wake up to reality.

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