Reclaiming Social Justice

The new banner features Gerald L.K. Smith, Father Charles Coughlin and Dr. Francis Townsend who carried on the fight against FDR, Wall Street and the Jewish warmongers after Huey Long’s assassination in 1935. Coughlin was canceled by the Jews for opposing American intervention in World War II.

At some point, I plan to tune out of politics and shift my focus back to history because there is a question that has been bugging me since I moved on to the 1930s. How did libs hijack the cause of “social justice,” which properly understood as economic fairness was and remains broadly popular, and transform it into meaning political correctness or wokeness and deeply polarizing middle class virtue signaling?

Note: In the 1930s, “social justice” didn’t mean “I hate the shit out of cishet White people.”

What the hell is this?

What is being accomplished by these pointless rallies?

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve always admired Charles Coughlin, from the radio programs that I’ve heard.

    Too bad he bowed to the Catholic hierarchy, his new bishop, stopping his crusade for justice.

    He Should have pulled a Martin Luther and broken away from church tyranny.

  2. Coughlin was a good guy who was hated by the Jews. That doesn’t make him all right, unfortunately. What’s wrong with “social justice?” Well it’s basically a code word for communism, that’s what’s wrong with it. It’s premised on the hatred of successful people and that hatred is among the most destructive forms of bigotry. Having “fair” wages doesn’t mean nationalizign the property of successful people, but rather to stop importing millions of “immigrants” who drive down wages and drive up housing costs. Immigration was a problem back then too. The depression wasn’t caused by too many wealthy people, but by the Federal Reserve contracting the money supply and contracting the physical economy. It was a monetary event, not the physical destruction of means of production.

    • “hatred of successful people”

      Oh please, let this conservatard shit die with Rush Limbaugh.

      The “successful” Wall Street bankers have “successfully” gotten trillions in bailouts, yet you’re worried about “communism.”

      The car is careening off the cliff and you’re worried about the paint job.

      The Triffin dilemma is entering the final phase.

      • Immigration was greatly reduced starting in 1914 (WWI) and then almost stopped, only small numbers of immigrants were allowed in the country from 1924 until 1965. Preference was also given to those of northern European stock, wogs were excluded. This kept the country %90 White until 1965 when the U.S. Government threw open the doors to the third world to see what the cat would drag in.

        There was basically no immigration in the 1930’s and there was no call for immigration either. It’s not part of Fr. Coughlin’s Social Justice program, it’s not an item on his list because he knew the bidnessmen wanted immigration to drive down wages. To his credit Fr. Coughlin recognized the danger immigration presented to maintaining decent wages, it was the Usual Suspects who wanted the doors thrown open for their benefit, everyone else be damned.

    • “Social Justice” is not a philosophical abstraction. Rerum Novarum was good, “Social Justice Ministry” was what my high school principal was involved with. And he was obviously a Leftist. “Social Justice” does indeed mean Communism, and judging by my former classmates at a “Country Day” school, the indoctrination worked.

  3. They hijacked it because the public truly was becoming afraid of Hitler’s menace. Pearl Harbor destroyed any remnant of isolationism.

    It was after WW2 that Herbert Marcuse and the judeo bolsheviks had a free hand to push their agenda. They then proceeded to divide and conquer. Not only did they pit the races against one another, but they pitted generations against one another. The baby boomers thought their parents were too square and boring. It was a long process but one dominated by jewish subversive political power.

    Brad, check out Charles A Beard. He pushed a theory called economic determinism and became a pariah. His books sold well and were in acceptance from around 1930 to 1950. Then came along Richard Hofstadter after Beard’s death. He was jewish and trashed everything Beard stood for.

  4. It became a word associated with libtardiness literally in Couglin’s life. They shut down “social justice” Couglin’s publication due to libtards. The newspaper PM was basically just a anti-couglin paper in its early days. You can see some of their headlines on the web “Nazi Propagandist Coughlin Faithless to Church and Country: Hatred and Bigotry Spread Throughout the Nation by Priest”. They apparently started to have mail in questionnaires that you would send to the justice department to fight the “bigot”.

    It’s mainly known now for it’s cartoons, the political cartoonist for PM was KKK grand wizard Dr Seuss.

    • I did a search if Dr Seuss made anti-Coughlin cartoons. he did, he made atleast 4 all around the same month. Really reminds me of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

  5. No Brad, Coughlin was cancelled by the Pope, and he didn’t speak out from 1939 until his death in 1979! That’s a fact!

  6. Reject social justice… In favor of Gods justice!

    A renewed Christian Nationalism of the type at the Jericho March will save us from the sinister machinations of Globalists like George Soros.

    Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers was the first populist!

  7. There isn’t much that’s worse than seeing our young white women (usually neurotic, perpetually angry lesbian types from the upper middle class) demonstrating for the “civil rights” of colored people. Do they really care about all those social causes they get so hysterical about? No, they just have daddy issues and hate all white male authority figures as a result. Either that or they’re starved for attention because they’re not pretty or popular enough to have a normal social life.

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